My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3

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My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3 Page 7

by Winter, Alexis

  The hand on his dick slows and falls away as he gets himself up to his knees.



  She’s too goddamn much for me to resist. I keep pushing her, and she keeps taking it. She’s just as fucked up as I am. Each time, I take things one step further, thinking this will be her breaking point, but she takes it all and asks for more. She’s going to be the death of me. I’m either going to fuck her until I die from exhaustion, or Bennet is going to find out and kill me. Either way, it’s all going to be because of her.

  I’ve never in my life spent the entire weekend locked away in my room having sex with the same girl over and over, but that’s exactly what we do. We fuck, stop long enough to rest, and start again. Only ever leaving the room to get food, drinks, or to use the bathroom. We sleep, wake up, and do it all again. I know she has to be sore by now because every muscle in my body is throbbing, but even then, I can’t fucking stop.

  She was nowhere on my radar two weeks ago, and now I can’t bring myself to pull out of her. She controls my mind and body. If she’s near, I can’t stop touching her, kissing her. Even when we sleep, we’re touching. This weekend is going down in the books as the weekend I lost myself. The weekend when my life changed.

  Sunday morning rolls around, and we’re both so sore we can barely move. We have a quick breakfast in bed, then cuddle up to go back to sleep. When we wake, we finally have to pull apart. We both get dressed, and even though we’re happy about the way we spent the weekend, we’re both a little sad to be leaving the world we created: a world where it’s just us and nobody else.

  I walk her down the stairs and to the front door. I open it, but before she can step through, I tug her back for a long, slow kiss. My dick couldn’t get hard even if I paid it at this point, but it twitches slightly against her thigh. She pulls away and laughs.

  “You’re going to kill me.”

  I smile. “You are killing me.”

  She walks away, and I hold her hand until our arms can’t stretch any further. Finally, I have to let her go. I stand at the door and watch as she climbs into her car and drives out of sight. Finally, I step back in and close the door, looking around my empty house, unsure of what to do.

  My back and neck are stiff from lying in bed all weekend. And every other muscle hurts from overusing them again and again. I decide to sink into a hot bath in hopes of easing the pain away. I fill the tub full of hot water and a little Epsom salt, then sink deep beneath the water as I turn on the jets. I lean my head back and close my eyes, breathing deep.

  I don’t think I’ve ever in my life been sore from having sex, but I also never had sex ten times in a weekend. I feel like a fucking rabbit. That thought makes me laugh.

  My phone rings, and for the first time all weekend, I reach for it.


  “Hey, Cal,” a woman says.

  “Who is this?” I ask, unsure.

  “It’s Jennifer. We hung out last Wednesday,” she reminds me.

  Oh, yeah. Wednesday. “What’s going on?”

  “I was just calling to see if you wanted to meet up.”

  I roll my eyes. After this weekend, I can’t even imagine hooking up with another woman. “I wish I could, but I can’t today. Sorry.” Without another word, I hang up and drop the phone onto the white tile.

  I get to the office on Monday and have the maintenance guy move Val’s desk back into the office. Then it occurs to me that we didn’t talk about work over the weekend. I wonder if she’s even planning on coming in. Just as I’m picking up my phone to call her, the doors open, and she walks in.

  Her eyes find mine, and she smiles. “Good. I was wondering if you just got rid of the desk completely.” She drops her purse onto her desk and turns toward me.

  I stand and walk to the center of the room. “I was worried you wouldn’t even show up. I was just about to call you.”

  She shrugs one shoulder. “I figured that after the weekend we had, you would change your mind about firing me.”

  I laugh and lean in for a kiss that she accepts. With my mouth on hers, I breathe her in deeply, instantly relaxed by her familiar scent. I haven’t seen her in twelve hours, but after our time together, it feels more like a week. I didn’t even realize that I could miss someone so much.

  There’s a quick rap on the door, and we shoot apart just before Bennet walks in. His eyes go wide when he sees Val standing next to me.

