The Dead Prince

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The Dead Prince Page 5

by Alejandro Betancourt

  Upstairs, Eddie gets to his feet and gallantly tries to put up a fight. He sends force blasts at the UNSTF soldiers that the soldiers easily evade. His friends — Azhalians themselves, but powerless — draw weapons and start shooting. To her horror, the UNSTF soldiers cut them down in seconds.

  Another explosion knocks Angelica back down to the floor before she can grieve. She crawls to Khary and grabs him by the arm. They pull each other up. "We can't leave any of this information for them," she says urgently.

  "I need a couple of minutes," Khary responds. He sits back down and starts wiping the data from the system.

  "I'll get them for you." Angelica steps out of the safe room and fires a blast at the hidden electrical panel to seal the entrance. She can sense the approaching soldiers. She draws energy from her surroundings in anticipation of the imminent showdown.

  "This is the UNSTF," a man booms over a megaphone. "We have the house surrounded. Come out and surrender, or you will die."

  Before giving them a chance to respond, agents rush down the stairs, and Angelica sends a force blast at them. They return fire. She slides against the wall to dodge the oncoming projectiles; they retreat. She takes a peek and sees robotic attack walkers moving down the stairs now. She sends blast after blast into the staircase, until it collapses and blocks the entrance to the safe room.

  An explosion buckles the far wall. Angelica slides down to the floor and smiles. Her king has been found!


  Seconds ago, he received an alarming message from the unwanted but necessary partner he calls Arnold. If confirmed to be true, their partnership is in jeopardy. He sits down at the desk in his home office, turns on the desk lamp, and removes the signal jammer from its drawer. After verifying with his laptop that the message was not a hoax, he enters a code into his phone to bypass the jammer and taps the only name in the contacts.

  "I thought we had an understanding," he says.

  "We did," Arnold responds, "but as I expected, you've been hiding crucial information from me — and this was the only way I could get it."

  "Are they all dead?" he asks.

  "Yes, but not by my command. Two swallowed cyanide pills and the rest fought to their deaths."

  He puts the phone on mute and repeatedly slams his fist against the desk. He takes a deep breath and unmutes the phone.

  "So now what?" he asks.

  "Now that we're on the same page," Arnold says, "we can move forward with our plan. But we don't have much time." The line disconnects.

  He turns off the jammer, grabs his coat and car keys, and dashes for his car.

  He pulls up at the entrance of a gated community a quarter-hour later. The security guard asks him for his identification and house number. After a couple of minutes, the gate slides open and he proceeds through the private road. He parks his car in the visitor lot, turns off the car, and in a sudden burst of anger slams his fist repeatedly against the steering wheel. Then he leans back and takes a couple of deep breaths before stepping out of the car.

  At the entrance of the house, he is greeted by two gentlemen who escort him inside the house.

  "Good evening, Doctor," says Matthew Varras, a member of the Uek'unt race from Azha and a representative of the Azhalian Assembly on Earth. The men shake hands. "The last time we met in person was years ago, and now you're here unexpectedly. I'm worried."

  "I apologize for my sudden visit. Perhaps we can talk alone?"

  Matthew directs the Doctor to his office. "Please have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?" Matthew offers.

  "No thank you."

  "In that case, why are you here?"

  He's blunt. "Angelica is dead. Their house was raided, and there were no survivors." The Doctor pauses as he watches Matthew absorb the news. "I wanted you to hear it from me first, in person," he adds.

  "My sons?"

  "Everyone was killed or suicided."

  Matthew sits down heavily, and takes a moment to reminisce. "Angelica and I talked just yesterday. She was so excited. She was telling me how you've been right all along. How Zec is alive, and here on Earth. I told her not to get too excited until she actually saw him with her own two eyes." Matthew stands up and walks toward his liquor cabinet, opens it and pours himself a stiff drink. "Tell me, Doctor. Even if it's true that the Euperians found a way to inject their DNA and Essence into a human embryo, and that's how Zec got a second chance of life, what's the endgame? With the Ucte controlling Earth, there's no way anyone will believe his identity. Now what?"

