“Not at all. But my fee isn’t small.”
“I understand. Yazov was kind enough to explain how you do business. He has the rest of the details and your first payment.”
As if he’d predicted the entire conversation length, the car pulled up to the kerb again, right outside the club where I’d be able to find Yazov. I reached out to shake the guy’s hand, keeping any feelings of surprise I felt to myself.
He looked at me a moment, as if he planned to refuse, but then, right when I was beginning to feel like an idiot, he shook it.
“If you get anyone standing in your way or making the job more difficult, tell them Vasily Petrushkov is a friend of yours. If they don’t get out of your way or show you a bit more respect, I’ll see they gain a new level of understanding.”
“I’m pretty sure I won’t have a problem, but I appreciate the offer,” I replied, suddenly less surprised. If this was Vasily Petrushkov then it explained everything. I’d not heard a single good thing about the most powerful don in Moscow, but I’d expected him to come calling on my services eventually. I did the sort of jobs people like him needed and wanted. It was just how this world worked.
Getting out of the car, I didn’t look back or break my stride. I’d never appear weak. I was going to survive. And one day I’d be the don on top. One day every person here would bow in awe of me. I just wouldn’t be a dick when I got there. I did what I needed, and no more.
The man on the door opened it for me without hesitation. I was a regular enough that even this early in the day, when they weren’t officially open, I could get myself admitted.
“Yazov is in the club room, at the bar,” the guy said as he was shutting the door behind me.
I didn’t speak, nodding to show I understood, but I offered no other response. I wasn’t being ordered about, not even for Vasily Petrushkov.
Of course, I actually went where directed, but I took my time, taking in the busy noises of the girls preparing for the earlier acts of the day. There was more than one whore among them and plenty of different acts, strippers and dancers. They were some of the best in the city, but I rarely visited one.
Once had been enough. A long time ago.
“Konstantine? We don’t see you around here often enough,” one of the younger women said as she saw me coming past the dressing room. It was enough to draw the attention of all the other women.
I exhaled as discreetly as I could, glad my eyes hid behind the sunglasses I wore and they wouldn’t see my disdain. Just because I didn’t want anything from them didn’t mean I was going to be a jerk.
“I can’t talk. On a job. Sorry, ladies,” I replied, only stopping long enough to be polite.
As I walked away I could hear titters and whispered conversations, the women who knew of me and my reputation no doubt telling the few new faces what I did.
Yazov sat exactly where the bouncer had said, on a stool at the far end of the bar. Several ledgers and books were open in front of him, a pen in his hand.
While I walked over, he wrote several items on a list beside before looking up.
“Right on time,” he said, smiling at me. I gave him the briefest of smiles back. This was business. “I assume you’re taking the job.”
“Didn’t seem like I’d have had much of a choice about this one, but yes. I don’t much care who the target is as long as I’m paid well. I don’t want to get involved in all the politics.”
“Just the messenger.”
“Of a kind.”
“Well, aren’t we all?” Yazov got up, went behind the bar, rummaged, like he was finding something at the back of a small enclosure and then turning a swirly lock on a safe.
A moment later he pulled out a brown envelope.
“Everything’s in there. I have no idea what it contains, so no one puts this on me,” Yazov said as he handed it over.
“Of course. Wouldn’t bring you into this.”
“Good. I’ve had enough close encounters lately. I don’t need any trouble at my door. This place is neutral ground. Always has been, always will be.”
“Which is why I’m here so much,” I smiled again, turning my attention to the contents. I considered walking out with it, but I found my feet wouldn’t leave.
“I have to admit I didn’t expect to see you so early.” Yazov sat back down in front of his books and picked up his pen. “You had quite a woman on your arm when you left last night. Figured you’d be sleeping in.”
“She had somewhere to be.” I opened the envelope, more than willing to see where Yazov went with this. Maybe he’d hand me some more information about her in passing.
“Yeah, not surprised. Her father doesn’t exactly approve of her coming out like that. But, as I said, this is neutral ground. What her father thinks is her business.”
“Wouldn’t have thought someone her age had parental issues,” I replied, knowing it was more than a little leading. Yazov looked up, a slight smirk on his face. I was once more glad I wore sunglasses and my eyes couldn’t give away how genuinely keen I was for more information.
“The daughter of Anisim Sokolov is going to have more than daddy issues, don’t you think?”
I sucked in my breath and tried to look engrossed in the information I held. In truth I couldn’t take in a single bit of it.
Nadenka Sokolova.
I’d just spent the night with one of the most sought-after bachelorettes in Moscow. No wonder she hadn’t wanted to introduce herself when I’d not recognised her. She’d have appreciated the chance to let off steam.
It brought the whole night into a new light. But it made a weight settle in the pit of my stomach. There was no doubt that to her I’d been nothing. A way for her to get her kicks and then head home. I was nothing compared to someone like her.
A sigh escaped me before I could contain it.
“Thanks for this,” I said, holding up the envelope, everything back inside.
