Escape, the Complete Trilogy

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Escape, the Complete Trilogy Page 26

by David Antocci

  Jay met him with a handshake, “It seems that you’re looking for someone?” Jay looked up at the man because he had no choice. The man was tall, and not just compared to the island residents. Eric was certainly the tallest man most of the islanders had seen, standing just over six feet, but this man was an inch or two taller than him.

  “I am sir, actually looking for two people.” The man handed Jay a paper with black-and-white photos of Abby and Eric.

  Jay looked at the page, feigning complete confusion. “What brings you here to look for them?”

  “Well, we think they are on one of these islands out here. We’ve been searching... well, my boss has been searching, for a very long time.”

  Jay laughed. “You think they are on one of these islands? My friend, do you know how many islands there are out here?”

  The man smiled. “Yes, sir, I do, and at this point it feels like I’ve been to most of them. Do you recognize these people?”

  “I do not,” Jay said without hesitation. “Let me help you, though. Not many people here are familiar with your language.”

  The man smiled. “I’d certainly appreciate that, sir. Can I give you something for your trouble?”

  Jay smiled at the man, “Why don’t we see if I’m actually able to help you first?”

  “Fair enough.” He held out his hand. “I’m JJ. Pleased to meet you.”

  Jay looked at him and laughed. “JJ?”

  “Most people call me that, yes. Why, is that funny?”

  The men shook hands. “My name is Jay.”

  Both men shared a laugh at this revelation.

  “So tell me, JJ, are you thirsty? There is a bar across the street here. I can introduce you to some people and see if any of them have seen the ones you are looking for.”

  JJ clapped his new friend on the shoulder, “That’s awfully kind of you, sir. Thank you.”

  The two men crossed the street and walked into the open front of the bar. It was not crowded at this time of day. There were a dozen or so men, mostly young, single men enjoying a beer after a long day’s work. Jay knew a few of them, but not all.

  He held up his hands to say hello to everyone. When he had their attention, he spoke to them in their native tongue. After explaining that JJ was looking for two people, he explained that he was going to walk around the room to have them look at a picture of Abby and Eric. Jay held up a copy of the poster to show them. He went on to tell them that for the safety of his friends, he would appreciate it if all of them could – either by shaking their heads or stating it if they spoke English – confirm for this man that they have never seen Abby or Eric.

  There were nods around the room. Jay smiled and turned to JJ. “I explained to them to look at your photographs and tell us if they know your people, yes?”

  “Yes, that’s great. Thank you.”

  JJ proceeded to walk around the room, handing out the flyers with the pictures of Abby and Eric, but was met by unanimous headshakes, negative grunts, and even a few, “No, I not see them.”

  JJ asked, “Would you mind helping me out by asking some other folks around?”

  Jay smiled. “Anything for my new friend.”

  With that, they set out around the market, replaying the scene from the bar over and over again, up and down the street.

  * * *

  After waiting close to ten minutes, just to be sure enough time had passed, Ben slowly and nonchalantly walked up the dirt road toward the village. He saw his father walking up and down the street with the mysterious man who had come for Abby and Eric. Ben was incredibly fond of Eric, and had nothing short of a schoolboy crush on Ms. Abby. He was still swooning from the kiss on his cheek when he remembered what he was actually tasked with doing.

  He was filled with anger toward this unknown man whose mere presence threatened to take Abby and Eric from him. He picked up his pace as he approached the marketplace and quickly crossed the open area between the trees and the first building. Looking ahead, he saw his father walking with the tall man. The two were speaking as if they were friends. This confused Ben, but no matter, he had his instructions.

  The closer he got, however, the more nervous he became. Should he tell his father about the plan? How could he? Was this the right thing to do? He trusted his father. He was a very good man and always did the right thing. Ben rarely made a decision without speaking to him, let alone taking action like this without consulting him. But he also trusted Abby and Eric. They had become an extension of his family.

