Hard to Forgive (Hard to Love Book 3)

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Hard to Forgive (Hard to Love Book 3) Page 4

by L. M. Reid

  How can I come back to this town and avoid Cooper?

  Do I even want to?

  Settling myself on the plush couch that sits in the center of my presidential suite I take in the rich and luxurious finishes. It’s gorgeous, but nothing compared to what the Onyx is going to be. The Waldorf is classic and regal in its finishes where the Onyx will be contemporary and elegant. Understated beauty, dark finishes, and high-quality products that are what it is going to set the Onyx apart from every other hotel. At least that’s what I’m envisioning for it. The reality? If I don’t take this job, I have absolutely no say it how it turns out. And if Mitchell really keeps his end of the bargain, then Ross will be in charge and God only knows what that will end up looking like.

  Clutching the contract Mitchell extended to me I glance down at the now slightly crumpled papers. I am literally holding an opportunity of a lifetime is in my hands. Yet while every fiber of my being is screaming to say yes one small part, my very broken heart is begging me to say no. From the moment Mitchell mentioned Dayton, my head and my heart have been at odds. The damn thing still can’t make up its mind on whether it’s broken or in love, not that the two are mutually exclusive.

  I try to revel in the fact that all my hard work is paying off. All the blood, sweat, and tears that I put into the past six years made a difference. It made me worthy of running a world-class hotel. I just wish it were paying off somewhere other than Dayton. Rather than accepting the offer and enjoying this moment, I’m sitting here deciding if I want to accept it at all. All because I don’t want to have to face a stupid man who broke my heart. The same stupid man who, if I’m honest, still owns every damn piece of it.

  Cooper isn’t just any man though. He’s the man that made Dayton a home for me when for so long I never felt like I really had one.

  From the first time I swung the door open and saw him standing before me with disheveled hair and a look of irritation in his eyes, I was a goner. Whatever it was he was pissed at me for that night was long forgotten the moment that we locked eyes. We quickly became friends, then more. For two years we made it work, the whole friends with benefits thing. Then I had to go and develop feelings for him. To make matters worse, I went and told him about them.

  That admission, it broke my family because that’s what Cooper was. He was my family. He and Kassie, they were all I had left in the world. With nothing more than a shrug of his shoulders I was all alone again. He didn’t want me. My parents sure as hell didn’t want me. His rejection devastated me – it shook me to my core. He made me feel like I meant nothing to him when he meant the world to me. All because he “doesn’t do relationships.” It was a bullshit excuse then and it’s a bullshit excuse today. He can try to spin it however he wants, but merely refusing to define what we were, doesn’t make it any less real. And it sure as hell didn’t make it hurt any less.

  Taking in the view from the floor to ceiling windows, I weigh the pros and cons.

  The pro is getting my dream job and having all my hard work pay off. The con is having all that happen in the same town that Cooper lives in.

  I close my eyes as I fall face down onto the luxurious bed. Stupid list isn’t helping a bit.



  After my meeting with Mitchell I immediately went home and scoured the contract line by line. He wasn’t offering me up my restaurant on a silver platter. No, this shit is gold plated and covered in diamonds. Even without seeing the space, I wanted to sign on the dotted line. I mean, seriously, how can I pass up an opportunity like this?

  From my experience, when something looks too good to be true, it usually is. I learned that lesson long ago. Like Mia, my former friend with pleasurable benefits. She was gorgeous, smart, funny, and sexy as hell. I should have seen that our friends and hot sex scenario was too good to be true. That she was too good to be true. Everything about her, about us, it was perfect. That is until she blindsided me and wanted more. I chuckle at just how easily Mia Beckett can still slip into my mind even after all these years. Just as quickly as she popped in, I have to force her out. The last time I thought about her? Let’s just say my right forearm got the workout of a lifetime.

  Not wanting to make a misguided mistake on something so important, I do the only thing I can think of. I call Grayson. He’s my friend. He’s an attorney. If anyone is going to give it to me straight, it’s him. So, I send the contract over to Grayson to see what he had to say.

