The Pirate Prince

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The Pirate Prince Page 7

by Michelle M. Pillow

  “But, that woman is no chef. I’d bet my life on it. I could smell her lie when she said it, same as when she said she knew Vik and Lucien.” Jarek sighed. “She’s nobility, or at least has some sort of elected power. That man she was with was probably a brother or husband.”

  “You’re certain?”

  “Oh yeah. She has that attitude about her. Servants don’t demand, don’t look at people the way she does. That kind of thing is bred into a person. She’s too regal in her movements.”

  “I agree. But then why did she come after us?”

  “Perhaps it was to save the two women.” Jarek swallowed. Or to escape her duty and position.

  He knew all about escaping his princely title. It’s why he’d cultivated his easy demeanor so that no one could tell what he was unless he wanted them to.

  “Unfortunately, I can’t get a good enough read on her to recommend showing her the map. I might be able to sense her lie if she tried to mislead us, but I can’t be certain of it.”

  Jarek took a deep breath. “What do you recommend?”

  “Time. She’s different when you’re in the room. You know I hate revealing what I read, but...”

  “Rick’s life is on the line. Time is something we don’t really have.” Jarek placed his hand on Evan’s arm.

  “I know.”

  “What did you sense?” Jarek wanted to shake the man, desperate to hear what he had learned about the woman.

  “She’s not immune to your charms. You confuse her, but you also interest her. She didn’t have that reaction to me, or to Dev. It was unique when you walked into the room. I think she likes you. A lot.”

  Jarek grinned. How could he not? Evan’s words boosted his male vanity greatly.

  “I don’t say this because I want you to take advantage of her,” Evan put forth sternly, pointing at Jarek in warning, “but out of necessity. Out of any of us, she might come to trust you the soonest. I will continue to study her. With time, I will learn more. But if she were to develop an attachment to the crew, to...” Evan gave him a meaningful look.

  “To me,” Jarek finished. Evan was telling him to seduce her, to make her love him. His gut tightened. “I hate lying to her like that. I’m not so cold that I’d pretend to love when it’s not there.”

  “I know, I hate it too.” Evan’s smile was sad. “There is a fine line between lust and love, but if you’re careful maybe you can walk it.”

  Jarek knew Evan never used his gift to harm others. He often went out of his way not to reveal what he knew, unless it was to judge someone’s intent against the crew. He could see by the look on his friend’s face that it was hurting him to even suggest this course of action. Though, if Evan said it, he truly believed it was the only course for them to take. It wasn’t as if Rick had left them with too many options.

  “I just wish we knew if he was alive or not,” Jarek sighed.

  “If anyone can charm a kidnapper, it’s Rick.”

  “This is our only option, isn’t it?” Jarek glanced back down the corridor to where Mei was in the dining hall. It’s not as if it would be hard to force himself to bed her. In fact, his body was more than willing to jump into it. He closed his eyes briefly, picturing her. She had her long, gorgeous hair down, but she still wore the gown she’d arrived in. The silky locks made him want to run his fingers through them, just as her smooth skin beckoned his hands. There were many things he’d like to do to her. He reined his imagination in.

  “I’m afraid so,” Evan agreed, frowning. “You have any ideas on how you’re going to do it?”

  “Seduction is the last thing I need help with.” Jarek stretched his arms over his head. Part of him liked the idea of seducing Mei. The other part of him still liked the idea but was sorry that it would come about with such deceit. He hated the plan of purposefully breaking a woman’s heart for that was surely what would happen if Mei fell in love with him. Usually, he was honest about that fact from the beginning. With her, he couldn’t risk it. The more she cared about the fate of his crew, of him, the more willing she’d be to help them. It was this or risk losing their friend forever.

  “Rick would sacrifice for us,” Evan said.

  Jarek knew the man was picking up on his emotions. He nodded once in agreement and understanding.

  “People do mend from a broken heart,” Evan whispered. “Trust me. In time, she will heal.”

  “Not all people.” Jarek took a deep breath. “But there is no cure for death if we don’t find Rick. I’ll do it. I’ll seduce her tonight. It’ll be the fastest love story in history.”


