Hard to Forgive (Hard to Love Book 3)

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Hard to Forgive (Hard to Love Book 3) Page 16

by L. M. Reid

  “Spill it already, boy.”

  “So, last night, I uh… I made things official with Mia.”

  “Oh, Coop,” Edith exclaims. There is a loving, almost motherly, look on her face. “That’s wonderful.”

  “Funny thing is, I think so, too.” Getting up from my seat, unable to contain the nervous energy I’m feeling, I move around the room. “Ever since I told her I just feel, I don’t know, relieved? Like this huge weight is lifted and I can just be happy.”

  Pure joy radiates from her. “This is so exciting. What made you change your mind?”

  “That’s just it; I don’t know that I did. It almost feels like it was changed for me. Like I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I mean, yeah, I had been batting the idea around, but it just came out yesterday. And, when it did, I didn’t even want to take it back.”

  “You better not.”

  My eyes flash up to the door where the voice is coming from. Mia stands there, beautiful as ever with a smile on her face.

  “No chance,” I say, surprisingly confident.

  From across the room, Mia and I just stare at each other. Territory that is vaguely familiar yet still so new makes it hard for us to navigate. So does the fact that Edith is still sitting between us, her eyes darting between Mia and I waiting to see what transpires between us.

  “Morning, Edith,” Mia says closing the gap between us until she’s no more than a reach away.

  Reach I do. Tugging her to me I do something that she doesn’t expect. I kiss her. If I am going to throw my no relationship rule down the drain, might as well do away with the whole anti-PDA one too. All I want to do is kiss this woman, no sense in denying myself that pleasure.

  When we break the kiss, Edith is still watching like a lovesick puppy. Big eyes and a sappy grin complete her face.

  “You know, if you keep watching I might make you join in,” I tease Edith.

  “Oh please. You couldn’t handle me if you tried,” she says. “I know when I’m not wanted. But if I hear moaning from in here…”

  “Goodbye Edith,” I say.

  With her gone, now I can finally kiss Mia the way I want to.

  “Oh, no stud,” she says as she pulls away. “I am here on business.”

  “I prefer to start with pleasure,” I say moving in again.

  “Cooper.” God, I love it when she scolds me.

  Taking the hint, I loosen my grip on her. Still, even with all her protesting, she doesn’t move. She doesn’t kiss me either. What she does do is turn on that business voice that used to drive me crazy but is turning into quite a turn on for me.

  “Your sign arrived.” Grabbing my hand, she drags me behind her to the hotel lobby. We stand at the entrance to the restaurant. Among the black and white of the Onyx sticks out the bright red letters for the Scarlet Room. My jaw drops in awe as another piece of the puzzle comes together. Each day, each and every piece makes it feel more and more real. Looking at the woman standing next to me, the one beaming with pride and enthusiasm, I find myself fighting tears of happiness that I can feel welling. Pulling her to me, I drop my head to her shoulder, hiding the emotion that I can’t seem to fight.

  “I am so proud of you, Cooper,” she says softly.

  “None of this would be possible without you.” For so many reasons beyond just the past few weeks. Mia, she always encouraged me, always helped me. Even now when she wanted nothing more than to avoid me, she still offered to help.

  “That’s not true. But I’m glad I could help.”

  “You’ve done more than help, Mia. You inspire me every day. You make me want to be better. From the moment I met you, you made me a better man.” When I pull back, my emotions tucked safely away, I hold her face in my hands. “Will you go on a date with me?”

  “A date?” she asks confused by my abrupt change.

  “We’ve never went on a real date before. I want to give that to you,” I say. After everything we’ve been through, I owe her this. She deserves that piece of happiness, the special treatment of a first date. I want to give it to her. I want our first date to be her last date.

  “You don’t have to do that,” she says. Her eyes filled with tears.

  “I want to. Say yes, Mia.”

  Mia glances around the still unfinished space. “There’s still so much to do. Maybe we can wait until after opening or….”

  Her concern is well warranted, there are still a ton of things that have to be finished in just a few weeks. Still, she’s been working tirelessly. She needs a break.

  “Remember when you set-me up with Nina?” I ask her bringing up the dreaded day just a few short weeks ago where she stuck me with the overly handsy interior designer. “You owe me.”

  “If I recall, I saved you from her.”

  “I wouldn’t have needed saving if not for you,” I remind her.

  “If I agree to this,” she begins. “You better make it damn good.”

  That’s one challenge I have every intention of winning.

  “No worries, baby, I fully intend on you walking away satisfied. Sore, but satisfied,” I taunt her.

  Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a flash. Turning toward the light, there stands Edith with an old school camera in hand snapping a picture of us.

  “You two are just too cute,” she gushes.

  I swear if the woman hadn’t single-handedly made all my dreams come true, from the restaurant to talking sense into me when I need it, I would fire her ass.



  “Where are we going?” I ask Cooper for the fifth time since he arrived to pick me up.

  Tonight, is our first date. Our first “official” date at least. Technically, we’ve been on plenty of dates from movies to bowling, even family functions. We just never labeled it before. We never labeled “us” before.

