Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 7

by Brittany Crowley

  “And to think I always wonder why your relationships never last.”

  “Hey, there’s a reason why I’ve never been with someone long term. What’s the point? So a girl can think she has a claim on me and get attached to my family? No, thank you. When I finally introduce a girl to my parents, she’s going to be the one.”

  “How poetic. Maybe you’re right?” Or maybe being around Emerson is clouding my judgement.

  “I’m always right,” he scoffs.

  Why can’t relationships be that simple? I don’t want to hurt Mandy, but I can’t help but feel our relationship’s run its course. Being away from her has cemented that fact, and if I’m being honest, our relationship should have expired a while ago. I don’t want to lose her in my life, but I find that thought okay in my head.

  “Penny just texted me saying they’re almost ready to go.”

  “Texting Penny now?” I waggle my brows and earn an eye roll in return. “Didn’t know you had her number.”

  He doesn’t answer which speaks volumes as far as I’m concerned.

  There’s a knock on the door a few seconds later saving him. Lucky bastard. I’d love to have directed our conversation more toward his love life than mine.

  I get up and answer the door to find Leo with a huge smile showcasing all of his teeth. It’s kind of weirding me out, and it gets stranger when he keeps turning his head and mouthing something to someone in the hall. I swear I see his lips shape the word girth, but I can’t be sure.

  My phone starts ringing, and a picture of Mandy flashes on the screen. Shit, horrible timing.

  “You know what, can we meet you in the lobby, Leo? I have to take this call.”

  “Why of course Josiah, toodles.” He wiggles his fingers at me, then is gone like a phantom.

  “You can head down with them if you want, I have to take this call. It’s Mandy.”

  “I’ll hang out for solidarity.”

  “Hey,” I answer, and I’m met with silence. “Hello?” When I hear heavy breathing, I wait for her to respond.


  “What’s the matter? Are you okay?” Something’s off, and it’s making me feel uneasy. I check the time on the side table and figure with the time difference it’s three in the afternoon where she is. The wedding reception must be in full swing.

  “Do you love me JJ?” She slurs, tipping me off that she might have had one too many drinks.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Do you love me? Can you picture me in a white dress, walking down the aisle? Saying our vows, you know, the whole kit and caboodle?”

  “I think we should talk about this at home. This isn’t really something we should discuss over the phone.”

  “No, this needs to happen now because if you don’t see that, you have to let me go. I’m in love with you Joss. But…” There’s a long pause on her end. “I ran into someone at the wedding. My ex-boyfriend from high school.”

  My heart starts beating faster at the implication. Did she run into him? Did she fuck him? The possibilities are endless.

  “Did you fuck him?” I ask without a hint of anger which surprises me.

  “What? No, I would never when I’m with you. He came up to me, and we got to talking, and he told me he still has feelings for me. We broke up when I moved to New England to go to school. Neither of us were willing to do the long-distance thing. It’s just…” Another pause. “Do you want to marry me, and I won’t hold your answer against you. We’ve been together for a year, and you won’t even let me have one measly drawer in your dresser. If you say yes, then we can forget we ever had this conversation, and we’ll go back to the way things were. Chalk this all up to a drunken rambling. But if there’s a chance…”

  “A chance for you to be happy.”

  “Joss, I love you, but I don’t think you see a long term future with me. Just be honest, please.”

  I look at Danny, and he must see something on my face because his eyebrows raise in question. “No, I don’t see that. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I think I’ve known for a while. Thank you for being honest.”

  “Be safe,” I say before she says goodbye and hangs up the phone.

  I stare down at the phone for a few minutes before Dan clears his throat. When I look up, strangely, I feel light. Like something that’s been weighing me down has suddenly lifted, and I hate even thinking of Mandy as a burden.

  “What the fuck just happened?”

  “We’re done. Mandy just broke up with me because she ran into her old boyfriend at the wedding.”

  “Are we feeling okay about this?”

