Infernal Hunt Complete Set

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Infernal Hunt Complete Set Page 18

by Holly Evans

  He whispered huskily in my ear, “I’ll make it two years if you allow me the freedom to give him a thorough examination.”

  I snorted. “Another time.”

  His bottom lip quivered in faux petulance before he grinned at Lysander and wandered over to him, trailing a hand over Quin’s shoulder as he passed. Elise gave me an amused look; I looked away. He was my brother, I wanted him happy, but Kadrix was still an elf. I turned my back on the guys and pulled up a stool next to Elise.

  She stood up and paced for a minute. “I can’t believe someone was stupid enough to bring demons into the city. What the fuck were they even thinking? Demons, of all creatures! Necromancers have never been the most intelligent sort, but to strike a bargain with a demon? What could they hope to gain from that?”

  “Power, control over minor demons,” Lysander said before he growled at Kadrix.

  “I will not allow them to destroy this beautiful city; my lady will not allow it. I’m helping you hunt down that demon, and kill whoever was stupid enough to start this explosion of events.” She somehow managed to sound calm while she was fuming. “Oh, Evie, it wasn’t meant to be like this. I was supposed to help people, but I feel as though I’m being pushed into a more active role.”

  Her brow creased and the corners of her mouth tugged downwards.

  I opened my arms to pull her into a hug. “It’ll be ok, we’re in this together.”

  She squeezed me tight; I wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. Truth be told, she was probably tougher than I was, but I’d give anything to keep her safe.

  She smiled and sighed softly, running her hand over my hair. “I’d be lost without you, Evie.”

  I hugged her tight again. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Lysander growled again.

  “Do sit still,” Kadrix said.

  “You’re supposed to take a single drop, not paw at me like a horny fucking imp,” Lysander growled.

  I stifled a laugh; it was inappropriate, but I couldn’t help it. I looked over to see Kadrix humph and flounce off.

  Lysander did his shirt back up and stalked towards me. “Are we quite finished here?”

  Quin was talking quietly to Kadrix.

  I called over, “Kadrix, you seem to have forgotten about the tracker, for the other hound.”

  Lysander gave me a dark look; Kadrix, however, grinned.

  “I had quite forgotten. Hound, remove your clothes; I need some samples.”

  Lysander’s look darkened. I narrowed my eyes at the elf. “Are they absolutely necessary?”

  Kadrix sighed, “Yes, Evelyn, they are. As much as I would like to experiment on your dear pet, I am not fool enough to take more than the bare essentials.”

  I gave a small shrug.

  “You heard the elf. Clothes off,” I said.

  Lysander had growled and snarled at Kadrix during the lengthy poking, prodding, and other things he felt the need to do to gather relevant bits for his tracker. I wasn’t entirely convinced that the elf needed to poke and prod as much as he did, but I wasn’t in a position to argue. Lysander, however, did argue, glare, and even tried to bite once. Elise went back and forth between her usual calm and serene state, and pacing while ranting about demons and the damage they would do to the city. We needed to find the second hound and whom he had as help and put a stop to everything. If that hellmouth was opened, we’d be screwed. The humans would be devoured or enslaved, the lycans would be in a similar boat, and the fae would probably saunter off to somewhere better.

  “Surely the necromancer couldn’t have been behind all of this?” I said.

  Elise threw her hands up. “I don’t know, I apparently gave everyone in this city too much credit when I thought none of them would be stupid enough to cut a demon deal.”

  “Never doubt the stupidity of people,” Quin added helpfully.

  Kadrix said absent-mindedly, “Quin, would you like to aid in the making of this tracker? It’ll be a little tricky given we don’t have any samples from the actual hound.”

  Quin lit up. “I’d be honoured, thank you.”

  Lysander came and stood in front of me, his eyes never leaving Kadrix. “Does this mean we’re done?”

  Kadrix made some hand gesture, something between a royal wave and a shooing motion. “Yes, yes, go away. It’ll be ready tomorrow evening.”

