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Scandal Page 14

by Grace Kagni

  "How can you be so calm about something like this? We don't even know if our relationship will last. You barely know me and you're talking about fixing things. You can't always make things better and you can't control our destiny!" she said feeling defeated.

  "Listen, I can see that it's upsetting you so why don't we put the future aside for now and concentrate on the present. The present being your recovery so you can come home. We can take one day at a time and see how things go, alright?" he asked hoping to have calmed her worries for the moment.

  She was silent for a moment while she smoothed the bedcover with her hands. She looked into his eyes, almost trying to read inside his soul and then smiled. "Ok I can concentrate on the present and take one day at a time."

  "That's my girl," he said as he stood up to get one of the bags he'd put down on the table. Pulling out a container, he placed it on the small table and pushed aside the tray with hospital food she didn't touch. "I've brought you some fresh lasagna so why don't you have a little before it turns cold. You need to eat."

  She gazed into the container to take in the aroma of the lasagna just as her stomach growled. She smiled at him and then picked up her fork, lifting a piece of lasagna to her mouth. She ate little pieces at a time but finished nearly the entire portion before stopping. "I can't eat anymore." She lay back against the pillows holding her stomach, feeling the fullness. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome!" he said grinning knowing that she enjoyed it more than she wanted to admit. He threw away the container and then gave her some water from the bottle he'd brought; then he went back to the bags and pulled out a gift for her.

  "What's this?" she asked as he gave her a gift wrapped in red paper with a white ribbon on it.

  "Open it and you'll see!" he said smiling.

  She looked down at the gift as it sat in her lap and pulled the ribbon off with the help of Alessandro, since her hands were still full of tubes. When she unwrapped the gift and saw the 1932 Arnoldo Mondadori edition of Orgoglio e Prevenzione (Pride and Prejudice) by Jane Austen. She looked up at him wondering how he knew it was her favourite book and where did he find the 1932 edition - the first edition published in Italian! She looked down at the book and ran her fingers over the front cover before looking up again into his eyes.

  "Do you like it?" he asked, worried that he'd gotten the title wrong!

  "Yes - yes more than I could even express! How did you know?" she finally asked.

  "I saw a copy of it next to your beside table in your apartment and it looked really old and used, telling me that you'd read the story many times," he said.

  "But you've only been to my apartment once and we were in my bed having hot sex, so when did you notice the book?" she asked, surprised that he even noticed what was in her apartment.

  "When you fell asleep in my arms, I casually looked around at the room and saw the book," he said as he raised his eyebrows and shoulders innocently.

  "I love this book and you couldn't have given me a better gift but where did you find it?" she asked.

  "I bought it off of a book collector," he said.

  "Just like that?" she asked.

  "Yes, just like that!" he smiled.

  She grinned while she looked at the book again and then held it up for him to take it. "Take it home with you. I'd be too afraid of it being stolen while I'm in the hospital."

  "Of course," he said as he took the book from her. "So you really like the story?" he asked wondering what was so special about it.

  "Yes, it's such a romantic story and it's about how the main characters go through so much disappointment and despair before they find love. The story was written 200 years ago but the feeling of heart ache is the same as it was at that time," she said in a dreamy state while she explained to him briefly about the story.

  "Well then, maybe I should read the story!" he grinned.

  "Oh, I don't think you'd like it - it talks a lot about women's chatter and our expectation in life; nothing that a man would be interested in reading," she said.

  "Well if more men read it, maybe we would understand what women want in life," he said partially smiling.

  "Yes that would be true but it's a little more complicated than that!" she said.

  "Then you're going to have to explain it to me - one day at a time!" he grinned.

  She smiled at him noticing he was really trying hard to get to know her better. Maybe if she gave him a chance, he may be the one that she was meant to spend her life with but only time will tell.

  They chatted a little while longer and then the nurse came in to tell him that visiting hours had passed, so he kissed her on the lips and told her he'd be back later, during the evening visit.

  He walked out and went home to deal with some emails for work and then made arrangements for the next day before heading back to the hospital after dinner.

  * * * * * *

  When he arrived in Alessia's room, he found her sitting up and in a better mood than earlier. Smiling, he walked into the room and held out the big stuffed lion cub before his face.

  "Oh, who are you?" she asked while she smiled.

  "Hi, my name is Lyla and I'm looking for a family to take me home," he said pretending to be the cub.

  "Well, my friend behind you has a really big house and I'm sure if you don't pee or poop in his house, he'll let you stay with him," she said.

  "I was hoping to stay here with you!" he said.

  "You can stay with me as long as you don't bite me," Alessia said to the lion cub.

  "I promise I won't bite," the cub said.

  "Ok then you can sit on the bed with me," she said.

  Alessandro moved the lion cub to the bed and stood back, grinning.

  "Thank you!" Alessia said as she caressed the velvet fur of the lion cub.

  "So, what did you have for dinner?" he asked.

  "They served a tiny piece of veal with watery and bland mashed potatoes. Not the best meal I've had!" she said while she still caressed the lion cub.

