Blaedergil's Host

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by C. M. Simpson

  Mack ‘n’ Me: Blaedergil’s Host

  Mack ‘n’ Me ‘n’ Odyssey #2


  I stayed off Mack's radar for a good three months, or so I'd thought. Maybe he was just letting me run. He found me, kicked my ass and hauled me right back on board. He'd been doing that on and off for the past twelve months. Problem was, Odyssey was also on my tail, and, when this job was done, Mack was supposed to hand me back. Not gonna happen. And, now I was back to Square One: Kick free of Odyssey & kick free of Mack... just as soon as the mission was done, because how could I turn my back on *that*?

  NOTE: The main character swears like a sailor, and the support cast aren’t much better. If swears bother you, this this story may not be to your taste.

  2nd Edition

  Copyright © January 20, 2021 C.M. Simpson

  Cover Design © August 27, 2020, Moonchild Lilja at Fantasy Book Design

  All rights reserved.

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy, and thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This is for all those who believed in me enough that, eventually, I had the courage to believe in myself.

  Thank you.





  3—Back with Mack

  4—The Mission


  6—Blaedergil’s Bride

  7—Three Rounds

  8—The Hiccup

  9—Hard Negotiations


  11—Round Two Briefing

  12—Tooling Up


  14—Mission Prep


  16—One Blown Mission

  17—A Clean Bill

  18—Skymander Calls

  19—Winning Friends

  20—Contractual Negotiations

  21—The Drunk Tank


  23—Delight on Deck

  24—Werewolf Diplomacy



  27—Holding the Fort


  29—Things that Bite

  30—Crewmen Lost

  31—Crewmen Found

  32—Home Again, Home Again

  33—Know Thine Enemy

  34—The Skymander Debrief


  36—Mercy Mission

  37—Pest Control

  38—Contracts & Opportunity

  Author’s Notes

  Other Work by C.M. Simpson

  About C.M. Simpson


  Blaedergil’s Host is the second book in the Mack ‘n’ Me ‘n’ Odyssey series, and the second novel set in Odyssey’s universe—and I’m not sure it would have seen the light of day for years, if it weren’t for Michael Anderle, Craig Martelle and the 20booksto50k group they started. Without these guys, and without the members of this group, I would have continued paddling on the edges of becoming a full-time writer, I would have found another full-time job, and I would have given up writing full-time as nothing more than a dream. They showed me what was possible—and they showed me the multitude of ways to go about working towards that dream. They gave me the courage to start climbing, instead of just playing in the foothills—and, for that, they have my heartfelt gratitude and thanks. By being there, you guys have done more than you know.

  Thanks must also go to my husband, Ian, and my children, who gave me the space to write. Without that space, this book would have taken a lot longer.


  Odyssey caught up with me on Hancock. I’d taken a vacation from Mack, for what had to be the third time. Man was definitely not going to be impressed with me, when he finally caught up. Too bad. I’d needed a break, still hadn’t had the time I wanted so I could work out what I wanted to be, without his influence or Odyssey’s interference.

  I’d told him about that, once, and he’d just given me this sad-eyed look. “You know that ship has flown, don’t you?”

  I’d blushed, felt my cheeks heat as they grew red. Sure I knew that ship had flown. I just hadn’t wanted to admit it, not even to myself.

  “And you signed a contract with me.”

  Man sure knew how to push.

  I’d shrugged.

  “Girl’s got to be allowed to change her mind.”

  “Not when she’s signed a contract.” Mack was nothing if not persistent.

  “That depends on the circumstances,” I’d snapped back, and I saw his eyes widen.

  “You’re saying you feel coerced?” he’d asked, volume giving his words the edge of a roar.

  “Given the choices.”

  This was true. My choices had been rather thin: Odyssey had wanted me dead; Mack had offered me a job. Not much of a choice.

  “We had a deal.”

  “We still do, but I need a break.”

  “I could just break your neck.”

  I’d stared at him, and he’d sighed.

  “Fine. We’re between jobs, but you come when I call, okay?”

  I continued to stare, and he scowled at me.

  “I’m not kidding, Cutter. Your contract’s not up yet. You come when I call, okay?”

  I raised an eyebrow, and pushed off the wall. I can’t help being sulky. Run of luck I’d had? You’d be sulky, too. I figured if I made my twenty-fifth birthday, I might reconsider the whole sulky thing. That shit gets old in a fairly rapid fashion. Either way, I’d nodded.


  It wasn’t really an agreement, and I figured Mack knew that. I figured he was already trying to work out ways of tracking me down, and wondered where they’d hidden the tracer this time... and how long it would take me to find a doctor willing to take it out.

  Okay, so I also wondered whether or not Mack would release the funds I had in my account, but I didn’t let an ounce of that worry show. It’s not like he was my nanny. I’d picked up the day pack I’d had sitting by the side of my bed, and headed for the door.