  Ben was conflicted, and as the gap between them got shorter and shorter, he slowed down, trying to work out exactly what he would say. His father glanced at him and shook his head, trying to communicate for Ben to go away, but Ben continued on course. Finally, the man took notice. He remembered Ben taking one of the papers from him and called out, “Young man!”

  Jay turned to him, “This is my son. I can assure you that he knows nothing.” He then spoke to Ben in their native tongue, “Son, tell this man you do not know our friends, yes?”

  Ben replied in the same tongue, “They want him to find them father. They instructed me to lead him to their home. Is that the right thing?”

  Jay thought about it.

  JJ asked, “What did he say?”

  Jay waved him off and responded to his son, “If that is what they wish, they must have a purpose, but I am concerned about your involvement.”

  “I will just lead him to the beach and show him their home, then I will leave. Those were their instructions.”

  “So be it,” Jay sighed and turned to JJ. “My son, he says he knows something. Go on, son.”

  Ben swallowed hard, but could not speak.

  JJ crouched slightly to make himself eye level with the boy. “It is very important that I find these people. Have you seen them before?”

  Ben managed to squeak out a “Yes.”

  JJ smiled at the revelation, “Where? Are they on the island?”

  “I know where they live,” Ben said. With that, he took off running toward the trees.

  JJ began trotting behind the young man, and then turned to Jay over his shoulder, “Thank you, my friend, thank you!”


  BACK AT THEIR HOME, Eric and Abby debated how best to set and spring their trap. With no neighbors as far as the eye could see, they didn’t worry about anyone seeing what happened. However, they still wanted to get the man inside their home first. With limited exits, it would reduce his option to run.

  As they entered through the French doors, Eric trotted up the steps from the bedroom to the kitchen area. “We need to get him in the house and away from the door, up here,” he said. He was standing in the center of the house. The main exit was through the French doors and out to the small deck. There was a second exit at the back of the house in the changing room. They never used it, and a freestanding rack with Abby’s clothes hanging from it currently obscured the door. No one would ever know it was there.

  “I’ll be the bait,” Abby said. “It’s me he’s after anyway, so that makes it easy, right?”

  Eric stared into her eyes. He didn’t want to, but he had to agree. Abby was the lure alright, the one they had traveled halfway around the world to catch. He told himself that she had nothing to worry about; that it was still two on one, and he would be right here. They could easily take the man down. But the thought of intentionally putting her in danger, even for a few moments, didn’t sit well with him.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “I can take care of myself. Plus, you’re here. We’ll be fine.”

  “I know you can take care of yourself. Hell, the whole world knows you can take care of yourself. That’s what I’m worried about.”


  “Because this guy – no, all his guys – know that you can take care of yourself. He’s going to come in here and go after you hard, and he’s probably going to have a gun.”

  She smiled and said in a sing-song voice, “Well, we’ll just have to take that away
from him first thing, now won’t we?”

  “Abby, take this seriously.”

  “I am. I’ll be back there,” she gestured over her shoulder, “and you’ll be over there. I figure you should be on the far side of the house when he gets here so he doesn’t see you. Maybe even behind the shed, in case he circles the house first. At least that’s what I’d do if I were him.”

  “So he’ll come in here, come up to get to you, and I’ll come from behind. Sounds simple enough, but how do we make sure he doesn’t see me?”

  “Trust me, I’ll make sure he doesn’t take his eyes off me.” She smiled so demurely that Eric didn’t want to take his eyes off her either.

  “What do you have planned?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about.” She looked at her watch, “We’ve got five minutes or so before Ben gets him back here. Maybe longer, but I don’t want to take any chances.” She gave him a long kiss. “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of this, OK?”

  Eric nodded. “I’ll grab some ties from the shed. When I come in, I’m going to come up from behind, wrap my arms around him, and wrestle him to the ground. I’ll have the ties in my back pocket. As soon as I get him down, tie up his feet, then we’ll get his hands together, got it?”