  Mei frowned across the table at Jarek. He ate her food with relish, as did everyone else—Dev, Evan, Lochlann, and Jackson. Why in the world was the pirate captain enjoying the meal if it was so horrible? He looked at her, grinning impishly at her as he chewed.

  Her heart leaped around in her chest, and her stomach fluttered as if the wings of the qizajian beat inside her. The winged creatures were often seen in the gardens of the Zhang palace. Their bodies were small compared to their large black wings. What made them sacred was the fact that their wings formed the shape of the Old Earth character ‘7’. Seven was an unlucky number. It meant death. Her people believed to kill them was to bring death and so they were allowed free reign over the palace. But, just like everything, the qizajian were necessary to the life of the garden. Life and death, two necessary opposites. Without one, there could be no other.

  She couldn’t help but recognize the comparison of the qizajian and the feelings inside her. If she killed her feelings for Captain Jarek, did she risk hurting part of herself?

  Don’t be foolish and sentimental. Of course, I should deny feeling anything for him. What about Lok? What about great-grandmother’s prediction? I am meant to marry Lok. To even mess with Captain Jarek is to mess with fate.

  However, a tiny voice whispered as if brought up from the heating of her lower stomach, you are not betrothed to him yet. You are free to enjoy the attentions of other men. Lok has not proposed. Only fate has been laid out. Perhaps taking the pirate as a lover is fate’s way of apologizing for the necessity of taking Prince Lok. Perhaps he is fate’s gift.

  Wasn’t that why she flew through the air to fight the pirates? She wanted a last adventure before marriage. There was no doubt in her mind that she was meant to marry Lok. However, no moment of intimacy had passed between them. And, if fate had her marrying the Song prince, surely that meant that she would arrive safely back on her planet. As soon as she arrived there, would she be engaged to him? Would something happen in her absence to make their marriage a necessity? Could Lok be proposing marriage to her father even now, providing she was returned unharmed? Would that proposal be out of a sense of guilt because she was kidnaped going after their pu ren? Prince Lok hadn’t seemed interested in her, but what if she’d misread him? What if she’d wanted it not to happen so badly that she’d ignored all the signs of his attraction?

  Was Jarek her last chance at tasting freedom?

  Would her mind ever stop with all the questions?

  Mei shivered at her new course of thought, unsure if she was just making excuses to justify her attraction to the man. Nothing more could ever come between them, but he was a man and seducing him would be very easy. If the looks he gave her weren’t any indication, the stiff erection he’d gotten earlier in her presence was. He wanted her, maybe as badly as she wanted him. Chewing thoughtfully, she clamped her legs together. Jarek’s gaze jerked to hers, suddenly serious. His nostrils flared slightly as if he could smell her sudden burst of longing. One of the men said something, drawing his attention back, but she couldn’t understand them through the blood rushing in her head. Mei took a hurried bite, doing her best to hide her reaction.

  Those thoughts led to more, and she again forgot to eat as she stared at Jarek’s mouth. It moved slowly, taking small bites of the meal. What kind of lover would he be? Bold and wild like a pirate’s ways? She squirmed in her seat.
His mouth stopped, and his nostrils flared once more as desire ran rampant inside her. It was as if her body had just been waiting for permission to want him and, now that it had, it was going to take full advantage, making sure she didn’t change her mind.

  “Out,” Jarek barked. The men turned to him in mid-conversation in stunned surprise. Mei didn’t even hear their response, only their grumbling protests. They looked at Jarek, not moving. “I said out. Leave us. Now.”

  The men instantly stood, taking their plates with them as they left the dining hall. The low murmur of their voices followed them, growing quieter the further away they got.

  Jarek breathed heavily. Mei felt the animalistic power in him, the dòngwù, the beast waiting to get out. His untamed ways excited her. Slowly, he stood. Her eyes traveled down his tight, thick body to the prominent erection bulging against his pants. He crossed over to the dining hall door and ran his hand over the sensor, shutting it. The clank of metal against metal seemed soft compared to the heartbeat echoing in her head.

