Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1)

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Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1) Page 14

by Adriana Brinne

  That's a good thing. I may not care for anything in this fucked up world, but I do care about my brother.

  Do I love him? I don’t know, but I don’t like it when he hurts and I would destroy anyone or anything that threatens him.

  Valentino is the one thing that keeps me from going over the edge. From losing control and self-destructing. That's what I do and have always done. I ruin anything that brings me joy in life before they cause me pain or ruin me.

  How fucked up is that?

  How fucked up is it that I keep my brother at a distance because one day soon I will have no choice but to hurt him. I don’t have another choice but to slowly but painfully distance myself from the other half of me.

  Valentino and I have always been different, except for the twin thing of course. When we were children, Valentino loved books and all the other things ‘normal’ kids enjoyed.

  Not me.

  I liked seeing papa make grown men cry. I enjoyed how it felt to hold my very first gun, the thrilling feeling of power that ran through my body and made me feel untouchable.

  And pain?

  I welcome it, like an old friend. Pain makes me feel alive. Pain makes me feel. Period.

  I may not be a sociopath like this crazy bitch tries to convince me I am, but I'm not normal and I've never been. I will never be normal or try to fit in with everyone else and I will never play by anyone else's rules.

  Rules are meant to be broken and I do love breaking shit.

  Especially pretty dolls with fiery red hair.

  Just like every time a thought about her appears, I stop that shit real quick.

  Can’t go there.

  Not now.

  That pussy is jailbait and I like my bitches more experience and not little virginal pageant girls.

  I stare at Doctor Whelsh sitting in the chair opposite of me, quietly jotting notes in her journal. I’ve been coming to this office since I was fourteen years old and there hasn’t been a breakthrough. The naive bitch won’t give up on me.

  There won’t be a breakthrough because there’s nothing wrong with me. Ok that’s bull, there is lots of shit going on in my head that would most likely get me committed.

  Fucking Cassius.

  Fuck him for putting me through all this unnecessary shit.

  And now there’s Andrea. Although we didn’t learn of her until recently, I feel protective of her.

  I touch my neck where her tattoo rests.

  She has her eyes.

  The same eyes that have haunted me ever since I can remember.

  How can I care for someone I have never met? I’ve known Cassius all of my life and I don’t particularly care for him. I don’t wish him ill, but I just don’t care.

  But her…my heart hurts every time I look at her face.

  I shake my head and stop the sad thoughts before they consume me. Sometimes I just want to drown in them.

  Not today.

  I need to be here for Valentino.

  For her.

  Why did grandfather bring her back after all these years?

  He knew she existed, so why now? I don't think for one second that he wants to get the time he lost with her back. The bastard has always known she existed so again…why now?

  What’s changed?

  I want that crown and I want that title, but am I willing to pay the ultimate price?

  I know Valentino wants to be the chosen one. He craves chaos, just like I do.

  My brother…my fucking brother.

  We both knew this day would come. The day where our loyalties will be tested but I never thought it'd hurt this much.

  For me to be king, I'll have to sacrifice him.




  “Well, you can tell Jesus, that the bitch is back.” - Georgina Sparks


  (6:35 PM) Fallon: Happiest of birthdays queen! Cannot wait to squeeze you!!!!!! Xx

  (6:35 PM) Fallon: PS You’re free from this hell hole.

  (6:36 PM) Fallon: PSS Take me with you :(

  Fallon’s texts are bittersweet. Yes, I’m so glad I am finally free to go home but the thought of leaving her behind for a couple of months makes my heart ache.

  That’s what happens when you form bonds with people you’ll eventually leave.

  I type a quick message back to her and keep scrolling through my phone.

  After a long ass day with Lucan, I came back home to take a shower and prepare for the birthday bash Benedetto is throwing me.

  I took a break to gather my thoughts since my head has been a dumpster of emotions and revelations lately. To take my mind off everything, I decided to check my messages. I have been avoiding my phone and social media all day since I’m in no mood to answer fake congratulatory messages from strangers and ex-friends and honestly, I’m in no mood to celebrate.

  What’s there to celebrate anyway?

  The first birthday without the woman that gave me life. The first birthday without hearing her god-awful voice singing me happy birthday or making me my “magical” birthday cupcakes. Mom used to go all out for my birthday. She used to say it was the most important day of the year for her.

  Fuck, this is so depressing.

  I notice I have a missed call from Emilio and a few messages on my social media pages. Most from people I don’t know. I’ve been meaning to return his calls, but I keep forgetting to. He’ll bite my ear off once he gets a hold of me.

  The ruckus downstairs is giving me a headache. When I entered the house once Lucan dropped me off, I was greeted by some of the maids and bodyguards wishing me a happy birthday.

  That was the moment I found out Benedetto planned an over-the-top birthday party for me and invited every member of the three families, students from Holy Trinity, and some business associates of his.

  The last thing I want to do today is celebrate and pretend that I’m happy. I’m sick and tired of pretending that it doesn’t hurt, that I’m not dying a little bit inside knowing that I’ll end up like her soon.

