My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3

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My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3 Page 18

by Winter, Alexis

“We will be. Will you just chill? Come on.” I take her hand and pull her to the small private plane I rented for the day.

  I greet the pilot and pay him for his services before we’re shown inside the plane.

  “Take off is in five. Better buckle up,” he says, making his way to the cockpit.

  I take the seat next to Val, and we both pull on our seatbelts. “Did you tell Mom about this?” she asks.

  “Of course. And Bennet and Maddie are going to your mom’s to help with Hannah. Everything is fine,” I assure her.

  We’re given two glasses of champagne before the plane takes off.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” she asks, tossing the champagne back.

  I laugh. “We’re going to Vegas. Today is the day, Val. I can’t wait another moment to make you my wife.”

  She smiles. “We’re getting married?” she asks, tears filling her eyes.

  I nod once. “That’s right. Today is the day you become Valerie Gregory. Has quite the rings to it, doesn’t it?”

  She laughs. “Sounds a little silly. I might have to hyphenate.”

  I lean forward and give her a kiss.

  “Why’d you wait so long?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were cleared by the doctor, and that you had plenty of time with Hannah before asking you to leave her. I know leaving her alone for an hour is stressful on you. I figured leaving her to go to another state would be worse.”

  She reaches over and places her hand in mine. “I love you, Callan.”

  I lift her hand and press a kiss to it. “I love you more than you’ll ever know, Valerie.”

  A few hours later, we’re walking into the casino that also holds the chapel. I filed for our marriage license a week ago, so everything is ready to go. She’s given a cheap bouquet of flowers, and I opt out of renting a tux. I’m wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt while Val is dressed in jeans and a flannel. I want to laugh at our appearance, but I know when I look back on this day, I’ll think it’s perfect. We aren’t exactly a traditional couple, so why would we settle for a traditional wedding?

  When the music starts and the doors open, I can’t do anything but watch her walk toward me. She’s beautiful, with her long, dark curls flowing down around her. She’s wearing a wide smile, and her eyes are shining bright. The moment she stops next to me, I can’t control myself. I have to lean in and kiss her. She laughs against my lips, but that doesn’t stop her from kissing me back.

  We go through the whole process of repeating our vows, and finally, I get to the slide the gold band onto her finger next to her engagement ring.

  “You may now kiss your bride,” the minister says, and he doesn’t have to tell me twice. I pull her against me and kiss her hard and passionately.

  The music starts up again, and we walk down the aisle. She turns over the bouquet, and we’re handed our marriage certificate. I lead her from the chapel into the elevator.

  “Where are we going? When is our flight home?”

  “Not for a couple more hours. I got us a room,” I say, turning to face her as I walk her backward. When her back hits the wall and she can no longer escape me, I pull her against me and kiss her like I haven’t kissed her in years. Her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer as her thighs wrap around my waist. Keeping one hand on her ass to support her weight, I turn and walk us off the elevator when the doors open. We don’t separate as I walk us down the hall and to our room.

  I slide the key into the door, and it beeps, allowing me to twist the handle and walk in. I toss the plastic key card onto a nearby table, and she does the same with our certificate, then we fall into bed, wrapped in each other.

  We haven’t had sex since before Hannah was born. We had to wait for her to heal, and then we were both just so tired from taking care of a newborn baby, but tonight is the night. We lose our clothes at lightning speed, and before I can even think about what I’m doing, I’m sliding deep inside of her. I see fireworks behind my eyelids. Her heat and pressure are enough to have me ripping at the seams. There’s no way I can leave her any time soon.

  She rolls us over and gets herself on top. My hands fall on her hips, begging her to ride me faster, harder, and when I feel her muscles begin to tighten around me, I thrust up into her harder while she rocks against me. Watching her come is life-changing. She’s beautiful. Her plump lips part with her heavy breathing and her loud moans. Her big chest pushes outward, making me want to suck a nipple into my mouth, and her nails dig into my chest, treading a line between pain and pleasure.

