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Shivers Page 9

by Lora Darc

  The hallway was richly decorated. The wood clean and polished, the walls colored in deep hues. Warm lights from candles flickered. Grace could hear the sounds of music down below and of soft voices; of laughter and of clinking glasses. She stood frozen in the doorway. Everything seemed all too real as her senses took in every sight and sound and even smell as she caught the distinct scent of tobacco and perfume wafting in the air. She slowly stepped out in the hallway and came upon the grand staircase where she could see down below.

  Men in tailored suits and woman in elegant dresses flocked about the main hall. The great chandelier was lit brilliantly above them.

  A few looked up to gaze on her and Grace suddenly felt shy and alone. When they smiled at her though, their eyes bright in awe, it gave her courage not to turn away. Grace stepped lightly down the stairs taking in the scene before her. Women waved their fans and smiled prettily just like she and Victoria and Terri had before. Gentlemen smoked on cigars and nodded in her direction. None approached her and Grace felt as if she was suddenly on display; A walking doll for them to admire.

  Grace floated passed, gliding down the hall to the grand living room that was now being used as a ballroom. Like in any dream, something was drawing her to that place though she couldn’t detect what it was. As she entered the ballroom, she observed the flock of people mingling and dancing. Servants strode past with trays of champagne and wine. No face looked familiar. She didn’t see her friends in the throngs of people, but when she turned toward the center of the room, she spotted an older gentleman with greying hair and dark eyes who looked oddly familiar enough for her to study him. Though he talked to a gentleman and a lady whose backs were turned to her, his eyes flickered over and caught hers. He grinned at her with delight and seemed to excuse himself before the two, making his way towards her.

  “Oh, my dear, don’t you look lovely,” the gentlemen said to her as he took her hand. Grace almost asked who he was, but something in her mind told her it was her father. Except that it wasn’t. The man was a stranger to her, yet his eyes were familiar to her. It reminded her of someone else. Someone she thought she knew.

  “Come, let me introduce you to our host. He’s been eager to meet you. I’ve told you he’s the son of my late friend Antonio have I not?” Her father who wasn’t really her father hooked her arm in his and drew her away from the center of the room toward a large group of people at the back. All who were hovering around one solid figure.

  Don Nicoli’s back was turned to her, but Grace knew it was him by the tall figure and large build. He towered over the others in the room and even without seeing his face his presence was demanding of attention. Grace stared at his back as she was pulled toward him, her heart beating hard in her chest. When they were close, Grace’s father cleared his throat and addressed him.

  Don Nicoli turned to them and the first thing Grace saw were his eyes, so green and bright and nearly feral. They struck her like a bolt of lightning and froze her in place as he stared down at her with such intensity Grace felt her face grow hot. She looked away as if embarrassed but studied the rest of him with a curious wonder as her father introduced her.

  “Don Nicoli,” her father bowed, “my daughter, Grace.”

  Don Nicoli stared at her for a moment longer, blinked, then took her hand and kissed it. All without a word. Grace watched him carefully, noticing each feature of his face; thick lashes, low brows, beautiful lips, a face with dark, but lovely features that Grace couldn’t help admiring. She felt a sudden intense urge to trace her fingers over the contours of his face and kiss him. Imagining him deepening the kiss and pressing her into his large frame. She leaned forward, her lips parting, but righted herself when he pulled away. He looked her over, down her dress and up to her neck and Grace wondered if he too was imagining what he could do to her. The thought made heat leap over her body.

  “Grace…” he said softly, calling her name as if to hear how it rang in his own voice. “Will you join me?” He offered his hand to her and Grace, only a little hesitant, took it. With a nod from her father who drew back into the crowd, Don Nicoli led Grace back to the center of the room.

  He gently brought her closer to him and placed a hand at her back with her hand going on to his shoulder. Grace went stiff, realizing he meant to dance some sort of waltz and she silently panicked at the thought.