  I was headed upstairs with the bags of clothes Lucan got me. My birthday presents, he said.

  It was kind of sweet, but I can’t let myself be fooled by him.

  There’s nothing sweet about him.

  I do appreciate the distraction. The entire day made me forget that we stanmon opposite sides and want different things. He clearly wants to be the head of the three families and I just want to be free.

  Free in New York, doing what I love.

  Ok, yes, I like him, but it annoys me to no end.

  Having feelings for him makes me vulnerable and he will find a way to take advantage of that. But today felt different. It felt like the start of something new, good, or bad, I do not know but still it felt like something.

  I felt it in the way he acted towards me today. His touch felt like a lover’s caress and not one of an enemy. He has feelings for me, but I am not naive. He might want me, but he wants to be capo more.

  And I know he will do anything to achieve his goal.

  There is no future for us.

  Knock knock.

  “It’s open!” I scream to the person on the other side of my door.

  Roberta appears with a frown on her face.

  As usual.

  “You’re late for your own party.”, her icy tone doesn’t match the twinkle in her eyes.

  “Oh, come on Berta. You won’t even wish me a happy birthday? You wound me.” I feign hurt and touch my chest in a soothing manner. I must be drunk already with all those shots I took crying on the bathroom floor before I got dressed for the party. Because I see her lips twitching almost forming a smile but of course she won’t allow herself to do so.

  “Happy Birthday, Miss Nicolasi.” She hands me a tiny box with a big red bow. “This was left outside your door”, she puts it down on the bed and shuts the door behind her when she leaves.

  I look for a card to see who sent it but there isn't one. I’m abou
t to open it when there’s another knock on my door.

  “Move it, Ms. Nicolasi! The guests are waiting for you!”

  “I’m going, I’m going! I get up from my bed, drop the box on the nightstand and walk to the mirror to add the finishing touches on my makeup.

  My high ponytail sits perfectly on top of my head. I chose the red dress that Lucan bought me today and added some matching red stilettos.

  I feel my neck for my mom's necklace and there’s nothing there.


  I forgot to ask Lucan for it back. How could I forget to demand that he give it back? Ugh, I’ll do it tonight.

  I forget about the necklace and add my signature blood-red lipstick and once I’m done, I head out the door.

  When I reach the stairs, I’m awestruck at how beautiful the mansion looks tonight and how many people came out to celebrate.

  The entire place is filled with vanilla scented candles, balloons on every corner and pink decorations.

  Again, with the fucking pink.

  Damn, the Nicolasi Don went all out for my birthday. I’m sure he did it for appearances, but whatever.

  Benedetto notices me at the top of the stairs first, he signals the band and lame ass birthday music begins to play while I walk down the stairs.

  I feel like I did on my quinceañero. The Puerto Rican and more extravagant version of a Sweet Sixteen.

  I feel everyone’s eyes on me. Some look at me with awe, some with curiosity, and others with animosity.

  The music stops and grandfather approaches me. “Happy Birthday, mia cara.” he kisses both of my cheeks. “I hope this is the first of many birthdays we spend together, my dear.” he releases my hand and looks around the room.

  This feels like when Judas kissed Jesus before selling him out to Pontius Pilate to be crucified. Wait, is that how the story goes?

  Shit, I really should go to church more often. I’ll probably catch fire once I step a foot in God’s home.

  “Thank you, grandpa.” I offer him a fake smile and I kiss his left cheek. “You didn’t have to do all this.” Someone, please give me the award for best actress.

  “Nonsense, of course, I did.”, he takes my hand and guides me to the middle of the room. “Today we celebrate you bambina, enjoy it.”

  With one last hug, he leaves me standing in the middle of the room while everyone continues talking amongst themselves.

  I turn around and find Lucan in a sea of people.

  Oh, I will.


  God or Lucifer, whoever the hell created this girl, really worked overtime on her.

  Fuck me but she is one hot piece of ass.

  From the moment she walked down the stairs, all I could see was her. Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused solely on her.

  She looks smoking in that short-as-fuck red dress and that devious smirk painted red.

  Yup, the devil definitely had a hand in creating this chick.

  A few hours with Andrea have me wanting to say fuck you to my task and keep her for myself.

  When I left her for a few moments alone in my house, I took the opportunity to ask Giana to keep Arianna away from Andrea this evening. I need more time before everything explodes in my face.

  I'm still staring at her ass when the little vixen catches me staring and a seductive and devious grin forms on her gorgeous face.

  Fuck me, this girl has me all fucked in the head.

  She’s playing with me.

  The little devil needs to know that I’m not the one to fuck with unless I am doing the fucking myself.

  Hard and dirty fucks are my favorite kind, and I don’t appreciate being teased.

  Ah shit, now I’m hard just thinking about Andrea and a rough fuck.

  She is a walking and talking contradiction and tonight she looks like Lucifer’s wife herself. I can’t fucking wait to make this principessa beg and scream.

  Just for me.

  I'm about to approach her when a pink-haired chick enthusiastically hugs Andrea and snatches her away.

  What a cockblock.

