Clarissa: Historical Romance (Chronicles of the Hudson River Valley Book 1)

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Clarissa: Historical Romance (Chronicles of the Hudson River Valley Book 1) Page 17

by Jean Jacobsen

  Olivia said, “Ballrooms can be overly warm and stuffy with so many people pressed into a relatively small space. Shall we take the night air in the gardens?”

  “That sounds delightful,” agreed Nicholas. “I don’t suppose a short walk will do any harm.” A bodyguard dressed to blend in with the crowd followed at a short distance behind them. Nicholas skillfully navigated the throngs and guided Olivia to the terrace doors.

  Clarissa caught a glimpse of them as they exited the ballroom and suggested to her dance partner, Mr. Applegate they do the same. It took a while to make their way through the crowd but when they reached the terrace, only the reflection of moonlight on Olivia’s gown could be seen as she and Nicholas strolled down a garden path.

  “Let’s go this way,” urged Clarissa taking his hand to follow them at a distance.

  Naturally, he appeared to be delighted to comply with her wishes. The further away the couple got from the terrace, the darker it became. Moonlight lit the path and reflected off the statuary and the scent of evergreen filled the air. Many couples were in the garden shrubbery, some seated on benches others standing.

  By the time Clarissa caught up to Nicholas and Olivia, he was being smothered with kisses. At that moment Clarissa squeezed Farley’s hand so hard, he gave out a loud yelp of surprise.

  Nicholas opened his eyes and met Clarissa’s which were ablaze. She jerked her partners hand and hurried off down the path toward the ballroom.

  Olivia’s reaction to Clarissa’s discovering them was like a cat that had just swallowed a canary. She put her arms on Nicholas’s shoulders to resume the embrace, but Nicholas pushed her hands down. The moment was lost she thought, disappointedly. Olivia was still grinning as they returned to the ballroom where Nicholas left her to search for Clarissa.


  Nicholas fought his way through the crowd to the main hallway entrance where he found Clarissa waiting for her cloak. When it arrived, he took it from the hands of the footman and started to put it around her shoulders. That was the moment she turned to see Nicholas behind her. Daggers shot from her flashing green eyes as she tugged her wrap out of Nicholas’s hands.

  “I can do it myself. I don’t need your help.”

  Nicholas felt her shrink away at his touch. He had seen this anger before and didn’t relish being the object of it again. She would cool down in a while and then they could talk.

  Their carriage was waiting at the portico and a footman helped Clarissa in. The ride back to Granger Hall seemed long tonight. Nicholas looked at Clarissa in the soft light of the carriage lantern. Her hands were in her fur muff, but he could imagine them being clinched into fists and she’d turned her head to the window to avoid looking at him as she sat on the opposite seat.

  “Your anger seems to be directed toward me and I’m not sure what I have done to warrant….” said Nicholas.

  Clarissa broke in before Nicholas could finish his sentence. “You’re not sure, you really don’t know? A handsome, worldly man like you who draws the attention of every woman in a room, has no idea the effect he has on them?”

  In the dimly lit carriage, Clarissa could not see the light blush spreading over his face. “I am not as worldly as all that, Clarissa. How can you fault me for something I was born with? The easy manner in which I socialize, I believe, comes from observing and studying my father and his diplomatic work.”

  Clarissa was silent for a long moment before answering. “You are neither dumb nor naïve Nicholas. Olivia has been at every social gathering we’ve attended. I see how she looks at you.”

  “Exactly my point, you see what she wants you to see. Have you ever stopped to consider how I feel about her?”

  Clarissa gave a little huff. “My eyes are just fine, thank you very much. You wouldn’t be with her if you hadn’t any feelings for her. During our ride in the park the other day, I thought you were showing me that I was the only one for you.” She drew in a short breath before continuing. “Now I realize how wrong I was.”

  Nicholas didn’t see anything wrong with taking a walk in a moonlit garden with a beautiful woman. “I would have walked with you if you had said you needed some fresh air. Your dance card has been overflowing at each ball we’ve attended. It’s all I can do to get one dance with you. I presume you are having a delightful time, as this is your season. You should be looking at all your gentlemen callers as prospective husbands not thinking about me and whom I’m with. What about Mr. Applegate and his request to court you? Are you tossing him aside already?”

  Clarissa shifted on the carriage seat before replying. “I have had a large crowd of gentlemen callers each day following an evening’s ball. Although adoring, to be sure, they seem childish in many ways, and none have lit my flame of desire although you and Gran seem to think Mr. Applegate is the one for me.”

  “The way I hear it told at my gentleman’s club, you are the catch of the season. An heiress in your own right with property and high standing in social circles. When you allow yourself to, you can be most charming. I have come to know this about you. Perhaps you should reconsider Mr. Applegate.”


