by S L Ager
154 euphemism (n) a nicer word used instead of something harsh or offensive; rewording. (ant) dysphemism.
155 calf (n) the fleshy part at the back of a person’s legs below the knee (plural: calves).
156 tilt (v) move into a sloping position; angle, lean, slope, incline, tip, bend, roll. (ant) straighten, level.
157 variety (n) the quality or state of being different or diverse; array, assortment, range. (ant) uniformity.
158 debate (v) consider or discuss something before reaching a decision; wonder, ponder, reflect. (ant) decide.
159 vaguely (adv) in a vague manner; slightly, loosely, indefinitely, ambiguously. (ant) clearly, definitely.
160 amused (adj) finding something funny; entertained, pleased, tickled, charmed. (ant) bored, displeased.
161 beckon (v) make a gesture with the hand, arm or head to instruct someone; attract, signal, sign.
162 yelp (n) a short, sharp cry, especially of pain or alarm; squeal, squeak, wail, yell.
163 blurt (v) say something suddenly and without consideration; announce, exclaim, cry, utter.
164 squirm (v) show or feel embarrassment or shame; agonise, cringe, fidget, feel humiliated.
165 grateful (adj) feeling or showing appreciation for something; thankful, glad, appreciative. (ant) ungrateful.
166 courteous (adj) polite or considerate in manner; civil, chivalrous, considerate. (ant) discourteous, rude.
167 discreet (adj) careful in one’s speech or actions; cautious, circumspect, tactful, diplomatic. (ant) indiscreet.
168 transport (v) cause someone to feel that they are in another time or place; move, carry. (ant) remain, stay.
169 hotchpotched (adj) mixed confusedly; jumbled, miscellaneous, assorted, messed up. (ant) ordered, uniform.
170 unregimented (adj) not subject to strict order or control; jumbled, disorganised. (ant) regimented, orderly.
171 bow (v) bend with age or under pressure; strain, distort, sag, curve, yield, succumb. (ant) straighten, relieve.
172 cram (v) completely fill until point of overflowing; pack, jam, fill, stuff, ram. (ant) remove, relieve, empty.
173 utensil (n) tool, container or article used for jobs; gadget, aid, device, implement.
174 array (n) a significant display or range of something; selection, arrangement, group. (ant) individual, one.
175 exotic (adj) unusual, reminiscent of, or from, a faraway country; alien, different. (ant) ordinary, plain.
176 pungent (adj) strong and sharp in taste or smell; powerful, pervasive, overpowering. (ant) bland, plain.
177 intoxicating (adj) exciting or exhilarating; appealing, delightful, enlivening, thrilling, rousing. (ant) boring.
178 aroma (n) distinctive, typically pleasant smell; bouquet, scent, perfume. (ant) stench, stink, reek.
179 alien (adj) from elsewhere; unfamiliar, unusual, foreign, incongruous, strange. (ant) familiar, usual.
180 originally (adv) relating to origins (beginnings); previously, initially, firstly. (ant) secondarily.
181 flummox (v) perplex or bewilder; baffle, confound, puzzle, mystify, bemuse. (ant) clarify, demystify.
182 complicated (adj) involving many varied and confusing aspects; perplexing, complex. (ant) simple.
183 respectable (adj) of some importance and merit; decent, good, reputable, worthy. (ant) disreputable, poor.
184 flashy (adj) attractive and impressive; expensive, jazzy, glitzy, ostentatious. (ant) understated, drab, plain.
185 feature (n) a part of the face and its overall appearance; looks, trait, characteristics, countenance.
186 envy (v) desire to have something for oneself; covet, crave, begrudge, hanker, dislike. (ant) be glad for.
187 muse (v) ask oneself in a thoughtful manner; think, wonder, ponder, consider, contemplate.
188 jest (v) speak in a joking manner; joke, kid, tease, clown, banter, quip, spoof, josh, quip. (ant) be serious.
189 makeshift (adj) acting as a temporary or make-do measure; pretend, improvised, crude. (ant) permanent.