  “You’re going, now?”

  The look on his face had been priceless.

  “You might change your mind.”

  Tens snorted inside my head. Comms guy, huh?

  “You know I can find you any time, right?”

  I’d felt my lips twist into a smirk.

  “Yeah?” I said, out loud where Mack could hear. “Let’s see how long that lasts.”

  And I’d left.

  I’d also bounced myself right off-world, again. Took a fast warp out. Was pretty sure I could hear Tens swearing in my head, as the trace-link shattered.

  I snickered as warp closed around me, cushioned by a properly appointed pod, and let myself drift into sleep. Mack was well behind me, and he’d be back there for a good long while, since I knew he had business he had to complete before he broke orbit. I got myself ported over to a second ship and bounced, again, erasing myself from the first ship’s system, as I went.

  I didn’t erase my payment, though.

  That sort of shit gets you noticed—and I was noticeable enough.

  I musta got around four weeks on Hancock, before Odyssey came along.

  I’d even gotten a job. It didn’t start until evening, because: restaurants—and waiting tables is just that awesome, so I’d gone out to get the grocerie
s, so I could sleep in in the next morning.

  Tyson bumped into me in the street. I had a bottle of milk, a loaf of bread, and a box of butter in the bag. I still hadn’t gotten over getting the groceries for myself. I pretty much figured that the feeling of independence that came with it weren’t never growing old. I turned to apologize for getting in the way, and recognized him.

  “Hey, Ty! Fancy seeing you here.”

  I would have asked if he was on a job, but that just seemed impolite. That, and I was already suspecting why he’d come, and I didn’t want to confirm it. Not even in my head.

  Besides, I remembered Basics. Most of what we were trained to do wasn’t the kind of stuff you talked about on the street.

  Funny thing was, though, I didn’t think there’d be a likely target for Odyssey for at least a half a mile. Wrong kind of neighborhood, ya know? Then again, I hadn’t stuck around long enough to get a broad idea; I’d gotten out just as soon as I could make the getting good... and botched it up just as fast.

  It was kinda cool knowing Odyssey seemed to have washed its hands of me, and let Mack take me on, instead of spacing me, or putting a blaster through my brain. I pretty much figured they weren’t here after me, but I couldn’t work out what else they might be after.

  The area was sort of all lower-middle class with no crims around. I knew. I’d double-double-triple-checked. Just cos I was seeing what life might have been without them, didn’t mean I hadn’t been pretty good at what they’d trained me to do.

  The look Ty gave me was a real wake-up call. Sort of surprised at my response, followed by a tight-lipped smile that flickered over his lips and then vanished like it hadn’t ever been. It was the puzzled frown that got me. That, and the sudden grab that locked my upper arm in his hand.

  We stopped, and I turned to face him in the street.

  “You’re wanted in the office,” he said, grabbing me by the other arm.

  “Like the stars, I am. I’ve got a shift starting in an hour and a half, and a shit ton of stuff I need to get done beforehand. Keep your hands to yourself.”

  I tried to shrug him off, but he was a good bit taller than I was, and maybe a good bit stronger, and the look on his face was starting to scare me.

  “You can’t quit,” he said, even though I was very much under the impression I already had.

  “Sure, I can,” I said. “I quit when they decided they’d rather terminate me than my contract. I left, and now I don’t work there anymore.”

  Ty tightened his grip on my arm, and gave me a little shake. One little shake for each of the next three words he spoke.

  “You. Can’t. Leave,” he said, bringing his face close to mine.

  I stared at him.

  “Sure, I can,” I said, rolling my arm in his grip. “It’s a free world, and you can’t stop me.”

  “I just did,” he replied, and held me tight, when I tried to pull away.

  “I’m being retrieved?” I asked, and he looked up and over my shoulder, although the look on his face wasn’t exactly welcoming.

  Warmth filled the space behind me, another someone bigger than I was.

  “Yup,” sounded, low and confident in my ear.


  “You coulda just asked.”

  “Would you have come?”

  “Hell, no, and I’m not coming, now.”

  I pulled my head back, ready to go full head butt into Ty’s face, but Mack was just as fast as I knew he could be. He dodged the backward tilt, and had my hair in his fist before I could do more than get ready to strike, had an arm around my throat before I realized he could. Was putting me under with a choke hold I just couldn’t avoid. I was out in seconds, wondering why on Earth Mack was working with Odyssey to bring me in.

  Hadn’t he picked me up, when they cast me aside? And didn't we have a contract?

  What in Hells...


  I came to in a cell. You know the deal. White-walls, white ceiling, white floor—no bed. Featureless. Funny, I hadn’t come across one of these in training. I expected a door to open, someone to come and say hi, and maybe sit me down and explain what I’d be doing next, no questions asked. It didn’t, and they didn’t, so I swung my legs out of bed, and stood up. The air fizzed in an all-too-familiar way, as I turned to get a better look at the cell, and I hit the wall, face first, before I could eyeball who it was that had just ported in.