  “And to think, you talk about my manners,” I said sweetly.

  “Only because you have none, my dear.”

  “Pot, kettle,” I retorted.

  “I have manners, Evelyn, I just see no reason to waste them on you. Now. Leave me and your dear brother to our work. You’re cluttering the place up.”

  I looked around for a clear surface outside of the stool Elise had just vacated. “Yes, I’d hate to clutter this place up...”

  He studiously ignored me. I left with the small victory.

  I sent Lysander away to do whatever he pleased: run was my best guess, but I wasn’t too concerned. Elise gave me that knowing little smile; she knew as well as I did that if I stayed around him for too long I’d give in and drag my fingers through his thick hair and so much more. We returned to the safety of her church where we did our best to relax. There wasn’t much to be done before Kadrix had made the tracker. The hellmouth couldn’t be opened without a number of sacrifices, and each required careful preparation. Or so Lysander had said. That left me with nothing but my own thoughts, which Elise wasn’t helping.

  Once we’d eaten and the night had blossomed, she loaned me a scandalously short skirt and a silk halterneck affair before she led me to the club with the words, “You’re not leaving here without a man; we both know if you don’t get laid tonight you’ll be useless before long.”

  I didn’t argue with her. I knew better.

  I didn’t know what I’d expected with the club; somehow what I found myself in still managed to be unlike any of them. It was classy, elegant, and simple. More importantly, it was packed with beautiful people. The music filled the air, a heavy beat called me to dance. There were plenty of dark nooks and hidey holes that a number of couples and small groups were making the most of; Elise had abandoned me at the door with a clear idea of what was expected of me. I lost myself to the beat, allowing it to wash away all of my concerns and worries. It wasn’t long before a pair of large hands ran up my bare thighs and moved around my almost bare stomach.

  He smelled of leather and peppermint, an odd combination, but I revelled in it. It was something other than hot metal and petrichor. We danced together for a couple of songs, our bodies pressed tight together, his hands slowly roaming over my flat stomach and pert breasts. My breathing had become shallow by the end of the third song, I needed him. It didn’t matter who he was, or even what he was, it had been too long. I turned to face him, my hands moving over his broad back, his pleasure was clear through his form-fitting pants. He pulled me into a deep kiss, his tongue thrusting into my mouth while his hand worked its way between my legs. I made no moves to stop him.

  We were soon hidden in one of the shadows. No words had been exchanged, why waste the breath? I’d forgotten how good it felt, to enjoy that passion, to have a man thrust into me. His lips grazed my neck and claimed my mouth, his hands roved over every inch of me as I moaned into his neck and dug my fingers into his hair. Nothing existed outside his hard body and intense pleasure he brought me. It was nothing like what it had been with Christian. It was raw passion and endless lust. I lost myself in it, keeping him deep within me until we were both thoroughly spent.

  After a quiet moment to regain our breath, we ended with a tender kiss before we went our separate ways, not a single word said. It was better that way. I skirted around the dance-floor, walking past moaning couples to find the exit and return home feeling better than I had in a long time. My legs were a little wobbly, and a smile was fixed on my face. I giggled to myself and wondered why on Earth I’d denied myself for so long. Christian had been gone for over a year; I’d come to te
rms with that, but the fear of it happening again had become too entrenched. I scolded myself for the foolishness before making a note to thank Elise, although the innocent image of her had been thoroughly tarnished.

  The moon was hidden behind a cloud that was barely visible between the tall buildings on either side of the narrow alleyway. I made my way over the shallow cobblestones and wondered how the local woman managed to wear six-inch stilettos every day without breaking their ankles. Footsteps came from the shadows to my right. I tensed, going for the blade that I wasn’t carrying.

  A silky voice growled, “Am I really such a poor choice, Evelyn?”

  The high from my recent encounter dulled the irritation at his question and tone.

  “What are you doing here, Lysander?” I said exasperatedly.

  We walked together, him a little closer to my side than I’d have liked, but I allowed it.