  Their conversation came to a halt as the carriage arrived at Granger Hall. Nicholas knew that if he went inside, the subject would start again, and he wasn’t in any condition to act appropriately in his current frame of mind. He saw Clarissa and Abigail inside, quickly bade her goodnight and turning on his heel proceeded back to the carriage. As the night was still young by society standards, Nicholas directed the driver to take him to his club. He’d had enough of women and their moods for one evening and he needed time away from Clarissa to clear his head. He thought himself to be too old for her. He shouldn’t have kissed her in the park or the ballroom. She had set desire surging through his veins and wasn’t even aware of the effect she had on him. As the carriage pulled up to his club, he admonished himself for continuing to think about her and hoped his words had been enough to set her thinking about finding a younger man for a husband. Stepping down from the carriage, Nicholas shook his head to rid himself of any further thoughts of Clarissa and went inside with his bodyguard to confer with his colleagues and to be reassured his thinking was in order.

  At the club, Nicholas met up with a couple of his friends who were in the lounge area and greeted him with surprise.

  “Well now, to what do we owe the honor of your company so early in the evening?”

  Nicholas seated himself in a high back chair near the blazing fire, which completed the circle of three. “Women, I’ll go to my grave before I have them figured out.”

  They laughed at this statement and chimed in, “You and the rest of us I’m afraid. It’s the age-old mystery so I’m told. Anything in particular you care to share?”

  “Clarissa is so contrary. There’s just no reasoning with her as evidenced by this evening. Olivia and I were strolling through the gardens when Clarissa appeared out of nowhere and raised a ruckus. I feared the entire ballroom would descend upon us. Then she marched off in a huff. I found her collecting her cloak to depart the ball. Good thing her bodyguard was with her. Besides, her grandmother would have my head should anything happen to her.”

  Both friends chuckled as Nicholas described the events of the evening. They agreed that Olivia would be a fine one to accompany through any moonlit garden and that Clarissa was not a female they would want to be on the bad side of.

  Brandy was served all around and they debated the finer points of women and their idiosyncrasies.

  When Nicholas returned to Granger Hall, he didn’t have any more answers to his questions regarding women than before he’d met up with his friends. He had, however, consumed a large quantity of brandy, which he would pay for by way of a hangover come morning.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  C larissa did not see Nicholas the next morning at breakfast and so thought he might be resting or attending to business. Around mid-day, an entourage of Mr. Applegate and his friends were all received in the fr
ont parlor. Clarissa was accompanied by her maid and a bodyguard.

  “I was most pleased to receive your notice to call on you today and as you can see, I’m accompanied by several of my friends,” said Farley.

  “You are very kind to come on such short notice,” said Clarissa. “I’m in need of a distraction today. By any chance did you bring a book from which you might read to us in your grand oratory manner?”

  A wide grin graced Farley’s face. “Remembering how much you enjoyed my last rendition I did indeed bring a book.”

  “Please begin.” Clarissa clapped her hands in delight.

  Farley began reading and slowly drawing in his audience, they hung on his every word. The room was quiet except for the ticking of the mantel clock and Farley’s voice. They were so engrossed in the performance that no one heard or saw Nicholas stop in the doorway to see the assemblage. With a frown of displeasure on his face, he stormed out the front door.

  Time passed quickly and before the group knew it, tea was served, and Farley put the book aside. He managed to sit beside Clarissa who offered up a cup of tea and some sweet treats.

  In a low voice Farley said, “You had me worried the other evening when you left the ball so abruptly. I’m pleased to see you today, but you look tired. Are you unwell?”

  “You are so sweet, Mr. Applegate for thinking of me. Some family matters have arisen that required our immediate attention. Please forgive me for any undue worrying on your part.”

  “Then may I assume we will be able to resume our courtship?”

  Clarissa frowned, “For now, I’m afraid Mr. Granger and a bodyguard or two will need to accompany us to any events we attend. Are you in agreement with these terms?”

  “If this is the only way I can see you and spend time with you, then my answer is yes.”

  “Very well. I so want to see Miss Van Pelt make her debut. Shall we meet tomorrow evening at the ball?”

  Farley smiled and lightly blushed. “I look forward to seeing you then.”

  The young men finished their tea and departed with Farley lingering a moment longer. He took Clarissa’s hand and lightly kissed her fingertips looking into her hazel eyes as he released her hand. “Until we meet again.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  N icholas woke with his head pounding and a very dry mouth, as he predicted the previous evening. Women, he certainly didn’t understand them and their whims. Olivia was merely an acquaintance, but Clarissa acted as if she were a rival. Could she be jealous? Did she have feelings for him as he did for her? She seemed to enjoy their kiss in the park the other day. No, no, no. I’m too old for her. Clarissa must marry someone closer to her own age. That Applegate young man was so taken with Clarissa, he would fly to the moon for her.

  Nicholas left the house to ride with his friends from the club. As he descended the main stairway, he heard laughter and loud voices coming from the front parlor. No doubt Clarissa was holding court with her young friends again. He paused in the doorway and saw Mr. Applegate standing on a footstool giving the performance of his life. There was a roar of laughter as he toppled to the floor in mock defeat.