  Abby scratched his nose with the fingernail of her pinky. “It’s so sexy when you talk tough. I like a man who takes charge.”

  Eric rolled his eyes and gave her another kiss.

  “OK, save some for later. Go!”

  He smiled as he ran out the French doors. Moments later, Abby heard him rustling through the shed as she kicked off her socks and shoes in the corner, and then ducked into the bathroom. She turned on the sink and dunked her head under the running water to soak her hair. Grabbing a towel off the shelf she patted it down to keep it from dripping too much. Next, she slid her arms out of her tank top and tucked the straps down on her sides, leaving her shoulders bare, before wrapping the towel around herself.

  Looking in the full-length mirror, she very convincingly appeared to have just gotten out of the shower. Her hair and shoulders were wet, and the large towel hung down far enough, given her small stature, that it concealed both her shorts and the knife strapped to her leg. She smiled at herself in the mirror. In her experience, men did not take their eyes off a woman in towel. They were always hoping for the same thing.

  She stood in the bathroom, waiting, and thinking. She may have been cute and jokey with Eric a few minutes ago, but she took this threat very seriously. She could not believe that they had been found. Abby thought for sure they would live in secrecy for many years to come, if not the rest of their years. Yet, not even a full year later she stood waiting for one of her husband’s lackeys to walk through the door. Fortunately, it appeared that there was only one here, though she wouldn’t be surprised if there were two or three. Still, Abby and Eric could handle two or three of them. She didn’t intend to let this one leave the house once he got there, and vowed the others would meet a similar fate.

  As she thought about their simple way of life and their isolation from the outside world, Abby had a sudden revelation that made her heart rate increase. Even if there’s only one guy, he most certainly has a phone. How long before more showed up? It could be hours, or several days at most. Either way, they wouldn’t stay around here. Abby mentally ticked off locations throughout the world where she would like to live. She wouldn’t mind settling down someplace where people spoke English, which would certainly make life a little easier. Of course, that would increase the risk they would be recognized. Maybe an isolated, English-speaking area, if they could find one.

  Abby was dreaming of a little village that she imagined would be somewhere in the English countryside when she heard a man’s voice on the beach.

  “This the place?”

  “Yes,” she heard Ben say, as they got closer. “Right up there.”

  She heard footsteps, too many, coming up the small staircase that led from the beach onto the deck and through the open French doors. There must be more than one. Damn it. She quickly told herself to relax. The two of them could handle whatever creeps Bryce sent her way. She was thankful that she had instructed young Ben not to come into the house so that he wouldn’t see this side of them.

  Abby swallowed and put on her best actress face before opening the door and walking out of the bathroom. She had intended to feign surprise upon seeing the men standing in the kitchen of her home, but she didn’t need to.

  Ben gasped and shouted, “Miss Abby!”

  She jumped and gasped herself, not expecting to see Ben standing there, “Ben!” She was about to reprimand him with I told you not to come in the house!, but caught herself and just yelled, “What are you doing in here?” She held onto the top of her towel and looked at the other man. “And who are you?”

  Ben stood and stared, eyes wide open. Only a few seconds went by, but he managed to take in every visible inch of Abby. Her wet hair dripped onto her bare shoulders, the water droplets slowly sliding down her soft chest before disappearing into the towel that hid... oh my, Ben thought, as his imagination ran wild. As he looked back up to Miss Abby’s beautiful light brown eyes, he saw they were filled with anger.

  “Ben!” she scolded. “Turn around!”

  “Sorry, Miss Abby,” he said as he turned, stealing once last glance over his shoulder. “Sorry.”

  “I’m very sorry, too,” the man said. He began to turn around, as well. “I’ll turn until you get...”

  “No!” Abby nearly shouted, worried because she didn’t know how close Eric was to coming in the door. “Tell me who you are!”

  The man stopped and turned back toward her. He was reluctant to look at her, and instead stared down at her feet, which Abby found odd.

  “My name is JJ.”

