Salon, 255
Samuelson, Paul, 10
sanctuary cities, 474
San Francisco, 61, 479
saturated fats, 276–87, 297
Saturn, 197
Saudi Arabia, 310
Saverin, Eduardo, 143–44
savings, excess supply, 20
Say’s Law, 339
scare tactics, 282
school lunch program, 282
Schoon, Darryl, 350–51
Schulz, Martin, 413
Schumer, Chuck, 144
Schumpeter, Joseph A., 174
Science News, 3
Scotland, 471
Scott, James, 452
scrubbers (desulfurization equipment), 358
sea ice, 214
Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution commission, 203
sea level rise, 201–2, 206–12
Sears, Al, 66
secession, 471–73
Second Machine Age, The (McAfee), 72–73
secret clearances, 238–39
secular cycles, 22, 173–86
Secular Cycles (Turchin and Nefedov), 177, 228
secular stagnation, 20, 339–43
Securities and Exchange Commission, 425
security, 155, 480
Seeing like a State (Scott), 452
Sellers, Peter, 67
Selyunin, Vasily, 493
Senate Budget Committee, 237
Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, 185, 212
Senate Finance Committee, 295
Senate Intelligence Committee, 236
Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 282
Sender, Henny, 136–37
sequestration, 246–47
Servan-Schreiber, J. J., 90
settled science, 212
Shadow Government Statistics, 106
Shadow Government Statistics (Williams), 217, 360, 364, 366
“Shadow of the Stationary State, The” (Boulding), 328, 346–47
shakedowns, 126
shale oil and gas, 309–10
share buybacks, 8–9
Sharp, Geoff, 196
shelf life, 281
Shepard, Lee, 420–21
Short History of American Horsepower, A (Rae), 317
short selling, 424–26
short squeezes, 426–27, 436
silver, 101, 351, 440
Silver Springs Networks, 182
simony, 486
Sinclair, Upton, 180
Singapore, 449–52
Singer, Fred, 224
Singer, Paul, 359
singularity, 63
Sivak, Michael, 382
Skilling, Jeffrey, 424
skim milk. See fat-free milk
small groups, 242
Smiley, Tavis, 126
Smith, Adam, 23, 40, 88, 296, 318, 327–34, 340, 390
Smith, David, 41
Smith, Sherwin, 159
Smoot-Hawley Act, xi, 264
Snowden, Edward, 253–54
Socarrás, Carlos Prío, 265
social media, ISIS use of, 13
Social Network, The (movie), 143–44
social sciences, 302, 446–48
Social Security, 67, 85, 86, 362
Soddy, Frederick, 49, 301–2, 304, 307, 309–11, 319
Sofka, Jeffrey L., 459
Solar Cycle Prediction Panel, 221
solar cycles, 192–98
solar energy, 46–47, 497–98
solar inertial motion (SIM), 194–97
solar irradiance, 179–80, 218–19
solar minimums, 219
Something New Under the Sun (McNeill), 307
South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), 260
Sovereign Individual, The (Rees-Mogg and Davidson), 30, 57
Soviet Central Statistical Directorate (TsSU), 493
Soviet Union
collapse of, xi, 2–3, 11, 16, 22, 468–69, 476–77
economic reports issued by, 10
mass production, 35–37
monstrous hybrid, 134
spaces of flows, 449, 453, 459
Spanish-American War, 263–64
Spanish dollar, 110
spatio-temporal fix, 452–54
special interest groups, 280, 412
“Speculations on the Stationary State” (Balakrishna), 493
Spengler, Oswald, 460–61
Spiegel, 156
Spörer Minimum, 179, 192
Springtime for Hitler (Brooks), 440
Sprott Money, 381, 388, 419
spying, 156, 249–50, 464–65
Stages in the Social History of Capitalism (Pirenne), 88–89, 487–89
stagflation phase, 177
stagnation, secular, 20, 339–43
Stalin, Joseph, 35–37
standardization of life, 95
Starr Report, 266
Starrs, Sean, 250
Stasi, 156
state. See nation-states
state capitalist system, 10–11
State Department, 149
statin drugs, 294
“Statins May Seriously Increase Diabetes Risk” (Diabetologia), 294
stationary state, 327–35, 339, 346–48
Statistics Canada, 106
