Agent’s Mountain Rescue

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Agent’s Mountain Rescue Page 16

by Jennifer D. Bokal

  “Then why are we here?”

  “Pride,” he said. “RMJ has had Darcy Owens twice and twice she’s gotten away. It’s given RMJ a black eye that will never go away.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Holly shifted, letting one of her feet dangle over the sofa’s edge. Her toes were painted bright red. It was a sexy little surprise. He couldn’t help but imagine how her toes would look curled, as Holly was claimed by passion. Scrubbing a hand over his face, Liam answered her question. “The hell if I know what comes next.”

  Without thinking, he lifted her foot onto his lap. Her skin was smooth and warm as he rubbed her instep.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Giving you a foot rub. Do you mind?”

  “I suppose not,” she said, sighing. “That feels good.”

  His hands traveled higher, from Holly’s toes to her ankle to her calf. Holly leaned back, not telling him to stop or pulling away. Liam stared at his fingers as he worked her flesh, unable to meet her in the eye. Was her pulse racing, like his? Did she want him as much as he wanted her?

  Lifting his gaze, he looked at Holly. She studied him through half-opened lids. “What?” he asked.

  “You,” she said.

  “What about me?”

  “I don’t know. There’s just something...” With a shake of her head, Holly let her words trail off.

  “Well? Is it good or bad?”

  “You seem, I don’t know, like a man out of place. Like you’re from a different time or something.”

  “You got all that from a foot rub?” he asked, almost teasing.

  “It’s just the way you looked earlier, when you were standing by the window. It was like you were looking into the past.”

  How had she known? Since arriving, every kid Liam passed was Charlie. He was at an opposite table, the five-year-old playing on a tablet. Or the ten-year-old who ran through the lobby. Never mind that Charlie ‘s family wouldn’t have had the money for a tablet computer, much less cash for a night at a resort like this. For Liam, his cousin, like the past, was everywhere.

  “Maybe I was, but what about you?”

  “Me? I’m more concerned for the future,” she said. “There’s nothing in the past but what-if and should’ve-been.”

  “Look at us, we’re quite the mismatched pair. Still, we make a decent team.” Reaching for her hand, Liam stared at their joined fingers. “Plus,” he added, “you’re pretty easy to talk to and to trust. I don’t do either of those things easily, but then I think you’ve figured that out already. I like that about you, Holly.”

  She inched closer, her breath caressing his cheek. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  He smiled a little. “That’s better than you turning away from me or turning me down.”

  She licked her lips. Looking away, Holly stared at something just beyond Liam’s shoulder. “I don’t want to complicate things.”

  “I understand,” he said, even though he didn’t. He wanted her. She wanted him. It all seemed pretty simple and straightforward. “I’m not going to pressure you into anything here.”

  “Do you really understand?” she asked. “Because I’m not sure that I know what’s going on myself.”

  “You have your life plan. You need money to keep your school open. A relationship is a complication. Besides, you could be leaving town, which means us getting involved could be difficult for Sophie.”

  Holly touched her fingertips to his lips, silencing him. “If I can’t get the money to keep Saplings, then I’ll definitely have to leave Pleasant Pines,” she said. “You said it yourself—I might not be around much longer.”

  “Now I’m really confused. What are you saying?”

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  It was all the invitation he needed. Liam placed his lips on Holly’s. Lightly, at first. She sighed. Pressing herself forward, Holly’s breasts brushed against his arm. Liam pulled her to him before easing her back on the sofa. Holly’s golden hair spread around her like a halo—but in this moment, as passion blazed to life between them, there was nothing angelic about her.

  She raked her fingers over his chest. Liam hardened with desire. He wanted this woman, more than anything he’d wanted for as long as he could remember.

  His hand moved to her waist and he slipped his fingers under the loose hem of her sweater. His palm traveled higher, stroking her stomach, chest, then her breasts. He teased her nipples until they were hard, straining against the fabric of her bra. A little mew of longing escaped her throat.