  She heard Nicoli chuckle at the wild expression on her face. “No need to be afraid. I will guide you. This is your first waltz isn’t? I suspected it had gone out of style in your time.”

  Grace gazed at him in quiet shock. “You... you know I’m not…?”

  “Not from here? Yes... I brought you. I could tell you were curious. More so than scared. A first for many.”

  “But... how?”

  Nicoli smiled. “A strange trait I learned. Recalling the past. When the present became too lonesome to bare.”

  “But we aren’t, actually... I mean this isn’t real?” Grace looked around at the people.

  Nicoli frowned. “Not anymore, no. Just a memory.”

  Grace brows furrowed. He brought her into a memory? But how?

  “Even I don’t readily understand the power myself,” he said as if to answer her unspoken question. “Being stuck in reality and in memory. I’ve never brought someone here with me. I didn’t know if it would work—didn’t think it could—but... I wanted you to come.”

  “Why?” Grace breathed staring up at him. She could see a soft glow coming off him as if he were nearly translucent.

  “You don’t know? I thought maybe that was why you came here… to my home.”

  Grace shook her head not understanding.

  Nicoli nodded over to her father who was talking to a couple nearby. “He isn’t your father of course. Like in dreams, memories can be distorted. But I thought it might spark a realization in yourself.”

  Grace stared at the man playing the role of her father. It was true he looked familiar, but she shook her head not knowing from where. “The portrait in the room. The woman who looked like me…”

  “I thought it might help you understand.” Nicoli brought Grace closer. “Where your family came from.”

  “Caron?” Grace looked over to her father.

  Nicoli nodded.

  “My family never said anything about them... I had no idea.” Grace could see the resemblance in the man now. She remembered, when she was young, her mother handing her a portrait of her late grandfather.

  “The Caron family was close to my own. My father knew your great-grandfather.” Nicoli gestured to the man. “They were close. I knew his sons. They had gone off to the war much later on and our families grew apart, but your great-grandfather was like a second father to me. When my own father passed, he was there to guide me. I feel I owe him greatly. When he passed away, I only had my brother, and after that…”

  “I’m sorry for what happened to you and your brother,” Grace said looking back at him. She could see the sadness in his eyes, but he smiled at her still.

  “It is unfortunate. But, even in death, I don’t regret. Or perhaps I have forgotten how to.” Nicoli’s face came closer to hers.

  “Are you stuck here? Because of what happened?”

  Nicoli lifted his hand to her face. He brushed away a lock of hair and gently traced the line of her jaw. “I’m so thankful your family made it through. That it led to you. Though I admit now, I wish you could have been born in my time.”

  Grace wasn’t uncomfortable at the thought. A part of her would have wished it to. If it meant she could have saved him.

  They stopped their dancing and Grace took hold of his hand and kissed it. She figured if she was dreaming there was no harm in showing him how she felt. How a part of her longed for him in some strange way.

  Nicoli stilled as she held his hand. His eyes grew dark. He leaned in toward her, his lips close to her ear. “Come with me.”

  Grace didn’t protest or hesitate when he took her hand and led her out of the room.

  The crowds parted as they went by, their faces serene and animated, yet strangely distant. Their voices grew softer and the music grew lower as if everything were fading away. Nicoli took her up the stairs and down the hall to the room she had awakened in. The lights were dimmer now; the fire was low. Nicoli shut the door softly behind her. Grace gazed into the mirror of the vanity and watched him move like a shadow, silent and hidden. He approached her, standing behind her, looking at her from the mirror with his intense gaze.

  “May I be honest with you?” He asked softly.

  Grace nodded, her heart pounding, heat rising in her neck and face as his body brushed up against hers.

  “I never took a wife because I feared I wouldn’t be able to protect her. That I’d be risking too much; that my line of work was too dark, too awful, to deserve happiness. But... If you had been born long ago, and I had seen you there standing before me just as you were moments ago, I would have claimed you there and then. I would have made you mine, moral-judgment be damned.” Nicoli gripped Grace’s arms in a gentle, but firm grip. “You were the wife I needed. The woman I longed for. As soon as I saw you enter my home, I knew… even if it could never be.”