190 slick (adj) done in an impressive and efficient way; deft, smooth, skilful, adroit. (ant) amateurish, clumsy.
191 adroit (adj) skilful or clever; practised, able, competent, adept, accomplished, agile. (ant) clumsy, inept.
192 quaint (adj) attractive or pleasingly old-fashioned; picturesque, appealing, charming. (ant) ordinary, modern.
193 quadrant (n) each of four quarters of a circle.
194 manicured (adj) (of a lawn or garden) trimmed and neatly maintained; cut, shaped. (ant) overgrown.
195 enclose (v) close off or surround; circle, encompass, encircle, ring, append, bound. (ant) open, exclude.
196 populous (adj) large and densely populated; crowded, packed, overcrowded, numerous. (ant) uncrowded.
197 reside (v) permanently have a home in a specific place; exist, lie, locate, occupy, inhabit, dwell. (ant) visit.
198 idyllic (adj) extremely happy, peaceful or picturesque; blissful, wonderful, heavenly. (ant) bad, nightmarish.
199 adjacent (adj) next to or adjoining; beside, neighbouring, alongside, joining. (ant) remote from, distant from.
200 feisty (adj) lively, determined and courageous; energetic, spirited, bold. (ant) dull, spiritless, cowardly.
201 terrier (n) small breed of dog typically used for controlling perceived verminous animals (pests).
202 sprightly (adj) lively and full of energy; energetic, spry, active, vigorous, vivacious. (ant) inactive, lethargic.
203 amiable (adj) friendly and pleasant in manner; sociable, affable, amicable, cordial. (ant) unfriendly, aloof.
204 octogenarian (n) someone who is aged between eighty and eighty-nine years old.
205 yap (v) bark sharply or shrilly; yelp, woof, yip, bay.
206 ruffle (v) mess up something or someone’s hair; tousle, disarrange, dishevel, mess. (ant) smooth, straighten.
207 bristly (adj) having a stiff and prickly texture; coarse, thick, wiry, prickly, spiky, rough. (ant) smooth, sleek.
208 concede (v) admit defeat; acknowledge, accept, recognise, allow, capitulate, quit, cede. (ant) deny, fight.
209 croak (v) make a hoarse, rasping sound when speaking; rasp, wheeze, gasp, whisper.
210 slink (v) move smoothly and quietly in a stealthy way; glide, snake, slick, slip, steal. (ant) stomp, stamp.
211 broad (adj) (of an accent) noticeable and strong; distinctive, heavy, pronounced. (ant) slight, unnoticeable.
212 accent (n) pronouncing of language in a way that is distinctive; pronunciation, intonation.
213 deck (n) the flat part of a skateboard or snowboard; base, bottom, surface.
214 mischief (n) harm caused by someone or something; injury, hurt, impairment, damage. (ant) benefit.
215 contraption (n) an unnecessarily complicated, badly made or unsafe thing; gadget, device, gubbins.
216 rival (v) be equal or comparable to; compete, emulate, match, challenge.
217 stodge (n) filling and heavy food, often carbohydrates; starch.
218 entire (adj) nothing left out, whole or complete; total, full, all-inclusive. (ant) fractional, partial, incomplete.
219 moult (v) lose feathers, hair or skin to make way for new growth; shed, drop, lose.
220 drool (v) drop and dribble saliva from the mouth; salivate, slaver, slobber, drivel.
221 long (v) have a strong wish or desire; crave, yearn, hunger, pine, ache, wish, hanker.
222 morsel (n) a small piece or amount; mouthful, bite, nibble, bit, sample, spoonful. (ant) entirety, total.
223 fondle (v) stroke or caress fondly; massage, touch, rub, pat, pet, cuddle, snuggle.
224 silky (adj) soft and fine, resembling silk; smooth, sleek, lustrous, glossy, silken. (ant) rough, coarse.
225 coarse (adj) rough or hard, bristly; wiry, scratchy, prickly, hairy, shaggy, abrasive. (ant) smooth, sleek, silky.
226 scouring (n) the act of cleaning a surface by rubbing hard; scrubbing, pol
ishing, abrading, brushing.
