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Scandal Page 6

by Grace Kagni

  She didn't understand his change in mood but she felt her body tense knowing that he wasn't pleased with her comment, so she stayed quiet until the second part of the ballet started. She watched the entire part of the second half ill at ease knowing that Alessandro was angry with her but she couldn't understand the reason. Surely it couldn't have been because she told him they should leave.

  When the ballet was finished, they stood up and walked out. Alessandro walked behind her but didn't touch her and when she tried to take his hand, he pulled away. Why was he acting this way? Could he be annoyed because she suggested they should leave? Her worry was clearly marked on her face when they stepped into the car and as he sat straight, looking out the window without saying a word, she asked, "Are you angry with me?"

  He didn't turn to look at her as he said, "No, of course not."

  "Well, you seem like you are," she continued to see if he'd turn to look at her but when he didn't, she turned to look out her window.

  They sat in silence until they arrived at the restaurant he'd reserved for their late night dinner. They were escorted into the place by the two guards and shown to a private room by the maître where only one table sat in the middle of the spacious cave like room. The room was filled with lit candles and as these illuminated the room, giving off a romantic ambiance, she saw as she stepped into it that the room was very private - only for two. The guards waited outside the door and as the waiter brought in their trolley with their entrees, he served them while they sat in silence staring at their plates. The tension in the room was high and the waiter sensed he could cut it with a knife so as soon as he served them; he walked out of the room and shut the door.

  Alessandro took his napkin and shook it out with a loud thud before placing it on his lap. Then he poured them each a little wine and after taking a sip from his glass, he started to eat.

  Alessia couldn't stand the tension anymore and looked up to stare at him but he kept his eyes low on his plate. "Are you going to continue like this all night? I don't know what you're angry about but you're doing a great job at ruining the evening you've planned."

  He just continued to eat his food as if she wasn't even there. It was too much for her to bear and so she threw her napkin on her uneaten food and started to get up to leave but he looked up and shouted, "Where do you think you're going? Sit down!"

  She turned on him, eyes blazing from the anger that was building up inside her. "How dare you tell me what I can and can't do?" She was close to tears but found the courage not to shed them too quickly. She turned to leave and within two steps, she felt his hand on her elbow pulling her back. She whipped around to look at him and saw fury deep in his eyes but she also saw something else that she couldn't quite understand.

  "Please sit down," he said gently, his eyes pleading.

  She stood a moment staring into his eyes and then without saying anything she sat down again and waited for him to take his seat. "Why do you get so angry if I suddenly voice my opinion? I'm not a child that you can toy as a puppet. I'm an adult and I don't need to be made a fool by anyone." Heat was clearly burning in her cheeks as she felt her face flush from her emotions.

  He slumped his shoulders a moment while he sat down and then looked up at her. "I'm sorry. You're right and I need to treat you with more respect. I'm not used to having anyone talk back to me or telling me what to do so I apologize. I let my emotions control my mind and I overreacted. I didn't mean to be rude," he said as he leaned over to take her hand in his.

  She looked at him and wondered how he was able to shift mood so quickly. One moment he was furious with her, not wanting to talk or look at her and the next moment, he was apologizing for being rude.

  The waiter came in again and brought another trolley with the pasta dishes that Alessandro had requested. After the waiter served both plates, he left the room and shut the door again. This time, Alessandro looked up and with apologetic eyes said, "I am truly sorry that I've ruined your appetite. Please try some of this food, it is one of my favourite restaurants in Milano."

  "Do you come here often?" she asked.

  "Actually, not as often as I used to," he said smiling as he thought of the past. "My mother used to bring Valentina and I here for dinner once a week when she was in the country. It was our favourite restaurant when we were growing up and then when I went into politics, I had less free time. My life is full of meetings, official dinners and events which don't leave much free time to enjoy a quiet dinner with someone special," he said, as he smiled warmly at her.

  "Well I can understand that considering you've had a full day today and you still wanted to take me out. I appreciate the effort bur really - I don't mind staying in next time if you're too tired. You're only human and you need to relax occasionally too, so don't be angry the next time if I suggest we stay home," she said, feeling her muscles relaxing as his face softened.

  "I really wanted to give you a special evening and I'm sorry that I ruined the first part of the evening but I hope to make it up to you from now if you give me a chance," he said as he leaned in to kiss her lips. She leaned in and kissed him back.

  They went through several courses before they were finally served the dessert. Alessia was so full that she really couldn't have one more bite but she didn't want to hurt his feelings by not having a special dessert he said the cook made especially for them that evening and so she nibbled at the chocolate and pear mouse that was absolutely divine. She slowly ate the entire piece; not realizing how smooth and light it was as it melted in her mouth.

  When she put her spoon down and sat back, she looked over at him and saw his eyes cloud over with lust.

  "Come over here," he said as his eyes pierced through hers.

  She got up slowly and walked to his side. He moved his chair back and then moved her by the hips so that she stood with her back to him, facing the table.

