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Ofana Page 26

by Clay Moore

  Julie called Pam. Brian saw her leave her office and practically run through the connecting door. Julie next called April. There appeared to be a problem with April. He heard Julie tell her where they will be lunching. April was so very new to being a Special Agent. Somehow April did not get a Personal Assistant. She was using Julie. Julie got up, and She still picked up her purse.

  Pam and Julie chattered all the way to the Kitchen. They were about to enter the queue when April ran up to them. She tried to stop, but her leather soled shoes skated over the highly polished floor. She ended up running into Brian. He smiled at her. He loathed to let go of Z10, especially as his right hand was on her rump.

  “That was a highly pleasurable experience,” Brian said to April with a wink in his eye.

  She turned her eyes down and blushed a crimson.

  Brian ignored her Blush, and he put his right hand on her left shoulder. Brian had seen her before. He had memories of April from the golf course. Then, she had a long braid. He realized that the coil of hair she wore on her head was that braid she wore. With the right hand, he steered her into the steaks line. He called the other two ladies over. He ordered them Prime Hornbeast Rib.

  He felt like celebrating. A feeling that he thought was dead with Amelia’s Death had come to life. The old cliche was not good enough to describe it. The feeling now flooded him with life. His heart felt healed. Amelia would always occupy a place in his heart. It was repaired because of an accident, a sheepish smile, a deep red blush, and because of a randy joke. They obtained their prime rib platters. They sat at their table. Pam and Julie maneuvered it so that Brian would sit next to April.

  Brian could see the disingenuous way they maneuvered where he sat. His first glance at April changed his opinion about his Personal Assistant. His eyes could not help being drawn to the natural formation he chose to call April Canyon. As his gaze went passed the amount of time a gentleman might be allowed to stare at that natural formation, he felt his breathing change, and his forehead felt hot. Then he put two and two together. Brian reached into his left coat pocket and pulled out the purple panty. “Might you belong to these?”

  “Oh, goodness. I lost these somewhere.”

  “My office.”

  “My Stars, I’m sorry.”

  “Feel free to leave some of your intimate garments in my office, anytime.”

  Julie covered her mouth with her hand. She traded glances with Pam. April was oblivious to what was happening next to her, so engrossed in her steak she was. Brian looked once more at April Canyon. He knew how to pick her up, but that would not give him the permanence that he sought in a relationship. Brian wanted April, and Brian was going to approach her as a suitor. He completely misread her focus on the steak.

  April really was not all that oblivious. She noticed his stare at her cleavage. April could feel his masculinity within her as an obvious thing. She felt like a country bumpkin among the towering trees of society.

  April wanted Brian. She almost blurted that out. She decided to take the attack to him and see what happens. “They say you have a big hotdog.”

  She could see a shock fall on Pam and Julie. When she looked at Brian, she saw mirth. A smile cracked his face. He laughed. “You fight dirty. I like that. Have you been practicing your Hindjitsu?”

  “Yes, I am taking some advancement classes with Master Ron. He said I was the best in the class. He thinks I might become a master in half a year.”

  She stood up and did a pirouette. Brian watched her spin around. He realized that she no longer looked like a barbell. She had the kind of breast that he really liked. Her butt invited you to touch it, to grab it, to rub it.


  “I think you look great.”

  “Why, thank you, Mister Butler.”

  Julie traded elbows with Pam while Brian was so engrossed with April. They stopped and looked so much like willful children. Brian shook his head with a smile on his lips.

  He was being played but in the right way. “Are all three of you available this afternoon for some golf? My treat?”

  Brian watched the women. They were all looking for someone to lead the way. Finally, April took the lead.

  “I’m available. No mission brief from the Dagon Lady.”

  “Excellent,” said Brian.

  “That means for the rest of this work week, I can golf.”

  “Dan is on a mission, so I can also come a few days this week.”

  “My boss is on Bereavement leave for another two weeks. I can come,” said Julie with a little humorous lilt

  “Then it’s a date. I see that you all were hungry. I have to go to my apartment and change.”