  “We are,” I state. “I would have preferred to do it face-to-face.” I shrug my shoulders. “Listen, why don’t you all go to dinner because I’m going to be bad company. I’ll catch up with you after. I just need to process everything.”

  It’s funny how one conversation could change the whole course of your future.

  Chapter 10


  I’m checking in with my social media while we wait in the lobby of the hotel. It’s been a while, and that’s because I’ve avoided it. I’ve been having a blast since we left, and I haven’t wanted anyone’s stupid comments to bring me down.

  The corners of my eyes sting when I start reading all the posts about me. Not in a bad way for once when I’m reading stories about myself. Women of all ages are using a brand new hashtag that has nothing to do with me failing.


  There are pictures of women all over the world wearing my shirt, a shirt I had no idea existed, and tagging me with the hashtag. One post even talks about me changing the face of the women’s division of MMA.

  I notice all walks of life as I scroll through the posts, and the ones that hit closest to home are the women posting about their courageous battles. Beating the beast that took my grandmother away five years ago. Breast cancer. A cause that will always remain close to my heart.

  “Oh my god,” I choke out. I remember her struggle, see photos of women sans hair or rocking head wraps and the image of my grandmother in an identical wrap invades my mind.

  “What’s happening?” Penny rushes over. “Don’t go on there. You know it’s nothing but negative bullshit.”

  “No, read this.” I pull her over to a set of chairs, and we read post after post after searching #RebelsArmy.

  “I never thought I’d say this, but you’re a role model.” Penny chuckles. “Reading these women’s stories and how you’ve impacted their lives already…man. This is huge Rebs.”

  “God, I know. It’s so much responsibility,” I say as a photo of a young girl showing off her skinny arms in a muscle pose smiles at the camera.

  “It is. This is huge.”

  “I know.” And what Penny doesn’t know is just how much pressure I actually feel in this moment. I’ve never thought about changing who I am, and I figured the world would adjust. That is until recently after all the bad headlines and doubts from the press. It turns out this is bigger than even me. This is for women everywhere. Women who accept me for who I am.

  “What are you biddies blabbering about? Are those tears I see? Where the fuck are the guys?” Leo gets so close to my face I have to shove him away. In answer, I shove my phone in his face.

  He plops down with an oomph, then says nothing for a while. I see his eyes moving and his finger working the screen.

  “My word. I knew your fight would be a big deal, but I didn’t realize the magnitude of it. You’re the new anti-hero.”

  “Anti-hero?” I question. “Isn’t that bad?”

  “Not necessarily,” Penny chimes in. “There are so many people out there that try to fit themselves in a tiny box because that’s what is expected of them. You’ve lit those boxes on fire while chucking the middle finger in the process. You’re a role model for the girls without a voice. The ones told to bite their tongues, to lose five pounds, to shut the hell up because their opinions don’t matter.

  When she puts it in perspective like that it doesn’t make me feel like I’m drowning in expectation. I never thought I’d be anyone’s hero, but if I had to choose, I’d pick the girls without a voice any day.

  “Let’s use that fucking hashtag and give those girls something to cheer about.” Leo holds up my phone, and I immediately block my face.

  “Stop it, I look like a whore.” I chuckle. “We can do a photo tomorrow from the gym or something. I’m not about to put up a picture where my tits are out.”

  “Party pooper,” Leo complains as I notice Danny walking over to us. Strangely, there’s no Joss in sight.

  “No fucking way.” He yells by way of greeting. “I’m here to play babysitter, but I will not go to jail for fighting a motherfucker off either of you.”

  “Stop it. They look gorge.” Leo pulls Penny into his side. “Who would have thought this one had a set of tits behind all of those business suits. Am I right?”

  “Leo!” I scold him.

  “You want a compliment too? All you have to do is ask Rebs.”

  I can already tell tonight is going to be a doozy. Leo and Penny lead the way out of the hotel, and I have no choice but to walk next to my brother. I cross my arms over my chest feeling a little self-conscious after his outburst. He’s still seething as his eyes train on Penny and never stray.

