Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 14

by Brittany Crowley

  “Fuck off.” I bite out at my friend then turn my attention back to Zander. “Em and I have decided to see what happens.” I answer his prior question.

  “See what happens.” He mimics. “Yeah, that shit doesn’t fly with me. You will guard my daughter from a safe distance and that is all.”

  “With all due respect, that’s not going to work for me.”

  “No?” He asks as a humorless chuckle escapes his mouth.

  “No. I won’t beg to date Emmy. I don’t have to. We like each other enough to explore what’s happening between us and I know she’d like your blessing, but I don’t require it.” I sit back in the seat and cross my arms over my chest. If he thinks I’ll back down he’s sadly mistaken.

  “This is where we’re about to have a problem Joss. I’m not so sure I’m comfortable with you keeping her safe, especially now, when all you do is go all googly eyed around her. I need someone sharp, focused, quick. A person who’s thinking ability won’t be impaired in a high-risk situation.”

  “I’m all of those things and more. If you pull me off of her detail you’re not as smart as I’d once thought you were. You’ve known me for quite some time and you should know that Emmy’s safety is and always will be my top priority. Even if you put someone else on her, I’ll still be there watching her. I’m not going away just because you fire me or threaten me away from your daughter. Fuck that. I’m the best person to keep her safe and you know it.”

  Zander remains quiet, taking the time to process. I look over at Dan and a slight smirk plays on his lips as he takes a sip of his dad’s coffee. I’m not about to grovel at this man’s feet to date his daughter or to keep my job. The fact of the matter is I’ll do both no matter who the fuck tells me not to. It’s our lives to live, not his and I refuse to avoid Emmy again.

  Just thinking about another man guarding her sets my nerves on edge. I’m the best and he damn well knows it. He’ll either be pigheaded, blinded by the thought of his little girl having a man or see the truth and realize that I’d never put Em’s life in jeopardy.

  “If you slip up even once I’m pulling you off her and that’s a promise Joss. You’re right. I’ve known you for a while and know the type of person you are. I guess if my daughter’s going to date someone, it wouldn’t be completely unfavorable if it was you.”

  “Thank you.” I stick out my hand. Zander’s lands in it and firmly shakes. “I will never let anything happen to Em. You need to know that I’m pursuing her for all the right reasons. I’ve come to a cross roads and realized I can’t avoid my feelings any longer. I want you to know my intentions going forward.”

  “Thank you, but if you ever hurt my little girl I’ll personally make your life a living hell. Treat her like a fucking queen because she deserves the best.” He looks down at the table and clears his throat after letting go of my hand. When his head rises there’s a grin I wasn’t expecting to see on his face.

  “Don’t fuck this up. Something tells me it’s going to be a long two months before her fight.” Zander states.

  “Don’t I fucking know it.”

  Chapter 21


  It’s eerily quiet as I walk into my apartment for the first time in almost a week. We’ve been hanging out at the hospital all day, and everyone but my parents got kicked out when visiting hours were closed. The good news is, Quinn should be released either tomorrow or the next day. They need to watch her concussion closely.

  After being with Quinn all day, I feel better knowing she’s going to be just fine. Seeing her was rough, the bruising and the pained winces at times were a lot to take in. She’s still my Quinn. Still mothering, cracking jokes, and making us tell her everything about our trip. We told her everything with the exception of Leo’s Miss Cleo moment with Danny. Everything else was fair game in my friends’ eyes no matter how embarrassing the story.

  A warm hand lands on my shoulder and my back hunches in exhaustion. “It’s been a long day.” I barely get out before Joss steps around and pulls me into his arms. Somehow, he makes everything better and knows exactly what I need. I’m not just talking about now. At the hospital, he was there, for it all. He could sense when I was getting emotional and when I needed alone time with my family.

  “Quinn’s going to be okay. She’ll be back here before you know it.”

