Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4)

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Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4) Page 10

by Celeste Granger

  “Somewhat,” Malcolm answered, hearing her tone. “I think the real question is whether or not the defense attorney was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this defendant’s mental state at the time of the murder was a direct result of one of the two mental illness arguments posited during the trial.”

  “That might be the real question, legally,” Naomi began, lifting her hands from the table and folding her arms under her ample chest. “But that’s not my question, Malcolm.”

  Any other time when Naomi spoke his name, Malcolm loved the way it sounded, rolling off her tongue, parting her sensual lips, resonating in his ears and in his belly. This time, though, there was no sweet sound.

  “What’s your question, Naomi?”

  “Do you think mental illness played no part in the murder and that it should be discounted like it apparently was during the trial?”

  “Are you upset, beloved?”

  “Can you answer the question, Malcolm?”

  “It sounds like you’re getting upset about something that has nothing to do with us.”

  It does! Naomi screamed in her head.

  “I think conversations like these are very insightful, don’t you?”

  “They can be when taken in the proper context,” Malcolm added.

  “I don’t think it’s necessary to contextualize the conversation but to respond openly and honestly,” Naomi leveled.

  They both fell silent, sizing each other up. Malcolm felt like there was more to Naomi’s questions than she said, and so he asked.

  “What do you really want to know?” Malcolm asked flatly.

  “Why you don’t recuse yourself from this case,” Naomi uttered.

  “Why I don’t recuse myself from a precedent setting case in the state of Georgia because of what?”

  It was the first time Malcolm’s hubris showed in a way Naomi didn’t like.

  “Is that what this case is about for you, getting your name out there, brownie points for business?”

  “It’s a precedent-setting case, Naomi, which means that whoever the attorneys are will be headline news for the duration of the proceedings. More than that, business-wise, the local and national attention this case will garner will benefit the company, my company, for years to come. As an entrepreneur, as a business owner, I would think you’d understand.”

  “I’m not going to respond to that dodge at all, Malcolm,” Naomi quipped.

  “It’s not a dodge,” he reiterated, “but it’s relevant. Don’t you think?”

  “To you maybe,” Naomi countered, “but it is an ancillary argument at best and completely avoids what I think is the real question on the table.”

  Malcolm encountered a lot of women as a single successful man. Physical looks had been one of his higher priorities, not the most paramount, yet it ranked high for him. But this conversation with Naomi proved to him that intellect was by far the sexiest attribute a woman could have, this woman could have, this woman he still desired despite their differences. When his eyes narrowed, the intensity of his gaze increased, and Malcolm drew in his lower lip, releasing it slowly; Naomi didn’t feel flattered. She wasn’t turned on by it. She saw it as another distraction and dismissed the sexual innuendo outright.

  “Do I think mental illness is a justifiable defense?” Malcolm asked, trying to identify the real question for Naomi.

  “It’s more than that,” she countered again, dissatisfied with his response. “Clearly, you don’t get it,” Naomi commented dismissively as she planted her hands on the table and lifted herself to standing. “Or don’t want to get it,” she muttered as she walked away.

  “Hold on a second, Naomi,” Malcolm crooned, lifting out of the chair and following behind her. “I thought we were having a discussion, a general generic discussion about what I was working on.”

  Naomi padded into the kitchen, unresponsively. If she had on shoes, Malcolm would have heard the stomp intended in her departure. Malcolm closed in on her and moved in behind Naomi as she stood at the sink, looking out of the window. Her arms were crossed again, and he could feel her body vibrating as she pulsed her toes against the hardwood floors. Malcolm eased his thickly corded arms around the small of her waist and moved even closer, nestling near her neck.

  “Are you angry with me, beautiful?”

  Naomi’s body reacted to the warmth of his breath against her exposed flesh, causing goosebumps to emerge and a searing sensation to race down her spine. When she felt Malcolm’s soft lips kiss her neck and then her earlobe, Naomi blinked slowly, and the fold of her arms softened in response. Her head fell back between her shoulders as Malcolm peppered the length of her neck with slow, penetrating kisses.

  “I don’t want you to be angry with me,” he whispered into her ear. “Okay?”