  Holly’s bra latched in the front and Liam worked the clasp free. Without being covered, he could explore and claim and conquer. Yet, he wanted more. He wanted to know how she tasted. Or what it would take to turn her mew of delight into a cry of passion. Tugging at her sweater, Liam lifted it over Holly’s head.

  “Take me to the bedroom,” she whispered. Her top slipped through his fingers, pooling on the floor.

  Cradling Holly to his chest, Liam lifted her from the sofa and carried her to the bed. A wedge of light cut across the floor—beyond that, the room was shrouded in darkness. Holly lay upon the mattress. The creamy skin of her chest was luminous against the shadows. Her nipples had taken on the color of a sultry red wine—tonight, Liam intended to get drunk.

  “I want you,” she said, her voice coming to him, as if from a dream.

  He didn’t need to be told twice.

  * * *

  Holly wrapped her arms around Liam’s shoulders and pulled him to her. He nestled his erection between her thighs. She could feel how much he wanted her, and her head swam with the notion. She wasn’t used to being thought of as desirable by anyone. She’d kept herself so isolated for so long that she felt almost drunk on the power. But she needed him inside her, too. And she didn’t want to wait.

  Sleeping with a man after only having known him for a few days went against everything Holly believed about herself and her life. She was thoughtful. She was deliberate. She never did anything without a reason. Yet, where Liam Alexander was concerned, Holly was far from rational. As he ran one palm over her stomach, the other cupping her breast, Holly yearned to give in to her basest longings.

  In the end, it wouldn’t matter much. Liam had admitted that he was without the resources to find Darcy’s accomplice, even if that person were here in the first place. It meant that Holly had no choice but to accept the job in Ohio. Soon, she’d be gone. And Liam? He’d be part of her past, too.

  Without worry for the future, Holly found the courage to live in the moment, to love in the moment...even if it was only temporary.

  Fumbling with the button on his pants, she said, “I want you, Liam. Now.”

  He kissed her harder as she pulled down the zipper of his jeans.

  “No,” he said, his breath mixing with hers. “Not yet. I want to take my time. I want us both to enjoy every minute.”

  It had been more than a year since Holly had been intimate with anyone. Now, even a few more seconds seemed like an eternity. She reached into Liam’s jeans. Gripping his length, she used a bead of his moisture and stroked his shaft.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice a growl. “Unless you stop, I won’t be able to control myself.”

  “Good,” said Holly. Lifting her rear, she wiggled out of her leggings and panties. Dropping them to the floor, she said, “Now let’s get you undressed, too.”

  His breath caught. Despite the dim light, she knew he saw it—her scar.

  He placed his lips on the line that ran across her abdomen. At one time, it had been jagged, red and raised. Now, it was thin and silver, a subtle, yet constant reminder of what she had done—or rather, what she’d failed to do.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “A car accident,” she said softly. “When I was in high school.”<
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  “How bad?” he asked.

  Holly screwed her eyes shut. “The driver died.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ve lost people before. It’s difficult. The loss changes you.”

  Holly wanted to share everything with Liam. The fact that it wasn’t simply an accident but an outright tragedy—if only she could have prevented the carnage.

  Yet, how could she explain how weak she’d been to Liam, a man who was always so brave?

  Liam whispered. “Look at me.”

  Holly opened her eyes and gazed at Liam’s face. His eyes, the color of the forest, held concern. Sadness. Sympathy. She didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her. Holly deserved the scar—and so much more.

  Pushing against his chest, Holly moved away from Liam. “We shouldn’t do anything. Sophie might walk in.”

  He hauled himself up and looked at her. “If you don’t want to do this, Holly, then say so. It’s fine. But please don’t use my kid as an excuse.”

