The Cadwaladr Quests

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The Cadwaladr Quests Page 30

by S L Ager

149 disclose (v) make known; show, reveal, uncover, unveil, divulge, impart, tell. (ant) hide, conceal, secrete.

  150 luminescence (n) the release of light by a substance; radiance, brightness, glare. (ant) darkness.

  151 monocular (n) an optical instrument used to view distant objects with one eye.

  152 chagrin (n) annoyance or distress; disappointment, exasperation, displeasure, irritation. (ant) delight, joy.

  153 ploy (n) a cunning (clever, shrewd) plan or action; trick, manoeuvre, strategy, plan, ruse, tactic.

  154 divert (v) cause a change of course or direction; distract, avert, deter, redirect, dissuade. (ant) focus.

  155 obsolete (adj) no longer produced or used; old, outdated, superseded, ancient. (ant) modern, current.

  156 exhibit (n) an object or collection on public display; item, piece, article, specimen, sample.

  157 painstakingly (adv) done in a painstaking (careful) way; thoroughly, diligently, meticulously. (ant) carelessly.

  158 categorise (v) place in a certain grade, rate, class or group; classify, sort, catalogue, label. (ant) disorganise.

  159 incline (v) slightly bend or turn forward, downwards or towards; skew, tilt, aim, tip. (ant) flatten.

  160 languidly (adv) in a languid (relaxed) manner; unhurriedly, lazily, slowly, unenergetically. (ant) vigorously.

  161 ornament (n) a small, decorative object; trinket, knick-knack, adornment, figurine, bauble.

  162 levitate (v) rise and hover in the air; float, ascend, drift up, fly up. (ant) sink, lower, descend, drop.

  163 assiduously (adv) in an assiduous (tireless) way; diligently, intently, carefully, persistently. (ant) casually.

  164 sensory (adj) relating to sensation or physical senses; perceptible, palpable. (ant) imperceptible.

  165 disturbance (n) an interruption; interference, distraction, intrusion, tremor. (ant) calm, stillness.

  166 cease (v) stop, end or finish; conclude, terminate, halt, pause, quit, discontinue. (ant) start, continue.

  167 serpentine (adj) of or like a serpent or snake; snake-like, cunning, sly, shrewd. (ant) honest, stupid.

  168 trinket (n) a small ornament or item of jewellery; knick-knack, bauble, charm, trifle.

  169 burgeoning (adj) growing or expanding rapidly; flourishing, swelling, proliferating. (ant) dwindling.

  170 truffle (n) a strong-smelling, rare underground fungus found with pigs and dogs; earthnut.

  171 petite (adj) attractively small and dainty; slight, elfin, delicate, diminutive, little, tiny. (ant) large, bulky.

  172 figurine (n) a statuette (small statue or sculpture); ornament, figure, model, effigy, representation.

  173 quiver (n) an archer’s case for holding arrows.

  174 distort (v) pull or twist out of shape; bend, contort, deform, disfigure, alter, warp. (ant) straighten.

  175 pluck (v) take hold of and quickly remove from; pick, pull, tug, grasp, extract, tweak, yank. (ant) insert.

  176 fragile (adj) easily broken or damaged; delicate, flimsy, brittle, breakable, weak. (ant) sturdy, robust.

  177 unpolished (adj) not having a polished (buffed or shined) surface; matt, flat, dull, lacklustre. (ant) polished.

  178 incompetent (adj) lacking the skills; unable, inept, useless, amateurish, bungling. (ant) able, competent.

  179 trophy (n) an object regarded as a prize; medal, cup, award, crown, title, booty, souvenir.

  180 protectively (adv) in a protective manner; possessively, tenderly, gently, affectionately. (ant) aggressively.

  181 sacred (adj) regarded with respect and reverence (admiration); venerable, protected. (ant) profane.

  182 futile (adj) useless and pointless; fruitless, vain, unsuccessful, ineffective, ineffectual, wasted. (ant) useful.

  8. A Knight’s Tale

  1 convincingly (adv) in a way that convinces; persuasively, believably, realistically. (ant) unconvincingly.

  2 cramped (adj) uncomfortably small or restricted; confined, tight, poky, limited. (ant) spacious, capacious.