  Malcolm didn’t move away. He lingered near her, the length of his form pressing against hers as he pulled Naomi in even more. She could feel the strength of him, the press of his manhood against her ass. She could feel him, and it made Naomi wonder. Was she overreacting? Had she taken a philosophical conversation too far? Had she given him a chance to explain himself fully, or was she so hellbent on her position that she couldn’t hear anything contrary? Mental illness struck a loud sounding chord in Naomi’s soul. But was she allowing that to dominate her thoughts about his job? He was just doing his job, right, she questioned as her flesh rose up, her carnal nature rearing its thirsty head. It had been so long since she had her feminine needs met, and Malcolm’s proximity sent Naomi reeling.

  “You didn’t answer my question, beautiful,” he uttered as he kissed Naomi on the shoulder. “Are you angry with me?”

  “Mmhmm,” was all Naomi could muster. Her body defied her disposition, and the thump in her yoni mocked her responsiveness.

  Before she could protest further, Malcolm spun her in the confines of his arms until she faced him. Her mouth opened on a pant from the unexpected movement, and he seized the moment, closing in on her mouth, pulling her bottom lip between his lips and sucking it before deliberately and methodically releasing it. Her jewel thumped recklessly again as though there was a direct link between the things Malcolm did with her lips and her lips. She still had no time to protest as Malcolm once again capitalized on the opportunity, seizing her mouth with a debilitating kiss. His tongue thrusting and exploring every corner of her mouth and then sucking her tongue as though he found nourishment there. He hummed against her mouth, and the vibration descended into every fiber of Naomi’s being. Malcolm’s large hands locked against her spine as he reclaimed her lips, crushing her to him. The touch of Malcolm’s lips was a delicious sensation that Naomi enjoyed way too much. She couldn’t catch her breath as Malcolm’s demanding lips caressed hers.

  When he released her lips, Malcolm still held on to her frame, his hooded eyes raking over her exquisite face, drinking in each of her features, isolating their allure. Naomi felt warm all over, heat swirling in her cheeks, the beat of her heart throbbing in her chest.

  “What’s it going to take for you not to be mad with me anymore? If I apologize, will it make it better,” Malcolm asked, lowering his head as he raised a hand to tilt Naomi’s chin. He kissed her at the base of her neck and then a little lower before finding her eyes again, waiting for an answer.

  “Is this your idea of apologizing?” Naomi fussed with far less vigor than she declared her initial frustration.

  “No,” Malcolm crooned. “This is my idea of apologizing.”

  He lowered his hands until his fingers traced the edge of her sweatpants. Hooking his thumbs in them and the lace panties she wore, Malcolm eased them from Naomi’s hips, bending in his knees and sliding everything down that could possibly get in his way.

  “Malcolm,” Naomi passively protested as her hands found his head. Her body, though, craved everything Naomi imagine Malcolm would do to her. She caressed him from the crown along his cheeks and then inclining his head so she could look in his eyes.

  “What are you doi

  “Apologizing,” he answered in a voice barely above a whisper.

  He lowered his head and continued undressing her, lifting one foot then the other as he removed her bottoms. Malcolm dropped to his knees in front of her, lifting his fingers to trace the outline of her hips, down her thighs and to her jewel.

  “Ah,” Naomi panted as Malcolm’s hands trailed over her yoni and then encircled her ass as he kissed her sweetness, tasting Naomi’s love for the first time.

  “Damn,” he uttered as he kissed the apex of her femininity again. A shiver coursed through Naomi as Malcolm tongue kissed her jewel and then traced the tip of his tongue into her folds. Instantly, he wanted more. The hands that held her moved up her frame as Malcolm stood up and then lifted Naomi into his arms.

  “Ah,” she gasped from the surprise, quickly placing her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. But Naomi wasn’t going anywhere. Malcolm held her securely and then gently set her on the island. The stone was cold against her ample bottom, but it ceased to matter as Malcolm gently leaned Naomi back and then parted her legs with his hands bringing her pulsating core into view. Malcolm licked his full lips as he tasted her on his mouth. He lowered himself in front of her until his mouth tasted her warm flesh. When Malcolm heard Naomi moan, it stirred him deep in his loins.