  Clarissa was laughing along with the others seeming to enjoy the entertainment when a surge of jealousy sprang from out of nowhere and ran through Nicholas’s veins. He turned on his heel and stomped towards the front door, which he tried to slam upon exiting. Since the door was solid oak and extremely heavy, it did little more than close. This irritated Nicholas even more. By the time he reached the stables, he was in a rage. He mounted his waiting horse and took off at top speed to meet his friends in the park.

  “Top of the day my good man,” greeted one of his friends. “You look as if the devil himself was chasing you.”

  Nicholas replied, “Better him than someone else.”

  The second friend chimed in, “In my infinite wisdom, I’d say it has something to do with women.” At that, the three friends had a good laugh. Nicholas remained stern-faced.

  Nicholas took off full speed, like he was in the horse race of the century. The others followed. They finally came to a halt at the top of a small hill. The horses were stomping and blowing out huge puffs of steam as the afternoon air was still chilly.

  “What now my friend,” asked the first man? You know you can run but you can’t hide from the fact that you have feelings for Clarissa.”

  “Are you suggesting I should declare my love for her,” replied Nicholas?

  “Precisely, good fellow. Put yourself out of misery.” The other two men chimed in agreeing it was the only way to save his sanity.

  They continued their ride back to the park entrance at a much slower pace and debated the finer points of marriage as they rode along. Since none of them were married, Nicholas wondered where they had acquired their wisdom. Somehow, it all made perfect sense and he knew what he must do, but how, when?

  Granger Hall was quiet when he entered. He peeked into the front parlor to find it empty and looking like no one had used it in days. Likewise, the library was empty as well. He retired to his rooms where his valet drew a hot bath for him.

  As he relaxed in the soothing water, he formulated a plan he hoped not to regret.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  U pon receiving a message to meet Nicholas in the ballroom, Clarissa asked her maid to tidy her hair and contemplated changing her dress.

  Why ever does Nicholas want to see me now?

  Nicholas stood near the west window taking in the setting sun as he heard Clarissa enter the echoing room and approach in slippered feet. The rustle of her skirts signaled her closeness. He slowly turned to see her in a pale green dress that accentuated her hazel eyes. He drew in a short breath as he took a step towards her.

  “You look lovely my dear.”

  Clarissa blushed and raised her eyes to meet his. “What is this all about, Nicholas? I assume if you have news regarding our safety we would be meeting in the library with Gran.”

  “This is a private matter between us, and I thought the ballroom would be the appropriate setting for our conversation.”

  “Go on, you have my full attention,” Clarissa said with a look of curiosity on her face.

  “It seems…rather it appears….” Now that the moment had arrived, Nicholas was having difficulty saying what he had rehearsed.

  Clarissa gently touched his hand and gave him a heartwarming smile. He took in a deep breath and began again. “It has come to my attention that I…” he stopped short and took hold of Clarissa by the shoulders drawing her into a fierce kiss. As their lips met, he relaxed to a more passionate intensity. His arms went around her waist as he drew her closer to him.

  Clarissa pulled back with a surprised look on her face and said, “Why are you kissing me with such passion? I thought you and Gran were pushing me into the arms of Mr. Applegate.”

  “I have watched you with your young friends and how animated you are. It was only logical to me you should be with people closer to you in age. But the more I see you with them, the deeper my feelings are for you.”

  “Then are you saying you think you are too old for me? Is that it? So, do I detect a bit of jealousy?”

  “That is a harsh word but isn’t it what you experienced the other evening when you found Olivia and me in the gardens and she was kissing me?”

  There it was, out in the open for both to see together. “Yes, I suppose you are correct. She seems so desperate for a man it’s almost pathetic the way she throws herself at anyone who pays the least amount of attention to her. I didn’t want her to get her clutches into you, that’s all.”

  “Really? That’s all? I didn’t call you here to discuss Olivia. I want to talk about us.”

  Clarissa grinned and gave him a teasing look. “I didn’t realize there was an us.”

  “Well, the other day in the park when we kissed, I thought you responded most favorably. I was going to ask you then, but the moment was broken when we were interrupted by the passersby.”

“Ask me what, Nicholas?” Her mood suddenly serious.

  “I…I love you and want you to be my wife.” There it was. He had finally said the words out loud.

  Clarissa appeared to be startled at his declaration, “I will be no man’s chattel. I won’t be ordered around and told what to wear or whom I can associate with.”

  Nicholas, taken aback by the coolness in her voice replied, “If you think that is what marriage is all about, then you are sadly mistaken, my dear.”

  “Are you saying you will allow me to continue working with my horses and live at Lochwood?”

  “Yes, yes, of course. Those are little details we can work out later. First things first. Do you agree to marry me?”

  Deep in her heart, Clarissa knew he was the only one for her. Never did she think there would be a man who would tolerate her working with the horses and not make a fuss about what she was wearing to do so. Looking up into his anxious face, she said, “It will be my honor, Mr. Granger.”

  Nicholas let out a whoop, picked her up by the waist, and twirled her around before setting her down and planting a kiss on her lips.

  “Shall we tell Gran at dinner tonight?”

  “What would you think about making our announcement in the library with a glass of sherry before dinner?”

  “That sounds perfect.”



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