  Even if it could never be, Grace thought.

  Grace turned slowly to face him. “I’m here now,” she whispered to him. “I’m not afraid.”


  Even in a dream—or a memory—Grace could feel the cool air on her bare skin, her nipples taut and hard, and goosebumps trailing over her body. Nicoli had peeled the dress from her, her skirts now laying in a pile on the ground. Her naked body was now before him as he sat on the bed gazing at her. His arousal came swiftly as soon as he looked at her.

  Nicoli had discarded his jacket and vest and unbuttoned his shirt and pants. Grace could see his bare skin underneath and the head of his thick length.

  She stood uncertain at first. The room and everything feeling so unbelievably real, though in the back of her head she told herself it wasn’t so. Regardless, she glanced to the door nervously.

  Nicoli chuckled. “No need to worry there, lovely one. I control this place. You are safe.” He gestured for her to come closer and Grace obeyed. He took hold of her hips and turned her around then led her down to sit on his lap. Grace could see herself in the vanity mirror. Nicoli spread her legs out so they both could better see her.

  “I want you to watch,” he whispered. “No holding back or hiding. Like it is our wedding night and you will do everything I ask.”

  Grace nodded, her breath coming quick. The sudden need for him was growing.

  Nicoli’s hand traced along her stomach and down past her hips till he was at her center and carefully stroking her core. Grace gasped at his touch and heat licked at her body. She nearly turned to look away, but Nicoli stopped her.

  “No, you must watch,” he said with a commanding voice. Grace breathed heavily and forced herself to look back and watch as his fingers played with her center. She whimpered softly and moved her hips in time with the circling of his fingers.

  Grace lifted her head and arched her back as he rubbed her deeply and slowly, each stroke like agony.

  She closed her eyes for a mere second and opened them to see herself back in the dusty and dark room, her bag on the floor, the lantern’s light gone.

  “Wh... what?” Grace breathed, realizing that she was somehow still naked and propped on the bed, still spread out to be seen fully in the vanity mirror that was no longer dirty.

  “It’s alright, I’m still here.” Came a whisper. “I want you to truly feel this. I want to give you real pleasure.”

  “But how?” Sweat glistened off Grace’s skin. “How can you?”

  A soft laugh. “I have taught myself other abilities as well.”

  A surge of pleasure shot through Grace and she nearly spasmed. Her back arched and her head raised. She let out a not too quiet moan.

  “Ah, but you must be silent. Or your friend’s might hear.”

  Grace shook her head at the thought and shivered. The idea of her friends hearing her moans and finding her like she was both thrilled and terrified her.

  “I... I don’t know if I can do that,” she whispered and winced, closing her mouth on to another moan that threatened to escape her. She could still feel him rubbing her core and was shocked that she could even see her center moving still as if an invisible hand were there. Grace moved her hips and realized she could also feel his presence still behind her as if she still sat on his lap.

  “Oh God, oh God,” she whispered to herself as she moved quicker while his fingers circled and stroked her with more intensity. She couldn’t believe what was happening and wondered if she was still dreaming.

  She watched her body in the mirror, trying to keep her breathing and her moans from floating down the stairs. She felt a sudden wet, hot feeling on her nipples as if someone were sucking on them and soon after felt the same down below in her core. Her legs spread out more and her back arched up. She looked to the door that was still open and whimpered, then back over to the mirror.

  “I will come if you keep doing that. I’ll make a noise and wake the others.” Grace pleaded while watching her body move and writhe.

  The feeling of being suckled didn’t stop despite her pleas and her hips moved faster and her breath only came quicker. Suddenly she felt as if something had penetrated her and she could see herself opening up.

  “Oh... oh my—” Grace shook her head in disbelief, but didn’t stop watching. The sensations of being suckled and filled up nearly overwhelmed her and she bit her lip in order to keep herself from screaming. Her moans and screams caught in her throat as she forced them down as best she could.