  Now, I just have to find a way to get her alone.




  “I don’t think Jesus would approve of that.” – Blair Waldorf


  “Happy birthday bitch!” Fallon wraps her arms around me and almost squeezes the life out of me.

  “OMG!” I stare at her hair; it is baby pink now. “You dyed your hair!!” I didn’t notice her before; the alcohol must be clouding my mind.

  She shakes her head from side to side and smirks. “I needed a change. Do you like it?” She runs her fingers through the luscious baby-pink strands.

  “Hell yes, I do! You look like a sexy nymph.” She really does. Tonight, there's nothing nerdy about Fallon’s appearance. She has a black low-cut dress making her impressive rack look hot as hell and she added some black lipstick.

  She looks like a woman on a mission.

  A mission to make a guy regret ever letting her go.

  That's my girl.

  She hasn't told me the story with Valentino, but I'll be here when she decides to open up.

  Fallon takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the room where a couple of the guests are dancing. The proper thing to do is to mingle with the guests and thank them for coming but I honestly don’t give a fuck about appearances.

  Not tonight.

  “You should know everyone from Holy T is here,” she shouts over the loud music. “Even the botched blondes.”, she rolls her eyes and reaches for two cups of punch. Fallon is awfully chatty and happy tonight.

  I bring one cup to my nose and like I suspected, there's alcohol in it and my girl is hammered.

  This will be an interesting night.

  The night is flying by so fast and I haven’t seen Lucan all night. Either he's with one of the guys or some girl has latched on to him.

  I love Fallon and I’m thankful she’s here, but I need a break. I need to be alone for a couple of minutes. So, I left her with Lucan’s sisters and excused myself.

  I leave the party and head to the pool house. It's peaceful here and I need some time to myself. It’s easy to forget when there are people around you but when you're alone...yeah loneliness is an ugly bitch and it won’t let me forget that even in a crowded room, I’m still so alone.

  “Looking for me, principessa?”, my own personal and sexy as hell nightmare whispers in my ear.

  “Cocky much, Volpe?”, his raspy laugh causes goosebumps to breakout all over my skin. Nothing has ever sounded so hot before.

  “Oh, baby girl, wouldn't you like to know?” So damn arrogant, this one. I must admit that his confidence works for him. I won’t let him know he affects me. I rather stick my eye out.

  “I’m not one of your many conquests, Lucan. Don't treat me as one.” I stare as his eyes and a weird look crossed over his face, but I don’t have to go decipher it.

  In one swift movement, he grabs my neck from behind and turns my face so he can have easy access to my mouth. His hold on my neck is too much and I’m hot all over.

  “Listen to me and listen carefully because I’m not one to repeat myself, princess.”, his hold on my neck loosens and I can breathe again. “I decided I'm keeping you, and there's no one in this fucked up world that will keep me from you. I’m too far-gone baby, there's no saving me.”, he whispers before sucking my bottom lip and gently nibbling on it.

  Who knew pain could feel so good?

  Sweet torture.

  “Come on, I’m hungry.”, he grabs my hand and pulls me with him.


  “There is cake inside if you want,” I tell him lamely.

  I’m dripping wet and he’s hungry, seriously?

  I don’t even know why I’m considering jumping his fun pole but I am. I’m blaming it on the alcohol. Yes, that’s the only reason I would ever jump in bed with this infuriating jerk.

Ok, I’m not wasted, I know what I’m doing. I can’t really blame it on the alcohol.

  “I’m hungry but not for food.” He grabs my hand, leads us inside the pool house and once we’re in, he locks the door and faces me with a look of pure unadulterated hunger on his face. “I'm dying for a taste of you, principessa.”

  He kisses me once more, but this time sweet and slow before lifting me up and carrying me to the bed.

  I’ve had sex before but somehow Lucan is making me feel like I did on my first time.

  I can just imagine all the dirty things he wants to do to my body. Hell, I get wet just thinking about all the dirty things I want to do to his body.

  He slowly starts to unzip his pants and takes his sweet time doing it.

  He's torturing me when all I want to do is see all of him. Every single glorious part of him.

  I can't control the moan that escapes me when his thick and long length is set free.

  I’m still staring at his hard cock, when he grabs me by the neck and pulls me towards him. I can feel his dick on my stomach, and I swear I could come just from the feel of him on my skin.

  “Do you like what you're seeing, principessa?”, he’s biting his lip and trying to hide his smile.

  “I want your cock in my mouth.” I bite my lip while I look into his eyes.

  The groan that leaves his mouth makes me rub my legs together to relieve the ache.

  He’s so annoyingly hot.

  Lucan not so gently pushes me back down onto the bed. “You can choke on it another time baby. Right now, I want your juices all over my face.”, he grabs me by the knees and maneuvers me until I’m on top of him. “Fucking ride my face.”

  I feel his hot breath near my center before he parts my pussy lips with his tongue.

  “Ahh, that feels so good baby. Don't stop.” The things this man can do with his tongue should be illegal. He starts to slowly swipe his tongue up and down and I’m about to lose it.


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