  “Oh, good. You guys made up,” he says, motioning toward her desk that’s now back in the office.

  I nod, and she smiles. “Yeah, I made him un-fire me,” she says with a laugh.

  Bennet laughs and shakes his head. “Good for you. Maybe we’ve all learned something from this, and we’ll be able to act like professionals around here again?”

  “Absolutely,” Val says.

  “Good. See you guys later,” Bennet says, walking out of the office and leaving us alone.

  I look down at Valerie and pull her back to my chest. “There’s no way, after our weekend, I can be professional.”

  She places her hands flat on my chest and pushes me away. “Callan, I had a lot of fun with you, but the weekend is over. It’s time to get back to work,” she insists. Her words are like a slap to my face, but I don’t want to let her how much they just gutted me.

  I straighten my jacket. “Of course,” I agree, walking back to my desk while she goes back to hers. Without another word, we both get to work.

  When the workday ends, I go home and change into some casual clothes. As I’m about to walk out of the door, my phone rings. I pull it from my pocket and see that it’s my lawyer calling.

  “Hey, Troy. Tell me you got something.”

  “I do. I found Mr. Decon James in Chicago, Illinois. His priors consist of everything from assault to robbery. He was in a juvenile detention center from the ages of sixteen to eighteen, when he was released. He’s also done a few overnight stints in jail for some minor things. And the thing I think you’re looking for, it turns out that he was accused of rape, but the case was dropped.”

  “And how does something like that just go away?” I ask, feeling my hand tighten into a fist.

  “Well, there could have been no proof, like no DNA was found on the victim, or maybe he had a solid alibi. But in most cases like this, it’s because the victim has been paid off.”

  I nod as anger surges through my body. “Alright, Troy. Thanks a lot. Hey, if you will, email me his info.”

  “No problem. But, Callan, don’t get yourself in trouble.”

  “Sure thing,” I agree, hanging up the phone. I walk out the door and climb behind the wheel. My phone chimes and I open the email Troy just sent. I read over the info and put his address into my GPS.

  I’m going to make this guy pay for what he did to her. I’m going to make damn sure to teach him a lesson, make sure he never thinks he can drug a girl to get what he wants ever again.

  I’m pulling up to his apartment building a little while later. I shut off the car and climb out, hitting the lock button behind me because I don’t trust anyone in this part of town. I let myself into his building and walk up the four flights of stairs until I find his apartment. I knock on the door, and seconds later, it’s being swung open.

  “Decon James?” I ask, just for confirmation. I remember his face. It’s one I’ll never forget.

  “Yeah?” his brows furrow together.

  “Remember me?”

  He looks me up and down. “Nah, should I?”

  I nod. “I bet you won’t forget now,” I say, pulling my fist back and landing a hit to his jaw. He falls backward, and I walk into his apartment. I jump down on top of him and hit him a couple more times. Even though he pulls his arms up to cover his face, he passes out, and I take the opportunity to drag him over to the couch and toss him on it. While he’s out, I start searching through his things. I look through a bookshelf, surprised the worthless asshole even knows how to read. I open the drawer on the en
d table and find a wooden box. I pull it out an open it, not surprised to see drugs. There’s a bag of weed, a pipe, a bunch of pills, and a vial full of some kind of clear liquid.

  I grab the pills and the vial just as he’s coming to.

  He groans and sits up. “What the fuck,” he mumbles, unaware that I’m still here.

  I move into his line of sight. “Is this what you used to drug Valerie?” I ask, holding up the vial.

  “What? Who?” He’s playing dumb.

  I pull back my fist and land a hit to his stomach, causing him to fall over onto the couch. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

  “Alright. Yeah, yeah that’s what I used.”

  I slide it into my pocket. “How many other girls have you used this on?”

  “None. I never used it before,” he swears. “I wasn’t even going to use it on her, but I was fucking tired of her games, man.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Anger washes its way up to my throat. It burns like acid.