  “I apologize,” he uttered as he kissed the moist warm folds between her thighs.

  She wanted to tell him no, that apologies are made with words, but Naomi couldn’t form words of her own as her body relished in the delectable attention Malcolm paid it. He licked her, sucked on her clit, took in her essence, devoured her juices, and lapped at her pulsating G spot until she could hardly stand it. She writhed against the cold stone at her back as her body spilled sweet nectar as she climaxed repeatedly.

  “Do you forgive me?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Do you forgive me?

  That question replayed in Naomi’s mind repeatedly as she relived how Malcolm handled her. And he handled her to the point that her convictions were abated by her flesh.

  I was so weak, Naomi thought to herself as she looked over the final preparations for the open house. It was difficult for Naomi to concentrate, although the open house was in a few days. She felt like she’d been down this road before, ending up at the same place with nothing to show for it but compromise on her part. No man should be worth the compromises she seemed to make. Apparently, all it took for Naomi to abandon her convictions was a good tongue lashing.

  She had to laugh at herself. That tongue lashing was good, damn good, but still. The fundamental differences between her thoughts and Malcolm’s weren’t fully explored because he kissed her, there, where she hadn’t been kissed in far too long. But Malcolm wasn’t her first compromise, Tareef was. Naomi never chased a man before; she never had to. Men were drawn to her, and she decided whether or not she wanted to be involved with them. But when it came to Tareef, Naomi let her interest be known and probably far too quickly, enough for him to reject her or distance himself from her. Either way, they weren’t together. They weren’t even talking much anymore, if at all, if Naomi was honest with herself. The idea was exhausting and exacerbating, and Naomi was disappointed, not in them, but in herself.

  Naomi’s mind continued to race as she thoughtlessly combed through the pages of the event plan on her desk. Clearly, Naomi had been focusing her energy and efforts on the wrong thing. She needed to refocus on what was most important, who was most important. And that person didn’t exist outside of herself. But she went through the motions of making the last phone calls, firming up the plans, checking in with the venue and ensuring that the press had been contacted, and those special invitees for the step and repeat confirmed their intent to attend. Malcolm was one of those specially invited guests. Naomi paused as she looked at his name. Before their last encounter, seeing Malcolm as her plus one would have put a huge smile on Naomi’s face. Yet, looking at his name now, there wasn’t a smile, not like it had been before. That conversation bothered Naomi more than she admitted. Even when she joked about it or tried to minimize it in her mind, his responses were bothersome, troubling, and hard to reconcile as okay.

  True, their conversation was focused on Malcolm’s legal case, but naturally, Naomi extrapolated from his responses to real life, her life, her family. Her mother. True, they were just dating and not in a committed relationship per se. Yet, the connection she felt to Malcolm was real, and Naomi knew he felt much the same. The connection wasn’t one-sided. She felt like it was mutual. Malcolm said so. He didn’t just say with words, but he showed it in his actions, the confirmation most women look to in considering the next step towards a relationship. But how could they go forward? If he felt that way about mental illness, how would Malcolm feel about her mother, learning that Naomi’s mother had those kinds of mental health challenges the defendant in his case had? He’d been rather dismissive in talking about that woman. Would he be the same in discussing Naomi’s mom, her family? Naomi was almost afraid to find out.

  A Few Days Later

  When Naomi did press events and publicity for other companies, she was nervous, but it was a productive kind of nervousness, the butterflies in the stomach that wouldn’t subside until she saw that her client was pleased with the work that had been done. This time it was different. This time, Naomi was the client, if you will, and the nervousness was at an all-time high. This was the literal birth of her business baby. But when she stepped into the ballroom at the W Hotel, Naomi smiled as her eyes trailed around the space. Everything was just as she hoped. The decorations were beautiful and spoke directly to her brand. The attendants were in place, and the chef had gone above and beyond with a delectable array of appetizers and finger foods for her guests to enjoy.

  “Are you ready for this,” Racquel asked as she stood next to her best friend.

  “Why am I so freaked out right now?” Naomi asked. “I’m excited, but I am wigging out right now.”

