Return to Osprey Cove

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Return to Osprey Cove Page 10

by Luisa Marietta Gold

  There was a dining room off the living area with beautiful built-in cabinets along the wall and a rustic pine dining table and chairs. This room had a commanding view of the lake and the Osprey nest. Libby is going to love watching the nest from here! He thought. The kitchen area was also full of charm. The cabinets had been painted a rich forest green which seemed to bring the outdoors in. The kitchen had been updated with modern appliances that had been carefully selected so as not to take away from the old world charm.

  Alex was amazed at the amount of living area these quarters contained. The area was, in fact, larger than most homes. Alex had been particularly surprised to see that there were three bedrooms. They were all tastefully decorated. The master bedroom had a lovely four poster mahogany bed with another fireplace. If there was one negative aspect of the quarters, it was that there was only one full bathroom. But it had all its original 1912 charm, including a beautiful claw foot tub and pedestal sink. The black and white small mosaic tile floor was also original. As Alex looked at the bedrooms, he had to smile to himself. If all the guest rooms were full, as he had teased his parents, there would be plenty of room up here for them to visit the lodge whenever they chose. Besides the living areas, there was a room that appeared to have been used by Mr. Badeau as a combination office/library. There was a beautiful large antique mahogany desk and leather chair in the center of the room. One entire wall was bookshelves, many of which had rich leather bindings. Alex pulled several books from the shelf and admired them. The collection looked to have been started when the lodge was built back in 1912. It was going to be enjoyable to peruse them at length. On the opposite wall was a lovely dark rich green leather sofa, worn just enough to give it character. There were two over-sized leather recliners on either side of the sofa. Behind the sofa, there was a large window which made the room bright and offered more views of the cove. Alex did not find it difficult to imagine himself in this room. It would serve the practical purposes of an office and would also be a relaxing retreat. It would be a perfect place to read.

  When Alex bought the lodge, he had not given any consideration to living at it. But as he examined these rooms that Mr. Badeau had occupied, he could see himself living here at least part of the time. Alex was not unhappy living with his parents. The house afforded him and Libby plenty of privacy, but at times he felt the need for more 'alone' time. He was excited to share the news of the lodge with Libby and to show her these rooms. Perhaps he would let her redecorate one of the bedrooms as she wanted. He smiled and thought, it will probably have an animal theme for sure -- especially after her trip to Africa!

  Alex walked back out from the office to the main living area and sat down in one of the chairs by the windows that overlooked the lake. As he enjoyed the view, his business mind went into gear, and he started to think about the actual running of the lodge. He had joked with his parents about the lodge being filled after he bought it. Alex did foresee that business could be increased with better marketing. He doubted that Mr. Badeau had done much of any advertising. So he would get a marketing plan in place as soon as possible. But the first task would be to interview for a general manager who would oversee day-to-day operations. The rest of the staff was already in place and doing an excellent job. He thought about Rose. It would make him happy to be able to tell her that her job would be secure as long as she wanted it. And he would see that there was always his favorite cherry-filled pastries on the menu! And the kitchen would continue the practice of cooking the fish that the guests caught!

  Those last two thoughts made his mind drift back to the time he had spent at the lodge with Catherine. He thought about their lovely afternoon on the porch sipping lemonade and sampling pastries. He could see her expression when she first saw the Osprey nest. He remembered eating the fish together that he had caught. He thought about all the pleasant conversations they shared at the special corner table in the dining room and the time they had spent gazing at the night sky and listening to the evening sounds down at the water's edge. These were memories Alex would not easily forget.

  Alex had been looking forward to stopping by the Raynott offices while he was working in the field. There were a few things he wanted to discuss about the marketing contact. And he was also looking forward to seeing Catherine again. But that would not be possible now. He would be spending the next few months getting The Osprey Cove Lodge running smoothly under its 'new management.'

