Holiday Crown

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Holiday Crown Page 12

by Nikki Jefford

  When Crispin sauntered in, tall and confident, my heart had leaped at the possibility of a new friend, especially one so beautiful. He had a long, elegant face and proud way of carrying himself. Even as a boy, he’d worn his hair in a long ponytail tied back with a silk ribbon.

  “Hi, I’m Lark,” I’d said. “Who are you?”

  “Crispin Maglen, Earl of Ashcraw.”

  I swear I was a goner the moment I heard his voice. There was something magnificent and breathtaking about his arrogance.

  “Do you want to play ball with me, Crispin?” I’d asked eagerly.

  He’d sneered at me. “Do you really think I’d be caught dead playing with the likes of you?”

  “The likes of me?” I’d repeated, feeling as though I’d just been pushed.

  “A halfling. The son of a liar. The offshoot of an elf. Shall I go on, halfling?” He’d smiled cruelly, looking more delighted with each ugly insult he flung at me.

  There were so many words I would have liked to have said if I could go back in time. Instead, I’d looked at him with a trembling chin, tears spilling from my eyes. There was no blinking them away. I swear they splashed out, adding to my humiliation. I expected Crispin to either apologize or laugh. (Laugh, most likely.) But he sneered again, drawing back as though I’d developed a case of the pox that he didn’t want to catch.

  “Boo-hoo. I made the halfling cry.” His upper lip curled. “Pathetic.”

  His voice hadn’t sounded attractive. As he spun on his heel and strode away, I’d vowed then and there that one day I would make Crispin pay for his cruelty.

  A promise was a promise. What better place to seduce his intended than in the courtyard where he’d stomped on my heart?

  Dropping my gaze to Pervinca’s lips, I took a step forward.

  “Have you ever kissed a male with fire magic?” I asked. I called my powers to me, controlling flames that danced over my chest.

  Pervinca took a wide step backward. “You’ll burn me,” she hissed.

  Her sour expression nearly extinguished my fire. I didn’t want to show her this part of me. It felt too personal. But I was determined to at least get a kiss. Had Crispin kissed those pert lips of hers? No. I couldn’t think about that.

  I concentrated on sending the flames licking up my neck. I opened my mouth and drew it all back in, then smiled. “I promise not to burn you.”

  Pervinca huffed. “You make a lot of promises.”

  “I promise it will be a kiss unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.”

  Another huff.

  “Do you really want to miss out on the best kiss of your life?” I chided.

  “Sky, you’re relentless.”

  “Afraid you’ll like it?” I challenged.

  She opened her mouth to speak, probably wanting to tell me it was doubtful or that she had no interest. The lies refused to emerge, offering me great amusement. Pervinca closed her mouth and pressed her lips together. She glared at me.

  I relaxed my shoulders. “Do not worry, Pervinca. I will escort you back to the ballroom. A perfect gentleman, as promised.” I placed one hand on my crown to keep it from falling when I bowed. Then I straightened and offered her my most dashing smile as I held out my arm.

  I wouldn’t press her. Pervinca might take several moves to conquer, like a game piece on Aunt Aerith and Uncle Jhaeros’s campaigne board. Tonight wasn’t a failure. Tonight, I’d moved her one spot closer to her downfall.

  Pervinca didn’t mask her disappointment. Good. Let her imagination run wild with thoughts of me and what I might have done if she’d allowed me. It would make the pursuit more entertaining.

  She was reaching for my arm when I caught sight of Crispin entering the courtyard from the east entrance.

  Acting on impulse, I pulled Pervinca to me, crushing my lips to hers. Heat rushed to my mouth on command, searing our lips in an electrical current. It sizzled from my tongue and hummed from my throat to hers.

  Dick move? Maybe. But she’s the one who’d once called my mother an elf whore. Insulting my mom was a big mistake. Tremendous. If Pervinca were a male, I’d be decking her rather than sullying my mouth on hers.

  Pervinca moaned. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. She didn’t see Crispin storming up behind her.

  “What in the seven hells is this?” he demanded.

  Being the pompous aristocrat, he didn’t yell, but I could see him seething from the shake of his arms.

  “I would think it’s quite obvious,” I said.

  The Earl of Arrogance usually fought with words. I did not expect him to tackle me.


  Never cross a Fae prince, and for Sky’s sake, don’t fall in love with one determined to ruin you.