  Matthew stares at the Doctor, waiting for a response. He takes a sip of whiskey, walks toward the Doctor, and slams his fist at the desk. "Godsdammit, Doctor, what's the endgame? Tell me my daughter and sons didn't die in vain!"

  The Doctor stands. "I'm truly sorry for your loss, old friend. I can assure you, they did not die in vain. But that's all I can say." He turns and starts walking to the door.

  He can hear Matthew screaming obscenities at him as he exits the house.


  Matthew Varras stands in front of his financial supporters and re-election campaign volunteers. They're listening intently to him talk about the grim prospects of an electoral defeat, and the threat of the Ucte People's Party picking up critical seats in the upcoming election.

  "Excuse me, gentlemen, I need my dad for a minute," Angelica — Matthew's youngest child and campaign manager — says, tapping him on the shoulder and steering him away from the middle of the crowd to a corner. "You're not going to believe who's here!" she whispers excitedly.

  Matthew quickly scans the room for a celebrity, or anyone else who might trigger such excitement from his daughter. "Who?" he asks, after seeing no one special.

  "Doctor John Buchanan!"

  "The human war hero?" he asks, with an incredulous expression in his face.


  "That's interesting and quite unexpected, to say the least. Who did he arrive with?"

  "He actually came alone, and contributed money to your campaign."

  "Why would he do such a thing? Did he forget he's human?" Matthew asks jokingly.

  "Not funny, Dad. Don't forget, he lives in your district, and more importantly, he's a global hero who's loved and respected among your human constituents."

  "I know, but it still doesn't make sense for him to be here."

  Angelica disregards his comment and hands him two champagne glasses. "Go talk to him," she demands.

  Matthew sighs, and walks over to the Doctor with the two champagne flutes in hand. "Doctor Buchanan, it's an honor." Matthew extends the Doctor a glass, and Buchanan rises from his chair.

  "Thank you, Representative Varras. The honor is all mine. I'm a huge fan," the Doctor says, and the men shake hands.

  "Can I get you anything else besides the drink, or may I answer any questions for you?"

  "I'm well, thank you. I've already stuffed myself with those delicious meatballs the waiters are serving."

  "Yes, they are indeed delicious."

  "I do want to say you've done an excellent job representing your constituents, and I truly believe you have a great chance to be re-elected to your seat."

  "What you say means a lot to me, and I appreciate your support." Matthew pauses and takes a sip of his drink. He continues, "I really wish I could be as confident about my re-election chances as you seem to be. My life is well known to the Ucte government on Azha. My family is alive and who we are today thanks to Euperian generosity." Matthew pauses and glances at Angelica. "Even my kids born in Uek'unt see themselves as Euperian," he adds.

  "I agree, it's going to be one tough battle, but that's why I'm here," Doctor Buchanan interjects emphatically. "Although humans don't have the right to vote, the Ucte government will realize they need the support of humans to govern." Buchanan takes the last sip of his champagne. "I can provide you that support."

  Matthew ponders his next words carefully. "Doctor, can I be frank?"

  "Please," the doctor respo
nds. He has an attentive expression in his face.

  "I get the impression that you're implying that I should make a deal with the Ucte government. My re-election in exchange for the human support they will dearly crave?"

  "That's exactly what I'm implying. I don't want to live in a place that's overseen by a Ucte who's never even been to Earth. Plus, you must ask yourself what's going to happen to you and your family if you lose. Euperian is in ruins, and you know you won't be able to stay on Earth if you lose. As you said, they know your history well."

  "Doctor, I'm stunned. From everything I've read about you, I would never have imagined this conversation taking place."

  "Well, politics is a dirty business, Mr. Varras. And you have to do what you have to do," the Doctors says solemnly.

  Matthew nods in agreement. He watches his older son walk into the room and greet his sister. Khary glances at him and smiles. Matthew acknowledges the glance with a slight smile tinged with sadness.

  Matthew's face is expressionless, but his mind is telling him what to do: Do whatever is necessary to protect your family.