  “You’re my mistress, it’s my place to look after you. To protect you. To serve you.”

  I sighed and looked around the small square we’d emerged in. The high heels were growing wearisome, and there was a bit of a walk yet. The night trams were a nightmare, and the cabs were extortionately priced.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” he said softly.

  “What is it you want from me, Lysander?”

  He paused for half a step, quickly recovering, but he said nothing until we finally reached an actual road.

  “No one has asked me that before.”

  The slight tremble in his voice gave away his pain and confusion. I asked the moon goddess what I’d done to deserve such a thing as him. I called for a cab while he gathered his thoughts. Emotions spun around my mind, the protective instincts that apparently came with the bond pushing me to comfort him, to explore his pain. My rational mind wanted to push him away and keep him at arm’s length, as a beast.

  Just as the cab arrived, he finally said, “I want to feel happiness. I want you to care for me, as you do Quin, or Elise.”

  He didn’t want much, then.

  The cab ride was uncomfortable, but thankfully short. Quin was out when we got in; I couldn’t help but wonder if he was staying with Kadrix. I shook my head, he was likely off with some beautiful woman somewhere, unwinding from the exhausting day. My feet ached, but the flood of blood and bliss was worth it when I threw the heels off. I’d almost forgotten Lysander was there when he took my hand.

  “Let me stay with you tonight. Please.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut trying to ignore his pleading, his need for company. I sighed heavily and relented; the guilt would have eaten me alive.

  “In your hound form. At the bottom of the bed.”

  “Thank you.”

  Relief flooded through me, I wasn’t sure if it was mine or his.

  He was curled up at the bottom of my bed when I walked in. I should have phrased it better. I’d intended for him to sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed. His large form took up half the bed. Some part of me was happy to have him close, I ran my fingers over the small bumps and ridges of the engravings on the bracelet. Maybe the bond wasn’t such a horrendous thing. I’d never be lonely again.

  Sleep came easily that night.

  My phone ringtone cut through the pleasant dream I’d been enjoying. I scrambled over to the far side of my bed; my foot connected with something warm and firm. Whatever it was yelped and grumbled. I answered the phone as I started shaking off the remnants of sleep. Quin’s voice came through, panic edging his words. The hunters had found signs of a sacrifice. The hound had more help than we’d thought, the ball was rolling, and we weren’t ready to stop it.

  I kicked Lysander again in my attempt to leap out of bed, he landed with a groan and a thud.

  He shook himself off while I hunted around for some clean clothes. I'd forgotten he was there in my half-asleep state until I pulled off my top to change into a fresh shirt and jeans.

  “I can't say I'd expected you to have butterfly tattoos."

  I instinctively covered myself, despite having my back to him. “Out! Now! And get some suitable clothes on."

  He padded past me in nothing more than a pair of boxers. I covered myself as best as I could with the shirt clutched to my chest and a pair of small pyjama shorts on. Thin white lines trailed along his strong well-muscled back. I wondered what those lines would feel like under my fingertips, how he would respond to my touch. I got dressed as quickly as I could and focused on the night I'd had with the stranger instead of the beast in my living room.

  He'd managed to get some fresh clothing from somewhere; the new pair of pale blue jeans looked amazing on him.

  “Are you always this pissy in the morning?” he asked with some amusement.

  I shot him a dark look. "The other hunters have found signs of a sacrifice."

  His eyes widened a little. We left the flat without anything more needing to be said. The sacrifice was in Strahov Park. The park covered such a large area it was easy to hide things, to get lost on the many winding trails that covered the hills and wove their way between the trees. That was part of why there were so many nymphs there.

  “Why do you deal with the other hunters?" he asked as we waited for yet another tram.

  The sun was just beginning to rise over the rooves, not that it could be seen properly through the slate grey clouds that were gathering. I leaned back against the cool stone wall and tried to think how to phrase my answer.

  I couldn't lie to him, the words refused to form in my mouth, much to my frustration.

  “I don't like being so honest so... vulnerable with you either,” he growled.