  3 composed (adj) having one’s feelings under control; serene, cool, calm, collected, poised. (ant) flustered.

  4 collected (adj) calm and self-controlled; composed, placid, together, unruffled, sanguine. (ant) agitated.

  5 unflappable (adj) calm in a crisis; composed, unflustered, imperturbable, unexcitable. (ant) flappable.

  6 opposing (adj) in competition or conflict with; rival, combatant, opposite, hostile. (ant) allied, agreeable.

  7 palpable (adj) so intense as to seem almost tangible (real); obvious, profound, substantial. (ant) intangible.

  8 trepidation (n) anxiety or fear about what may happen; dread, foreboding, apprehension. (ant) assurance.

  9 inadequate (adj) lacking the required (needed) quantity or quality; insufficient, deficient. (ant) adequate.

  10 incapable (adj) unable to achieve or do something; powerless, helpless, incapacitated. (ant) capable.

  11 dose (n) a measured quantity of something; draught, dosage, portion, amount.

  12 assert (v) work, behave or speak in a confident and forceful manner; press, claim, establish. (ant) retract.

  13 comprehensive (adj) wide-ranging, of a large scope; complete, full, all-inclusive, total. (ant) limited.

  14 loiter (v) wait around without apparent purpose; linger, lurk, skulk, dawdle, tarry, dally. (ant) rush, scurry.

  15 imitate (v) pretend to be; impersonate, copy, mimic, emulate, resemble, replicate. (ant) differ from.

  16 plant (v) place someone in a group to act as a spy; establish, infiltrate, insert, embed.

  17 decoy (n) something used to mislead or lure into a trap; distraction, smokescreen, bait. (ant) repellent.

  18 forcibly (adv) in a forcible manner; forcefully, strenuously, mightily, roughly, bodily. (ant) weakly, gently.

  19 flabby (adj) (of the body) loose and fleshy; unfit, unfirm, soft, sagging, flaccid. (ant) firm, fit, athletic.

  20 heave (v) lift or haul with huge effort; raise, hoist, manoeuvre, elevate, heft, drag. (ant) drop, flop.

  21 portly (adj) large, fat or overweight; round, corpulent, chubby, tubby, heavy. (ant) slim, slender, skinny.

  22 gripe (v) whinge or complain in a persistent, irritating way; moan, protest, grumble, object. (ant) praise.

  23 dallying (n) slow action or movement; dilly-dallying, dawdling, lingering, loitering, delay. (ant) haste, rush.

  24 waddle (v) walk with a clumsy swaying motion; toddle, wobble, totter, sway. (ant) stride, glide.

  25 paunch (n) a large, rotund (round) or protruding belly; potbelly, gut, spare tyre, midriff. (ant) plane.

  26 kerfuffle (n) a disturbance or fuss; commotion, hubbub, tumult, melee, rumpus, ruckus. (ant) tranquillity.

  27 advantage (n) the opportunity to gain or benefit from; good, improvement, use, profit. (ant) disadvantage.

  28 volume (n) a book forming part of a work or series; tome, publication, digest, album, edition.

  29 antique (adj) belonging to former times; old, collectable, vintage, historic. (ant) new.

  30 evaluate (v) form an idea of; asses, judge, work out, calculate, rate, gauge, weigh up. (ant) misjudge.

  31 merely (adv) only, just and nothing more; barely, simply, slightly, purely, solely.

  32 forewarn (v) inform of a future danger or problem; warn, caution, alert, prime, prewarn, advise.

  33 encounter (v) meet unexpectedly; face, confront, run into, come across. (ant) avoid.

  34 lone (adj) having no companions (company); individual, solitary, single, alone, solo. (ant) accompanied.

  35 bundle (n) a collection of things, often wrapped or tied together; package, pile, parcel, pack, bunch.

  36 scale (v) climb up or over (something steep); ascend, mount, clamber, clear, scrabble. (ant) descend.

  37 stranded (adj) left without the means (capability) to leave; trapped, stuck, marooned. (ant) rescued.

  38 tenacious (adj) not giving up; stubborn, persistent, determined, dogged, resolute. (an
t) irresolute.

  39 persistence (n) the act of continuing despite difficulty; tenacity, perseverance, resolve. (ant) feebleness.