227 chide (v) tell off, rebuke or scold; chastise, berate, reprimand, reproach, reprove. (ant) praise, applaud.
228 eternally (adv) eternal (everlasting) in manner; always, forever, perpetually, evermore. (ant) temporarily.
229 jovial (adj) happy, friendly and cheerful; jolly, genial, amiable, affable, sociable. (ant) miserable, surly.
230 seldom (adv) rarely, not often; never, sporadically, occasionally, infrequently, hardly. (ant) often, frequently.
231 lecture (v) talk seriously to or reprimand; scold, chide, reproach, advise, instruct. (ant) approve, praise.
232 heed (v) pay attention to and take notice of; listen, obey, follow, regard. (ant) disregard, ignore.
233 chorus (v) say or sing the same thing at the same time.
234 aversion (n) a strong dislike; loathing, repugnance, revulsion, distaste, abhorrence. (ant) liking, desire.
235 spiteful (adj) mean and nasty; malicious, cruel, vindictive, snide, cutting, venomous. (ant) kind, benevolent.
236 impress (v) make someone feel admiration and respect; affect, influence, inspire, excite. (ant) disappoint.
237 chime (v) join in a conversation; say, interrupt, comment, contribute, add.
238 loathsome (adj) causing disgust or hatred; detestable, odious, abhorrent, repulsive. (ant) lovable, delightful.
239 arrogant (adj) having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance; haughty, conceited. (ant) modest.
240 repel (v) disgust or repulse; revolt, offend, sicken, nauseate. (ant) appeal to, enchant, delight.
241 gullible (adj) easily persuaded to believe something; trusting, naïve, impressionable. (ant) cynical, suspicious.
242 obviously (adv) in an obvious (clear) way; visibly, evidently, noticeably. (ant) obscurely, inconspicuously.
243 pace (n) speed in walking or running; rapidity, step, swiftness, progress, quickness.
244 reap (v) cut or gather (a harvest or crop); earn, obtain, collect, gain, produce, realise.
245 sow (v) plant seeds into the ground; scatter, disperse, spread.
246 tact (n) skill in dealing with others or difficulties; sensitivity, discretion, diplomacy. (ant) tactlessness.
247 sensitivity (n) quality of being sensitive to others or situations; awareness, compassion. (ant) insensitivity.
248 deft (adj) neatly skilful and quick; agile, lithe, sprightly, dextrous, supple, adroit. (ant) clumsy, lumbering.
249 envisage (v) form a mental picture of; imagine, envision, visualise, picture, foresee.
250 take for granted (v) assume to be happening or given; suppose, guess, infer. (ant) disbelieve, doubt.
251 genuine (adj) real, truthful or sincere; honest, candid, frank, straight. (ant) insincere, false, hypocritical.
252 avid (adj) having a keen interest or enthusiasm; eager, ardent, voracious. (ant) indifferent, unenthusiastic.
253 dear (adj) not cheap, costly; expensive, exorbitant, extortionate. (ant) inexpensive, economical, cheap.
254 tournament (n) a series of contests with multiple contestants; competition, series, event.
255 artistic (adj) natural creative skill; creative, imaginative, inspired, inventive. (ant) uncreative, unimaginative.
256 dynamic (adj) constantly changing and full of energy; lively, vital, strong. (ant) lethargic, half-hearted.
257 choreograph (v) compose a sequence of steps and moves; arrange, plan, coordinate, devise. (ant) improvise.
258 defence (n) defending or resisting an attack; protection, resistance, security. (ant) offence, attack.
259 accompany (v) support with music or sounds; support, back, play with.
260 concerto (n) a musical composition, often for an orchestra; arrangement, creation, piece.
261 exertive (adj) having a tendency to exert or rouse to action; vigorous, strained. (ant) languid, lazy.
262 captivated (adj) attracted, charmed and attentive; fascinated, absorbed, gripped. (ant) repelled, bored.
263 marvel (v) be filled with amazement and wonder; admire, gape, stare, applaud. (ant) deride, disregard.
264 competitor (n) a person taking part in a sporting contest; contestant, participant, player. (ant) spectator, fan.