  "Well then I guess you're ready for dessert!" he pulled out of a bag a container with homemade ice cream and placed it before her with a spoon. He helped her pull off the lid and then sat back as he watched her dig into the medium sized ice cream container eating with desire. "Do you want some?" she suddenly asked when she'd gone through half of the container.

  "No, I bought it for you. I'm happy to see that you're enjoying it," he said grinning.

  "I seem to have a craving for ice cream tonight!" she said as she slowly finished off the rest of it.

  They talked a little about what was going on in the office and he told her that he'd arranged for a temporary assistant to fill in while she was away on sick leave.

  Visiting hours passed quickly and it was soon time to go so he kissed her good night and left so she could get some rest. He went home and after dealing with some phone calls and emails for work, he went to write his note to her for the next day. When he was done, he realized it was late and decided to go to bed.

  Chapter Seven

  The next day, Alessia woke up feeling much better and she was able to get out of bed. They pulled out most of the tubes from her hands except for one. The nurse helped her to walk a few steps and then sit on the chair.

  Alessandro found her sitting in the chair when he arrived and was pleased to see her face had more colour than the day before. She was improving which was what encouraged him more than anything in life.

  She smiled when she saw him walk in and saw he had a gift bag in his hand. He walked over to kiss her on the head and then he placed a gift in her lap. She looked down at the gift bag and then looked up at him. "You don't need to bring me gifts. I'm happy when you come to visit."

  "Open it and tell me if you like it," he said.

  She looked down again and started to open the gift bag, looking inside before pulling it out. Then she put her free hand into the bag and pulled out a small box. The box was small and made of velvet, surprising Alessia and confusin
g her emotions more than before. She looked up at Alessandro and searched his eyes to see if he gave any indication of it being a proposal but he stood grinning, not indicating anything so she opened the box. Inside were the most beautiful pair of earrings she'd ever seen. She lifted the box to see them better and was delighted to know it wasn't a proposal because she didn't know how she felt about Alessandro at this time. She was so confused that the earrings were a blessing in disguise.

  "Do you like them?" he asked.

  "Yes, thank you. I adore them but there was no need to buy me something," she said as her eyes gleamed from her happiness.

  He looked at her eyes and saw the joy in them, thinking that his plan was working. He was slowly gaining her trust and she was slowly warming up to him again.

  Then the bouquet of red roses arrived with his second note. This time the bouquet came with a Chrystal vase so he placed the vase on the dresser next to the other bouquet of red roses and pulled off the note for her to read.

  She took the envelope and opened it up.

  My Darling, you continue to brighten my days and nights, making my life worth living. Today I cherish your Umore (mood) because it has taught me that life is full of changes and those surprises are what make life interesting and worth living.

  With all my love, Alessandro

  She looked up and smiled at him, feeling a warm sensation inside realizing that he was sending her love notes. He sat looking at her with an expression like a child waiting for his mother's approval. She reached out for his hand and said, "Thank you. The note and the earrings are lovely."

  They chatted a little until the nurse came by to tell him that visiting hours were over for the morning. He asked for five more minutes, which the nurse agreed.

  "Amore, I won't be able to come back today because I need to go to a meeting this afternoon that will last all day and most probably into the evening but I promise to text you when I get home and call you if you're still awake," he said while he caressed her hand.

  She suddenly felt sad that he wouldn't be back but didn't let him pick up on it so not to make him worry. "It's ok - I have a television in the room that I've never turned on so I think I'll watch some television today."

  He grinned, kissed her softly on the lips and then left.

  Alessia looked around the room and suddenly felt lonely. She realized how much she looked forward to his visits and it dawned on her that his presence was important to her no matter how confused she was about now.

  She spent the rest of the day not really knowing what to do but she was pleasantly surprised when Alessandro sent over some homemade ice cream after dinner.

  She watched a little television after dinner and was relaxing in bed when she heard her phone chime. Picking it up already knowing it was Alessandro, she opened the message to read it.

  Is it too late to call you? I'd really like to hear your voice!

  Love Alessandro

  She called him immediately, wanting to hear his voice too.

  "I just couldn't bear going to bed without hearing your voice to know how your day was," he said.

  "It was good. I watched a lot of television and rested," she said as she stared up at the ceiling while she talked to him.

  "How do you feel?" he asked.

  "Much better. I walked a bit today and hardly felt any pain so I hope to be able to go home in a couple of days," she said as she focused on a spot on the ceiling.

  "Amore, I want you to come home too but as long as the doctor says you need to stay in the hospital, it is only for your wellbeing - so don't be in a rush to come home," he said.

  "I know but I'm starting to get bored on my own and as much as the nurses are really nice, they have many patients to attend to so I'd really like to be released as soon as possible," she said frustrated.

  "Amore, I'm sorry I wasn't able to be with you more today and unfortunately, I won't be able to come tomorrow until after dinner. I have a series of meetings that will take me to late afternoon but I've managed to reschedule the late afternoon meetings to the following day so I can visit you tomorrow night."

