Cute to the Bone

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Cute to the Bone Page 2

by Zenina Masters

  “No. I get the commission, I get paid, I confirm that I am going after what I think I am going after, and when that is verified, I act. That is my job.”

  “Excellent. Thank you. Oh. One final question. Were there any interactions during your manifestation?”

  “Only one. I met up with the security guard.”

  “Did you set off the alarm?”

  “No. Of course not.”

  “Thank you for your testimony. You may go.”

  The judge nodded. “Thank you for your testimony. It has been most illuminating.”

  The judge looked to the two people who had questioned her. “Anything else?”

  “No, your honour.” The defense murmured.

  “No, your honour.” The prosecution was grinning. Sireno could hear it.

  “Excellent. Mage Mithas, you are free to go.”

  Sireno bowed. “I thank the court.”

  The charm on the floor released, and she turned to go.

  Sireno looked at the furious mage who was the start of all this, and she nodded. He looked like an obnoxious bundle of trouble. The court called Aeric Markum as a witness, and Sireno watched the security guard walk toward the charm she had just been standing in. It seemed that her guard with the rough features and piercing eyes was named Aeric.

  It was a pretty name.

  The doors opened in front of her as Aeric was sworn in, and they closed behind her when she was clear. Well, what to do with her time now? She had an hour to kill, so she might as well go looking for a transporter.

  She had some travel arrangements to make, and only authorized transporters would be able to get her there.

  At least it seemed that the court case was going well.

  Her mother asked her, “How did it go? Did you talk to the mediator?”

  “I talked to the judge. They arrested Bormil, and I am guessing that a number of ladies are about to get their enchanted objects back.” Sireno smiled.

  “So, your docket is clear?”

  “Yes, it's clear. I have already contacted a transporter, and they will be here in two days. Don’t worry. I said I am going, and I will.”

  “Siri, this could be the best decision of your life.”

  She looked at her mother. “You did not name me after a phone’s personal assistant. Stop trying to be cute.”

  Her mom wrinkled her nose. “Sorry. Trying to keep the moment light.”

  “You are the most dark and sarcastic creature that I have ever met, and I have met my father. What is up with you?”

  Her mother sighed. “Once you have a mate, the contract is up, and I can finally marry your father. We will have fulfilled the penalty put on us for having a relationship, to begin with.”

  Sireno wanted to shake her. “Seriously? You have waited this long to tell me that?”

  “I didn’t want to put pressure on you. But, now, you are so close to heading to the Crossroads, I thought it was safe to tell you.”

  “Or, you got so excited that you couldn’t hold it in.”

  Doriano Mithas shrugged and grinned. “I know you have had it rough, but it will be good for your siblings to see more of their father.”

  “Yeah, about that. Why did you get punished for me but not for them?”

  Her mother shrugged. “They couldn’t deprive me of companionship, and the fey link to the Crossroads occurred after your conception. So, we were bound to not formalize our situation, but the moment that you find your own mate, the term is over.”

  Sireno chuckled, and it began to sink in. “Don’t come home without a mate?”

  “You have it in one. Now, get your hair out of that ridiculous bun, and let’s pack for your trip. We want you to make an impression that doesn’t send them running for a fey list of peerage.”

  “Does Dad know?” She let herself be bullied to her quarters.

  “Of course, he does, but he has been trying to keep his mouth shut as well. It isn’t easy for him, so I try and keep him distracted.”

  “I know we are both adults, but... ick.” Sireno tried not to envision her father and her mother... distracting each other.

  “My being willing to tackle a seven-foot shadow elf is what got you here.”

  Sireno chuckled. “I think that might have had more to do with his willingness to stay down.”

  “Saruko has always been very obliging where I am concerned.”

  Her mother gave a chuckle that made Sireno shake her head.

  Two mage-fey treaties, several investigations, and a non-cohabiting arrangement, as well as the order for Saruko’s heir to produce an apprentice in the arts of shadow magic, had consumed Sireno’s life. Now, it was time to find a partner to assist her in completing the ties between the Mithas and the Kelmen families.

  No pressure.

  Chapter Three

  The woman who met her was definitely a shifter. “Sireno? I am Teal. Welcome to the Crossroads.”

  “Thank you. Finally, someone with more hair than me.” Sireno bowed low.

  Teal flicked her braid behind her. “Sometimes I think I keep it for tradition, and sometimes I think I just like it.”

  “I am pretty sure that I was born with it. It goes with the ears.” She smiled.

  “Oh. Damn. I have not seen that configuration before. Those are amazing.”

  Sireno smiled as the woman examined her ears visually. “You are not the first to stare. Thankfully, fey characteristics are exotic to humans. Aside from not being able to wear a bike helmet, I just blend in.”

  Teal paused, stared at her, and then laughed with true enjoyment. She howled for a few minutes, and then, she paused and wiped her eyes. “Oh, that was great. I haven’t laughed like that in a while. Thank you.”

  Sireno chuckled. “Would you like to take a moment?”

  “No. I am good. I hope I didn’t offend.”

