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Hecktore Page 6

by Andreas Haaken

agony. The pain started to fade and I slowly rose to my feet. The axe was no longer in my hand I looked to only see a deep gash on the top of my right hand.

  Beast seemed not to notice and slept through everything. This strange game that was being played was starting to irritate me I survived this long and I wanted some answers. I made my way further into the cave the darkness ran from my eyes like an outgoing tide I could see but I did not know how. I could see a blue hint of light where the darkness should be then a sense of vertigo hit me and I stumbled and hit the wall with my hand. The stone crumbled into dust, I righted myself and tore a piece of stone out of the wall with my now scarred hand and crumbled it like a clod of dirt.

  I was amazed by my own strength; the power of the axe and gauntlet were incredible. I never knew that merely possessing these items would give me such strength. I kept moving down the dark path following my new blue vision, the tunnel continued down for several hours I had no idea what I was getting into. The tunnel suddenly opened to a large cavern covered in dripping stones pointing down from the ceiling, small pools of emerald green water litter the floor and a strange smell of decay filled my nose.

  The green light from the pools caused my new vision to fade. The cavern was not extremely large I could see all the walls without straining my eyes. This cavern was man made; interlocking bricks was the makeup of the walls with an iron bar gate on the opposite wall covering an opening. I heard a splash from a pool on my left, and then I heard another from the other side of the cave. After a moment all the pools began to splash furiously. Small streams of water from each pool made their way to the center of the floor. A giant green mass started to from stretching from the bottom to the top of the cavern. I grabbed my dagger with my left hand and reared back not knowing what this thing was.

  I could hear a gurgling whistle vibrating through the area it almost hurt my ears. The body was now a giant green blob filled with dirt and stones. On one side of it what looked like an arm formed but with no hand. It stretched itself out longer at swung at me like a whip. I ducked as it whipped over my head and shattered part of the wall. Another appendage formed on the other side of it but this one looked stronger and came to a sharp point.

  The point came at me I sidestepped the attack and plunged my dagger into the green mass. My weapon was ripped form my hand by some force on the inside. I became upset, with no weapon I had no chance so without much thought I charged the center mass. I tried to think of what my mother might have been, who she was, what she looked like but I could think of no one other than Ando, my father and it filled me with a burning anger. I jumped into the body of the creature expecting to be killed.

  I found myself face down in a pool of water, I lifted my face and opened my eyes to find a large grotesque eyeball staring at me, I looked around for the blob. It stood in the center of the room stagnant, there was now a large hole in the middle of the mass it looked charred black, I stood up and looked over my own body it was covered in a light blue flame my left hand I could see the gauntlet glowing brightly then I felt the handle of the axe gripped tightly in my right hand. The axe was glowing red and I could feel no weight from it despite its size.

  I looked back, the eye began to rise from the water I lifted the axe to strike and split the eye into two whole pieces. There was blood and puss splashed all over, then I heard the sound of splashing water I turned to look and the blob fell the ground leaving only a giant pool of dull green liquid.

  I walked to the Iron Gate and slammed my axe across the bars watching them shatter like panes of glass against hammer. I continued down into the darkness as my blue vision returned. The tunnel looked old never used the signs of age are apparent in every step and every crack. I travelled a while longer then came across another opening but this one was surrounded by archaic runes they almost look like the ones on my weapon.

  The power had faded from me as stood looking at the archway. My new vision allowed me to see the smallest detail that torchlight would never have given me. There was a symbol on the top of the archway that seemed familiar. I could barely reach it but I tried to touch it. Right before I touched it I noticed that the symbol was identical to the scar on my hand from the axe.

  There was a bright flash of light as I made contact with it and I felt a strong wind around me. I opened my eyes to see that I was standing in a throne room. It took me a moment to adjust my sight, and then I saw a single throne sitting in the center of the room. It was etched with skulls and spikes and was made out of a dark metal.

  Then I realized there was a figure sitting on that throne motionless not reacting to my presence. I walked up to the figure, a voice came out of the dark shadow smitten with amusement, “It’s about time you arrived, and I was starting to get impatient.” The figure leaned forward allowing me to see his deep brown eyes and long black hair. The face was young but the eyes…..the eyes were so old his hair lapped over his shoulders looking like waves of black coal.

  His voice boomed throughout the chamber demanding attention, “I am Endor lord of the Alcheema, I have sent for you because you are of the strongest blood and you are needed now. WE will soon take back this world from the rabble that has defiled it. We will have our glory once again.” I stood there quietly listening waiting for him to tell me why I was here. “I know everything about you, I have watched you since you were a child, your father did not know. I knew your mother……. the betrayer.” The moment he mentioned my mother I stepped forward, an invisible wall hit me in the face.

  He gave snicker and continued, “Let me explain a few things to you. Elindra was one of us she was my advisor and concubine; she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. She had strength inside her that no one could match. But as with all things they change over time and become corrupted by outside influences. Her last assignment was to infiltrate Meckando and discover the extent of Dallente’s power since he has always been our only real threat. ”

  The tone of his tale moved from slight amusement to a sobering mood, “She infiltrated his tower while he was away. She did not know of his exiled apprentice, his greed and deception within the city cost him his place. His blood had already tainted Meckando with the seed of his evil ways corruption began to spread like a plague spilling into the streets. Dallente took pity on this man and sheltered him hoping to change him. Elindra found him attractive and defied her duties and her loyalties and ran away with this man. I do not know what possessed her to betray us that night, only she and Ando know.”

  Pausing for a moment Endor seemed to be hurt by the words he spoke so I listened patiently waiting. “After a time she did not return I sent out scouts and magical seekers to locate her. After many years I finally found her, I discovered what she had done. I say her because she is still in you. She has bestowed her power to you and her blood is what I found. The night of your Tenth winter I sent a messenger to you placing the book in your mother’s room giving you the path that you would need to follow. “

  I could not tell what I was feeling anger, sadness, abandonment, manipulated all these were swelling inside me I could barely manage one word to pass my gritted teeth, “Why?”

  His voice became angry, “I need you! I need your blood, your strength and your power to conquer this world. I have an army of five thousand Alcheema warriors waiting for my word. But this means absolutely nothing without you. Our only threat is Dallente and his guild of wizards and I will use you to destroy them.”

  He rose to his feet, standing well over my head covered on solid black armor seamlessly linked together. He walked towards me and met me face to face and bellowed in an inhuman voice of power, “YOU ARE MINE!”

  The flames ripped through my skin and everything was covered in blue light. I reached for his throat shattering the barrier protecting him. I lifted him in the air as if he were nothing more than a paper doll. “I am under no one’s control I will choose my own path and destroy anyone who gets in my way
.” I swung my axe that had appeared in my hand and cut hum deeply through his midsection. I threw the body of the lord to the side and walked up to his throne I looked down and saw his crowned helmet sitting by it. I picked it up and placed it on my head, I turned and sat on the dark throne and energy erupted in every direction. Flames leaped from my body and filled the entire room burning the lord’s body as I finally saw nothing but black.

  My mother’s face was in my mind she was smiling and she was very peaceful. Her spirit within my blood was now resting relieved that Lord Endor was dead. Still no matter what I did I could not forget my father, I should have killed him before I left. I woke with start to find several dozen men kneeling before the throne. I stood and asked who they were. They all stood in unison wearing armor that resembles Endor’s but with more ceremonial etching on them.

  One walked closer never meeting my gaze and began to speak,” You have killed the strongest of us, you have full claim to our rule there will be no disputes. Before you can lead us however you must complete the trials of darkness as have all other dark lords of our clan. We are the coven leaders of the

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