  She saw Eric coming in through the French doors behind JJ. Eric was surprised to see Ben, too. He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, motioning for Ben to make his way out the door. He did not want him here either. The kid was bound to get hurt.

  Abby told herself, keep him engaged. “What are you doing in my house?”

  As Ben made his way out the door and down the stairs, the sound of his feet made JJ’s ears perk up. He began to turn just as Eric was upon him.

  It’s now or never, Eric thought. He leapt onto JJ’s back, wrapping his arms around his chest in an attempt to throw him to the ground. The attempt did not go well. With lightning-fast reflexes, JJ bent at the waist and pitched forward, rolled his right shoulder, and flipped Eric up and over onto his back before either of them had a chance to process what was happening.

  Eric let out a yelp when he hit the ground.

  JJ was still looking down at Eric when Abby lost the towel and produced her blade inches from his face. Though her hand was steady, her voice trembled slightly. “How many of you are there?”

  JJ held up his hands, never taking his eyes off the tip of the knife pointing at his face from Abby’s low vantage point. “Whoa, Abby. Relax.”

  With anger in her voice she spit the words, “I will not relax!” She had built a beautiful new life and this man was here to end it. She was scared. She was angry with herself for letting this happen. However most of all, she was pissed off and ready to fight. She allowed herself to quickly glance at the floor, “Eric, are you OK?”

  In a flash, JJ’s large left hand enveloped her right, and a split second later came away with the knife. “Abby, get a hold of yourself for a second.”

  His soft tone almost sounded caring, though she did not have much time to think about that. Eric regained his composure on the ground and made a move. He kicked out with his leg, catching the back of JJ’s knee and sweeping his legs out from under him. As JJ fell onto his back, his hands flew up. Abby took the opportunity to kick his knife hand full force, sending the knife flying toward the bedroom.

  Eric got to his feet and immediately jumped on top of JJ, trying to pin his arms to the ground. Abby watched in shock as JJ effortlessly flung
Eric to the side and onto his back, pinning him to the ground. JJ shouted, “Stop it! I don’t want to hurt you!”

  Abby jumped on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing as she did. JJ thrashed back and forth trying to shake her off. He stood up, letting go of Eric, and gripped Abby’s forearms with his strong hands. Abby was strong, but he was stronger, and he pried her arms from around his neck just as Eric stood and threw a right hook looking to connect with his jaw.

  Still gripping Abby’s arms and holding her on his back as though she were a child, JJ sidestepped Eric’s punch, causing him to catch nothing but air. Eric had put everything he had into the punch and momentarily went off-balance. JJ lunged forward, crashing into Eric and using his left leg to sweep Eric’s feet from under him, sending him to the ground face down.

  With Abby still thrashing on his back, JJ fell onto Eric and landed with a thud. He tossed Abby backwards and, in one motion, grabbed one of the ties sticking out of Eric’s back pocket and wrapped up his wrists. He spun as Abby got to her feet and leapt at him again. Fortunately for him, she was still knifeless, but came at him full force with everything she had. He stood with one foot on Eric’s back to hold him down and grabbed Abby’s wrists. Twisting her and kicking her feet out from under her, he tossed her down on top of Eric so she landed face up and on top of his back.

  Struggling to catch his breath, JJ held her wrists tightly to her chest as she kicked and screamed, unable to get up. He shouted back at her to stop, but the more he tried to get her under control, the harder she fought.

  Ben had been standing by the tree line debating with himself about what to do. Hearing the all-out brawl, followed by Abby’s screaming, he swallowed his fear and ran back down the beach and into the villa. “Miss Abby!” he yelled upon seeing her and Eric pinned to the ground on top of each other.

  “Ben!” Abby shouted. “Get out of here!”

  Ben stood staring for a moment, clearly nervous, but trying to put on a brave face.

  JJ seized the momentary silence to thunder, “Abby, Eric, I am not here to hurt you. Please, just stop and let me talk.”


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