  “I’ve been fucking around with her for months. She’d flirt and make out with me, tease me, lead me to believe that we’d be hooking up, then she’d pull out last minute. I wasn’t thinking, man.”

  “And what about the rape charge you had against you that got dropped?” I ask, still looming over him.

  “How’d you…?” he asks, looking up at me with confusion written across his face.

  “Answer the question,” I demand, pulling my fist back but not swinging it just yet.

  “It was a girl I’d been dating. She caught me cheating and was trying to get back at me.”

  I look down at him, trying to decide if he’s telling the truth or not.

  “Look around, man. Do I look like I have the money to pay her off?” His brown eyes are wide with fear and seriousness.

  I point my finger at him. “If I ever hear of you drugging girls again, you won’t have to worry about me kicking your ass cuz’ you’ll be dead. You better hope the cops find you before I do.” Without another word, I leave the apartment, drugs in my pocket.

  I don’t know why I even bother taking the drugs. He’ll just buy more. But taking it makes me feel like I might, at least, save a couple girls while he’s trying to get more.

  I walk out to the street and walk around the building to the alley. I empty the contents onto the ground, then drop the bottle and crush it with my foot. I still have the pills in my pocket, but I refuse to throw them away where a child could find them. When I get home, I’ll flush them. Finally, I turn around and leave.

  Instead of going back home, I stop at a Johnie’s to grab something for dinner. I’m waiting in a long line outside that stretches the length of the small building to get my Italian beef sandwich and Italian ice, and when I finally get into the small building, I can see out the front windows. My eyes land on Val sitting at the concrete picnic table with another guy. Anger rises in my chest, and it feels like my body has been lit on fire. I turn my back to the window and place my order. A few minutes later, I’m handed a bag and my Italian ice. I walk out the door and around to the front of the building, acting like I didn’t see Val sitting there.

  “Oh, hey,” I say, coming to an abrupt stop.

  She looks up at me, her eyes wide and full of fear. But she puts on a fake smile. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  I hold up my bag and take a sip of the lemon-flavored ice. “Just swung by for some food.” I look back and forth between her and the guys she’s sitting across from. “You on a date?”

  Her eyes move from me, to him, and back. “I…we’re just hanging out. Brandon is an old friend.”

  I look over at him in time to see his brows furrow together. His mouth opens, but I see her discretely shake her head no.

  I nod. “See ya at the office tomorrow,” I say, forcing myself to let it go.

  She smiles and waves, but I can tell she’s feeling awkward.



  I wasn’t planning on running into Callan while on a date with Brandon, but it’s probably good that he saw it. It says what we did was totally casual, right? I’m not the clingy type. I’m not looking to settle down. I’m twenty-one, for fuck’s sake. All I want to do is enjoy my youth, have fun. Callan and I had a lot of fun last weekend, and I wouldn’t object to doing it again. But based on how he looked at me, he’s pissed that I’m with another guy. That confuses me. I thought Callan, of all people, would understand. He’s never been the one-woman type.

  Brandon walks me to the front door and gives me a quick, polite kiss. “I had a good time tonight.”

  I nod and smile. “Me too. Thank you.”

  “I’ll call you later?”

  I nod. “Sounds good.”

  When he walks away, I open the door and go inside. Mom is already asleep for the night, so I quietly head downstairs to my part of the house. I drop my purse on the table, then kick off my shoes to get comfy on the couch. After about an hour, I stand to put on some pajamas. I quickly change into a pair of stretchy shorty-shorts and tug on a tank top. When I get back to the couch, there’s a text on my phone from Callan.

  I’m outside.

  I frown at the screen but walk upstairs and open the door to head out, but he’s on the front steps. I open the door wider and allow him inside.

  “I—” he starts, but I shush him and motion for him to follow me downstairs.