  “You didn’t. I know what I look like, and I know you have seen hundreds of fey wander through here. I also know that my father’s kind hasn’t been here yet, so I am the gateway drug.”


  “Oh, yeah. Shadow fey are fun to have around.” Sireno smiled and followed Teal to a large desk. “Like roaches in fancy costumes. Folk aren’t sure what to do, but they really want to watch.”

  Teal chuckled. “I can’t wait to see whatever happens in that situation. Aside from the non-stop drive to have sex with someone folks just met, it can get pretty boring around here.”

  “I will try and live up to community standards.” Sireno held her arm out for the charm bracelet.

  Teal tied it and gave her the briefing. “Your accounts are tied to it. You can use all functions and businesses with it, but if you want to reserve a table at the restaurant, you have to go through your host. He or she will make the reservation. Heck. Even the bar can do it.”

  Teal checked the reservation. “Huh. You are in the newest bed and breakfast—the Dark Grotto. The Grotto is a nice place to stay. The specs on it were amazing when they came to get authorization to make it.”

  “That is why I chose it.” She smiled. “I know one of the architects.”

  Teal blinked. “Oh. Right. That would be why you knew about it. The name needs work. It doesn’t have much of the romantic vibe.”

  Sireno nodded. “Folks will get used to it. I grew into my name. They will grow into theirs.”

  “So, do you know how this works?” Teal was suddenly all business.

  “I can go into any building or business but have to stay at my registered B&B unless I make specific requests and change stuff. If I have a romantic partner, I can stay wherever we agree to end up.”

  “Correct. The charm on your wrist is not only a pay center but a locator, and the crystal lets folks know that you are amenable to taking on a fey.”

  Sireno lifted her arm and looked at the little flash of the crystal with the icon for the Grotto on it—a tiny pond with a cavern carved in relief. “I am
up for it. But, I am pretty sure that they don’t want to go slumming.”

  Teal chuckled. “You would be surprised at what attracts a mate. I punched my mate the day we met, and he came back for more. Our beasts made peace.”

  The guardian stood up and smiled. “Come on.”

  Sireno shrugged. “Lead the way.”

  “Oh, let me show you the new improvements.” Teal linked arms with her, and Sireno picked up her bag, walking out of the Meditation Centre and into the bright light of the Crossroads. Sireno took the power of the light, and she held it for later use. Even on a mission to find romance, she may need to call on her shadow.

  * * * *

  Aeric finished his testimony, and he waited with the rest of the apprehension team.

  The judge finally settled the matter—stripped of all magical items and incarcerated in the custody of the fey. He had done the damage to them, so they were going to have the responsibility of punishment and containment.

  When the screaming mage was hauled off, Aeric went to the prosecutor, and he spoke quickly. A check of the manifest of recovered items indicated that there were several stolen fey artifacts still missing.

  The prosecutor frowned. “I thought they were all collected.”

  “All of the items on display were collected, and then, the hunters there for the arrest simply left. There was no further work to extract additional items or even identify them.”

  “Shit. Can your company go in and get them?”

  He looked over, and his brother walked up to stand next to him. “What is it?”

  “We need to head back into the manor to get some more items.”

  Tom shook his head. “No way, that bastard trapped everything.”

  The prosecutor frowned. “That didn’t come up at trial.”

  Aeric sighed. “It didn’t have to. You had what you needed for conviction.”

  “I will arrange a meeting with the shifter and mage guilds. They will make you an offer.”

  Aeric frowned. “The family?”

  “Perhaps. Let me make that call, and remain close to the guildhall.”

  Aeric nodded. “We will.”

  Tom looked at him curiously, and then, he nodded. “We will wait.”

  Three hours later, things were not going their way.

  “No fucking way.” Tom slammed his hands against the wall that had closed behind him.

  Aeric felt the drop as the room they were in descended.

  The magic in the air was thick around them. They were locked in and shut down.

  Tom looked at him. “So, how do you think we are getting out of this?”

  Aeric shrugged. “I don’t know, but I think we need help.”

  He called the guild and the fact that the digital signal could get through made him laugh. The Mage Guild hadn’t been lying; their equipment could really work under full warding if the person dialling was in danger.

  “Hello, this is Seeker Aeric, and I am with Seeker Tom. We were right. This place was trapped.”

  “Do you need a rescue team?”

  “Please. Someone who won’t trigger the sensors and trap wards.”

  There was a chuckle. “I will see if she is available.”

  Aeric raised his brows. “She?”

  “Yeah, there is really only one person that we have in the area for this kind of thing. She was heading to the Crossroads after the court case.”

  Tom was sitting in the corner. “A shadow mage?”

  The dispatcher chuckled. “The shadow mage. She can get to you before your oxygen gives out.”

  “How is she going to get us out? Make hand puppets?” Tom snarled.

  “I am making that call. Stand by.” The dispatcher disconnected.

  * * * *

  The Grotto was lovely. Out on the edge of the pathways that led to the entrance were flowers blooming near where stone met water.

  The brownie who ran the place came out with a smile on her nut-brown features. “Welcome to the Dark Grotto. I am Selari. Your hostess. If you need anything, just let me know.”