  40 fetid (adj) smelling extremely unpleasant; stinking, putrid, rotten, rank, fusty, malodorous. (ant) fresh.

  41 mouldy (adj) covered with a fungal growth (mould) that causes decay; rotten, festering. (ant) fresh, new.

  42 stony (adj) not having or showing feeling or sympathy; flinty, unyielding, hard, tough. (ant) compassionate.

  43 assess (v) evaluate or estimate; consider, determine, work out, judge, gauge. (ant) misjudge, presume.

  44 prematurely (adv) in a premature (early) way, too soon; hastily, rashly, impulsively. (ant) belatedly.

  45 ambush (n) a surprise attack; assault, trap, ensnarement, deception, trick, ambuscade.

  46 malicious (adj) having malice, intending harm; malevolent, spiteful, mean, cruel, wicked. (ant) kind.

  47 cowardice (n) lack of bravery or valour; weakness, fear, spinelessness, timidity, cravenness. (ant) courage.

  48 exhibit (v) manifest (show) clearly, put on; demonstrate, reveal, display, present. (ant) hide, conceal.

  49 craven (adj) completely lacking in courage; cowardly, gutless, spineless, lily-livered. (ant) brave, bold.

  50 confront (v) come face to face with a hostility, challenge or opposition; brave, tackle, meet. (ant) avoid.

  51 deduce (v) reach a conclusion (realisation) by thinking and reasoning; infer, conclude, judge.

  52 relate (v) be connected to or associated with; link, concern, pertain, associate. (ant) disassociate.

  53 ransacked (adj) searched, with items stolen or damaged; looted, plundered.

  54 bolt (v) move or run away suddenly, sometimes to escape; sprint, dash, scarper, skedaddle. (ant) linger.

  55 subterranean (adj) beneath the earth’s surface; underground, deep, buried. (ant) aboveground, surface.

  56 intercept (v) obstruct to prevent from continuing; stop, interrupt, block, catch, divert. (ant) help, allow.

  57 priority (n) the most important thing or consideration; main concern, urgency, primacy. (ant) triviality.

  58 purely (adv) entirely and exclusively, completely and totally; wholly, solely, only, simply, just. (ant) partly.

  59 bowels (n) the depths, the deepest part; core, belly, heart, interior, middle. (ant) peak, summit.

  60 plunder (v) steal goods from, often using force; rob, raid, pillage, ransack, fleece, loot. (ant) give, gift.

  61 desolate (adj) very unhappy, melancholy, gloomy or lonely; forlorn, inconsolable. (ant) happy.

  62 bitter (adj) tasting sharp or bad, or angry or resentful due to hurt or injustice; sour, indignant. (ant) sweet.

  63 bile (n) anger and bitterness, or a digestive fluid; irritability, vitriol, sourness, wrath. (ant) contentment.

  64 commit (v) carry out; act, perpetrate, perform, execute, cause, complete, enact. (ant) abstain, fail.

  65 grievous (adj) (of something bad) dreadful; sad, grave, dire, heinous, painful, shameful. (ant) good, venial.

  66 resentment (n) feeling of indignation (anger) at unfair treatment; hatred, bitterness. (ant) satisfaction.

  67 hinder (v) make difficult, hamper, obstruct or slow down; delay, inhibit, thwart, impede. (ant) help.

  68 overpowering (adj) very strong or intense; overwhelming, dominating, consuming. (ant) mild.

  69 passion (n) a strong and difficult-to-control emotion; fervour, anger, rage, fury, wrath. (ant) indifference.

  70 crucifying (v) causing pain, suffering and anguish; torturous, tormenting, agonising, racking. (ant) soothing.

  71 potent (adj) having huge effect, influence, vigour (strength) or power; forceful, mighty. (ant) weak.

  72 sap (v) gradually weaken, erode, destroy or deplete power; drain, debilitate, reduce. (ant) bolster.

  73 unworldly (adj) not seemingly of this planet; strange, alien, unearthly, other-worldly. (ant) worldly, normal.

  74 foe (n) an enemy, nemesis or opponent; antagonist, rival, opposition. (ant) friend, ally, comrade.

  75 blunder (v) stumble around; stagger, lurch, misstep, flounder. (ant) glide, breeze.

  76 tacky (adj) a slightly damp or sticky feel; wet, adhesive, gummy, messy, viscous. (ant) dry, clean, fresh.