  Still, it wasn’t hard to guess.


  She’d appeared in behind me, grabbed me, and introduced me to the wall in pretty seamless fashion. She tried to do it a second time, but I’d already driven an elbow back into her gut, and was turning along her forearm. Can’t say being head-butted was too much better.

  The whole world wobbled and I felt my legs go to jelly. It was only for a moment, but it was enough.

  “You done?”

  Good question. Was I done? Yeah, maybe I was. At least, for now.

  “Uh huh.”

  I figured if they were going to walk me out an airlock, then that would follow, shortly. Of course, I also figured that, if that was all they wanted to do, then they’d have done it already. I tried to gather enough of my wits together to follow whatever was coming next.

  “Your contract isn’t up,” she said, and my confusion must have shown.

  She gave me an evil grin.

  “What? You thought we’d just let you walk away?”

  I had, especially since it had been just over a year since she and Mack and Tens had pulled me off Depredides. My answer must have shown, for that grin got wider, and she let me go so I could lean on the wall, and watch as she paced the other side of the room.

  “Yeah. Our bad. Mack was looking just as confused, when we called him in.”

  I raised my eyebrows. They’d what?

  “He is one of our instructors. We do have his number—and we have people all over the place. He wasn’t hard to find. You, on the other hand...” She moved back to stand a couple of paces in front of me. “You are showing signs of being one devious son of a bitch. I like that in a girl.”

  She did?

  “Sure I do,” she said, and I realized she’d gotten back into my head, and managed a groan of protest.

  Delight’s look of sympathy was not convincing.

  “Aww, sweetie,” she said, and laid a hand on my cheek, “I’m sorry.”

  She gestured to the cell around me.

  “This place has everything you need, but you’re going to have to earn it—and that includes the amenities.”

  She turned away.

  “Your terminal is over there. You want a seat? You earn it. You need to pee? Better get that first assignment done, because clean-up costs extra.”

  I wanted to ask her why I’d been brought back in, but she didn’t give me time, and, now that she’d mentioned it, I was going to need those ‘amenities.’

  “You earn everything from here on out.”

  Out, hey? I wondered how long that would take me to earn. It was not a question I was going to ask, though. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. Way I saw it, I was going back to Basics... in the Advanced class.

  I looked around the cell, then glanced back at Delight. She was watching me. As soon as she saw she had my attention, she pointed to the work station, she’d indicated before.

  “We want access to that file. You’ll want waste disposal, soon.”

  Now, that she mentioned it...

  The look I shot her was just short of filthy, but it didn’t dim the evil grin lighting up her face.

  “Best be quick, then.”

  I didn’t argue, just moved over to the station. It was exactly the right height for standing.

  “Let me guess,” I said. “This is a rental, and more furniture can be earned.”

  I didn’t need to be looking at her to know that her smile just got wider. It snuck into her voice, and rubbed the fact in my ears.

  “Clock’s ticking.”r />
  The file was easy, considering the necessities it was paying for, but I didn’t tell her that. I just went through the code, and did what had to be done. Added a tweak here, removed a line there, defanged the beast that would reduce the rest of it to a garbled mess, otherwise, and sent the decrypt where I was told.

  It was only after it was gone that I realized I should have sent a little code-gift of my own, and, by then, it was too late. Which turned out to be a good thing.

  “Do you want to know what happened to the last person who booby-trapped an assignment?” Delight asked, as though reading my mind, and I felt a chill wash over me.

  No, I decided, I really didn’t—and was glad I hadn’t given them the excuse to enlighten me.

  I don’t think I’d ever been so grateful to see a san unit in my life.

  Delight watched me go in, and she was still waiting when I came out.

  “You’ve earned yourself a time-out.”

  I was about to ask her how, when I’d done everything she’d asked since bringing me in, but she was already explaining.

  “When you went AWOL after Ghoul went down, the order came down to terminate you. Mack asked for more time to get you on track...”

  He had? And he hadn’t told me what was on the line? But Delight wasn’t giving me any time to ask questions. She just kept on.

  “...and you’ve shown some improvement, which is why we’re having this discussion.”

  I held onto the urge to breathe a sigh of relief. Something told me I wasn’t out of the woods yet.


  But Delight held up a hand.

  “You want to get back to your training schedule with Mack?” she asked, and I nodded.

  “Then you need to earn the privilege.”

  The computer made a brief sound, and I glanced towards it.

  “Remember the extra tasks you did in training?”

  I flicked a glance towards her, nodded, and then sidled over to where I could see the screen.

  “This time you don’t earn extra credits.”

  I lifted my head, looking over my shoulder as she turned towards the end of the cell.

  “This time, you get to earn your way back into the training program, and pay back the costs of your retrieval. Mack’s not cheap.”


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