  “Hello, Selari, I am Sireno. I am here for my lock-in at the Crossroads. I am not allowed home until I have a mate, so you can imagine how much fun this is going to be.”

  Selari smiled. “I will try and make your adaptation to the Crossroads as easy as I can.”

  Sireno hugged her host and nodded her farewell to Teal. The rest was a wide path of giggles into the mounded hill that led into a wide-open cavern lit by glowing crystals and iridescent moss.

  The room was a triumph of underground elegance combined with practicality. Crystals lined the walls, the softest mosses covered the ground, and billowing sheets covered the bed. She hoped she got a chance to use them, but for now, she had to get changed.

  Sireno put on her slinky evening gown, loosened her hair completely, put on all of her magic accessories, and then was about to leave for her first foray into the heart of the Crossroads, but her phone rang.

  She paused after answering. “What do you mean that there are two men underground?”

  She looked down at her outfit and muttered, “Shit. Right. I know the place. I am out of town right now, but I should be able to get a sit rep soon. Can you tell them to turn on the flashlights on their phones and walk into my shadow? I will be there in twenty minutes.”

  “You are really going to be able to help from a distance?”

  “Of course. Now, you contact them and get them to turn the lights on in twenty minutes. The more light, the better.”

  “Twenty minutes. Got it.”

  They hung up, and Sireno found Selari. “Selari, I need something peculiar. Can you help me?”

  Selari grinned and rubbed her hands together. “Oh, I can help you. I have a crystal room that will be perfect for this, and in ten minutes, I can have a light source for you.”

  “Excellent. I will get authorization from Teal and Tony to let the guys leave after I rescue them. You set things up on your end.”

  Selari grinned. “I do hope that this is a taste of things to come. My first guest and I am already doing some severely fun things.”

  Sireno touched the other woman’s shoulder, and then, she headed to the Meditation Centre with long strides that wrapped the silk of her gown around her legs as she moved.

  When she saw Teal near the Axiom, she walked up to her and bowed. “Teal, may I have a moment of your time?”

  “Of course, Sireno, what do you need?”

  Sireno walked away from the palace designed for the high-level fey. “I need authorization to bring two people here from the human world.”

  Teal frowned. “This place is warded to the teeth.”

  “I know, but I also know that if my body is here, I can get a pinhole to put my shadow through. That is what I am after. I am going to pull them here via my shadow.”

  “Can you even do that?”

  Sireno nodded. “If I can get authorization, I can do it.”

  Teal smiled. “Then do it. May I watch?”

  “Sure. It is going to be really bright, though. You might want to bring some sunglasses. We are doing it in the Grotto in sixteen minutes.”

  “Why so precise?”

  “There are two guys trapped underground in a heavily warded area. I don’t know what kind of spells are pushing in on them, but they are shifters and aren’t tolerating that magic well.”

  “How can you get to them?”

  Sireno smiled. “I have met one of them. We have fourteen minutes now. I will meet you at the Grotto. Selari will lead you in, or just follow the light.”

  Teal nodded. “Or I can just follow Selari.”

  The brownie was running to the door of the Axiom, and she bowed low as she spoke quickly in an ancient language. The host of the castle nodded and frowned, then focused and created a huge, bright will-o-the-wisp. Selari bowed with it in her hands, and she moved in that peculiar way known only to underfey.

/>   Sireno shrugged and followed her host back to the Grotto. Teal paused to speak with someone, and then, two folk were following behind—Teal and what appeared to be her mate.

  Sireno worked on bringing the necessary spells to the forefront of her mind. She needed to be focused as what she was about to do was dangerous for all involved. She had better get a bonus for this.

  Selari and the Grotto had done a wonderful job. The room was filled with crystals that glowed lightly, but a central crystal hung from the vaulted ceiling with a hole in it. Selari held the glowing orb in her hands. “How is our time?”

  “Four minutes left. You are going to launch the light?” Sireno took a few steps until she was under the central crystal. Once she was centered, she turned and took one step back toward the slowly gathering crowd.

  “On your signal, Sireno.”

  She nodded. “Any idea why we have an audience?”

  Selari chuckled. “Authorizations had to be obtained. What you are seeing is the originator of the Crossroads, her family, and the guardians.”

  “Ah. Well, here we go. In five... four... three... two... one. Now!”

  The ball of light entered the crystal, the room lit up, and Sireno pulled her shadow out of the spot in front of her, sending it through the protections around the Crossroads and across the sky to the manor where two shifters needed help.

  She fell between worlds until she found the light.

  Chapter Four

  Aeric was panting. The spells that bound them were removing the oxygen. “Tom, you up?”

  His brother grunted.

  The timers on their phones went off. Aeric hit the flashlight on his and then moved slowly over to Tom. He grabbed his brother’s phone and directed him to hold his light across the room as instructed.

  Aeric picked up his own light, and in the center of the cross, a figure emerged. The female figure stepped into the capture chamber, and her glowing eyes looked from him to his brother.

  “He can’t move. He needs to breathe.”

  She nodded, and a blast of cool, wet air moved through the shadow and into the room. Tom jerked awake and sat up.


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