  When her whimpers have quieted, I roll us back over so I can give to her some more. No way am I ready to be done. I need to be in her, feel her, taste her. I rock my hips against her body, and she can’t do anything but call out my name. When my release begins to rise, I try pushing it back, but she feels too good. I have to let it go, or I know it will control me anyway. Finally, every muscle tenses and tingles take over my body. My thrusts become rushed and hard, and I let my release go, filling her as I moan against her lips.

  We both freeze to allow our bodies to come back down from the high we were riding. When I roll to her side, her body curves against mine. Her hand lands on my chest, and her cheek presses against my shoulder.

  “This is perfect, Callan. Thank you,” she whispers.

  “Thank you,” I reply.

  “For what?” she asks, confused.

  “For everything, Val. For giving me a chance, for running to me instead of away from me back then. For giving me a beautiful daughter. For marrying me. For making me the luckiest man alive. Thank you.”

  She offers up a small smile. “You’re welcome.” She leans in and kisses me soft and slow.

  “I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I love you,” she whispers as she climbs back on top of me, rolling her hips until she’s sliding down my length once again with a loud moan.

  We spend the rest of our Vegas time in our room. We make love over and over, then take a shower before getting dressed and going back to the airport. I can’t help but watch her on the flight home. She does nothing but sleep, but it’s something I’ve always been fascinated by. The way she breathes, the way she whimpers, the way she looks completely relaxed and happy. I know we have it all, and I could never ask for more.

  The plane lands hours later, and I carry Val from the plane to the car. To my surprise, she doesn’t wake when I pull up to her mom’s house either. I leave the car running and lock the doors while I run in and get Hannah. I load the car seat and get behind the wheel to drive home. The entire time, both girls are sound asleep.

  Getting them into the house is a bit trickier. I take Hannah first, placing her seat on the floor by the stairs while I run out and get Valerie. I carry Valerie inside and lock the door behind us. I carry her up to bed and strip off her shoes before covering her up. Then, I go back down for Hannah. When I bend down to take her out of her seat, her eyes pop open and scan the room.

  “Hi, baby girl,” I coo, picking her up against my chest. I carry her into the kitchen while I make a bottle, then we head up to the bedroom for the night. I change her diaper and put her into a warm sleeper before sitting down in the rocking lounge chair to feed her. My girl has an appetite, and she sucks down the bottle like usual. I burp her and lay her down in the cradle we keep by the bed. Finally, both girls are sound asleep, and I’m free to strip down and slide into bed next to my wife.

  I wake several times with Hannah, repeating the process of changing her diaper, feeding her, and burping her. The whole time, Val doesn’t wake. Finally, she rolls over at seven with a startled inhale.

  “Good morning,” I whisper from the chair while feeding Hannah.

  “What? How?” she asks, looking around the bedroom. “How’d we get here? When?”

  I laugh. “We got in around midnight last night. You fell asleep on the plane. I swung by your mom’s, picked up Hannah, and carried you both to bed.”

  “I slep
t all night? You were up with her all night?” She stands from the bed and walks over to look down at Hannah.

  “I got a few hours of sleep here and there. You must have been worn out.”

  “With a new baby that only sleeps for an hour at a time, the travel, and the sex, yeah, I was tired,” she laughs. “How about I start breakfast since you took the baby shift last night?”

  I nod. “Sounds good. I’m going to lay her down and jump in the shower. I’ll be down soon.”

  She smiles and nods before walking out.

  I finish up with Hannah, lay her down, and turn on the baby monitor so Val will hear her if she cries. Then I step into the shower, and the hot water instantly relaxes me. I can’t say that it wakes me though. If anything, it relaxes me to the point of needing to sleep. I don’t know how Val does it—keeps up with this crazy sleeping routine. From the moment Hannah was born, I’ve never woken with her. Valerie’s always insisted that she wanted to do it. After last night, I will now insist on helping her throughout the night. That’s entirely too much for one person to handle on their own.

  I step out and pull on a pair of sweat pants before checking on Han and heading downstairs to find Val platting up the eggs, bacon, and toast. She has coffee ready, and two glasses of orange juice already poured and waiting on the breakfast table. I help her plate the food and I carry out plates to the table while she pours two cups of coffee. Finally, we’re able to sit down and enjoy a hot meal together.