  Alex decided to head home, pack a few things and bring them back to the lodge so that he could start staying there. The Badeau family had left it completely furnished. Even the kitchen was full of all the essentials. They had only removed Mr. Badeau's personal belongings. The cleaning staff maintained these quarters along with the lower levels of the lodge. Moving in would be an easy task. He was looking forward to it.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  Catherine spent a wonderful week with her best friends, Will and Emma. There was no question how happy Emma and Will were with their new life in Texas. The house was just as Emma had described it to Catherine. It was in an excellent family neighborhood at the end of a cul-de-sac on a tree-lined street. The neighborhood and the activity Catherine saw in it seemed like a real-life Norman Rockwell painting. The houses were about ten years old, so the yards were mature with trees and shrubbery. The neighborhood was full of young families. Most of the mothers were stay-at-home mothers like Emma planned to be. There were children of all ages, riding their bikes and skateboards and playing in the yards. Catherine had even noticed a driveway with a hopscotch game chalked on it. It seemed like the perfect place to raise a child. She was happy Emma's child would grow up in such a pleasant environment.

  The inside of the house was just as charming. As Emma took Catherine on a tour of each room, it was evident that she and Will had worked hard decorating and furnishing it. The house reflected their personalities. Emma saved the nursery as the last room to show Catherine. When she opened the door, Catherine was overwhelmed with emotion. It was beautiful! They had painted the walls a lovely shade of turquoise, and Will had hand-painted animals on one wall -- a zebra, giraffe, and a monkey. The animals were surrounded by puffy white clouds and a palm tree in the corner. It was wonderful! What a delightful room to grow up in, Catherine thought.

  The week went by way too fast. Emma and Catherine had lunched, shopped for baby clothes, gone for walks through the neighborhood, and mostly just sat and talked. They had a lot of catching up to do. Talking on the phone was just not the same as being face-to-face. Neither Catherine nor Emma was ready to say goodbye at the week's end. The only thing that made it easier for Catherine was knowing that she was heading to The Osprey Cove Lodge.

  Emma and Will drove Catherine to the airport. Their goodbye hugs were long and heartfelt. Neither friend had gotten used to being so far away from the other. This is the first time that distance had separated them. And even though they vowed to keep in touch, and they had, it was not the same having a long-distance best friend. Catherine took one last look at her pregnant friend. The next time she saw her she would not be seven months pregnant; she would be holding her child. She had Will take a photo of the two of them. At slightly less than four months, it was hard to tell that Catherine was pregnant, but they wanted a picture of them both pregnant. Someday they would show the picture to the children they were carrying.

  Catherine got her boarding pass, went through security and headed for her gate. She had gotten there in plenty of time. Catherine never liked to rush. She always planned extra time for everything. She had brought her Kindle with her and had downloaded some new books. She would have plenty to keep her occupied while she was waiting in the airport and on the plane ride to Ottawa. She stared out the airport window onto the runway and let her mind drift back to the week she had spent with her best friend.

  She was so glad she had decided to make this trip. Catherine couldn't be happier that things had worked out so well for Will and Emma. Emma had always seemed a littl
e less than content when they lived in New York. She used to say that she wished Will had a better job so that they could have more and do more. Well, Will had gotten a better job. They did have more -- a lovely home. And the best part was that Emma no longer needed to work. It was obvious to Catherine that the move to Texas had been the right choice for her friends. About the only negative comment that Emma had made about her new life was that she wished Will didn't have to travel so much. He had a territory in the Southwest states that he had to travel to on a regular basis. But it was a small price to pay for the new life the job was providing for them. Catherine was convinced that Emma and Will were going to make great parents. She would plan another trip out after the baby was born.

  All the happiness that she saw in Emma and Will was such a contrast to what was happening in her life. Unsettling thoughts ran through Catherine's mind. In slightly more than five months, my child will be born into the world. The child will have no father. There is no nursery prepared waiting for its arrival. I am not even sure where I will be living five months from now. Who will be there to care for the baby -- myself, a nanny? Catherine told herself it was time to make the hard decisions that had to be made. She would use this week of relaxation at The Osprey Cove Lodge to make these decisions. And she promised herself that she would begin to put them in place when she got back to New York. It wasn't fair to the baby to delay making these decisions any longer.