  "Oh, you won't be here tomorrow either?" she let out a sigh.

  "I'll be there after dinner - I promise."

  She was silent and somehow he sensed her loneliness so he told her that he'd bring her another surprise tomorrow evening and that she had to guess what it would be. She mentioned a number of things, trying to guess what it could be but when she didn't guess what it was, she asked for a hint. He told her that it wasn't something that she ate or something she'd wear.

  "Well, that doesn't tell me very much!" she said feeling frustrated not knowing what it could be.

  "It will give you something to keep your mind occupied until I see you tomorrow night so think about the possibilities and the time will pass quicker than you expect it to," he said grinning knowing that it was going to drive her crazy trying to figure it out.

  They finally said good night after he heard her yawn into the phone and wished her sweet dreams.

  She put her phone on the bedside table and turned to her side, turning off the light before going to sleep.

  * * * * * *

  Alessandro had a terrible night, not sleeping well and woke up with a headache but he pulled himself out of bed and went to have a shower. Then he sent Alessia a text message to say good morning and to find out how she was. She responded right away saying that she slept well and was feeling better.

  He reminded her that he wouldn't be able to visit her during the day but that he would be by in the evening. She sent a text back, telling him to have a good day at work and not to overwork himself. He text her back simply saying I love you.

  They went about their day as planned. Alessia received the third bouquet of roses with a handwritten note from Alessandro.

  My Darling, today my thoughts are on the way that you've shown me the importance of one's actions. The choices we make in life that reflect upon us at the end of our lives. For this I cherish the Onore (honour) I feel when I'm with you.

  With all my love, Alessandro

  Alessia felt a lump in her throat at the way Alessandro was courting her the old fashioned way by sending her love notes and showering her with gifts. Her day was spent mostly thinking about what her relationship with Alessandro meant to her.

  Alessandro's day was spent going from one meeting to the next until his head was about to explode and he cancelled the last one, needing to lie down to rest his eyes. He was in his office lying on his sofa when he sent Alessia a text telling her how his day had been and that he was laying on the sofa, not feeling well. About thirty seconds after he hit send, his cell phone rang - it was Alessia.

  "Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked worried.

  "Not too great at the moment. I had to cancel my last meeting so I could rest a little but I'll be in to see you after dinner," he said as he rubbed his forehead feeling the pain.

  "No just go home and lay down. I don't want you to be running around if you're not feeling well. You need to rest just as much as I do so please go home now," she said. He smiled listening to her worry about him. It made his heart ache for her more than ever. It was evidence that she cared about him!

  "Well, I'll take your advice and go home to rest but only to pass by after dinner to see you. I can't go another night without seeing you. Did you get my flowers this morning?" he asked.

  "Yes I did and your lovely note although I don't know what the red letters mean," she said.

  "You'll understand soon enough so I'll let you go now so you can rest and I'll see you tonight," he said as he got off the sofa.

  "Ok but promise me you'll stay home if you're not better," she said.

  "Yes mother!" he said.

  "I mean it! You don't need to be running around at night if you're not feeling well," she insisted.

  "Ok, I promise I'll come if I'm feeling better," he said.

  They hung up and then Alessandro called his guards to inform them that he was ready
to go home. The cars were waiting for him downstairs and as soon as he got into the backseat, he put his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes. His eyes felt better as his eyelids rested so he decided to take a short nap when he got home, hoping it would make him feel better.

  When he walked into his house and shut the door behind him, he suddenly felt relief and his body started to relax. His home had always given him a sense of haven; his own space that he didn't have to share with anyone - until now. The house seemed really quiet without Alessia's presence and he was going to make sure that she never left the house or his life again. He went upstairs and took off his clothing, leaving only his boxers and undershirt. They he lay down on the bed and shut his eyes. Within minutes he fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

  * * * * * *

  Alessia's afternoon passed slowly after she'd spoken to Alessandro. She worried that he was pushing himself too hard. Sure he was an important public figure but he was also human and needed to listen to his body's natural way of warning him that it needed to slow down. She took a nap and felt refreshed when she woke up again, feeling good enough to get up and have a short walk, so she got up and took a short walk down the corridor unattended. The nurse saw her and smiled as she saw Alessia's progress.

  Alessia waved at the nurse and told her that she wanted to leave the hospital soon and so she was doing what was needed to get better.

  The nurse told her that dinner would be served shortly so not to go too far, so Alessia walked to the end of the corridor and back three times before returning to her room in time for dinner.

  Dinner was as usual a cross between mush and solid foods - nothing tempting enough to make her finish it so she had a few bites of each and then pushed it aside. She pulled from the night table one of the magazines that Alessandro had brought to her and was reading when he walked into the room.

  "Hey, you've come? How do you feel?" she asked. He looked good in his jeans and sweater - better than good. He was absolutely gorgeous!

  "I feel better. I had a nap when I got home and feel back to normal. How are you?" he asked as he went close to kiss her softly on the lips.


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