  “Thanks for letting me sleep last night,” she says before taking a sip of coffee.

  “I’ll be doing that more often.”

  Her brows furrow together.

  “I know you insist on taking care of her, but that’s too much for you to do alone.”

  “Are you crazy? No way can you keep up a sleep pattern like that while you’re working. You’ll be falling asleep at your desk.”

  I shrug. “Oh well. I guess my new assistant will have to pick up the slack.”

  “Did you finally get a new one?” she asks, pushing the eggs around her plate?”

  I nod. “Yeah, Maddie found her. She doesn’t start until tomorrow, but she brought her to my office Friday to introduce us.”

  “And?” she asks.

  “And, I think you’ll really like her. Her name is Tracy. She’s Bennet’s assistant’s sister. She’s probably as old as our moms. She’s married, has six kids, and fourteen grandchildren. She’s a really sweet older lady that can keep her hands to herself,” I laugh out.

  Valerie joins in on my laughter. “Good. I’d hate to have to be your assistant again just because I can’t trust other women around my husband.”

  I smile. “That’s the first time you called me your husband.”

  “It is. Do you like the sound of it?” she asks, standing and walking around the table. She slides onto my lap, facing me.

  “I do like the sound of that. But I think I like the sound of fucking my wife on the breakfast table even more.”

  She lets out a loud laugh that’s cut off by my kiss. I stand, setting her on the edge of the table and working her oversized t-shirt up her thighs. Using one hand, I push my sweatpants down my hips and position myself at her entrance. With one roll of my hips, I’m right where I need to be, where I crave to be. Valerie wasn’t something I expected, but she’s something I need more than food to eat or air to breathe. Valerie is my forever, and as long as I have her and our daughter, I’ll never want for anything.

  It’s funny how things sneak up on you. One day, you’re living your ordinary life and refusing to fall in love, and then it hits you so hard, you don’t know what happened. I don’t know how Valerie worked herself under my skin so much, but I thank God every day that she did. I thought I had everything I needed before, but compared to now, I had nothing. It only took me twenty-five years to figure it out, but now I know what’s important. It’s not money, women, or a good job. It’s finding that one person that knows you, understands you, and loves you for you. It’s becoming friends, falling in love, and creating a family that will always have your back.

  “I love you, Mrs. Windsor-Gregory,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I love you too, Mr. Gregory,” she replies, letting her release wash over her.


  Make Her Mine Series

  My Best Friend’s Brother

  Billionaire With Benefits

  My Boss’s Sister (PRE-ORDER NOW!)

  My Best Friend’s Ex (Coming this January)

  The Friend Agreement (Coming this March)

  Also by Alexis Winter

  Hate That I Love You: Castille Hotel Series Prequel

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  Want this prequel for FREE? Sign up here to get it along with a second free novel delivered right to your inbox!

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  Castille Hotel Series

  Business & Pleasure: Castille Hotel Series Book 1

  Baby Mistake: Castille Hotel Series Book 2

  Fake It: Castille Hotel Series Book 3

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  South Side Boys Series

  Damaged-Book 1

  Broken-Book 2

  Wrecked-Book 3 (Coming December)

  Redemption-Book 4 (Coming February)

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  Claimed by Him: A Contemporary Romance 6 Book Collection

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  About the Author

  Alexis Winter is a contemporary romance author who loves to share her steamy stories with the world. She specializes in billionaires, alpha males and the women they love.

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  If you love to curl up with a good romance book you will certainly enjoy her work. Whether it's a story about an innocent young woman learning about the world or a sassy and fierce heroin who knows what she wants you,'re sure to enjoy the happily ever afters she provides.

  When Alexis isn't writing away furiously, you can find her exploring the Rocky Mountains, traveling, enjoying a glass of wine or petting a cat.

  You can find her books on Amazon or at

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  Follow Alexis Winter below to get awesome deals, participate in giveaways and get advanced sneak peeks of upcoming releases!




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