  Chapter 9

  It's the first day of the new school year at Port Jervis High School, home of the Raiders. Floating above the building is a large red hologram of the school mascot lifting his sword in the air with the words welcome back class of 2197.

  Zack takes a deep breath and walks toward the main entrance. He slows downs, ignoring the shoves from passing students as he watches a janitor paint over graffiti of a man breaking free from his shackles alongside the words make earth human again. Sighing deeply, he makes his way up the stairs to the second floor, where the student lockers are located. He sees Olivia talking to Brady, the football team's star quarterback. He'd given her a ride to school this morning.

  Brady gives Zack the peace sign. "What's up, hero?"

  "Um, not much."

  "Brady, can you give us a minute?" Olivia asks.

  "Sure, see you at lunch," Brady replies with a wink.

  Olivia turns to her brother. "We have to figure out what we're going to say to Amy," she says in a low voice.

  "Not now," Zack replies. "I'll talk to her, okay?"

  Zack is about to take the stairs to the third floor when he sees Amy standing in front of her locker. She looks up and blushes. She's been avoiding him, and it's not hard to guess why.

  As he's getting ready to approach her, Mike O'Leary walks up to Amy and gives her a big kiss. Zack looks away and starts up the stairs, but Mike calls him back. He retreats back down the stairs, and Mike surprises him with a bro-hug. "Good to see you, Zack! You ready for our senior year?"

  "Hope so. Nice to see you, too, man. I have to go drop some stuff at my locker. See you guys around?"

  "Hey, I just want to tell you that if you need anything, let me know," Mike says. "I know I can't ever repay what you did for Amy, but I can try."

  "Thank you, but that's not necessary," Zack says with a forced smile. "Besides, she's the one who dragged me out of there."

  Later, when the bell rings for lunch, Zack puts on his backpack and is jostled along in the stream of students making their way to the cafeteria. He brought his lunch from home, so he heads straight for an empty table. After a couple of bites from his sandwich — pastrami and sauerkraut on rye from his Dad's food printer, not nearly as good as the ones from Harper's Diner — he takes out his phone and texts Amy. He stares at his phone, hoping for a quick response.

  "Who you talking to?"

  Zack jumps. It's Olivia. "Nobody," he sighs.

  With a frown on her face, Olivia sits down next to her brother. I can't believe she's acting like this after we saved her life, Olivia states mentally.

  Whatever, Zack replies the same way. Aloud he says, "You want to play some chess?" Olivia nods.

  Zack pulls out a digital chessboard from his backpack and unfolds it on the table. The bell will ring in ten minutes, so he sets the timer to give them twenty seconds per move. He has White, so he opens with Grob's Attack and quickly has his sister flustered. He picks up his bishop and is ready to call checkmate when he hears a loud thud right behind him. He turns around to see Jennifer, an Azhalian who sits in front of him in biology class, lying on the floor while a group of students stand next to her, jeering and muttering racial insults. She pushes herself to her knees and starts picking up her books as the other students look on.

  I know it sucks, Olivia says, but we need to keep a low profile.

  Blinking back tears, Jennifer stands up and hurries toward the exit.

  "Wait," Zack says. He bends down and picks up her biology book. "Why don't you sit with us? I'm tired of beating my little sister, and I can use a real challenge."

  "Yes, please. Join us!" Olivia adds. "I'm sick of playing with this jerk. He cheats!"

  Jennifer smiles and sits down. "You don't have to do this, Zack."

  "Yes, I do, and I'm sorry you went through that."

  "It's okay. I'm sure it won't be the last time."

  Zack looks around the room while Olivia sets up the board, and sees Amy sitting with Mike and Emma, her friend from the diner. Emma smiles and waves at him. Amy looks up, her eyes expressionless. Zack waves back at Emma and looks back down at the chessboard.


  "Is Olivia ready yet?" Jim asks as he grabs his coat off the rack.

  "I doubt it. When has she ever been on time?" Zack replies.

  "Olivia, the game starts in half an hour!" Jim shouts. "We're leaving with or without you."