265 wiry (adj) lean and strong; tough, agile, athletic, sinewy, muscular, slim, thin. (ant) fat, frail, flabby.
266 stocky (adj) broad and heavily built; thickset, stout, chunky, burly, hefty, squat. (ant) slight, slender.
267 deceptively (adv) in a deceptive (misleading) way; dishonestly, deceivingly, spuriously. (ant) truly, honestly.
268 practise (v) repeat something to improve; rehearse, prepare, hone, exercise.
269 martial (adj) relating to fighting (or war); military, warlike, combative, belligerent. (ant) civilian, peaceable.
270 self-conscious (adj) feeling overly aware of oneself; embarrassed, uncomfortable. (ant) confident, natural.
271 redeeming (adj) putting something right or making amends; saving, positive, compensatory. (ant) degrading.
272 crank (v) turn or run something; activate, move, change, turn, wind, reel.
273 permanent (adj) lasting or intended to last indefinitely; constant, perpetual, persistent. (ant) temporary.
274 Caribbean (adj) relating to the region of the Caribbean sea, its islands and the surrounding coasts.
275 prowl (v) move about stealthily, often in search of prey; lurk, patrol, sneak, skulk, steal, stalk. (ant) parade.
276 tip (n) rubbish dump, messy or untidy; junkyard, landfill, scrapyard, hovel, slum.
277 emphasise (v) stress a word when speaking; highlight, accentuate, intensify. (ant) understate.
278 wily (adj) clever and sharp, sometimes deceitfully so; shrewd, astute, sly, crafty, cunning. (ant) guileless.
279 tartly (adv) in a tart (sharp) manner; critically, sarcastically, unkindly, cuttingly. (ant) sweetly, kindly.
280 waft (v) pass gently through the air; carry, drift, float, fan, arrive, glide.
281 uninspiring (adj) without excitement or interest; dull, unexciting, lacklustre, bland. (ant) inspiring, exciting.
282 mushy (adj) soft and soggy; pappy, pulpy, squidgy, sloppy, spongy, squishy. (ant) hard, firm.
283 jab (v) poke roughly or quickly; prod, dig, stab, push, nudge.
284 wolf (v) eat food greedily; consume, bolt, guzzle, scoff, devour, gobble, demolish. (ant) nibble, pick at.
285 excruciatingly (adv) in a way that is excruciating (agonising); awfully, searingly, painfully. (ant) mildly.
286 laminate (n) a material made from thin sheets glued together.
287 wince (v) slight grimace in reaction to pain or distress; flinch, blench, start, shrink. (ant) smile.
288 pretentious (adj) pretending to be important or better; affected, exaggerated. (ant) down-to-earth.
289 posh (adj) elegant or luxurious and stylish; superior, snobbish, grand, upmarket. (ant) downmarket, common.
290 retaliate (v) fight back; react, reciprocate, repay, revenge, settle. (ant) accept, forgive, pardon.
291 dismissive (adj) showing something is unworthy of consideration; indifferent, unconcerned. (ant) interested.
292 slope (v) sneak away quietly, typically to avoid work or duty; leave, evade, creep, slink, steal.
293 proclaim (v) declare something or make oneself heard; announce, state, affirm, assert. (ant) withhold, hide.
294 fume (v) feel or show great anger; seethe, burn, smoulder, bristle, simmer, boil. (ant) beam, glow.
295 peek (v) look at quickly or secretively; peep, glance, glimpse, peer, gander. (ant) stare, overlook.
296 ancient (adj) in existence for a long time; early, antique, olden, obsolete, archaic. (ant) contemporary, new.
297 artefact (n) historical object or article made by a human; item, article, piece, relic.
298 intrigue (v) arouse curiosity or interest; fascinate, captivate, attract, enthral. (ant) bore, disenchant.
299 excursion (n) a trip taken (mostly) for pleasure;
journey, jaunt, outing, tour, expedition.
300 daredevil (adj) dangerous and reckless; bold, fearless, intrepid, adventurous, audacious, wild. (ant) staid.