  77 wheel (v) turn around rapidly to face another way; veer, circle, swivel, rotate, sweep, swing.

  78 sag (v) slump, sink, subside or bulge downwards under pressure or lack of strength; droop, drop. (ant) rise.

  79 assailant (n) a person who physically harms or attacks another; assaulter, aggressor, opponent. (ant) ally.

  80 physical (adj) composed of matter; bodily, corporeal, real, tangible, solid, palpable. (ant) immaterial.

  81 opponent (n) somebody who is in conflict or disagreement with another; antagonist, adversary. (ant) ally.

  82 deplorable (adj) completely unacceptable; awful, disgraceful, wretched, unpardonable. (ant) admirable.

  83 demon (n) a cruel, evil person; devil, fiend, monster, ogre, beast. (ant) hero, god, angel.

  84 afflict (v) cause pain or trouble to and affect adversely; bother, distress, ail, vex, plague. (ant) aid.

  85 internally (adv) affecting or on the inside of the body; inwardly, centrally. (ant) externally, outwardly.

  86 brutally (adv) in a brutal (cruel) way; viciously, violently, ferociously, inhumanely. (ant) humanely, kindly.

  87 effective (adj) producing a desired or intended result; successful, effectual. (ant) ineffective, ineffectual.

  88 spiral (v) fall continuously; plummet, plunge, descend, swirl, decline, worsen. (ant) rise, ascend.

  89 oblivion (n) the state of being unaware or unconscious; obscurity, nothingness. (ant) consciousness.

  90 calamity (n) a disastrous event; catastrophe, tragedy, blight, distress, misery, blow. (ant) blessing.

  91 listless (adj) lacking enthusiasm, interest or energy; lifeless, lethargic, limp. (ant) active, alert, alive, awake.

  92 anguish (n) severe mental or physical pain; suffering, agony, torment, torture. (ant) happiness, joy.

  93 cursory (adj) hasty and without detail; superficial, half-hearted, perfunctory. (ant) thorough, detailed.

  94 superficial (adj) on or of the surface, not deep or serious; shallow, insignificant. (ant) deep, substantive.

  95 graze (n) a slight injury to the skin; scratch, scrape, abrasion, lesion.

  96 plague (v) cause continual distress to; afflict, torture, torment, beleaguer, harass. (ant) soothe, support.

  97 wheeze (v) making a whistling or rattling sound in the chest; gasp, rasp, cough, whisper.

  98 venerable (adj) respected because of character, wisdom or achievements; esteemed. (ant) disreputable.

  99 hijack (v) steal or take over; seize, commandeer, capture, appropriate, kidnap, nick. (ant) give, bestow.

  100 turmoil (n) a state of confusion, disturbance or uncertainty; tumult, commotion, disorder. (ant) order.

  101 destiny (n) unknown future state or events; fate, fortune, doom, circumstance. (ant) past.

  102 rack (v) cause extreme pain; beset, agonise, torment, torture, harrow, crucify. (ant) comfort, relieve.

  103 immobilise (v) prevent from operating or moving as normal; stop, disable, paralyse, cripple. (ant) mobilise.

  104 repossess (v) seize back, recover or regain possession of something; retake, reclaim, recapture. (ant) lose.

  105 abhorrent (adj) causing disgust and loathing; repugnant, hateful, loathsome, despicable. (ant) agreeable.

  106 lethal (adj) able to cause death, hugely harmful or destructive; deadly, fatal, mortal. (ant) life-giving.

  107 succumb (v) give in or give way; yield, submit, surrender, buckle, accede, capitulate. (ant) withstand.

  108 tyrant (n) a cruel and oppressive ruler; dictator, bully, tormentor, persecutor.

  109 mighty (adj) strong and powerful; great, fierce, hardy, vast, tough. (ant) weak.

  110 beseech (v) ask someone urgently or fervently; implore, beg, request, entreat, plead, sup
plicate. (ant) offer.

  9. Hearing Things

  1 pummel (v) strike at repeatedly with the fists; beat, thrash, cudgel, mash, bash, pound, batter.

  2 askew (adv) at an angle, out of the usual position, wrong; awry, aslant, askance, out of true. (ant) straight.


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