Happy Never After

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Happy Never After Page 11

by Candace Dowds

  “The poor girl. Please doc, please keep her under for as long as possible. I want her to deal with minimal pain, because she’s going

  to have a lot of other issues to deal with soon enough,” John almost begs.

  Nodding, the doctor goes on to agree with the man who wishes nothing but the best for his daughter. “We will do everything we can

  to keep her comfortable. We are facing a delicate situation.”

  I can’t believe what I’m about to say, but here goes, “Doc, do what you can, and I’ll make sure your study receives a nice chunk of cash to keep you going.” Yeah, I’m turning to bribes, but if that’s what it takes for Mia to keep getting those white syringes pumped into her until her body is healed, then so be it.

  “That would be very much appreciated. I will write down the details of where you can donate and we’ll keep Mia under until all her bones have healed. It’s the least we can do.”

  Once hands have been shaken and the door closes behind the doctor, John turns to face me as I take my seat beside Mia. “Did you just bribe the doctor?” He grins.

  “I mean, I wouldn’t call it bribing. It’s more along the lines of ‘doing one another a favour,’ it’s just that the favour he requires involves cash.” I shrug as I pull my computer into my lap.

  “Whatever you want to call it, you did good. Thanks, Cole. And if you need any cash, let

  me know, I’d be happy to chip in a hundred thousand.”

  My brow crinkles. “Are you sure, that’s a lot

  of dough, John?” I had no idea he had that kind of money laying around.

  “I’m thrifty,” he grins. “Let me call my accountant, I might be able to chip in more.”

  “Okay then. Let me know and I’ll add your cash to mine,” I tell him as I open the lid of the laptop. I then hit the power button and wait for it to boot up.

  “Can I ask how much you’re going to chip in?” he asks me. I hate talking about money. Unlike my father, I’ve never been one to flaunt my riches, but I need to make an exception since this has to do with his daughter.

  “I was going to chuck in one point four, but I’m hoping I can spare more. I want Mia to have the best care and if money is what it takes, then money is what I’ll give.”

  John rests his hands on the bar at the end of the bed, his eyes and mouth are now wide open. “Are you serious? Damn, that business of yours must be booming. What the hell? I will never understand the internet and marketing. Hell, Mia doesn’t leave the house and she’s worth millions, too.”

  Holy cow, I had no idea Mia was doing so well business-wise. Yes, I know she’s been

  working as a graphic designer since she was only fifteen, but damn. Mia had always

  known what she wanted to do with her life, and she’d made it a point to get there faster than anyone else ever could.

  She’d opened her own business at the tender age of sixteen, and she would offer the first job for free just so she could get her foot in the door. She knew that growing a client base at that age would be difficult, and that she probably wouldn’t be taken seriously, but the minute they received their first job from her, all of them would immediately sign her up and go on to recommend her to their friends. She’s worked so damn hard, and it warms my heart to know just how successful she’s become, and even more so is the fact that she loves what she does. “She really did go for it. She reached her goal. I couldn’t be prouder.” Truth.

  “She sure did. But from the sounds of things, so did you.” I can see the pride in his eyes. it’s nice to know that someone in a parental position thinks I’ve done well. Regardless of how hard I work, or how many hours I put in, my father will never tell me he’s proud of me. Not unless I go ahead and lie by telling him that I ‘do’ believe in god when I obviously don’t, and if I were to promise him that I’d never again wish to be with Mia. But we all know it will never happen. I will not compromise my principles just so I can be

  back in my father’s good books.

  “After Mia up and left, the only thing I could do was work. I wanted to build a business and build it fast, just in case Mia ever came back into my life. I wanted to be set up so I could spend every minute possible with her. Sure, I didn’t know if she would ever come back to me, but I didn’t want to take that chance.” Looking back, I’m glad I made a plan, because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to sit by Mia’s side as I have been since she was admitted.