  Then, I sit there, impatiently waiting for him to respond. As worried as I was about Mitchell’s “vision”, I can’t help but feel like we share one. Either that or he is just lying through his teeth and telling me what I want to hear. Something tells me that’s not the case. Having spent years around my dad and his security team, I’ve learned how to read people. And Mitchell? He seems like a pretty stand-up guy. So, I allow myself to buy into what he’s selling.

  When my phone finally rings, I jump. “So?” I say into the receiver without giving Grayson any type of greeting.

  “I’m not sure who’s the bigger idiot… him for what he’s offering you or you for not signing on the dotted line immediately.”

  “It’s good? No loopholes or crazy shit?” That’s my legalese for asking if the contract is solid. It’s also the exact reason why I needed his help with this.

  “You’re golden, Coop. This Mitchell guy must have a lot of faith in you. What he’s offering? It's more lucrative than any deal like it that I’ve seen.”

  “And it’s mine? Really mine? I get to make the decisions, I get to…”

  “Breathe, Coop,” Grayson says with a chuckle. “The answer is yes. It’s yours. It’s a solid contract. Sign it.”

  I let out a breath. “Thanks.”

  “You can thank me by making sure that Ashlynn and I have a permanent table in that swanky place of yours along with a bottomless tab.”

  “You got it.”

  With Grayson’s stamp of approval I finally feel like I can breathe again. The reality of the situation sets in and I can feel the grin on my face spread. For once, too good to be true is just…true. “Yes,” I shout into my empty condo the excitement getting the better of me.

  Glancing down at my phone I see that it’s almost time to meet Mitchell at the restaurant space. It’s the final piece in the puzzle for me to say yes. Though, with the way things are looking, I doubt the space will disappoint.

  I’ve watched the construction on the Onyx from the beginning. The thirty-story building is nothing to squawk at. Walking into it though? It brings it to a whole other level. Granted, there’s still a lot of work to be done, but damn. Even my untrained eye can see that this place is going to be amazing. I smile a little more knowing that I get to be a part of it all.

  “Cooper,” Mitchell calls out in greeting. “Good to see you.” I meet him halfway and we shake hands. “So, what do you think?” he asks glancing around the building.

  “It’s phenomenal.”

  “Thanks, I think so too. Did you have enough time to look over the contract?” I nod. “And?

  Blowing off his question, I ask, “So, can I see the space?”

  The guy is clearly chomping at the bit. He looks as excited as I feel which seems strange. He runs a chain of successful hotels, why the hell is bringing me on board so important to him. There are bunches of chefs out there that would be just as good, if not better. For whatever reason though, he wants me and that sure as hell inflates my ego a bit.

  “I swear you two are testing me.”

  “You two?” I ask to clarify who else he is referring to.

  “The woman I want to run the hotel. I make these insane offers to you and you both hesitate.” He waves his finger toward me. “You’re going to fall faster than she is though. I can feel it.”

  “We’ll see,” I laugh.

  Awestruck. It’s the only word I can use to describe how I felt when I walked into the blank canvas that was slated to be my restaurant. My restaurant. Christ that sounds go
od. So good, in fact, that as I walk through the space, I start spewing ideas out loud without thinking. The space is perfect. Everything I could have ever imagined. Mitchell walks next to me, a pleased smile on his face. He already knows what I’m about to tell him. He knows I fell.

  No more thinking, no more wavering. “You have a deal, Mitchell,” I say.

  Speaking the words out loud feels surreal. Agreeing to this deal, it’s a dream come true. Hell, it’s more lucrative than my own dream was. I have my own restaurant at no risk to me. Even still as Mitchell smiles up at me, I know I can’t fuck this up. He’s put a lot of money and a lot of faith into me. I owe it to not only myself, but to him, to turn this place into a success.

  Mitchell’s a tall man, fairly well built, so when he pulls me in and hugs me it takes me by surprise. “I, uh, didn’t take you for a hugger,” I say as I pat his back.