  “Knock that shit off,” I chastise him. “Don’t make her feel like shit about herself.”

  “Whatever,” my brother mumbles.

  “Where’s Joss?”

  “He has to take care of some things. He’ll meet up with us later.”

  I’m a little disappointed but remember that the time apart is for the best. It’s when I’m stuck with him that my outer façade decides to crumble to pieces.

  Dinner ends up being the shitshow I was expecting. Danny can’t seem to play nice, and I’m finding, with every drink, the liquid courage is ready to push me over the edge wanting to kick his ass. So what if the girl wants to show off her body? Last time I checked it’s a woman’s right to dress however she wants.

  What helps is Penny’s subtle head shakes telling me to stand down. I’d do anything for that girl, and I understand her need to not draw any attention to her or make this a bigger deal than Danny’s making it.

  “Let’s get the fuck outta here before Daniel pees on poor Penny.”

  Danny groans as Leo’s comment makes me smile. I vaguely remember Danny on the phone on the ride over to the club. I think he’s telling someone where we’re going and that he needs backup. Blah, blah, blah.

  This club is pretty decent. Leo picked it solely because it was named Lavender and claimed that it fit in with the theme of our lady gang. I’ve learned not to question his choices at this point.

  The Long Island iced teas are flowing and so are our bodies on the dance floor. I’ll dance with anyone as long as I get to dance and right now there’s a sexy little redhead that has my name written all over her. I love them petite. My hands are on her hips as her ass gyrates in my lap, when my eyes meet a guy that’s on the outskirts of the dance floor.

  He’s staring at my chest and when he notices he has my attention, a slight grin tips at the corner of his lips. He’s attractive in a rough life kind of way. It’s hard to tell in the darkness of the club, but it looks like he has a tattoo popping out of the collar of his button-up. My heart begins beating faster with every step he takes my way. It’s been a while since I’ve had a reaction like this to a guy and I’m going to go with it.

  With the redhead long forgotten, he doesn’t miss a beat when he steps behind me and jerks my ass into his crotch. I’m out of breath and feeling all sorts of sensations when he places his hand low on my hip.

  “What’s your name?” He yells in my ear over the music. His voice is buttery smooth causing goosebumps to rise along the curve of my neck where his breath hits.

  For the first time in a long time, I’m thinking Joss who?


  We dance for what feels like hours. His hands are all over me, and I’m loving every second of it. We’re as close as two people can get to having sex in public, and we’ve barely spoken other than his dirty words in my ear.

  I raise my arm in the air and wrap it around his neck. His erection thrusts into my ass causing me to moan.

  “Let’s get out of here sweetness.” His warm lips land deliciously on my neck.

  Do I want to get out of here with him? Abso-fucking-lutely. But I still have my standards, and those don’t include a one nighter, no matter how much my vagina is screaming for me to ride his face.

  I turn around to face him and take a teasing step backward. “I’m having fun doing this.”

  He steps up to me, pulls my pelvis into his huge bulge and places his hands on my ass. “We’d have more fun back at my place.”

  Any attraction I’m feeling dissipates with his persistence. Why can’t this be enough? We’re having a good time. Actually, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. I’m usually too shy to talk to the opposite sex, and this has been like a breath of fresh air.

  “Let’s go gorgeous.” He grabs my arm and starts pulling me off the dance floor as I frantically look around to find Leo or Penny. Hell, at this point I’d take my brother. Unfortunately, I have no fucking clue where the trio went.

  “No. If you wanna get out of here go ahead, but I’m going to dance for a while longer.” I pull my arm from his grasp and turn, set on finding my friends.

  I make it two steps when my back is crowded by a large figure. “I didn’t put all that groundwork in for no payout. Work with me here, Rebel.” My blood runs cold when he says my nickname. He’s known who I was the whole time.