  “Good for you, son. I know it’s going to be a long road to recovery, and that you and Mia have a lot to work through relationship-wise, but I think you can make it work. No, I know you can. Please, when she tells you to piss off, because I know she will, Mia snaps before she gets all the facts, something

  she inherited from her mother.” He grins before continuing. “Don’t let it discourage you. Eventually, she will give you a chance to fully explain yourself to her. And yes, you did act rashly when you were in Vegas, but in time, she will forgive you.”

  “Do you really think so?” I hope he isn’t blowing smoke up my ass.

  “I know she will. Mia has always loved you and that is never going to change. Just keep in mind that when she wakes up, for

  her, finding out about the other woman, just happened. It’s been weeks for us, but only moments for her.”

  Looking over at the love of my life, I let go of a sigh. “I know it’s not going to be easy, but I can assure you that I will not give up. No matter what happens, I will be here for her.” And I will.

  One week after the doctors had tried to bring Mia out of the coma, I was seated by her side when I heard my phone ring.

  Picking it up from the bedside table, I look at the caller ID and when I see that it’s Gary, the private investigator I’d hired to follow my ex, I excuse myself and leave the room. As soon as I reach the corridor, I hit the accept button and press the phone to my ear.

  “Hey, Gary. Tell me you’ve got something for me.” I need to get this divorce finalised soon, for Mia’s peace of mind.

  “I do. I’ve managed to get photos of Sam involved in a drug exchange. And it wasn’t just a small deal for personal use, it was a brick of what looks to be cocaine. I believe she is dealing in it now.”

  My brows bunch, I cannot believe what I’m hearing. Sure, I knew she did drugs on occasions, but a brick? It just sounds wrong.

  “Shit, do you think we can use the info and

  images to get her to sign the divorce papers?” Please say yes.

  “I’ve already sent them over to your lawyer. Hopefully, he’ll be able to make a deal with her and get those papers signed for you.”

  “God, I hope so. Thank you. I’ll give Dylan a call now and see what he suggests we do going forward from here.”

  Once I’ve hung up, I immediately call Dylan, my lawyer.

  “Cole, how can I help you?” He must have my number saved in his phone.

  “The PI is sending over some photos he’s captured of Sam dealing bricks of drugs. He thinks it’s cocaine. Can we use them to get the divorce going?” I need this to be done with.

  “Let me read through the report and check out the damning images and I’ll get back to you.”

  “You know the predicament I’m in having to be up at the hospital...”

  He interrupts, “Yes, and how is Mia coming along?”

  “They tried to bring her out of the coma, but it didn’t take. She’s in far too much pain, so they’re going to let her heal for a little while longer before attempting it again.”

  “I wish her well. Let me go over the photos and I’ll call you back.”

  “Thanks. Talk soon.”

  “No problem.” And we hang up.

  Later that afternoon, I receive a call from Dylan. He managed to find a way to have Sam sign the divorce papers.

  “You’re kidding me? It’s done? How?” I asked my lawyer, feeling rather bewildered. Yes, I knew he might find a way to eventually have her sign them, but I never thought it would be this quick.<
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  “I had one of my men approach her at home and show her the images. He told her to sign them and if she didn’t, she would have the police force on her front door, cuffing her and taking her in for questioning. She didn’t hesitate, not even for a minute. Congratulations, my friend. Once the papers are lodged, you will no longer be a married man.” My hand goes to my chest, and suddenly, I feel free. I finally feel like I can move forward with my life.

  Resting the back of my head against the wall, I take a deep breath, and let go of all the pent-up frustration I’ve felt since the moment I woke up in Vegas to realise I was

  married and that it wasn’t to Mia. “Thank you, Dylan. I’m truly grateful to you. I can’t wait to tell Mia that it’s all over with. Thanks again, my man.”

  “You’re very welcome. Bye, Cole.”

  “Bye, Dylan.” And we hang up.

  As I walk back into the room, John looks up, and when he does, he puts the newspaper he’s been reading just moments prior to my entry, down. “You look pleased with yourself,” he teases.