  “It’s not an excuse,” she said. “It’s just...” She paused, wondering if she could really share her fears with this man she barely knew. Maybe it was the gloom that allowed her to hide. Or maybe it was Liam’s shoulders, strong enough to bear any burden. Maybe even her own? Or maybe it was the fact that she might never see him again after the next day or two, but Holly found herself giving in. “I don’t usually like anyone to see my scar.”


  “It’s hideous. It’s—”

  “Scars make you human,” he interrupted. “A strong and fierce woman. A survivor.”

  Was that what her scar meant? That she was strong, she had survived where others had not? Was she refusing to live her life because she was afraid of making another mistake?

  Or was it what she always feared? Had her actions tarnished her soul until she felt she was truly unworthy of the love and trust of any man?

  Then again, did it matter? What she had with Liam wasn’t love, anyway. It was simply sex, a primal need.

  And yet, a part of her knew, deep down, that Liam Alexander was a man she could love.

  “Make love to me, Liam. I won’t break,” she said, her voice so low that Holly wasn’t even sure she had spoken out loud.

  “Are you sure?”

  In answer, she reached for the hem of his shirt and tugged it over his head. His chiseled chest and abs stole her breath. “You’re like a sculpture,” she said. “A work of art, really.”

  “Me? Art?” asked Liam. He dipped his head and took one of Holly’s nipples in his mouth. His tongue swirled her into a hard peak. Holly let out a low moan. “Although I was just thinking that you’re some kind of magical creature.” His mouth moved from her breast to her stomach. He placed a leisurely kiss on her navel. “You have to be, Holly. I’m completely captivated by you.”

  “Make love to me,” she said.

  “There’s something I want to do first.”

  Liam moved his mouth lower. He parted her folds, his breath hot. Placing his mouth at the top of her sex, Holly bucked with the sensation. Her hips lifted from the mattress.

  Holly tried to think, to put words to what she was feeling. Yet it was too intense. At the moment her ecstasy teetered on the edge of pain, she let go. Crying out, Holly’s racing heart echoed throughout her body.

  Rising to his feet, Liam stripped out of his pants.

  Holly could only form one word. “Condom.”

  “I’ve got that covered. After what happened with Erin, I always keep one with me,” he said, removing a foil packet from his wallet. Within seconds, he was protected for them both.

  Liam moved back to Holly. He hovered above her, his hips pressing into hers. His tip barely touched her sex. She gazed between their bodies. Him. Her. Intimate, but not yet one.

  The delirium that followed her passion was starting to wane. In its place was an undercurrent of anticipation. Holly groaned as he filled her, somehow making her complete.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  Liam’s face was inches from hers. His dark eyes were filled with desire. His lips were parted, his breath caught with each thrust—like the punctuation at the end of a sentence. She gripped his shoulders as he drove harder. The bliss from before began to claim her. Like a wind carried to the heavens, Holly rose higher and higher.

  Liam was with her. Always together. Always one. Throwing back her head, she cried with satisfaction. He placed hot kisses on her exposed throat. His thrusts became harder, faster, more urgent. Sweat dampened his skin. His pulse raced, beating wildly at the base of his throat. A growl broke free from his lips.

  Panting, his hips slowed. After placing a languid kiss on Holly’s lips, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

  He slid out of her, before disappearing into the adjoining bathroom. Holly turned on the bedside lamp. Clothes were strewn across the floor. She rummaged through the pile, finding her bra and panties. For now, they were enough. She dressed quickly and slipped beneath the covers just as Liam exited the bathroom.

  He donned his boxers and got under the covers with her. He smelled musky from their lovemaking and salty from sweat. Holly drew a deep breath, her sluggish pulse beginning to race.

  Snuggling next to her, Liam wrapped his arm around Holly. He placed a kiss on her shoulder.

  “I was just thinking,” he said.

  “I’m glad you can. After that, I can’t even remember my last name.”

  “That might not be a problem,” he said.