  I turn and shove his shoulders. “Get the fuck away from me.”

  He steps back into my space and crouches, so he’s at my level. “What are you going to do about it?”

  It happens so fast. One second he’s invading my personal space, the next he’s laid out on the dance floor. All the dancers give us a wide berth as I look down at the sprawled out man that took it too far.

  “Don’t you dare force me to leave against my will. When a woman says no, it means no.”

  Out of nowhere Danny and Leo flank me and stare down at the pathetic heap of a man on the floor.

  “Do I need to kick his ass?” Danny asks cracking his knuckles.

  “Call me crazy Daniel, but I think our Rebs here has already done the dirty work. Come have a drink with me, he’s been hogging you all night, and you know how I get when I’m neglected.”

  When we turn to head back to the bar, I notice a few cameras pointed in our direction. If Danny’s sudden rigidness is any indication, he’s noticed too.

  “I think it’s time to get out of here,” he states.

  “No, I was having a great night until that guy turned into a douche. We’re not going back to the hotel yet.”

  “Fine, but can we please keep a low profile?”

  “Sure,” I agree.

  Famous last words.

  Chapter 11


  After sulking in my room all night, I get an SOS text from Dan. Apparently, he can’t handle the gaggle of misfits after they’ve been drinking and needs my backup. At this point, I’m willing to do whatever’s needed to get my mind off Mandy.

  It’s not like I’m pining after a lost love, but it’s normal to be out of sorts after the end of a lengthy relationship. She’s been texting me off and on letting me know how sorry she is, and I keep reassuring her everything is going to be okay. And it is.

  I walk into the club and let my body adjust to the heat and darkness of the place. This isn’t my scene anymore, if it ever was, to begin with. Dan seems to be MIA at the moment because he’s nowhere in sight.

  As I make my way through the dance floor, a couple of girls jump in front of me trying to shake their tits in my direction. They don’t do anything for me; I’m not in the market for some meaningless fun. Not when I’m working
even though I’ve been slacking tonight.

  I hear hoots and hollers and decide that I need to be over there. Someone’s obviously having a good time. Two girls are dancing on the bar, and their backs are to me as they entertain the crowd on the other side. My feet walk of their own volition as a feeling in my gut brings me in that direction. One of the girls catches my eye. Her moves are sexy as fuck, even though I can tell she’s clearly intoxicated. When she bends down, the bottom of her ass peeks out from under her skirt, and my dick jumps in my pants. I need to see that ass, and I’d be willing to throw away my rule of celibacy to know what it looks like up close. To find out what it tastes like.

  Her legs are like a work of art, and they are never-fucking-ending. I can picture those legs wrapped around my waist. Christ, what’s gotten into me? I just broke up with Mandy, and here I am lusting after some chick dancing on the bar.

  Then why is every fiber of my body commanding me to grab her and drag her out of here and into the nearest bed? Here I’ve been getting my head straight as a single man once again, guess there was no need to worry there.

  When she swivels her hips around, and I get a glimpse at her side profile, I see the perkiest, most delectable set of tits I’ve ever seen. Her halter style top leaves little to the imagination as her pert nipples strain against the fabric.

  Turn around princess.

  I need to see the woman who’s sultry dancing has made me lose all concentration. The little vixen who has my head in a haze forgetting about Danny and his SOS message.

  Finally, at the end of the song, she turns my way. Her face is still blocked by the blonde locks that have stuck to her sweat plastered skin. She flips her hair with a big smile teasing at her lips.

  Suddenly I lose the ability to take in a breath when my lungs cease to work.

  It’s Emmy.

  Fuck me. I feel all kinds of wrong with the thoughts that have just run through my head. I just pictured my best friend’s little sister with her legs tight around me as I pound into her. I try to wipe the visual from my mind, but I’m unable to. It’s official, I’m going to hell, and my body hasn’t yet got the memo that it’s Emmy dancing on the stage because my cock’s still standing at attention ready to claim her.


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