  Sitting down, I can’t seem to stop smiling. “Sam signed the papers. The divorce is final.” Shit, that feels good to say. I’ve felt like I’ve been fighting this battle for far too long.

  John straightens in his chair, “No way? Congratulations.” He stands and stretches his hand over Mia, so I take it and return the gesture by shaking his hand.

  “The lawyer just called to confirm.”

  When he’s back in his chair he leans over, and he tells Mia, “Did you hear that, my love? Cole’s divorce is final. It’s one more thing you don’t have to worry about.” He then presses a kiss to her forehead and when he does, the machine monitoring her brain begins to move at a rapid pace.

  “Shit, is she okay?” My heart begins to thump, hoping Mia is, in fact, okay and that

  we aren’t about to hit a new setback.

  The nurse, Marsheila, who is looking after Mia, smiles at us. “There is nothing wrong. It just means she is responding to your voices. She knows you’re here, and whatever it was

  you just told her, well, she’s reacting to it. I wouldn’t worry.” She smiles.

  Letting go of a breath, I tell her, “Thank god for that.”

  “Maybe you should share the good news with her, yourself, Cole?” John suggests, looking to Mia.

  A grin spreads across my face. He wants me to give her confirmation. “I’d be happy to.”

  John then stands. Confused, I ask, “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to give you pair some privacy.” He then leaves the room.

  Ignoring the fact that Marshiela is just a few feet away from us (the ICU rules state that there must be a member of staff in the room at all times) I lean in and take Mia’s good hand in mine. I move closer to her so my mouth is right beside her ear, and I tell her, “Mia, I know how worried you’ve been and how upset you were when you found out about Sam, but it’s all over with. She’s out of our lives for good. The divorce is final, baby girl. From now on, it’s all about us, and no one else.”

  Looking up at the screen, I can see that the lines are moving. She can hear me, she can understand me, and it’s the greatest feeling in the world knowing she is still in there.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Two more weeks pass, and once Mia’s arm and leg casts are removed it’s time for the doctors to try and wake her up again. I have everything crossed. I want her to wake up without pain and without heartache.

  Again, John and I stand at the foot of the bed and watch on as the doctor begins reversing the sedatives. My stomach is a-flutter and my nerves are a wreck as I watch and wait to see how Mia will respond.

  As soon as the drugs are administered, I see her eyes open, but this time she doesn’t have a violent reaction.

  “Mia, I’m Dr. Ken. I’ve been taking care of you over the past few weeks. Do you think you’re ready for me to pull out the breathing tube?” Dr Ken asks as he leans over her. Mia gives him a tight nod. “Very good. I’m not going to lie, it’s not going to be comfortable, but I promise you it will be out before you know it,” he tries to assure her.

  John moves around me until he’s by his daughter’s side and gently, he takes her hand in his to reassure her that she isn’t alone.

  “Just hold your dad’s hand, this will only take

  a second,” the doctor tells her as he takes hold of the tube and quickly pulls until the long plastic tube leaves her body, and I can’t help but feel sick for her. Just the sight of it happening has me gagging, but she stays calm and fights her way through it.

  When the doctor has passed the tube to the nurse, he goes on to ask her some questions. “Mia, do you know what year it is?”

  Mia takes her time before answering. “2019?” she guesses, her voice hoarse.

  “Very good. Can you tell me who the prime minister of Australia is?”

  Gently, she shakes her head. “I wouldn’t have a clue, but I do know that Trump is in the White House.”

  The doctor chuckles. “Yes, unfortunately you’re right. So far, you seem to be okay, but I will want to run a few more tests before we can begin to think about sending you to a regular ward.”

  Clearly exhausted, Mia just nods in return.

  “Very good, I will be back soon. It’s nice to finally get to meet you.” Dr Ken smiles as he pats Mia’s free hand.

  Again, Mia nods and she also offers him a smile in return.