  “I’m going to come and I’m going to scream.” Grace whimpered at the mirror. “Oh, please, oh God…”

  She watched her body quiver and shake and the pleasure build beyond anything she ever felt. Seeing herself in the mirror in such a tortured state brought her over the edge.

  She screamed.

  The pleasure shattered and swept through her whole body and she felt herself lose near consciousness. All she could hear was her scream and the feeling of unending bliss.

  Her body fell back onto the bed as if the presence of Nicoli had vanished and she was left breathing and shaking hard, laying on the bed naked.

  She heard voices down below and heard the pounding of footsteps. With all the strength she could muster, Grace quickly fell on to her sleeping back and forced herself all the way inside it, zipping it up so as to cover her nakedness.

  “Grace? Holy shit are you ok?” Came a voice down the hall.

  Grace took a shaking hand and wiped away the sweat from her forehead. “I’m fine, just a dream,” she tried to answer.

  Michael and David were at the door. They looked down at her with their flashlights directed at her face.

  “I said I’m fine.” Grace wanted them to leave.

  “Jesus, you look like—” David began.

  “Just a dream, I promise.” Grace cut him off. “Please get the light out of my face, I can’t see.”

  They lowered their lights but didn’t leave.

  “You should come back down,” Michael said softly.

  Grace shook her head. No, she wanted to say. But before she could speak, a short scream came from downstairs.

  The boys cursed and ran back down. Grace quietly lay as she listened to them trying to calm Terri, whose shrieking voice told Grace that she hadn’t been screaming for the same reason. The door to the room slowly closed shut.

  “Go back to sleep,” came Nicoli’s voice in a soothing whisper. Grace smiled and did as told.


  When Grace opened her eyes, she found herself once again on the bed and in the candle-lit room, new and clean looking like before. She sat up and saw a figure watching her from the vanity.

  Nicoli slowly got up and came to her on the bed. His clothing was gone.

  “Seeing you find your pleasure was exquisite
, darling,” Nicoli smirked and sat beside her. The heat radiating off him was fierce. “But I’m afraid your scream cut our time too short for my liking.”

  “I’m sorry,” Grace said, her face growing hot at the reminder.

  Nicoli chuckled low and kissed down Grace’s neck. He laid her down on her back while lying next to her. He glided a hand down her stomach and brushed against her sensitive center. Grace flinched and tensed.

  “It was just... It was amazing.” Grace tried to explain.

  Nicoli smiled and positioned himself on top of her. He drew her legs apart and lowered his hips.

  “Perhaps it’s safe to say a living man could never please you so well.” Nicoli’s eyes grew dark and he slowly filled her with the thick length of him.

  Grace gasped. She felt the heat rise in her again. She shook her head. “No, I don’t think they could.”

  Nicoli took his time, slowly sliding inside her and just as slowly sliding out. “Then stay and be mine.”

  Grace swelled at his movement, but couldn’t find the words to answer him; to tell him that his precious home would soon be gone and he along with it. It nearly brought tears to her eyes.

  Nicoli paused in his movement. “You’re sad. Grace, what is it?”

  Grace opened her mouth but still wasn’t sure what to say. She wrapped her legs around him instead.

  “I want to be with you.” Was the only answer she could think of. Nicoli stared down at her with sadness and longing, his fingers tracing along her jaw and down her neck.

  “The house... you know what they plan to do with it…” He brushed a thumb over her nipple.

  Grace bit her lip and nodded. She knew hiding it from him would be wrong. “They plan to tear it down.”

  Nicoli nodded and smiled, though the sadness didn’t leave his eyes. “How ironic. All this time I had been waiting and wanting to leave this house, but unable to. Now I’ve found a reason not to go and will be forced to leave.”

  “I’ll talk to Michael. I won’t let it happen.”

  Nicoli kissed her deeply and held her tight. For a moment they held each other until Nicoli pulled away. “If not. I want this one night for us.”


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