  “My apartment is in your building. It’s a small one. Could I walk you there?” April asked.

  “Better still, I can show you my apartment, and you show me yours.” Brian winced at the joke. He tried to see if she liked the fun, but nothing registered on her face. He mentally shrugged. Perhaps she was not all that intelligent.

  April wanted to kill herself. The joke was funny, but all she did was let it go by without a laugh. She might be able to recover from this in his apartment.

  The lunch broke up. Brian and April walked out the main door., and They crossed Hampton Street and found the Apartment building. They found themselves on the second floor.

  “Well, this is my floor,” said Brian.

  “Mine, too. I’m in the smaller apartments.”

  “This one near the elevator is mine.”

  April had enough of the pussyfooting around, and She walked into his apartment. She decided to be herself.

  “What does a woman have to do to get some hugging and kissing out of you, Brian Butler.”

  “Ask for it as you did.” Brian put his arms around her. He kissed her.

  They never did make it to the golf course.

  Six days later he was in his office finalizing his report for the next day. Julie was diligently working his report over to make it read well. Brian knew one use for these after mission reports. They were used in training to teach what to do and what not to do. For some reason, he could not write the part of Amelia's death. He told Julie, verbally, what happened.

  Brian got a com call from April Weiner, agent Z10, and She asked him to come to her office. He stuck his head into Julie's office. Brian saw the box of tissues on her desk, and She must be working on the death of Amelia. He went back into his office, put on his gray jacket.

  There was the sound of crying and an excellent honking noise as Julie blew her nose again. He smiled and walked out of his office. Brian walked down the hall past 4 office groups, 2 Agent offices per group. He entered the office that a personal Assistant would typically inhabit. He knocked on the door, and April opened it. She had a concerned look on her face. She opened the door wide to let him in.

  "Brian, I don't know what to do. I've asked nicely, but no Personal Assistant."

  "That is unusual. Julie was ensconced it my office before I even took possession."

  "I came in and found the urgent light lit on my desk. I touched it, and it's the Dragon lady. She told me that she will explain things to us."

  "To us? Even she is not that clairvoyant.

  Brian could see that April was at her wit's end.

  "What did the message say?"

  "A lot of gibberish about us partnering up. How it made this easier for her to do. Maybe Julie could work for both of us. Could she be thinking of us forming more than a partnership."

  "Our relationship, such as it is, is just beginning. I am finding it fun."

  "I have to compete against the memory of the Ofana."

  Brian enfolded her in his arms. "Don't worry about that. I had the idea of being with her."

  "Have you grieved her out?"

  "I think so. You are more fun than a memory."

  "You bet a crown. Has Julie forgiven us for not golfing with her."

  "I think she thought we would end up entangled."

  April play
ed back the message: "You will debrief at eleven AM, Brian. April, you are to attend. Before the debrief, spend the night together. You will like it, April."

  "Normally, I tell a joke about knowing this great bistro called my Place."

  "Oh, that's very cute. Could we have that tonight?"

  "Yeah, I have everything to make an excellent dinner. How do you like your steak cooked?

  "Medium rare.."

  "A woman after my own heart."

  Brian looked at his watch. "I better go and prepare that meal. Come in formal wear, April. I have the best collection of dance music. We can listen to music, sip a port. Then we can dance a bit if you like."

  "I like it. What is this night club called?"

  Brian smiled. He grabbed a hand and drew her tight against him. He liked the feel of her against him. Here was a woman of Fire. He knew that she could break his hold whenever she wanted.

  "The name of this night club is called my apartment. I can offer you the best Hornbeast prime steak dinner in the 29 worlds. Then an evening of conversation, sampling liquors of the Worlds, dancing might break out at any minute. Then if the mood hits us a night of unbridled Passion."

  Brian felt her arms encircling him. Her hands rubbed his back, and then she grabbed his buttocks.