  Catherine brushed these unsettling thoughts from her mind. She would do what she needed to do. But right now she wanted to focus on pleasant thoughts of returning to The Osprey Cove Lodge. Catherine didn't know why, but the lodge had affected her more than any other place she had visited. She did know that from the first moment she stepped out of the Droxell limo and set eyes on it, she had felt like she was entering another time and place. Perhaps that's what it was. She needed to leave the reality of the real world and escape to a place where there seemed to be complete peace and contentment. Escape, peace, and contentment -- that is what I need right now, she thought.

  Whenever she thought of The Osprey, she always thought about Alex. Alex had been the right person at the wrong time. She wasn't even kidding herself any longer. She knew that if she had met Alex before her marriage to Doug, she would have wanted to pursue a relationship with him. He would have been an easy person to fall in love with, she thought. And then after Doug was killed, it was the wrong time for Alex. He had become engaged to Rosalind. And even if he had not become engaged, she was pregnant. What man wants to start a relationship with a woman pregnant with another man's child?

  Catherine had not succeeded in replacing her unsettling thoughts. It saddened her to finally come to grips with the fact that she could fall in love with Alex and it could never be. Would she ever have a happy life like she had just seen with Emma and Will? Would she ever find a husband who loved her for who she was and not for her inheritance, as Doug had? And would she find someone willing to raise another man's child? That was the most troubling question of all. Doug had indeed ruined her life in many ways.

  She decided that she better get out her Kindle and start a book -- perhaps that would clear her mind of all these sad and unsettling thoughts. She was glad that she had downloaded Jane Austen. She needed her right now.

  Before she knew it, her flight was announced, and she had boarded the plane for Ottawa. She would soon be at The Osprey Cove Lodge.

  Catherine convinced herself -- with Jane in hand and The Osprey Cove Lodge close at hand, things were bound to get better. She sat back in her seat in the middle of the plane, over the wing and began Chapter One of Pride and Prejudice.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  By the time Catherine landed in Ottawa, all her unsettling, sad thoughts had disappeared. She had only one thing in mind -- returning to The Osprey Cove Lodge. As she had done in the past, she rented a car at the airport and drove to the lodge. The route had become familiar to her. She never seemed to tire of the scenic drive. The trees she passed seemed even more beautiful to her with their autumn colors. Her only regret was that she had not planned her trip a few weeks earlier when the leaves were at their peak. She would remember that for future autumn visits.

  She finally got to her turn, Whippoorwill Road. The magical feeling started for Catherine as soon as she turned on the road leading to the lodge. She felt as though she was saying goodbye to the real world and entering an enchanting one. As she approached, she noticed there were fewer cars in the parking lot than in summer. She assumed it was less crowded this time of year -- all the better, she thought. It will be even more peaceful and relaxing. Whenever Catherine arrived at the lodge, she paused outside to take in the picturesque scene of the lodge and its surroundings. She loved to look at all its architectural features and let her eyes linger on the guests seated on the porch. Today, there were only four tables occupied by guests. But she could see even from her distance that some were enjoying lemonade and others had pots of tea along with their trays of pastries. She smiled to herself; I wonder if there are any cherry-filled pastries today!

  After her eyes had taken in the lovely scene, she made her way up the stairs of the porch and entered the lodge. She took a moment to sign the registry book at the left. Perhaps this visit she would have time to leaf through the pages and read some of the guests' comments. When she glanced up from the registry book, she noticed that Mr. Badeau was not at the check-in. Instead, one of the dining room waiters appeared to be seated there.

  "Good afternoon, ma'am, how may I help you?"