  He stood several steps away. Mei rose to her feet, swallowing as she tried to keep herself from leaping on him. It was a strange feeling. The more she desired him, the more heated she became, the more he seemed to emit some sort of powerful pheromone she couldn’t resist. The smell of food disappeared, replaced by the heady scent of man.

  No one will ever know my secret. This pirate will be my secret.

  Mei took a deep breath. Every nerve she had focused on him. Her eyes traveled his frame. He was so big in size compared to the lovers she’d had. The thought thrilled her. She had wanted an adventure, and here he was.

  Part of her felt bad for using him in such a way, but surely he wouldn’t get too attached. He was a pirate after all. They were used to taking what they wanted. Selfish motivation would drive him to her bed, and when the time came, it would take him out of it. There was no risk in this for either of them. And, if he did come to enjoy her company just enough, perhaps he’d take her home in exchange for a clean getaway. The plan had merit. Mei gave a slow grin, feeling very wicked and naughty. The plan included her getting the very handsome Captain Jarek into her bed.

  She glanced around the room. Bowls of food were still on the table, what was left of her cooking. Or would that be, getting the very handsome Captain Jarek into her ‘dining hall’?

  “Tell me, captain,” Mei said, giving him a seductively modest look from beneath her lashes as she lifted her hand to the thick belt at her waist. With a single pull, she untied it. The embroidered silk slithered to the floor, landing at her feet. The gown she wore loosened from her waist, but still covered her fully. “Is it true what they say about space pirates?”

  Jarek took a slow step forward, his eyes leisurely looking her over. They lingered on her hips and breasts, as he licked the corner of his mouth. “What is it they say?”

  “That you have insatiable appetites for all things—food, thievery, women.” Mei wiggled her shoulders, causing the gown to fall. It exposed her collarbone to him but did not drop beneath her breasts. Jarek’s breath caught, as he stared at her neck. A tremor worked its way over her at his hot look. The golden flecks came back to his eyes, burning with desire. Her thighs clamped as her body stiffened. Anticipation made her rigid as she kept herself back from him.

  “Are you asking to find out?” A low growl had taken over his words. He was breathing as hard as she, the sound harsh. He licked his lips, drawing her eyes to their firmness. “Or are you looking to negotiate?”

  “You know I want my freedom.” Mei didn’t bother to lie. “And I’m willing to be very good in exchange for it.”

  Jarek’s breath caught, and he seemed to struggle to concentrate on her soft words. Mei purposefully kept her manner meek and mild. Big, strong men always liked meek women. It made them feel powerful, and she had no problem using his male vanity to manipulate him.

  “That isn’t necessary,” Jarek answered after some length. He took a deep breath and then another. Mei was too stunned to talk. Was he rejecting her? It was clear that he wanted her. Why in the world wasn’t he kissing her right now? “You don’t…I should…Dev will show you to your quarters.”

  Jarek spun on his heels, leaving her to stare after him as he opened the door and walked out. Mei didn’t move. Did a pirate, a man who by design had no morals, just reject her?

  She stood so long that Dev was in the doorway looking at her by the time she shook herself from her stupor. As regally as she could muster, she picked up her belt and hurriedly tied it around her waist. How could he do this to her? How could Jarek reject her when it was clear he didn’t want to? And, more puzzling was, why?

  “My lady?” Dev said. “I’m to take you to your quarters.”

  Anger built inside her as she nodded. Rage was easier than the hurt of rejection. Stiffly, she allowed Dev to lead her back to her room.


  Jarek took a deep breath and then another. It was late, but they were making steady progress on the ship repairs. The shockwaves from the Lintianese spacecraft had fried many of their circuits, but Dev was able to dig up replacements for most of the damaged parts out of their cargo hold.

  “Good thing we found that somewhat abandoned ESC shipment,” was all Dev said as he handed the parts over.

  The first thing to repair had been the life support systems. Once they were online and tested, the crew worked on the engine. Jackson wasn’t having any luck matching the Lintianese map Viktor and Lucien had stolen, but at least they knew where they were. Lochlann was able to find their current location in the star charts. Unfortunately, they were adrift in space, far away from any ready port. Until they could risk turning on the thrusters without burning off the oxygen in the air supply, they were almost completely helpless.