  Holly laughed. Turning her back to Liam, she melded her body to fit with his. He lifted the hair from her shoulder and kissed her neck.

  “I’m not joking,” he said. His breath branded her skin.

  Holly went stiff. “What are you saying?”

  “Marry me.”

  “Are you crazy?” She batted away his hand. Covers, tangled around her middle, tethered her to the bed. Struggling free, she staggered to the floor. Turning to face him, Holly asked, “Marry you? What the hell are you talking about? No.”

  Tucking an arm behind his head, Liam stared at Holly. His muscles were long and lean. She couldn’t help but wonder if he tasted the same way he smelled.

  “Why not?” he asked.

  Holly refused to argue while wearing nothing more than her underwear. She needed to put on something—anything. Bending to the pile of clothes at her feet, she searched for her sweater. Damn. It was in the living room, she remembered now. Without her own top, she settled for the next best thing and slid Liam’s shirt over her head. Finally covered, she answered his question with one or two of her own. “Why should I marry you? How can you even think about a lifetime commitment after only knowing each other for a couple of days?”

  “Well, we both stand to gain something from the situation, don’t we? Sophie likes you. You seem to genuinely care about her.” He looked at her. “We could have more kids, if you wanted to.”

  Holly was quiet for a long moment, wondering if she had stepped into the twilight zone. She couldn’t think of what to say, how to respond to the offer he’d just made. I can never give you the children you obviously want. I made a mistake and will pay for that for the rest of my life. But thanks, anyway, for the offer of a loveless marriage! Her throat burned. Her eyes watered. Yet still, Holly said nothing.

  Liam continued, oblivious to her internal struggle. “You said yourself that you need money to pay off all your loans on the day-care center. I don’t have twenty thousand dollars in the bank. But if we were married, I could help you get the money...”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Holly held up both hands. “Stop right there. You want to marry me so I can take care of your daughter and then you’ll give me the money for the day-care center? I have news for you, buddy, I’m not a prostitute.”

  Liam shook his head. “That’s not how I meant it. I—”

  “I don�
�t care how you meant it. Proposing because I’m good with children and you have good credit is a horrible idea.”

  Liam got up from the bed. The pulse at the base of his neck throbbed. He stepped into his jeans. Pulling them on, he said, “This would be a good choice for both of us.”

  He searched the floor. Was he looking for the rest of his clothes? Holly assumed so.

  “I have your shirt,” she said.

  Liam ran a hand over his face. “Keep it,” he said. “I don’t need it back. I better go and check on Sophie.”

  “Sure,” said Holly.

  Without another word, Liam left, pulling the door closed behind him.

  She swallowed. How had something that felt so right gone so wrong? In reality, it didn’t matter. Holly knew what she needed to do.

  Picking up her phone from the bedside table, she typed a few simple words before hitting Send.

  The message went to Louise, the psychology department chairperson from the University of Findlay in Ohio.

  Thanks for the job offer, Holly texted. I accept.

  Chapter 15

  Liam’s eyes sprang open. His heart hammered against his ribs. His breath was ragged. Sweat dampened his hair. How had he dozed off when he had to return to the security room and retrieve the thumb drive?

  And what had he been dreaming about that had left him breathless and covered in sweat? He could recall nothing, other than a darkness so profound that he would never again see the light.

  Drawing in a lungful of air, Liam counted. One. Two. Three. No doubt whatever his nightmare, it had been brought on by all his the recent changes in his life. All the memories of his past that had risen to the surface since he’d returned to his home. His new job of searching for a serial killer. And finally, the ill-advised marriage proposal.

  No wonder he’d had a terrible dream.

  Liam flinched at the way he left things with Holly. Not for the first time, he wondered what advice Charlie would give. His cousin’s voice filled his head. “You shouldn’t have been an ass. Now, you have to fix your problem.”

  With a sigh, he threw back the covers and placed his feet to the floor. After getting out of the bed, Liam crept into the living room.


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