  Once we’re where Mom can’t hear, I turn to face him. “What are you doing here?” I ask, looking up at him. His blue eyes are glassy and bloodshot. It’s easy to see he’s been drinking.

  “I needed to see you,” he says, reaching for me and pulling me to his chest. His lips land on mine, and suddenly, everything in my head vanishes. I can’t do anything but wrap my arms around his neck and deepen our kiss.

  His hands land on my ass, and he picks me up against him. My legs wrap around his hips. He takes a few steps, pressing my back to the wall before breaking the kiss.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” he whispers against my lips. “I thought I could drink you away, but I can’t. I had to taste you.” He kisses me again, and his words make me melt. I never felt like I meant much to any guy I was with. But Callan, even though we’re not technically together, he makes me feel special, like I’m the only one he wants. I don’t know if he does this with all his girls, but I don’t care. When we’re together, it’s just us.

  “Take me to bed, Callan,” I say in a hushed whisper.

  His mouth smashes against mine hard before he carries me through the room. “Which one is yours?”

  I point in the direction of my room, and he carries me through the door, gently closing it behind us. In the darkness of my room, I can’t see anything. But I don’t need to because he never stops touching me, kissing me, talking to me.

  “I don’t know what you did to me, Val. But I can’t stop thinking about you,” he says, pulling down my shorts as he climbs between my legs. “Every time I close my eyes, all I see is you.”

  I push his pants down over his hips and his erection springs free. “I need you, Callan,” I whisper into the darkness as he positions himself at my entrance.

  With one roll of his hips, he slides inside, and we both let out a moan, finally getting what we’ve been missing.

  He pumps into me over and over, making us both call out. The whole time, he holds me close as he claims my body as his own.

  He rolls off of me when we finish, and we’re both left breathless. There’s nothing but silence as we let our bodies get back to normal.

  Finally, he breaks the silence. “Who was the guy?”

  I shrug one shoulder, the one that’s against his so he feels it move. “Just a guy,” I reply.

  “Are you fucking him?” he asks.

  I laugh. “No, it was our first date.”

  “Did you tell him you’re fucking me?”

  “What? No!” I turn my head to look at him. “Why would I do that?”

  He shrugs and sits up, placing his fee
t on the floor. “I mean, it’s common courtesy, isn’t it? If you have a casual relationship, you don’t fuck anyone else?” He stands up and pulls up his jeans.

  “Whoa, what? A causal relationship? I didn’t realize that’s what we were doing. I thought we were just having fun.” I sit upright, surprised by the sudden turn of events.

  “Yeah, I guess we are. But this doesn’t seem like much fun anymore, so I’m going to get out of here.” He shoves his feet into his shoes and tugs his shirt over his head. “See ya around,” he mumbles, walking out of my bedroom.

  I wrap my sheet around my body and chase after him. Grabbing ahold of his bicep, I spin him around. “What’s gotten into you? You fuck a different girl every night of the week,” I point out.

  “I used to,” he throws in my face. “Until you.” His jaw flexes. “I wasn’t lying when I said I can’t get you off my mind. That isn’t just shit I say to everyone.”

  “Oh,” I mumble, feeling like the world is caving in around me.

  “I thought we were great together, Val. Imagine my surprise when I stumble into you on a date with another guy. How would you have felt if that was another girl and me?”

  I take a deep breath and think it over. “I don’t know, Callan. I…”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. But I guess since you only want me to get laid, I’ll leave. Since that part is over now.” Without another word, he walks up the stairs and lets himself out.

  A part of me feels like shit for hurting him, but the other side says fuck that. I didn’t do anything wrong. There were no rules when we started this. How was I supposed to know? I pull my clothes back on and head upstairs to lock the door. To my surprise, he’s already locked it. I smile to myself. Even when he’s pissed as hell at me, he still thinks of my safety.

  I head back downstairs to get some sleep.

  When I go into the office, I find Callan gone. There’s a voice message on the machine, so I press play.


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