status quo, 415–17, 473
steady state industrial economy, 334
“Steamboats, Viaducts, and Railroads” (Wordsworth), 54–55
steel industry, 431
Steinbeck, John, 1
Steinhilber, Friedhelm, 193–94
Stephens, Philip, 478–80
Stiglitz, Joseph, 251–52, 467
stimulus, 116, 137
stirrups, 30
stock buybacks, 340–41
Stockman, David, 100, 105, 384–85, 413–14, 429, 431–32
stock market, 252, 320–21, 485
Stock Market, Credit, and Capital Formation, The (Machlup), 320
Strategic Investment, 181, 217
strikes, 37–38
Strip Tease (Hiassen), 260–62
student loans, 269, 336
“Study on Climatological Research as It Pertains to Intelligence Problems” (CIA), 231
subsidence, 205, 211
subsidies, 260–64, 268
sugar famers, 260–73
suicide rates, 139
Summers, Larry, 339, 340
Sunlight Foundation, 43–45, 48
sunspots, 218–19, 220
super delegates, 461
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), 277, 372
surplus energy, 339–40
“Suspension of Cash Payments as a Monetary Regime” (Newby), 119
Swan River, 401
swap hedges, 166–67
Sweden, 28–29
Swiss Re, 136–37
Sydney Diet Heart Study, 277, 285
syllogisms, 213, 422
Syria, 467
Systems of Survival (Jacobs), 131–35, 449
Tainter, Joseph, xiv, 140, 168–69, 226, 446, 496
Takahashi, Dean, 61
Talake, Koloa, 205–6
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 397, 402
Taliban, 466
T and O flat earth map, 455
Tanzania, 291
tar sands, 310
taxation, arbitrary, 125
tax evasion, 142–43
Taylor, Bryan, 167
Taylor, Peter J., 21, 88, 189–90, 310–11, 393, 447, 458, 463–65
Tea Party, 246
decentralization of, 38
and economic growth, 342
and power relations, 4
social relations changed by, 54
time lag, 74
weapons innovations, 27–28
Telegraph of London, 16, 23, 182, 436
Teller, Henry, 264
telomeres, 65–66
Telometrix, 66
Terrible Tragedy of Income Inequality among the 1% (DeMuth)
, 252
territorial inertia, 452–53
territorial power, 31–32
territories, acquiring and protecting, 449
terrorism, 155, 158
Tett, Gillian, 74, 399
Texas Bullion Depository, 475
Texas independence, 472
Theory of Economic History, A (Hicks), 34–35
thermodynamics, 302–3, 304
Thiel, Peter, 7, 61, 64, 479, 491–92
“Third of Texans Support Seceding from the Union?!” (Dallas Morning News), 472
Third World, 464–67
Thirty Years’ War, 393, 465
Thompson, J. Walter, 282
thrift, 314
Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), 386
Tibet, 230
Tice, Russell, 235–36
tide gauges, 211
time, measurement of, 456–58
Time in History (Whitrow), 456
Time magazine, 294
time preference, 68–71
“Time Preference, Government and the Process of De-Civilization” (Hoppe), 69
Times of Israel, The, 14
time zones, 457
Today Show, 201
Tong, Anote, 203
too big to fail, 136–37, 163
torture, 81–82
Trafficante, Santo, 265–66
trans fats, 281, 283, 284, 292, 294
Traube, James, 414–15
Treaty of Detroit, 38
trends, extrapolation of, 3
Triton, 225
Tronti, Mario, 38
Trump, Donald, xiv, 2, 368–70, 414, 461
Trust for America’s Health, 152
Tudor-Stuart cycle, 179
tuition, 336
Turchin, Peter, 177, 186, 245, 247
Turner, Francis, 111
Turner, Tina, 393
Tuvalu, 203–6
Tverberg, Gail, 322, 326, 349
Ukraine, 249
Ulbricht, Walter, 144
ultrabasic rocks, 210–12
uncertainty, 415–17
“Uncomfortable Truth about American Wages” (New York Times), 149
underconsumption, 88–89
unemployment, 75
unfree economy, 16–17
unions, 37–38
United Auto Workers, 38
United Kingdom, 112–17, 397, 402–5, 471
United Nations, 3, 185, 462–63
United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), 223
United States
class struggle, 38
economic collapse, 22
economic growth, 106, 344–46