  "Lay your chest on the table," he said. She looked at the table full of dishes and then at him with an annoyed look. She had a beautiful dress on and she didn't want for it to be ruined by laying down on left over food. With one sweep, he pulled the tablecloth and the plates came crashing down to the floor, leaving the table completely bare. He raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to bend over onto the table.

  As soon as she lay on the table, she felt his warm hands down the open V of the dress, softly caressing her skin. Then his fingers pulled down the zipper, touching the skin on her backside as he pulled it to the end. Spreading the material to the side, her butt cheeks were suddenly out and while his fingers looped around the soft material of her thong, he brought it down to mid thigh, exposing her very core to his sight.

  "Do you know how bad you've been tonight?" he asked.

  She didn't say anything for fear of saying the wrong thing.

  "I asked you a question."

  "No, I don't know," she said feeling a mixture of fear and excitement growing between her legs.

  "What happens when people do something wrong?" he asked.

  "They're punished?" she asked.

  "That's right - they're punished and do you know what you did tonight to be punished?" he asked.

  "I didn't follow orders?" she asked, hoping it would be the right answer.

  "That's right and now because of that, I'll have to punish you," he said.

  She waited as her ass was up in the air, feeling the coolness of the room. She glanced at the door, hoping nobody would walk back inside as she lay with her ass exposed for the world to see. That was when she felt the first tingle as his hand came down to slap her firm cheeks. The tingle lingered for a moment and just when it started to go away, a second slap came down on the same spot. By the time the fourth slap hit her skin, the pain she felt turned to desire and she felt wetness building between her legs. He continued to slap her more times and when he arrived at number twelve, her skin started to burn, making tears run down her face.

  She expected more to come but then he stopped and as she shut her eyes, wonder
ing what would be the next punishment, she heard his zipper and within a few seconds, he plunged deep inside her core, pushing her hips against the table as he rocked in and out of her with such force that she thought he'd feel the table with his cock if he pushed any harder. He held her hips tight as he moved his thickness in and out of her folds, spilling her juices as he pushed harder. His body started to jerk as he was close to his climax and just as she felt his legs tighten around her backside, she knew he was about to release.

  "Come with me Alessia," he whispered as he moaned.

  Somewhere while he was pounding into her, she felt strong desire build inside and it brought her to the breaking point. She released as she felt his warm liquid entering deep inside her folds. He leaned down placing his body on her while he caught his breath and waited while they both came back down from their orgasm. He put his hands on her back as his lips kissed the soft skin while he was still inside her. Then he pulled out and sat down, pulling her into his lap, feeling the warmth of her bare backside on his lap as he embrace her.

  "Did I hurt you?" he asked as he put his face in her hair, breathing in her sweet scent. "I lose control when I'm with you." When she didn't say anything, he looked up and noticed she was too quiet. Gently, he took her chin and turned it so that she faced him and he saw regret in her eyes. He put his forehead next to hers and closed his eyes before saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

  "You didn't hurt me, it's just that sometimes you make me feel like a toy that you can do as you please. It hurts more than the physical pain I feel when you pound into me," she said as she turned her head so he couldn't see the emotions in her eyes.

  "Look at me," he said, waiting for her to face him on her own accord. When she turned, he could see a single tear that streamed down her face and that single tear broke his heart more than anything he'd ever experienced. He started to have feelings for Alessia and it scared him, knowing that at one point he wouldn't be able to live without her. He already felt that way now, he couldn't breath if she wasn't beside him and she was in his mind when she wasn't in the same room as him. "You are right and you need to tell me when I go too far; I promise no more tears."

  She leaned her head down on his chest as they sat in silence a little, while he stroked her bare back. After a long moment, they stood to re-adjust their clothing since they were still half undressed and they left to go back to his apartment. When they stepped into his apartment he turned to her and lifted her into his arms before carrying her to his bed. Then he slowly started to undress her, gently stripping every piece of garment off of her, showing he could be gentle with her. After he pulled off her dress and dropped it to the floor, he unstrapped her shoes and pulled them off one at a time, placing them on the floor. Then he moved to her silk stalkings, removing each one gently as he showered her legs with soft kisses as the material slipped off each leg. Standing back a moment, he took in her luscious curves and the way her thong ran up the crevasse of her ass as it glistened in the bright light of the room. He turned her onto her stomach and then took a couple of pillows, placing them under her hips sending her ass high into the air before he started to undress. He pulled off his jacket and pulled open his shirt, sending the buttons flying into the air. Then he pulled off his shoes, pants, socks and boxer shorts within seconds. He stood nude glancing over her body as his erection pulsed at attention.

  She felt his hands gently caressing her and every gentle stroke of his soft fingers, sent a delirious sensation through her body. By the time he'd taken everything off, leaving only her thong, she was dripping in wetness. Then he placed the cushions under her hips sending her deeper into her desires. She was ready to come without being touched. She didn't think it would be possible but somehow he had the power to do this to her.

  Then she felt his hands spread her legs apart and his lips were suddenly on her core, making her body sing with every touch of his tongue as it lapped her heat. She felt she was about to come and held onto the sheets, trying to control her desires before she lost control so quickly.