  All of that changed the minute Cooper changed his mind. Now, he’s all about definitions and possessiveness and apparently, first dates. I think it’s his way of making things right. While I appreciate the notion, it’s not necessary. I don’t need all the pomp and circumstance. I’m happy just being with him. I can see how important it is to him though. Who am I to deny him that? Especially when that boyish grin that’s covering his face tells me just how much he’s enjoying this. I never thought I would see the day. Me, on a date, with Cooper Williams. Be still my heart.

  “I told you, it’s a surprise,” he tells me. He’s not even giving me a hint. How am I supposed to get ready when I don’t know what we’re doing? When I emerge from the closet in a pair of black pants and a thin tank top, he frowns.

  “No skirt?” he asks with a pout looking disappointed in my choice of clothing.

  “Do I need to be dressier?” I ask. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but I also need a little help here so I’m not wearing a ball gown to a ball game.

  “No. I just like you in skirts,” he says with a grin. Damn but if that look on his face doesn’t pull on every piece of my being. The more time I spend with him the more in love I fall. Lesson learned though. I have no intention of throwing those words his direction anytime soon. Things are going well, maybe even a little too well. I don’t want to jinx it.

  Giving him a playful slap, “Do I look okay or not?”

  He sidles up to me, his hands reaching around and grabbing my ass. “You look perfect, Mia. You always do.”

  “Are we going to be late again?” I ask my hands toying with his belt.

  “Oh no, no you don’t,” he says pulling my hands away.

  “What?” I ask innocently.

  “Don’t play innocent with me. I know exactly how you work.”

  “You’ve never had a problem with it before,” I remind him. We’re late. It’s our thing. Sex first, then date. Then, sex again. I don’t see the problem here.

  “Today, I want to do things right,” he says.

  “Trust me, you do plenty of things right,” I say as I wiggle my eyebrows. I lift my head toward his wanting to
taste him,

  “Please, Mia. Let me do this for you.” His voice is soft and sweet as it pleads with me to let him do things by the book. A proper date. Pick me up, take me out, and then a kiss good night. I secretly hope he lets that part play out a little differently, but everything else I will let him have. While I am perfectly content just knowing he’s mine, I won’t take this away from him. Not when I know how important it is to him.

  “Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry.” He’s beaming from ear to ear, pleased to have won this round.

  He better enjoy it because I fully intend on winning the match and claiming my prize. Him.

  “Now will you tell me where we’re going?” I ask as we get into the car.

  “Not a chance in hell,” he says with a laugh.

  Sticking my bottom lip out ever so slightly, I sit back in the seat and pout.

  “It’s not going to work,” he tells me with conviction. My hand moves to his thigh. “Not going to work either.”

  I laugh at his comment. Who is he trying to kid? He can’t resist me. My hand travels a bit further and he lets out a hiss. I’m going to win. But rather than let me continue, he lifts my hand and sets it in my lap. He’s enjoying this a bit too much. With my arms folded across my chest, I stare out the window. We left my apartment nearly twenty minutes ago, but I keep seeing the same sights. Is he going in circles?

  When Cooper pulls the car off the highway and onto the city street, it looks like we’re headed for the Onyx.

  “Did you forget something?” I ask as we approach the building and he turns the car into the parking garage.

  “Nope,” he replies.

  “We’re going to…work?”

  “Not exactly,” he says getting out of the car.

  As much as I love surprises, this one is getting a little frustrating. Why is he being so secretive? And why are we back at the Onyx? He makes his way to my door and opens it. With my hand in his, he helps me out of the car.

  “Then what are we doing here?”

  “You’ll see,” he says with a mischievous grin.

  Rather than leading me into the building, he leads me out of the parking garage and onto the street. We’re standing in the middle of the sidewalk with Cooper glancing around one direction, then the next like he’s lost.

  “What are you doing?” I ask. He looks like a fool. A sexy fool, but a fool, nonetheless.

  “Throwing you off your game,” he tells me. “Come on, this way.” He says the words and begins to walk in the direction he wants me to go without waiting for me.

  “Cooper,” I call out trying to catch up to him.

  No sooner do I catch up to him, he comes to a halt. He turns his body and my head follows his gaze. I smile when I see the lit trees and hear the soft sounds of music flowing through the air.

  “A concert in the park?” I say. I’ve always loved listening to live music. Back in college I used to drag him to concert after concert. It really wasn’t his thing, but he was always happy to tag along. “This is perfect.”

  “It’s not just any concert,” he tells me. Taking my hand in his we cross the street to the park. “It’s your favorite band.”

  Since there is no way in Maroon 5 is in Dayton playing in a small park, I call his bluff.

  “See for yourself,” he says pointing to the sign that is set at the park entrance.

  “The Eclectics,” I say out loud hoping the sound of the name will help to jog my memory. It sounds familiar, but I can’t quite place it. Why on earth would Cooper think they were my favorite band? The broad smile on his face has me wanting to agree just because he looks so damn cute and proud. “This is great,” I tell him trying to play along. The minute I say the words though, it hits me. My smile is even bigger now. “Oh. My. God. I can’t believe they’re still together.”