  “Only when the occasion warrants it,” he says with a chuckle. “This one most definitely does.”

  I put the contract down on a folding table, pull a pen out, and sign my name on the dotted line. It’s official. It’s real. It’s… mine.

  “Excellent,” Mitchell says with excitement as he takes the contract and stuffs it back in the envelope. “I’m having a party tonight. It’s at a nearby club, not sure if you heard of it, Lust?”

  “Not only have I heard of it, but I happen to know the owner,” I say thinking of Griffin.

  “So, you’ll be there?” Mitchell asks. “I can send a limo for you. Maybe you can help me convince this woman to take the damn deal I’m offering her. You’re single, right?”

  “I will be there. The limo isn’t necessary, but thanks. And yeah, I’m single and I intend on staying that way permanently so me using any tactics to persuade your potential employee, probably isn’t a great idea.”

  “She’s already my employee; I’m just trying to get her to take this job. She’s got some hang up about being here, but I need her. This place needs her. Anyway, I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Wait,” I call after him. He looks at me expectantly. “You never told me how you heard about me.”

  A broad smile covers Mitchell’s face. “It seems we have a mutual friend. Edith Ronsen highly recommended you.” He gives me a quick wink.

  If he had told me God himself recommended me, I don’t think I would have been more shocked.

  “How do you know Edith?” I ask unable to make the connection between the two.

  “She’s an old family friend,” he replies. “Gotta love that woman.”

  Yes, yes, I do.

  We make our way out of the hotel and part ways and I practically sprint to the nearby office that I keep.

  “Edith?” I call out as I walk into the small space.

  I hired Edith two years ago after her husband died. She doesn’t need the job, not for the money at least. She was bored and lonely, and I was in desperate need of some help. I might be a great chef and I am even okay with handling some office work, but accounting? Bookkeeping? I hate numbers. If they aren’t being used for measuring out ingredients, they don’t make a damn bit of sense to me, never have.

  Griffin laughed hysterically when I hired the spry sixty-two-year-old woman to be my assistant. Sure, hiring some hot young woman with big tits sounds good in theory. But let’s face it that could only lead to one thing. A sexual harassment lawsuit. No, I needed someone who could help me keep my shit together. Someone I could trust. And someone I sure as hell wouldn’t be tempted to fuck.

  Edith fit that bill to a T.

  Her head pops out from around the corner. “What are you doing here?” she asks.

  Three long strides and I am at her side, my arms wrapping around her. “You are… I…” I pull back and look at her. “Thank you.”

  Giving me a knowing smile, she gently caresses my cheek. “You deserve it, Coop.” Pulling her in for another hug, I swing her around. “Put me down you maniac.”

  I had intended on calling Griffin tonight, spending the evening celebrating at Lust by drinking and hitting on poor unsuspecting women. Now? “Celebrate with me,” I tell her.

  She gives me a playful shove. “You couldn’t handle celebrating with me.”

  “I don’t know how else to thank you,” I tell her.

  She smiles up at me, “By going to that big party Mitchell is throwing tonight and having a good time.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. Now go, I have a hot date to get ready for.” She does a little shimmy.

  “Thank you, Edith. I…” I stop myself. Emotions aren’t my strong suit and I can’t seem to bring myself to say the words.

  “Me too, kid.”

  I press a kiss to her cheek before running off to go to Lust.



  Sitting next to me in the limo, Kassie is bouncing in her seat to the music. She’s already two glasses of champagne in and we haven’t even reached Lust yet. For as excited as she is, I am equally terrified. The idea of walking into Lust, potentially running into Cooper, it’s too much.

  While I might be tempted to bail, I also know that I can’t. Tonight, is important to Mitchell. I can’t do that to him. I want to, but I can’t. Not when I’m already stringing him along by not giving him an answer about the job.

  “This is so exciting,” she squeals.

  “You’ve been to Lust before,” I remind her as I take the champagne bottle from her hand. If I don’t curb her drinking when I can, tonight may very well turn out to be a bigger mess than I am anticipating it to be.