  Continue reading THE GOLDEN PRINCE.

  Author’s Note

  Lovely readers, winter can be a time of loneliness and holiday blues. With that in mind, I wanted to bring you some holiday cheer. You are a treasured part of this adventure, and I love sharing this escape with you.

  This series may not be family friendly, but it’s full of family love. With that in mind, I would like to express my love for my mortal family—in-laws, out-laws, half siblings, and all. Your loving support is more precious than all the jewels in Faerie. To my husband, Seb, this entire saga would only exist inside my imagination if not for you. To my mom and Gary, your love and generosity blows my mind.

  This past summer, I lost my father, Karl. It came out of the blue; a shock for everyone. At the time, I was writing Moon Cursed (Wolf Hollow Shifters, book four). The news was devastating. Completing that book was a struggle when I felt emotionally depleted. I took time out to grieve. I reconnected with family. I did extra meditations, long walks, listened to music, and danced around the house belting out song lyrics (including Christmas tunes). Inspired by my dad’s upbeat nature, I made a commitment to honor his memory by reclaiming my sense of humor and fun.

  After turning in Moon Cursed to my developmental editor, I asked myself, “What’s next?” The end of the novel was set up in a way that leads naturally to book five. But I was in the mood for more laugh-out-loud outlandish fun. Back when I was completing Three Kings, I made notes for a possible Royal Conquest Christmas novella. Chances felt fifty-fifty as to whether I would take time out to write it. At the beginning of September, I decided I’d give myself one day to determine whether I should continue. Oh, holly berries! Laughter erupted from my lips as my fingers clacked over the keyboard. My face ached from grinning. I knew before lunchtime that there was no turning back.

  Thank you to Team Queen. My editors: Kelly Hashway (I love how much you love Ryo and look out for him); Hollie Westring (you’re always full of good cheer, no matter what time of year); and Roxanne Willis (meeting you in person this past September was an absolute highlight moment of my year). To my reading queens and kings, you all are my unicorns and rainbows spreading magic and light. An extra special thank you to the following readers, who brainstormed baby names with me (boys and girls to keep it a surprise—heh, heh): Irina Wolpers, Kelly Stepp, Leah Ann Storm, Hanife Ormerod, Tiffany Loyd, Kristen Smith, Pam Foster . . . and to the ladies who came up with “Melody”—a pink, sparkly “thank you” to Sandra Richardson and Crystal R. Stacey! I know that makes for two Mels, but the moment I saw the name, it felt perfect for the newest addition to the Elmray family and festive for a holiday baby.

  And now, dear reader, this is where I might have wished you a happy holiday, but holidays aren’t always happy, and I’m trying to avoid clichés. Instead, allow me to send warm wishes your way and invite you to find the humor, the silly, the little something special that sneaks into your day, and to have a laugh wherever you can find one.

  Since I’m clearly having trouble letting go of these characters, I will see you in the Royal Conquest Heirs follow-up novellas, starting with The Golden Prince (Lark), then The Dark Pretender (Alok).

  For more interactions, updates, and fantastical musings, I invite you to
join my reading group on Facebook at The Fantasy Fix with Nikki Jefford. Let’s have fun!

  Nikki Jefford

  September 2019

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  See you on the other side!



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  Facebook Reading Group – The Fantasy Fix with Nikki Jefford:






  Slaying, Magic Making, Running Wild, AND RULING THE WORLD!

  Discover your next fantasy fix with these riveting paranormal romance titles by Nikki Jefford:


  Night Stalker

  Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter

  Northern Bites


  Evil Red

  Bad Blood

  Hunting Season

  Night of the Living Dante


  True North





  Holiday Magic


  Wolf Hollow

  Mating Games

  Born Wild

  Moon Cursed

  Animal Attraction

  Bear Claimed

  Forever Free


  Stolen Princess

  False Queen

  Three Kings

  Holiday Crown

  The Golden Prince

  The Dark Pretender

  The Ice Twins

  The Forever Princess


  Nikki Jefford is a third-generation Alaskan now living in North Carolina with her French husband and their Westie, Cosmo. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys nature, hiking, and motorcycling. Nikki is the author of the Royal Conquest Saga, Wolf Hollow Shifters series, Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter series, and Spellbound Trilogy.

  To find out more about her books and new releases, please visit her website:




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