  Olivia dashes down the stairs. "Is Mom coming?"

  "She might meet us for dinner after. She's covering a double shift tonight."

  Olivia stops at the mirror and glances at her outfit.

  "If I were you, I wouldn't get my hopes up about Brady," Zack says as he follows his Dad out to the car.

  "Dad! Zack's reading my thoughts again!"

  "Zack, you know better," Jim chides.

  Before Zack can reply, he falls backward to the ground after he smacks into solid air. "OW! Not funny! That hurt!"

  Olivia smirks at him as she ducks into the car.

  The car is quiet on the drive to the stadium; Olivia has her headphones on, and Zack is staring out the window. "Son, you okay?" Jim asks. He smiles. "I know all this attention lately might be a little embarrassing, but it'll be over quick. Just run out there, wave, throw the first pitch, and run back."

  Zack nods.

  "Heard from Amy?"


  Jim frowns. "Give her some time."

  They arrive at the stadium. A security guard leads them through the home team's locker room and up to the dugout. Zack is surprised to see that Amy and her father are waiting for them. The mayor is there as well, and he gives Zack a two-fisted handshake while thanking him for his heroism.

  "Ladies and gentlemen," the PA announcer booms, "please give your applause for our Mayor and our hometown heroes!"

  The crowd applauds as Amy and Zack follow the mayor out to the mound. The mayor is giving a speech praising the first responders who arrived at the fire when Zack suddenly turns pale.

  Amy notices. "Are you okay?" she whispers.

  Zack tries to answer, but can't seem to find his voice. He stumbles, and Amy grabs his arm, preventing him from falling. "What's wrong?" she whispers.

  He's in agony, but unable to make sense of it. After a moment, the pain vanishes as quickly as it came. He locks eyes with Amy and nods, and she lets him go. He climbs the mound and the mayor hands him the ball. He lobs a pitch to the catcher, not too bad but not good enough to make the team, and the crowd cheers.

  "Are you sure you're okay?" Amy asks as they take their seats in the front row.

  "I'm not sure," Zack says. "For some reason, I feel scared, desperate, and I can sense pain, but it's not mine."

  Amy looks confused.

  The kids sit in silence for the first three innings while their fathers talk. Then an ECC notification pops up on their phones. The crowd groans and mu
rmurs as everyone reads the message:

  EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. For your security and safety, Port Jervis, NY, and Millrift, PA, will be enforcing a strict curfew—starting at 9:00 pm today to 5:00 am on Monday.

  "Guess we'll be eating at home tonight," Jim says.

  Later, they're walking through the crowd to the parking lot when Zack suddenly falls to one knee, overwhelmed by sensations not his own. He can hear his Dad and sister calling his name, asking him what's wrong, but once again he's unable to respond. He feels the same rush of agony from earlier. What's happening to me? he wonders.

  Just like before, the pain vanishes as quickly as it came. His Dad and Olivia pull him to his feet. "What's happening, son?" Jim asks, concerned.

  "I don't know," Zack says. "But something's wrong with me. I can feel someone else.

  "Someone else's pain."

  Chapter 10

  Eva takes short, gasping breaths. Her exhausted legs struggle to push her on through the bamboo forest. Wary of drones, she repeatedly glances up at the night sky. Her clothes are torn, her body covered with scratches, bruises, and mud. And to think she'd just settled into a new life... but she should have known better. It was never meant to last.

  She stops at a riverbank to catch her breath. Sensing that the pursuing UNSTF agents are closing in, she jumps into the nearly frozen water. Step by step, she painfully makes her way across the slippery riverbed, crossing at an acute angle in hopes of throwing off pursuit a little.

  She loses her footing at one point, and her ankle gets caught between some rocks. A sharp jolt of pain shoots up her leg. She suppresses a grunt, ducks down into the freezing water, and frees herself by prying a rock from the mud. When she rises from the water, she's confronted by the glare of flashlights. Bending low, undaunted, she continues across the river as pandemonium erupts behind her. When she reaches the opposite riverbank, she looks back and witnesses a scene of utter chaos.


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