  “Yes, but never with your hot as hell boss footing the bill,” she laughs.

  I roll my eyes. The woman has always been man hungry. Anything firm and with a six pack, or a high six figure bank account, is priority to her. Mitchell fits the bill for both, so I know she is salivating.

  Seeing my lack of enjoyment in the night she sobers and reaches out to squeeze my hand. “You okay?”

  “What if Cooper’s there?” I ask her. The question makes me sound like a teenage girl nervous about running into her crush at the big party. I hate the way this man makes me feel. I hate that he makes me feel at all when the feelings themselves are not returned.

  “So, what if he is,” she says with a shrug.

  “I don’t want to see him.”

  “Then don’t. Focus on me or some other hot guy since I am sure there will be tons to pick from.” She looks me up and down in the short dress I’m wearing that leaves little to the imagination. “And I’m fairly certain that more than plenty will be interested. Seriously, though. It’s been six years Mia. You can’t keep revolving your life around a man that, let’s face it, doesn’t care.”

  “Wow, low blow there Kass,” I tell her.

  “Well, it’s true. The guy is an ass and he sure as hell doesn’t deserve you,” she tells me as she rests her head on my shoulder. I rest my head on top of hers. She’s right. In my heart of hearts, I know it. It doesn’t make it any easier of a pill to swallow though. And it definitely doesn’t make the possibility of running into him any less terrifying.

  The limo comes to a stop and when the driver opens the door, I can’t believe my eyes. The red carpet leading to the club entrance, the word “Lust” illuminated in bright white lights, and a line a mile long waiting to get in. I smile; proud of what Griffin turned this dorm room fluke into. I’m not surprised. If anyone could pull this off, it’s Griffin.

  Mitchell is standing in the center of the carpet smiling broadly as Kassie and I step out of the limo. My arms wrap around him in a quick hug when he approaches us. “Hi, Mitchell. This is my friend Kassie.”

  Mitchell smiles at Kassie as he extends his hand to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kassie.”

  “Thank you so much for the invite Mr. Brennan.”

  “Mitchell, please.”

  Taking her hand in his, he brings it to his lips and gently places a kiss there. Kassie is already swooning, and Mitchell certainly seems interested himself. I
clear my throat hoping to break their connection at least momentarily so we can go in. The sooner I get in, the sooner I can get out.

  Extending his arm to Kassie, Mitchell escorts her to the club as I follow behind. Watching them, two things become blatantly obvious. First off, they are two peas in a pod. Second, they are both interested in each other. Luckily for me their actions won’t have an effect on me. Mitchell is great about not mixing business and pleasure. As far as I’m concerned, they are two consenting adults who… oh, who am I kidding. They are two horny people who are going to end up fucking tonight and then move on.

  My stomach is tied in knots as we enter the club. Being back in Dayton has been tough enough. But now, standing here in the club, a place I know Cooper frequents makes the possibility of running into him all that much more a reality. It’s a reality that I’m not prepared for, no matter how many times I’ve dreamt about seeing him again.

  “Well, well, well,” a deep voice says from behind me.

  My lips curl into a smile at the sound of the familiar voice.

  I turn and smile at its owner. Griffin Hayes, owner of the deep voice and Lust, stands before me looking seriously sexy in his black slacks and blue button-down shirt. One hand is wrapped around a glass of whiskey, the other one shoved in his pocket. It’s his stance. He may as well have it trademarked.


  “I was a little surprised when I saw your name on the guest list.”

  “I was a little surprised to be on the list, but my boss insisted.”

  The steeled look on his face relaxes a bit and he reaches out to hug me. “It’s good to see you, Mia.”

  “Good to see you too, Griff,” I say as I accept his embrace.

  He takes a step back and looks at me. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

  “Either have you,” I laugh.

  “Not true,” he tells me as a woman with auburn hair approaches. “Mia, I would like you to meet Chloe, my girlfriend. Chloe, this is an old friend from college, Mia.” He leans in closer to her and whispers something in her ear.


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