  “Bloody nova,” Jackson swore, sitting back. He threw a tool on the ground. It clanked against the metal floor, skidding across the small engine room. “I hate this stupid hunk of metal ship!”

  Jackson kicked the wall several times, growling loudly each time his foot bashed metal before storming out. When he had gone, the rest of them laughed. Though, truth be told, they all felt the man’s frustration. After a vigorous walk and maybe a drink, Jackson would come back and get to work.

  “So,” Jarek said to lighten the mood and to get his mind off of Mei… Mei, lying all alone in her room. Mei, dropping her belt in the dining hall. Mei’s dark, exotic eyes glancing up at him through her thick lashes. “Uh-hem, so Vik, Lucien?”

  “Yeah, cap?” they said in unison.

  “How did you get the map?” Jarek asked, pretending to study his laser wrench carefully.

  Viktor and Lucien shared a look.

  “Ah, come on guys, you’re not ashamed of anything you had to do, are you?” Evan teased. “We’ll understand that you didn’t enjoy it, and it was all in the name of friendship.”

  “Yeah,” Jackson added from the door, holding a red bottle of Qurilixian liquor that Jarek and Lochlann had stocked the last time they were home. He looked as if he’d never thrown the tirade. “How come your clothes were all disheveled?”

  Jarek set down his laser as Jackson handed him the opened bottle. He took a quick drink. The liquor was thick and burned as it went down. He wiped his lip on the back of his hand and gave it to Dev, who took a swig and passed it over Viktor’s head to Evan.

  “Nothing happened,” Viktor said, his eyes following the bottle.

  “We saw the map, and we took it,” Lucien added.

  “In and out, really simple.” Viktor started to reach for the bottle, but it was passed by him again.

  “In and out, eh?” Jackson teased.

  The men laughed, and the bottle was passed back around to everyone but the two brothers.

  “Come on, give us a drink,” Viktor said. “You should be thanking us. We were the ones that risked our necks by going into the Lintianese palace. It was dangerous in there, and you all know it.”

  “Are you sure it was your necks you were risk
ing?” Jarek teased. He finally passed the bottle to Viktor.

  “Ha ha, very funny, space cadets,” Viktor mumbled, before drinking and passing to his brother.

  “You’re the one who said in and out,” Lucien laughed. “I don’t remember any such thing. Though, I do recall a time when I was looking for the map and you—”

  “Eh!” Viktor frowned and swiped the bottle before Lucien could have any.

  Jarek laughed with the others. It was all good-natured teasing.

  “It’s getting late,” Jarek said. “Let’s work in shifts.”

  “If you leave the bottle of rum, I’ll go first,” Lochlann said.

  Jarek nodded.

  “I’ll stay,” Viktor offered. “I’m not really tired.”

  “Me too,” Lucien added. “I want to check out the communications system just in case we find ourselves stranded.”

  “Good idea,” Jarek agreed. Dev was the only one who kept working without comment. “The rest of you, go and get some sleep. We’ll work in four-hour shifts.”

  “What about you, captain?” Jackson asked, slowly running a dirty rag over a pipe he’d been working on.

  “What about me?” Jarek asked.

  “You going to, ah, go rest?” As he said the last two words, Lucien wagged his eyebrows.

  “Yeah, captain, are you going to check on the prisoner?” Lochlann nudged Evan in the arm. He grinned mischievously, trying to hold back laughter.

  “She’s not a prisoner,” Jarek denied. “We rescued her.”

  “Mm-hmm,” Viktor said unconvinced.

  “Dev, you saw it. She practically attacked me to get away from that man.” Jarek motioned to Dev for help.

  “Looked like she was trying to fight you,” Dev said, ever stoic. He stopped working to look up. “To me, that is.”

  “You all are impossible,” Jarek grumbled. “I’m going to bed.” At the laughs, he added, “Alone.”

  “That’s nothing to be bragging about.” Jackson patted him on the arm as he joined him. “I’ll sleep in the cockpit with my ears open, just in case we get any company.”


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