  “I know. I’m just overtired and emotional.” I take a deep, stuttering breath and turn to face Joss. “Will you stay with me?” The sense of unease has my body on high alert after what happened to Quinn. I somehow feel unsafe in my own home, and I hate it. I know my dad already had the locks changed for us and gave me my new key before we left the hospital.

  We haven’t had a chance to talk about anything that happened last night either, and I’d like some clarity and for Joss to make good on some of his promises from this morning. I’m not sure what we are or what we’re doing. All I do know is that I want to sleep in his arms tonight. I need to. Joss must sense it when he heads for my bathroom, and I hear the shower turn on a moment later. He returns to my room shirtless with the top button of his pants undone. Well, damn.

  “Let’s take a shower and go to bed. You need a good night’s sleep before we go back to the hospital in the morning.” I let him take my hand and pull me into the steam filled room.

  “We?” I question, lifting my arms in the air so he can peel the T-shirt from my body.

  “Do you think you’ll get rid of me that easily?” He strips my shorts down my legs and leads me into the shower.

  Something I missed out on last night was stripping Joss down and seeing him in all his naked glory. Worshiping every square inch of his hot and hard body. I was the naked one while he remained fully clothed, which I realize was a shame as I stand in the shower letting the hot water rain down on my body watching Joss disrobe like a voyeur.

  He leisurely strips his pants down his hips and kicks them away when they reach his ankles. My eyes track up his body starting with his defined calves that work up into strong, powerful thighs. There’s a moment where I linger on his cock for a beat too long as my cheeks flush and my mouth waters. I decide I better move onto things less stimulating if I want to get a look at the whole package. Joss’s well-defined arms void of any tattoos meet a set of wide shoulders, and his muscular chest tapers into an Adonis like set of abs that dip into devilish hips. Hips I want to dig my fingers into as he’s driving me wild. Then I’m back to his massive erection. I definitely stare a little too long this time because he pushes me further into the shower with a smirk playing on his lips. He spins me around and starts working shampoo through my wet hair.

  “It’s the effect you have on me. I know now isn’t the time, and I don’t want you to feel pressured. All I want to do is hold you tonight.” I nod and let him take care of me. His fingers feel magnificent as he massages my scalp longer than necessary. My muscles relax with every second that passes, and if he continues, I’ll be a pile of goop on the shower floor. Joss lathers up my entire body with body wash as the conditioner he just put in now sits in my hair. It’s not erotic; it’s comforting. He’s taking care of me, and I’m a huge swoony puddle at his feet.

  After Joss deems me clean, I begin to watch him run through the motions on himself. Joss turns away and starts running shampoo through his hair when in a moment of clarity, my feelings for him nearly plow me over.

  From behind, I wrap my arms around his middle and rest my head along his back. I feel him stiffen, most likely thinking I’m trying to seduce him. I’m so tired I don’t think I could seduce myself presently.

  “Thank you, for everything.” I kiss the center of his spine as little goosebumps break out across his back. I turn and grab a towel before stepping out of the shower.

  I’m able to brush my teeth and hair by myself, so he can finish his shower. I hand him a towel that he haphazardly secures around his delectable waist after the water shuts off.

  I’m surprised to find that since I got home, I haven’t once had
a negative thought or dwelled on Quinn’s attack. It’s like Joss brings a peace to my life I’ve been needing. My mind knows I have no reason to be afraid when he’s with me, and I love that feeling.

  “Hands up,” Joss commands as I sit on the edge of my bed in nothing but a towel. I’m completely zoned out and minutes from passing the hell out. My arms raise, and he slides one of his T-shirts down my body.

  “I think you’re the perfect man,” I say around a yawn, my eyes already closed with exhaustion as he places me in bed.

  “I’m far from it, princess, but I’m glad to hear you think so.”