  The Eclectics were one of the bands I used to drag him to see. They were my absolute favorite because their repertoire was rather extensive ranging from oldies music to rock n’ roll and even straight up gangster rap. No matter what I was in the mood for they delivered. Not unlike the man standing in front of me.

  “I can’t believe you remembered.”

  “I remember everything Mia.” He sobers for a moment. Our fingers still intertwined he looks deep into my eyes, “What I said to you that night? You were right, it was bullshit. I was scared and stupid and…”

  I press my finger to his lips to stop him. “I don’t care about that night. I care about tonight.” I look up at him, the boy I love. I have waited so long for this moment and it couldn’t be more perfect. His blonde hair messy and disheveled but still sexy as hell. His eyes holding so much emotion I’m afraid they might pop right out of his head. He really does want this. “Thank you. This is amazing. You’re amazing.”

  “You deserve this Mia and so much more. I wasn’t great at showing it when we were together before, but I plan on showing you just how much you mean to me every single day. Starting now.” Oh damn, I’m swooning hard core right now. If every piece of me wasn’t already head over heels in love with him, it would be right now.

  Cooper puts his arms around my shoulders, keeping me safely tucked against him as we walk into the park. “I reserved the best seat in the house,” he boasts proudly. I follow his gaze off to a secluded corner of the park. My smile, so big, it actually begins to hurt.

  “Oh, Cooper.” The set-up before us is breathtaking.

  Under a large tree sits a red blanket filled with food and flowers. There are pillar candles set off to the side of it casting a gentle glow over the scene. He guides me to our secluded corner and when I sit down on the blanket, I can feel the tears in my eyes.

  Anxiously waiting behind me Cooper asks, “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I love it. Thank you, Coop. This is better than anything I could have ever dreamed up.”

  I commit to memory every small detail. The fabrics, the champagne flutes, the scent of the candle. I will never forget this moment for as long as I live. He wanted to give me a proper date and he exceeded every expectation I had. Trays of appetizers and desserts are off to the side, more than enough to feed an army. The best part? I know he made it. Every single piece of this is his doing and he did it all for me.

  “You made all of this?”

  Cooper takes a seat next to me, his hand resting on the small of my back. “I couldn’t let you eat another man’s dessert.”

  I bite my lip to stifle the laugh that threatens to erupt from his comment. It might sound innocent enough but come on. There’s a double entendre there even if he doesn’t realize it. Subtlety has never been my strong suit. My hand grazes over his crotch. “Can I have a bite?”

  “I don’t think we’re that secluded over here.” His eyes dart around the park. “On the other hand, I do know a good lawyer.”

  Switching positions, I settle myself on his lap, my legs flanking his. “You better call him then,” I suggest as my lips cover his slow and soft.

  “Is that so?” His hands run up my thighs. Thank God I put pants on tonight or we might really be in trouble here.

  The sound of the band takes over the light music that had been streaming. An upbeat song begins to play, and I throw my head back laughing. Build Me Up Buttercup, or as Coop used to sing it – Fill Me Up Buttercup.

  “It’s an easy mistake,” he argues without me even saying anything.

  “You knew the name of the song, but you still sang it wrong,” I laugh. My teasing earns me an assault on my sides by his fingers. He begins to tickle me as I try to squirm out of his hold.

  Rather than letting me go, he holds me tighter until I’m settled in his lap, my back resting against his front. He holds a petite cheesecake up to my lips. Biting into the sweet, creamy dessert I moan. When I do, I feel Cooper shift beneath me. No matter how much we try, there are just some things that will never change. As much as I love this newfound relationship, that is finally actually that – a relationship, I’m so glad that some things will never chang

  This is us. This is what I love. Safe, family, familiar.



  With only two weeks left until opening, life has become extremely hectic. Glancing over at the man lying next to me not a damn bit of it matters. Right now, the only thing I am focused on his him and how surreal this moment feels. Years of wanting and wishing and it’s actually come true. I have everything I could have ever hoped for all in one sexy as hell package.

  As much as I want to stay here and relish in all of this, there is still a lot of work to do. Giving myself a few more minutes, I decide to just lie back and soak it all in. I absently run my fingers down his chiseled abs want to, but refraining from, allowing them to drift lower down.

  As if sensing my desires, his voice rumbles softly, “Feel free to touch whatever you want.”

  “Like I need your permission,” I tease. Brushing my lips against his chest, “I would love to touch, but I have so much to do today.”

  He watches me as I slide out of the bed, his hands resting behind his head.

  “Don’t you have someplace to be?” I ask.

  “Yep, but when you have a view like this, you have to take the time to enjoy it.”

  She tosses my shirt at me. “You can look at the view all you want after we open. Until then, we have work to do.”

  “You used to be more fun,” he whines as he pulls his shirt over his head.

  “Challenge accepted,” I say as I move in his direction, stepping between his legs. “I still am fun.” I drop to my knees.

  “Baby, I was just…” His voice falters as I cover him with my mouth. “Yep, still fun.”

  I release him with a pop and smile up at him before finishing what I started.


  “Here it is,” Edith says as she hands me the box.

  It’s a special delivery, a surprise for Cooper.

  “Awfully heavy for a pint of ice cream,” Edith says.


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