  “That’s natural, though,” Racquel assured. “This is all about you, and that’s the difference. Take it in and enjoy, Naomi. You’ve done the hard work. Now, it’s time to celebrate.”

  And celebrate they did. Not only did the invited guests come out, surprisingly, but Naomi’s family also came as well. They knew she ‘had a little business she was working on.’ Yet, Naomi hadn’t felt supported, like they had low expectations for her little business ever becoming anything more than that.

  “Hey, daughter!” Ruby squealed loudly, waving happily as Naomi approached them.

  “Hey momma,” Naomi smiled, her eyes darting around the room to see if anyone took note of her mother's boisterous tone. She walked into her mother’s open arms, giving her a hug. “Hey dad, hey Sissy,” Naomi greeted her father and younger sister. “I’m surprised you guys came.”

  “Well, you sent the invitation to the house, didn’t you,” her father asked, giving Naomi a hug.

  “She didn’t expect we’d take her up on it, did you Na,” Kent challenged.

  Naomi wasn’t surprised by Kent’s commentary. He was always a bit of a cynic.

  “I’m so glad you came,” Naomi smiled as she hugged Natalie.

  “I’m proud of you,” Natalie replied, sincerely happy to see her sister again. It was hard staying away. Natalie and Naomi had always been close, yet Natalie’s aversion to her mother’s condition caused her to isolate herself from everyone.

  “Thanks, Natalie,” Naomi sighed. “It means a lot.”

  “We’re here for you, sweet girl, all of us,” Ruby beamed, smiling widely, and clapping loudly. “Eww,” Ruby’s eyes widened. “Champagne!”

  “I’ll check back in with you all in a little bit,” Naomi offered as other guests clamored for her attention.

  “Take your time,” Vance answered. “We’ll be just fine.”

  When Malcolm entered the building, cameras from the media and paparazzi flashed. Not only was Malcolm considered one of the most eligible bachelors in
Atlanta, but he was also a high-profile attorney with a roster of celebrities he worked with. Malcolm was immediately recognized, not just by the press but also by the women in the room. Yet, his gaze was only leveled at one person, and when he beckoned for Naomi to come and take pictures with him, all eyes followed her movement, even Tareef’s. Malcolm’s simmering eyes and sexy smile were still as dangerously sexy as they’d always been. Despite their earlier altercation, Naomi still found Malcolm difficult to resist. She didn’t even notice Tareef was in the room. Malcolm had captured her gaze and drew her in. It was only after Naomi was standing next to Malcolm, smiling, and posing for the camera did the pervasive eyes of another draw her attention.

  He came, Naomi thought as her gaze found Tareef. When her eyes reached him, he was already returning a leveled gaze in her direction. Naomi’s heart skipped a beat, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the man who held her claimingly by the waist.

  “Ms. Singleton, this way,” one of the cameramen suggested as her inclination didn’t match Malcolm’s. Naomi looked distracted from the present moment, and she was as her heart thudded loudly in her chest. Slowly, Naomi returned her attention to the cameras, her thick lashes kissing her rosy cheeks as the bright lights flashed in front of her. But Tareef never dropped his gaze from her. There was something about seeing Naomi on the arm of another that forced him to see her differently. It happened before the first time Tareef saw Naomi with Malcolm, and it was happening again. The penetration of his eyes on her made Naomi more conscious of Malcolm’s touch and his opinion.

  “Smile pretty, baby girl,” Ruby called out from behind the paparazzi as she guzzled down the glass of champagne in her hand. Her mother and father managed to make their way to the red carpet standing directly behind the cameramen. The rosy in Naomi’s cheeks flushed a beet red. It was hard not to be embarrassed by her mother’s jubilance. To most people, Ruby came off as happy and proud of her daughter’s accomplishments. But to Naomi, it was most likely the manifestation of her mother being in the manic phase of her bipolar disorder. It was concerning, and Naomi searched the room looking for Racquel. All she needed to do was make eye contact with Rocky and then look in the direction of her parents for Racquel to know what Naomi needed. When Rocky nodded, Naomi felt relieved.


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