  “You’re the perfect man for me.” I pause for a second then continue before I can stop myself. “I’m not sure what we are or where we’re going.” I try to choose my words carefully. “I think…”

  “Listen, we’ll talk in the morning before we head to the hospital. You’re tired, and I need your full attention when we have this conversation. For now, sleep and know I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Okay,” I agree and snuggle even more into Joss. “Goodnight. You’re winning you know?”

  “Winning what, baby?” He kisses my shoulder.

  “Proving to me why I fell for you.”

  “I’ll never stop.”

  It’s silent for a few minutes, and I think Joss has dozed off. “If you’re gone in the morning, I just might kick your ass,” I mumble.

  “There’s nowhere I need to be baby.” I feel his warm lips connect with the back of my neck in the sweetest of kisses. “Nowhere I’d rather be.”

  I fall asleep with a smile on my face and a happy heart.


  Joss shows me firsthand how good a morning can be waking up next to him. How do I figure this out? Well, I wake to a particularly delicious roll to my nipple that has me arching my back, pushing my ass into Joss’s straining cock.

  “Morning, Emmy,” Joss whispers into my ear and continues to work my nipple. His cock slides between the cheeks of my ass and something tells me from his groans that this has been going on longer than my sleepy brain can process.

  “Jesus. Good morning,” I moan, then gasp when his free hand delves between my legs. His cock moves faster as his fingers hit their target and within seconds I’m falling apart in his arms. I’ve never come so hard and so fast in my life.

  Joss moans and comes all over my back. The warm release coats my skin as I pant and bask in my afterglow.

  “Damn. Is it acceptable for a woman to use the excuse it’s been a while?” He chuckles and pulls his hand from between my thighs.

  “It might be if I didn’t have it under good authority that you got some the other night.” Joss groans when he thrusts his hips forward again. I grab my shirt that’s been bunched up over my breasts and pull it over my head. I hand it to him for clean up before I can move.

  I turn over in bed to face him. I’ve already had a delicious orgasm, and I haven’t seen him yet. Once we’re face-to-face, I chastely kiss him mindful of my breath.

  “Good morning.” I stare dreamily into his eyes.

  “I like you like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Thoroughly satisfied and knowing that I caused it.”

  I think I’m in love with this man already. It makes me wonder if we’re starting this relationship on an uneven playing field. I’ve been crushing on him for years. As a teen, I was completely in love with him as much as a young girl is capable of. His feelings just started for me that I know of. Friend love is highly different than being in love with a person.

  “Stop thinking.” Joss pulls me from my thoughts when he kisses my nose. “Time to talk.”

  “Okay, go ahead. You lead, and I’ll follow.”

  “Great,” he says sarcastically. “I don’t have much to say other than we’re doing this. You’re mine in every sense of the word. We’re exclusive. No way have I had my tongue and my fingers in you, had you crying in my arms and had my cum on your back to have you running off to some other asshole. When we’re together, we’re together. You belong to me, and I belong to you. No more running, no more deflecting. If you have a problem, bring it to me, and we’ll talk it out. You with me?”

  “Yes.” I hope my expression isn’t giving away how much this conversation is knocking my socks off. Does he realize I’ve dreamt of him saying these words to me? I’ve fantasized about our wedding and everything that comes in between. Mine, Joss is finally mine. I’m…I think I’m speechless.

  “Never thought I’d see the day where I’d leave you mute. I’m tempted to slip inside your pussy and see if I can change that.”

  “I just, do you realize you just made my sixteen-year-old self extremely happy, made me happy? I mean…I think I am speechless.”

  Joss places the back of his hand against my forehead. “Well, you don’t have a fever.”

  “Fuck off.” I laugh and roll on top of him as I tickle his chest. “I’m just…” I close my eyes and breathe this moment in. “I’m extremely happy right now.”

  “Me too, princess.”

  “Not that I don’t love it, but what’s up with calling me that?”

  “The world sees you as a wild child, the rebel. I see the real you. You have a heart of pure fucking gold and deserve to be worshiped in every sense of the word. When I saw you dancing in the bar the other night, before I even saw your face, I found myself calling you princess. It blew my mind that my princess has been right in front of me this whole time.”