“Just doing my job,” Yazov replied, going back to his books. As I walked away I heard his stool scrape on the floor a fraction. “You know… I’ve not seen her look so happy in a long time. You must have a lot of charm to get her laughing the way you did last night. If she comes in here asking for you, you want me to tell her where to find you?”
By the time Yazov finished speaking my heart was racing in my ears and my feet had stopped again, more than eager to respond.
I tried to play it cool, looking like I had to think about it.
“Yeah, she was fun enough. Why not. Let her know Konstantine comes here often. If she wants to come home with me again I’d consider it.”
Yazov let out a low chuckle, evidently not entirely fooled.
“I’m sure I’ll see her soon as well.”
Not trusting myself to make any kind of retort and beginning to feel like my cheeks had flushed a fiery red, I hurried from the room and back down the corridor.
Once more the girls called from the dressing room, but in my head I was back in my lift, remembering the night before. How she’d tasted. The smell of honey and something wild. She wasn’t like the other women. She’d looked confident, unshaken by even her encounter with the arrogant American. It had made my head spin getting to control her and tell her what to do.
It was no secret that I took a certain sort of pleasure in controlling my victims’ lives for a while, but I wasn’t a sadist. It wasn’t about hurting others, just about being the one they answered to. The one to say what was done and when. I loved it when things went the way I said they would.
She’d submitted to me despite clearly having opinions of her own, and a life. Now I knew who she was it only made the moment we’d shared all the more intoxicating. The most powerful woman in Moscow had let me do as I pleased with her.
It was all I could think about before I knew her name. Now...
I was screwed.
So far I’d found myself enjoying my morning at the theatre. Father had left
me to my own devices, taking an interest in a female member of the cast only a few years younger than him and still very attractive for her age.
It had freed me up to watch the production unhindered and think over the course of the previous evening. It had also put him in a better mood.
The cast member who’d been tasked with looking after us was none other than Vasily’s sister, Anushka. I hadn’t known she acted, but when I started to watch I realised why. It was unfortunately clear she was only in it to keep her brother happy, or her. Either both or one of them evidently donated money to the establishment to help keep it running. They were both talked of as if they were royalty.
I was just beginning to wonder when I could be done and return home, the show over, when a face I hadn’t wanted to see appeared in our little box.
“Vasily!” Father exclaimed, getting up and relinquishing the arm of the woman he liked as soon as he noticed the Petrushkov son. I plastered a smile on my face.
Although my father was quick to try and engage Vasily in conversation, it was brief and then his attention was back on me while my father was free to go back to flirting.
Once again I gave him my most polite smile. I might not like Vasily Petrushkov but even I knew to choose my battles wisely. I wasn’t going to deliberately antagonise him until I had a better idea of what his intentions were.
“I hope you enjoyed the performance,” he said, before speaking in a quieter tone, “Despite my sister’s difficulty in mastering the craft of acting.”
“Your sister did very well for someone still so fresh to the career,” I replied. Immediately he laughed, drawing a few curious glances.
“How diplomatic of you, Nadenka.”
The words sounded like they would normally be a compliment, but there was something about the mocking tone and the laugh that had accompanied his words that made me feel like it wasn’t even close to being praise.
“And on the note of diplomacy… A little bird told me that after everyone left last night you enjoyed an evening at a particular club. And met a... how shall I put this... character of questionable repute.”
I raised my eyebrows, but managed to hide the rest of the emotions his words made me feel. I’d been so careful, but evidently not careful enough.
“Now, of course, I wouldn’t want to mention such a thing to your father. I doubt he’d approve. I feel it would be... diplomatic of me to talk to you about it first.”
“Of course,” I replied. I was trapped, knowing I’d likely need to agree to whatever came next, and I could see from the light in his eyes that’s exactly what he wanted.
“I know you and I don’t have an understanding of any kind yet, but you must be aware of your father’s interest in a potential alliance between us.” Vasily paused to give me a look over, his eyes lingering on certain of my curves for just a little too long. I fought back a shudder. “I’d hate for you to do something to jeopardise that. It might force me to divulge your little secret. I’m sure you understand.”
I repeated my earlier words, understanding one thing very clearly. Vasily was jealous, and doing everything he could to keep all other men away from me. I didn’t appreciate the interference. It did present me with one problem, however. How was I going to get what I wanted and keep my secret? For a moment I thought, my eyes meeting Vasily’s.
“I’m sure you’re a man who understands that there are relationships which mean more than others,” I said. “Currently, no one can lay claim to my solo attentions, and I have an... appetite that needs meeting. I assure you, I’m not looking for anything serious anywhere else. Just a way to let off some steam.”
I took a step closer and let my eyes rove momentarily to his crotch.
“Some relationships would simply be too public for any kind of dalliances. Especially with a man such as yourself. But I assure you, if something more serious develops between me and...” Again I paused, as much to look for the right word as to study him and make sure he knew he was my current subject of conversation. “Well... a more suitable party, I’ll act with far more grace.”
Vasily let out a little chuckle, but it sounded cold.