efforts to dissolve, 472
enemies list, 157
exceptionalism, 248
exodus from, 148–49
foreign debt, 361
GDP, 86, 490
health care system, 152–53
hegemony, 87–94, 105
income peaks by county, 478–79
insolvency, 168
ISIS spawned by, 14
manufacturing jobs, 373–74
national debt, 91, 120
as pimpocracy, 43
political economy, 1
press freedom, 129
regulations, 157–58
spying, 156, 249–50, 464–65
as Third World country, 464–67
wealth distribution, 17
University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), 382
University of Texas Investment Management Co. (UTIMCO), 475
unproductive activities, 335
Unstoppable Global Warming (Singer and Avery), 224
unsustainable growth, 251–52
upward mobility, 495
Uranus, 197–98
Urbee 2, 59
“U.S. Economic Growth” (Degner), 375
“U.S. Economic Prospects” (Summers), 339
Usmanov, Alisher, 249
usury, 485
utility demand, 376
Utterstrom, Gustaf, 28–29
Valois cycle, 179
Vanuatu, 206
Vargas, Getulio, 43
Venice, 211
verifiability, 401
Vietnam, 410, 465
comparative advantage, 70–71
organization of, 255, 410–12, 466
returns to, 33
See also power
Virginia Resolution of 1798, 474
Virginia Tech, 95
Visnic, Bill, 382
Vlamingh, Willem de, 400
volcanoes, 202
Volkswagen, 37
voters, confusion among, 18–19, 50–51
Voyage of the Beagle, The (Darwin), 204
wages, falling, 8, 18, 149, 362
“Wake-Up Call for B-Dud and the New York Fed Staff” (Stockman), 105
Wall Street Journal, 50, 61, 157, 268–69, 421
Wal-Mart, 97
Walrus, Leon, 302
war, 394, 411, 465–66
warehouse banking, 112
Warr, Benjamin, 342
Warrick, Joby, 46
WashingtonBlog, 157
Washington Consensus, 248
Washington Independent, 272
Washington Post, 46, 98, 129, 182, 237, 262, 478
Washington’s Blog, 43
Washington Times, 86, 235–36
water, control of, 229–30
Way the Modern World Works, The (Taylor), 88, 189–90, 310–11
wealth effect, 251
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 40, 88, 318, 328–29, 340
weapons innovations, 27–28
weapons systems, 243–44, 221
Weber, Max, 445
Wegman, Edward J., 459
weight gain, 292–93
welfare state, 120, 453
West, decline of, 460–62
WhatsApp, 340
Wheels of Commerce, The (Braudel), 5
White, Leslie A., 306
White, William, 445
Whitrow, G. J., 456
wholesale sales, 368
“Why $16 Trillion Only Hints at the True US Debt” (Cox and Archer), 421
Why Perestroika Failed (Boettke), 9, 493
“Why So Many Americans Are Leaving the US in 1 Big Chart” (Chartist), 149
“Why We Have an Oversupply of Almost Everything” (Tverberg), 322
Wiedemer, Robert, 9, 343
WikiLeaks, 204
William III of England, 112
Williams, John, 217, 360–61, 367
William the Conqueror, 31
Wilson, Ian, 198
winner-take-all economy, 19
Wolf minimum, 179
Wooldridge, Adrian, 446
Wordsworth, William, 54–55
changing nature of, 71–79
devaluation of, 82
hours, 91
World Bank, 104, 451, 476–77
world empire, 462–63, 466
World Factbook (CIA), 479
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84), 208–9
World Health Organization, 492
World Is Finite, The (Brown), 312
World Press Freedom Index 2014, 129
World Resources Institute, 358
World Trade Center memorial, 213
World War I, x, 115, 453, 465
World War II, 88, 465
worldwide chaos, 463
World Wide Web. See Internet
Wrigley, E. A. “Tony,” 330–31
Yangzijiang Shipbuilding, 428
Yeager, Forrest, 50
Yeats, William Butler, 13
Yellen, Janet, 136
Yeltsin, Boris, 471
Yom Din, Gregory, 219
zero bound, 436
Zero Hedge, 106, 359, 431, 440, 445
zero interest rate policies (ZIRP), 69, 136–37, 167, 36
4, 427
zero-sum gains, 346–48
Zimbabwe, 434
Zogby, 149
The Breaking Point Page 55