  "Tonight is for you and you can come whenever you feel the need. You don't need to submit to me, I want you to feel the pleasure and release it when you're ready," he said as he lifted his head placing little kisses around the slim fabric that barely covered her heat. Then he slid his fingers though the material and pulled it off, letting him see her juices as they leaked onto the pillows. He tossed the thong onto the floor and pushed his tongue deep inside her folds, sending fire to the core of her desire. She gasped and moaned trying to control herself but after a few minutes, her body racked with the delirious pleasure running through her body. She let out a loud cry as she found her release and felt her entire body tense from the strength of the orgasm as he relentlessly brought her to the second and third wave of desire.

  She lay exhausted; panting as her breathing was heavy when he turned her over and pulled her close. He then pulled the covers over them and held her until her breathing returned to normal. She fell asleep with a smile clearly showing her pleasure.

  Sometime during the night, she dreamt she felt cold wetness between her legs. The coldness made pain run down her legs but at the same time it brought a delirious sensation heating the inside of her folds. Then the cold stopped and she felt wetness lapping at her labia. The dream was so intense that she arched her back to the sensation of the warmth that brought her deeper into ecstasy until she felt the coldness again but it thrust inside. She awoke in a cold sweat to the reality that Alessandro had been teasing her clit and in the midst of pleasure and pain, she was lulled into an orgasm before she realized it. The coldness of the ice sent her spiralling. Her body wracked with delirious sensations as the ice peaked her orgasm so quickly and so powerfully that all she could do was scream out until the pleasure passed.

  Alessandro caressed her body as she screamed and waited for her orgasm to pass before pulling her into an embrace, kissing her on her face. Her hair was plastered to her skin from the energy that electrified her body. Slowly her breathing returned to normal and she lay completely spent in Alessandro's arms while he held her tight.

  "Go to sleep now. We need to be rested to leave for Florence tomorrow," he whispered into her ear.

  "Florence?" she said in a semi-sleepy state.

  "Yes, there is another event that I need to attend tomorrow night in Florence. Shh, go to sleep now," he said as he stroked her face while she was lulled back to sleep.

  * * * * * *

  Alessia awoke the next morning feeling tired but happy. After having an abundant breakfast, they got into the car and were escorted by Alessandro's guards to Florence.

  The cars drove up to the side gates of Palazzo Pitti and stopped. Alessia looked out the car window and asked, "Why are we at Palazzo Pitti?"

  "This is where we'll be staying for the night," Alessandro said.

  "At Palazzo Pitti? I came to visit the palace on a school field trip. Are you telling me that we'll be sleeping in this palace tonight?" she asked as she raised her eyebrows.

  "My mother is a Medici and it belongs to her family. Part of the Palazzo is open to the public but we still use the private family quarters when we are in Florence."

  Alessia looked at Alessandro a moment, taking in the full picture of who he really was and it overwhelmed her. When Alessandro got out of the car and held out his hand to help her out, she simply sat there and stared out the window at the palace.

  "Alessia, are you coming?" he asked.

  "Yes, of course," she said as she pulled herself out of the daydream. She remembered visiting the palace years ago and it seemed unbelievable that she would enter the place after so many years with one of the owners.

  "I have a surprise for you," he whispered into her ear.

  "A surprise? I like surprises," she said, grinning.

  "This is a special surprise which I hope you will enjoy as much as I," he said as he escorted her inside the private quarters where she'd never been. She looked around as they walked thro
ugh the rooms that were decorated with the same opulence as the public area, until they got to his bedroom. It was clearly a man's bedroom and as she noticed the dark four-poster bed and the heavy wardrobe and cabinets, she also noticed it was decorated with rich red and gold colours. Then he walked to a wall and pushed a panel that opened a secret passage.

  Her eyebrows raised in surprise as he grinned and extended his hand to show her inside. He led her through a narrow passageway to another room - a secret bedroom that was equipped with what Alessia believed to be tools used for torture. Fear started to creep into her gut and as soon as she saw his expression change to comprehension, her fears started to fade. "I only use this room for sex not for torture but the room gives me a sense of excitement knowing that sex slaves were tortured here by their masters back in the day," he said.

  "You've brought other women here?" she asked, surprised that a women would let herself be tied and gagged in such a sad room.

  "No, I've been here with other partners - male partners who haven't been scared off by the thought of what the room was used for in the past," he said waiting for a reaction from her.

  "Male partners? So you've had sex with men?" she asked, curious to know the truth.

  "Yes and I've also been dominated by them in this very room," he said as he stepped closer to her.

  "You've submitted to men in this room? You've let them torture you with these tools?" she asked completely dumbfounded by the discovery.

  She looked around and saw whips, chains, and neck cuffs. There was a strange metallic thing hanging from the ceiling. It was hanging over the end of the bed and there were wrist cuffs at the top and ankle cuffs at the bottom. There were three steps leading to the metallic contraption and as Alessia went closer to touch it she turned to Alessandro and asked, "You've been tortured by a male partner in this room?"

  "I have and if you will agree to it, I would like for you to be present tonight while I submit to my male partner," he said hoping she trusted him enough to go ahead with what he had planned.


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