  "I'm there, baby. Dinner at six?"


  The Emir of Eridani walked to the Mausoleum of his family. The first thing he saw was the black knight standing his lonely vigil. The Emir beat back the tears and continued the solitary walk. He knew that his Bodyguard was all around, but unseen.

  These walks have become fewer over the days. Emir adjusted his umbrella to intercept the rain coming from a different quarter. He finally reached the rain coated Black Battlesuit holding the ancient sword before him.

  He reached out with his left hand to touch the Battlesuit. The tears flowed freely. It took Gregory a twenty-six-year-old man to show him the meaning of love. Would he, Emir Gregory John Igor Stegitz, be able to show the 29 worlds how much he loved someone to put on the armor and lead the cortege as Principal Mourner? Could he Maneuver the Battlesuit and ram the sword home? Then he understood at that moment what the ceremony meant to Brian.

  The Battlesuit represented his love. When he emerged from the Battlesuit and fell to the arms of the other Marines, he had been reborn. You son of a bitch, thought the Emir, touching the Battle Armor, you managed to stage a show of your passing to a new phase of your life.

  Then he saw a red dot on the Mausoleum. It came from a targeting laser. The laser then began to form letters as it scanned across the Mausoleum. It said: “Thank you, Ofana, for showing me the way.”

  The Emir looked around the cemetery. The rain highlighted the beam. The Bodyguard that was not supposed to be there converged on the location of the targeting laser.

  “There was no weapon found. There is no sign of the intruder.” His Chief Bodyguard on this shift sounded perturbed.

  “The person who was there is no intruder. Have the Guard stand down. Have Brian Butler’s name put on the list of authorized people that requires no appointment. Any time of day or night, he is allowed to visit the cemetery.”

  “Yes, sir, it will be done.”

  “Now, give me some space.”

  He turned to the statue when he saw the metal plate welded to the stand. This was something new added to this tableau for all eternity. It read: “Amor Aeterna.”

  Gregory had to claw through his schoolboy Latin. Then the meaning became clear. “Love Eternal.” Tears welled up in the Emir of Eridani’s eyes. Then he knew what he would do to honor and show his love for his daughter. He would set up a trust to build a series of Free Hospitals. The first one would be set up on Giesling, then on Eridani, and later on all worlds of the Alliance, eventually on all the 29 planets.

  Gregory smiled at that. Then he remembered his errand he had to perform here. The Emir walked to the door of the Mausoleum, and It opened at his presence. He walked to the crystal coffin that contained the physical remains of Ofana Amelia Grace Stegitz.

  The Emir reached into his jacket pocket, and He pulled out an old-fashioned envelope. The Emir set that on top of the crystal casket. Then he placed a cut rose with a water bulb attached to the cut end on the envelope. Then he walked out of Mausoleum.

  He thought about leaving the door ajar, but he trusted the next Visitor to be able to deal with the door. He snickered at that thought. Then he went home taking with him all of his bodyguard.

  A shadowy figure ran across the cemetery lawn, and The mysterious figure went straight for the Stegitz family mausoleum. He slipped a universal key into the door’s lock slot, and The door opened. The figure pushed the door open. The character entered the mausoleum, and He walked straight to the crystal coffin. A single light glowed down on the casket and illuminated the body of his love. This was going to be the last time, as he prepared himself to commit to another woman.

  Then he noticed the Purple rose on an envelope. He took the envelope down from the top of the casket. He looked at the immaculately written Name on the front. The Name was his, and He opened the envelope. There was a note card. On it in the same hand was the message.

  Brian Butler,

  Tomorrow at 8 AM Amelia’s will is going to be read. She left you a Bequest. Your attendance is requested, NOT required. The reading will occur in the Grand Conference room on the 23rd floor of the Eridani Secret Service building.

  Thank you for all you have done,


  Emir Gregory John Igor Stegitz.

  Brian returned the card to the envelope. He stuck it in an inner jacket pocket. He took the flower and attached it to his lapel.