“I’m glad, Nadenka, for your sake,” Vasily whispered as he stepped in close. “It would be so unbecoming of such a flower in the households of Moscow’s great men to be plucked by a street rat. You’re worth so much more than someone like that deserves.”
“I rather feel I’m more of an untamed lioness. But we’re agreed on one thing. I’m worth more than most men deserve,” I replied, smiling as I knew we were talking of different men.
Before Vasily could respond, he was called away by someone else. More than once he glanced my way, his jaw set and his eyes cold. I tried not to shiver, focusing on the parts of the conversations around me.
When Anushka appeared, smiling and listening to the honeyed lies she was told by all the men, the other Petrushkov seemed to vanish. If this was what it took to get rid of him, I was tempted to spend more time with the sister. No matter what she was like, it might keep the brother away from me.
“You’re showing great promise,” I said when Anushka was close enough to hear me. “I understand you have only recently been learning.”
“Yes. After our family’s tragic accident I decided that life is too short for missing out on the things that make us come alive.” Although Anushka originally appeared to be pleased to be talking about her career, the last sentence seemed to change all that. Was she truly grieving her father, brother and his wife? There was no way to know for sure.
Although I did my best to keep engaging Anushka Petrushkova in conversation, as soon as another man came along to give her attention I was forgotten and our subject morphed into another round of hoping for the men to pay her compliments.
Thankfully, Father had been equally disentangled from his conversations, leaving him to notice the time. Always punctual, my father had the car brought around, and then we were in it and heading back.
“What did Vasily say?” Father asked as soon as we were alone together. “Has he given any indication of his intentions?”
I shook my head, hoping the inevitable disappointment wouldn’t make him rant at me for something else.
“It’s still early days. We shall just have to wait. In the meantime, I understand that Luka fellow was also taking a great interest in you.”
Without thinking, I nodded. His interest would only encompass the opportunity to hide his true feelings for another, but if it kept my father happy until I worked out my own future I wasn’t going to squash any rumours or theories about us. It might even serve to deter Vasily a little. At least I could hope it would.
Finally satisfied, father went silent until we arrived home. The moment we stepped in the front door, one of my father’s men appeared with a message for him.
Not even apologising, or seeming to notice my existence, Father went to his study to work.
There wasn’t a complaint from me as I made my way to my wing of the house. I needed time alone with my animals. Time to think, and plan. I wanted to see Al again, my mysterious street-rat-come-prince, but I knew so little about him. There was only one man who might be able to help me, but he was famed for being able to keep his secrets and for not taking sides. It would require something truly special to get him to reveal what he might know.
Levin let out a small growl as he got to his feet.
“It’s alright. It’s just me,” I said as I approached the wolf. For a moment he continued to bare his teeth and look formidable, just long enough to make me wonder if I’d made a big mistake. Then suddenly he relaxed, his tongue already hanging out of his mouth as his tail wagged.
“I grinned and stroked him, amazed how he could feel like he was not even a dog, but a lamb.
Even after just a few minutes in his presence I felt calmer. This was one of my happier places. Before long I found my mind wandering to thoughts of the last twenty-four hours.
bsp; My life had been so dull lately, and then I’d met the mysterious stranger at the club, and since then I’d felt like I was reeling from one event to the next. I had never cut it so close getting back to the house.
I’d also never had anyone threaten me. At least not without also threatening my father, or because of my father. And I’d never thought much of the men who were too scared to go after my father directly. It was cowardice that made them target me.
And cowards didn’t scare me. They were predictable and easily cowed. No... I didn’t mind being threatened, except Vasily had done it because he wanted something from me directly. And he wasn’t scared, that was for sure.
I shivered as I thought about the way he had looked at me. Instantly Levin snuggled in closer, resting his head on my lap. I stroked his soft fur, listening to his breathing.
As I sat there my mind connected a couple of dots I’d missed before. If Vasily had known I was at the club and that I’d hooked up with someone there, did he know who? Was my mysterious stranger not so mysterious? Could I find him again?
It was tempting just to annoy Vasily, despite his threat. If he followed through, he ran the risk of damaging his own chances. Father might ship me off to my aunt’s in St Petersburg. But I wanted to see how far the Petrushkov brother could truly be pushed. I’d have to do it carefully, however. Vasily was not a man to be pushed too far too quickly.
Without thinking, I got to my feet and left the large pen Levin was kept in at night. My body automatically took me to the stables and the usual stash of clothing. Did I dare go out for a second night in a row? There was no car hiding in the small clearing. I’d left it at the club.
Perhaps I can go get that, at least. I found myself smiling, unable to hold back now I’d thought of a semi-good excuse. It wasn’t entirely necessary. I’d left it at the club for longer before, but it was enough of a reason tonight.
Once more I snuck across the muddy paddock, heels held in one hand, my jacket in the other. Once I was outside the main fence I wandered down the road a little, took off the shoes, tucked them under the usual spot and donned the less practical footwear.
Claimed by the Thief Page 4