  "My name is Catherine Wellin. I have a reservation for the Veranda Room."

  The young gentlemen checked the reservations book and said, "Oh yes, Ms. Wellin, here is your key. If you follow me please, I will be glad to escort you to the room."

  "That's kind of you, sir, but I've stayed here before. I know right where the Veranda Room is."

  "Very well then, ma'am. Just leave your luggage here, and I'll have someone bring it up in a few minutes. If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask. My name is James, I'll be happy to assist any way that I can. Dinner will be served beginning at 5:00 PM in the dining room."

  "Thank you, James."

  Catherine smiled at hearing those words. They were like music to her ears. She glanced into the dining room. Other waiters and waitress were setting the tables. She was looking forward to dining there tonight. And she hoped her table was available. She also hoped to see Rose.

  As she headed for the stairs, she turned to the young man and asked, "Is Mr. Badeau here this week?"

  "Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, Mr. Badeau passed away recently. We have a new owner."

  His words brought back to Catherine's mind the words she had seen on the website - Under New Management. Although she didn't know Mr. Badeau well or for a long time, hearing that he died upset her. Everything about The Osprey had always been happy. Catherine did not like to think sadness and sorrow could cross the walls of the lodge. People were not supposed to die here in this special place.

  When she collected her thoughts, she replied, "I am truly sorry to hear that. Mr. Badeau was such a nice man. It will not be the same without him behind the desk."

  "No ma'am, but I'm sure you will like our new owner. He is also nice."

  It would seem different without Mr. Badeau. He was part of the experience of being here, she thought.

  Catherine made her way up the staircase to her room. The Veranda Room never seemed to lose its charm for Catherine. Whenever she entered the room, she always felt like she had entered another place and time. It always felt like someone had turned back the hands of time to the year 1912. The beautifully carved mahogany, four-poster bed looked inviting. Catherine felt tired after the trip, but she did not want to waste any of what was left of this beautiful afternoon. I have to sit on the porch, she thought. As soon as her luggage arrived, she would change, grab her Kindle and head to the porch.

  While she waited, her eyes glanced aroun
d the room taking in all the things that made this room so appealing to her. It was so different from her loft back in New York. Catherine always had an emotional reaction to this room. It was warm and inviting. She always felt as though it was giving her a hug. She loved the lavender theme -- the lavender brocade bedspread and the lavender-flowered wallpaper. She looked over at the mahogany dressers with lovely marble tops and the two beautifully carved nightstands on either side of the bed. Each had an antique opal-glass hobnail lamp on it. As in her previous visits, there was a lovely hand-painted glass vase overflowing with a bouquet of fresh flowers. Today there was a fall bouquet of pink, lavender, and white mums.

  Catherine's favorite part of the Veranda Room was the dressing table and chair. She always loved to sit there and put on her makeup and jewelry. It made her feel like she was an actress in a classic movie. There was also a white brick fireplace in the room. She noticed firewood in a basket next to it. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a fire this week? There was a pair of Victorian Lady and Gentleman chairs in pink velvet alongside the fireplace. She was about to sit and read in one of them when she heard a knock at the door. Her luggage had arrived.

  She quickly changed her clothes and decided to head to the porch, enjoy this beautiful day, and read. She would unpack later. When she arrived at the porch, there was only one guest -- an older woman seated at a nearby table. Things were certainly different this time of year. Catherine kind of liked the solitude of not having a lot of other people around. Instead of lemonade, the other guest was enjoying a pot of tea with her pastries. It was served in a beautiful floral English teapot. It seemed like a good day for tea to Catherine; after all, she was reading Jane Austen. So Catherine ordered her tea and pastries and was delighted to see it was served in a beautiful English teapot with a cup and saucer to match. It's the little things in life that make things special, she thought as she looked at the lovely teapot and smiled to herself. This is what she liked about the lodge; one could get excited about the kind of teapot their tea was being served in! The complexities of the real world seemed far away.


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