  I glared at him. "Just how much do you get from this cursed fucking bond?"

  The corner of his lip rose in a small idea of a smile. “Hints mostly, but your face and body language give away a lot."

  That idea didn't sit well with me, the concept that people could read me so easily.

  I finally said, “I deal with them because I have to. Because I promised Quin that I wouldn't shut myself off from the world. We can't afford to cut all ties, despite my desire for it. We need a support network."

  His mouth tightened a little, but he let whatever thought irked him fade.

  The tram showed up, he said, “Why don't you have a car, something more... convenient?"

  “Because it's not more convenient," I said simply.

  We sat on the uncomfortable seats, the tram almost empty.

  “How can it be less convenient than this?" He gestured around the tram, with the uncomfortable seats and simple sliding windows, as it lurched forwards.

  I looked out the window watching the city go by, and said absent-mindedly, “Because this city was not designed for cars, it's too old. There isn't enough room for them, and they're extortionately expensive. By the time you've found somewhere to park, you could have got there and finished if you were using public transport."

  He seemed to chew over the idea while I watched the raindrops trickle down the plastic window. The city looked so beautiful in grey. A quiet sense of mourning settled over the buildings, their bright colours subdued. The usual hustle and bustle was dulled by the pattering of rain, a contemplative air filled the space. I loved the rain. I just hoped that the mourning wasn’t for something larger.

  My phone vibrated when we got off the tram. Quin had texted asking where we were; Viktor was getting pissy.

  I replied with, "Is he worried he'll melt in the rain?"

  Lysander grinned as we walked into the park. "We should run, it'll get us there quicker."

  His desire to run edged around the bond in the back of my mind. I was in no rush to ease Viktor's mind, but the happiness that came from the hound was too much. I gave a small nod and took off at a quick run up the hill. Exhilaration filled me; he was happiest when he was running. His long legs easily matched my pace. I pushed myself harder, my muscles beginning to burn. Still he matched me without thought. Soon we were racing, footsteps echoing through the trees, laughter filling my
chest. I couldn't hold back the grin as my own endorphins mingled with his sheer glee at running. That was his freedom, his deepest, simplest pleasure, and I couldn't help but partake in it too.

  The hunters were huddled under a tree, muttering thick curses to each other. Quin stood slightly aside from the main group. He turned to face us when we showed up at a steady jog. I couldn't keep the grin from my face; it was inappropriate to the situation, but the pleasure was too much to hold back. Lysander stepped closer to me when the hunters gave us all dark looks.

  “You think this is fun, little girl?" Viktor growled.

  I held my held palm back towards Lysander telling him to stay put, it was my fight. I set my shoulders back and walked over to Viktor, who stepped out from under the tree to greet me. His lips were pulled back in a deep snarling expression, his hands balled into fists. He wanted a fight, and I was more than ready to give it to him. We went almost literally toe to toe. He gestured behind him at the blood on the ground, I held his eye-contact refusing to look away or flinch.

  "Is this a game to you? You're pathetic,” he spat.

  I laughed full-heartedly. "You have the nerve to call me pathetic? You can't even deal with a small group of playful fucking shades. I am tired of your shit. You keep calling me and Quin in to clean up your messes, and every time you whine and moan."

  "You brought this down on us."

  I punched him square in the jaw. It was time to make my point. I was not going to back down. They needed to either step up and fulfil their job, or fuck off and get out of our way. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. His shoulders tensed, but his balance was thrown. He was already on tilt after a single punch, and he had the nerve to call himself a hunter. I blocked his attempt at a punch with my forearm and slammed the heel of my hand into the bridge of his nose. He stepped back, blood pouring down his face.

  "I am tired of you fucking things up," I growled. I glared at the other two, who stood in shock. "This city is under threat of invasion from the infernal realm, and you can't even do something as simple as round up a few shades. I am fucking tired of you screwing things up and wasting our time. Either you find your balls and help us, or you get the fuck out of our way."


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