  Once the doctor has left the room, I freeze. I

  know I’ve been desperate to have Mia wake up, but now that the time is here,

  reality has kicked in and I don’t know how she’ll react to seeing me here in her room.

  “Hey, Princess. How are you feeling?” John asks in a hushed tone, so as to not startle her.

  Mia whispers something to him, but her volume is so low, that he needs to lean in to be able to hear her.

  “Please, just give him a minute to explain things to you. He’s been here day and night since you were brought in. He hasn’t left the hospital since you were admitted, and a lot has happened over the last few weeks while you’ve been in a coma. Just promise me that you won’t cut him off. It’s all I ask.”

  Yup, she’s seen me, and she’s pissed off, but I need her to give me time to tell her about the divorce now she’s awake.

  John kisses his daughter gently on his forehead, and rubs her hand before he turns around and walks in my direction. As he does, he pats me on my shoulder and leaves the room.

  Looking over, I see that Mia’s eyes are on me and she doesn’t look angry or upset. Maybe she will give me a chance to talk and make everything up to her.

  “Is it okay if I take a seat beside you?” I know

  I’ve practically lived in that chair, but I don’t want to make assumptions now she’s awake and alert.

  Mia nods. “Okay,” she whispers, her voice still hoarse.

  Moving carefully, I take a seat by her side. I look up to find her eyes are already staring at me, but I can’t decipher what she’s thinking about. “Thank you for letting me stay.” Mia keeps her lips closed, and gives me no response whatsoever. So, I decide I’m just going to keep talking until she either tells me to shut up, or kicks me out of the room.

  “Look, I know everything that happened before the accident is probably still fresh in your mind, but since you’ve been asleep, I’ve managed to get my divorce. Sam will never get in the way, ever again. Finally, I can make that promise to you and mean it. I will always love you, and I will always be here for you.” Hopefully, she’ll believe me and give me another chance to prove that I am devoted to her, and only her.

  Still exhausted, Mia opens her perfect mouth to speak. “I’m so tired, Cole. I can’t talk about it now. I just want to get some painkillers and drift back off to sleep,” she whispers, but I can see her eyes are welling with tears.

  “Can I sit here while you sleep? I promise, it’s not as creepy as it sounds.”

sp; “Whatever floats your boat.” Mia then looks over at the nurse who is seated at the desk

  in the corner of the room. “Nurse, can I get some pain killers? Everything hurts,” Mia asks.

  “Of course, you can. Give me a second to get the morphine for you.”


  The very moment my eyes open, I see him, and I think I’m dreaming. It’s not until the doctor pulls the breathing tube out of my throat, that I realise this isn’t, in fact, a dream.

  At first, I’m not sure if I want it to be my reality, but it all becomes clear, soon enough.

  When Cole informs me his divorce has come through, part of me is thrilled, but the other part of me is tired of hearing him make promises he doesn’t know if he can keep or not. Needing more rest, I close my eyes and it’s not long before I fall asleep. But when I hear my father and Cole whispering, I decide to keep pretending to be in a deep slumber, unsure of how I should react to Cole being here.

  As I continue to fake sleep, I overhear them discussing me.

  “We’re going to have to tell her sooner rather than later,” my father whispers.

  “I know, I know, but I can’t find the words,

  John. She’ll be utterly devastated when she hears the news, and I’m scared she’ll cut me out of her life again,” Cole responds.

  “I know you’re scared, and I know she’ll be upset, but she has the right to know.”

  “Of course, I just don’t want to hurt her, is all. I’ve done it far too many times, even though I thought I was doing what was best for her, at the time. It’s going to kill her, John.”

  Needing to know what they’re talking about, I open my eyes and immediately look over to where my father is seated beside me. before either of the men can see I’m awake, I ask, “What are you two keeping from me? Please tell me before I blow my lid.” I’m not going to let them coddle me.

  Both my father and Cole look at me, and their expressions tell me they weren’t banking on me being awake enough to overhear their conversation.


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