  Purple, he thought, her favorite. I will go to the reading. I will hear her words.

  Brian returned to his Apartment, where he was going to meet April in something other than a business matter. He had grilled the steaks using Eridani Spices only. Brian had a pill box already prepared with the lipitrate pills, and The meal was under some silver covers. He had a Bottle of Semolinq from Lovat chilling in the Ice bucket.. and He was in his tuxedo pants with cummerbund. He had his crisply pressed Formal shirt with the button covers on over an ultra-white Undershirt. His cummerbund held a holster, and it was not empty.

  The Tuxedo was hanging from the back of his chair. He had to change the orientation of his dining table. Most of his women friends never asked why he placed them with their backs to the door. The woman that was due to arrive in seven minutes would not want to sit with her back to the door. Brian altered the position of the dining table to accommodate both of them.

  “April Weiner, arriving.” The expert system called My Housekeeper controlled almost everything in the Apartment, Brian had the Housekeeper play a selection of light jazz on low.

  Then he put on his Jacket. He carefully adjusted his sleeves only to show a sliver of his cuff. He assured himself that the purple rose was correctly mounted on his lapel. Then he stepped to the door but decided to step back and give her room.

  April wanted this dinner date at his club. That was a wonderful joke, she thought. But they had so much to do. There was his mysterious trip to the Quartermaster, and She would not miss that for the world. That meant she had to bring a grey suit, her toiletries, her makeup, and her brush. She didn’t know if he had anything for women in his home.

  She walked into his home and found a severe interior design. Black and white were the colors. She wondered if he knew what it said of him. The furniture was black without exception they were big and stuffed with padding. They were comfortable to sleep on. He had a basic trid, but his music apparatus was top of the line. She could barely hear the light jazz music playing.

  “You needn’t have brought your overnight bag.”

  “You have to go to the Quartermaster tomorrow. I wanted to come with you if you don’t mind.”

  “I always enjoy the company of a lovely woman.”

  In her mind, she had him. She knew why women were so
enamored of him beside the obvious joke about his tool’s size. He really liked women. It came out of his manner.

  “I have an excellent selection of women’s toiletries. And I asked Julie what your sizes were. Come, let me have that bag.”

  Brian came to take her bag. She almost balked. She was a little scared. The man in front of her was a proven killer. Then she remembered that she was a proven killer, too. She handed him her bag.

  Without the bag, Brian could see the dress. It was a light tan sheath that showed off her curves. She was in proportion to herself. He set her bag down.

  “I did not get a chance to give you a welcome kiss.”

  He bent down slightly and gave her a kiss. When he broke the kiss, he was overcome with desire. He re-kissed her with passion, caring, and perhaps a dash of love.

  April felt the wash of emotions flowing from Brian and matched it. She flung her arms around him and gave him a fierce squeeze. Then she did something that she would never have done before April became a Special Agent, She reached down and grabbed his tool through his pants. To the kiss, he furtively added his tongue. She met it with her own as well.

  Brian felt desire swell to an almost dangerous level, and He broke the kiss, smiling. She was smiling. He picked up her bag. She hid a girlish giggle behind a hand as she saw what her touching had done to him. Large was too small a word.

  “Let me put your bag into the bedroom.”

  She followed him.

  She had seen pictures of the bedroom. What she did not see in those pictures was a vanity complete with makeup, brushes, and perfume. She sauntered over to the vanity. The selection was comprehensive if you liked high-end scents or an extensive variety of colors in makeup. She saw a lipstick with the name of Explosion Red. She took a tissue and removed as much of her lipstick she was wearing.

  She opened the lipstick tube. The red was indeed, explosive, and She extended the lipstick and applied it to her lips. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her black hair framed her face. Her blue eyes peered back at her, but the lips said something. They said kiss me, fool. Then she noticed Brian was observing her. Then she realized that she was bending over the vanity table. She was showing the shape of the butt and her cleavage as well.


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