  “Wow.” I breathe, loving that explanation. “You just blew happy out of the water.” I smile.

  Is that totally fucked up though? My sister’s still in the hospital, yet here I am in the greatest moment of my life. I know she’s going to be ecstatic when I tell her and that helps lessen the guilty blow to my conscience.

  The alarm clock on my nightstand catches my attention when I notice the time.

  “Shit, it’s already after nine? We need to get to the hospital. Everyone’s meeting at nine-thirty for when the doctor makes his rounds for an update.”

  “Then I suggest you get off me before I make us even later.” I’m shocked to see the evidence of his arousal sitting between my legs so soon after. I’d love nothing more than to lift myself up and slide him deep inside of me. Regretfully, I’ll have to take a raincheck for later.

  “Listen, I’m going to blow your mind tonight Josiah Kent.” I lean over and place my lips next to his ear. “I’ll be thinking about sliding your cock into my mouth all day.”

  Joss groans and his hands grip my hips hard. “You sure we don’t have time for a quickie?” His cock thrusts upward and hits my clit causing a zing to fly through my body.

  “You have no idea how much I wish we did, but I think you’d be doing a poor job of convincing me why you deserve another chance with a quickie.” I kiss his lips and jump off him.

  We fly through showering and getting ready for the day. Surprisingly we don’t have any mishaps being in each other’s space. He hands me a towel after a dribble of toothpaste drips down my chin, and I throw him his shoes and keys after he searches for them without luck. It’s odd, but fantastic at the same time.

  He reaches his hand out for me to take as we exit my apartment. “You ready for the world to know you’re my girl, Rebel?”

  “Don’t call me that.” I shake my head. “That’s the media’s thing now, not a private name like it used to be. I think the more important question for you is, are you ready for my dad to find out about us?”

  “What would you say if I told you he already knows my intentions and gave me his blessing to date you?”

  “Say what? Man, I shouldn’t be surprised anymore by your conversations with the men in my family.”

  He turns me to face him before we get out of my building. “They know I’m in this for the right reasons. I’m all the way in this relationship with you. The question is, are you all the way in this with me?”

  “Absolutely.” I kiss him straight on the mouth with lots of tong
ue. It’s a damn shame to pass up an opportunity to let him thoroughly own my mouth, and I make it my personal mission to never let that happen.

  Something tells me today’s going to be different than yesterday. Today’s going to be a good day.

  Chapter 22


  It feels great to finally be back home, but with being home comes the complication of everyone knowing where I am. I was followed by photographers to the hospital yesterday; then they stalked me all the way home with Quinn. My dad wanted us to stay with him, but Joss volunteered to stay at our apartment until things die down.

  “You ready Emmy?” Dad asks, meeting me at the entrance of his gym. He says a quick hello to Joss standing beside me and glares at the screaming photographers outside on the sidewalk. Joss and my dad shake hands as I get a good look around the gym and see some familiar faces behind the front counter. I also notice the brand new blinds on all of the front windows.

  This place always feels like I’m home. It’s always been my home away from home, and I hate that I’ve had to do the bulk of my training elsewhere. I’m now where I belong with the best trainers out there, and it gives me a sense of confidence I haven’t felt in a while. Not since all the tabloids decided to team up against me and get in my head with negative bullshit.

  “Sure.” My dad’s arm wraps around my shoulders and gives a squeeze in reassurance.

  “It gets easier, I promise. Although, if you’re a kickass little fighter you might have to put up with this for a while. Comes with the territory.”

  “With my last name would you expect anything less than kickass?” I joke and look around, now noticing how crowded it is in the back section of the gym. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting this many people to show.”

  Dad leads me into his office and closes the door behind the three of us once we’re all safely inside. “You can get ready in here. With all those video cameras I don’t want you changing in a public space. We don’t need any more mishaps.” He levels me with his eyes.


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