The Hot Daddy Box Set

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The Hot Daddy Box Set Page 68

by Lexi Wilson

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “We could take Hannah to the park, and maybe we could go see the Christmas lights at night too.”

  “Those both sounds like really good ideas.” I yawned, and Brett looked down at me. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed, Evie. Come on; I’ll tuck you in.”

  He stood and held his hand out to me, and I let him help me to my feet. He followed me up the stairs, and he helped me out of my sweater dress, and I pulled a t-shirt over my head. After I took my leggings off, I pulled on my sleep shorts and Brett pinched my butt as I passed him.

  “Those shorts turn my brain to mush, Evie,” he said, his voice dropping an octave.

  I blushed again as I climbed into bed and Brett pulled the covers over me. He sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned down, brushing his lips over mine. When he started to pull away, I grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged him back down for more.

  Brett chuckled as we broke apart. “Needy girl,” he teased.

  “Pregnancy hormones,” I winked.

  “Yeah, I remember those from before. There were times they were pretty darn great.” He leaned in to kiss my forehead. “I’ll stop by in the morning before you leave for school to bring over Hannah’s backpack.”

  “If you come around seven you could stay for breakfast,” I suggested.

  “I’ll be here at seven then. Sweet dreams, Evie.”

  “Good night, Brett.”

  Chapter 37


  I was finishing up my last class of the day two days later, giving some advice to an incredibly talented budding photojournalist in one of my classes. As we finished, and she packed her portfolio back up, my father made his way down to the front of the classroom. He had sat in on my two classes that I had on Fridays and had seemed to enjoy himself as he took it all in.

  “So, did you have fun, dad?” I asked as I stuffed a few things into my bookbag.

  “It was enlightening,” he told me. “I knew you took pictures, but I never really understood what went into getting the shot. I thought it was just point and shoot, maybe a little luck, but it is a whole lot more than just that.”

  “Thanks, dad.”

  “And you’re great with the students. The way they respond to you is something else. You should be proud, Brett. You have a real gift to reach them.”

  “That means a lot to hear you say.”

  “You have time to grab a quick bite to eat before we head back home?”

  “Yeah, of course. There’s a little diner nearby that’s pretty good.”

  “Sounds good to me.” We walked out to my car and made the short drive over to the busy diner. We were able to find a table near the back and grabbed it. A waitress brought over menus and took our drink order. We looked over the menu while she was gone and when she returned, we both ordered the meatloaf special of the day.

  My dad sat back in his chair and studied me for a moment before looking down at my hand and then back up at me. “So,” he started.

  “So,” I repeated.

  He gestured towards my ring. “I’m more than a little surprised to see that. Does that mean you and Evie are back together?”

  “It means I was sick of the single moms hitting on me and wearing my ring stops them in their tracks.”

  “That’s it?”

  “No,” I answered as I shook my head. “Evie and I are trying to get back on the right track, and wearing this ring feels right.”

  “And how does Evie feel?”

  “Scared, but that’s okay. We’ve had a chance to talk, to really talk, and we’re trying to repair what we both broke. But we’re good, dad. Really good, and it’s only going to get better. We’ve had dinner together the last two nights, breakfast yesterday too, and I’m going over again tonight for dinner. This weekend we’re going to go out and have a nice family day and take Hannah to the children’s museum.”

  “I’m happy for you, Brett. You and Evie had something truly special, and when she told us that you two had gotten a divorce, your mom and I were quite frankly shocked, and we didn’t understand. Then you went missing, and even though she tried to cover it up, we could see how pained Evie was over it. We never thought that she stopped loving you, even when the rumors started about Matthew.”

  “He’s her best friend. I like him.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, he’s a good guy, and I’m glad he was there for Evie to help support her. And he’s also gay.”

  “Oh,” he replied with a surprised face.

  “Yeah, it caught me off guard when he told me too, dad,” I chuckled. “He’s good people though, and I don’t care who he loves.”

  “So, what about Evie? Is she’s wearing her rings too?”

  “Hers are a little snug right now. And honestly, I’d like to get her a new pair. Both of us really. This is a fresh start for us, a clean slate. We're leaving the past in the past and moving forward. I don’t want reminders of the things that caused us hurt and these rings feel somehow tainted by the whole ordeal.”

  “You know there is a family ring in the vault at the bank and you can have it.”

  “I forgot about that. Why didn’t you give that to me when I proposed the first time?”

  My dad shrugged. “You didn’t ask, and you seemed gung-ho on picking out the perfect ring yourself back then. After you two had Hannah, I figured maybe one day you’d give it to her, not thinking we’d be where we are now. Heck, your mom and I had a conversation recently about you having your own son now, and maybe you’d want to pass it to him to give to someone when the right person comes along.”

  I only had a vague recollection of the ring, but I remembered that it had been in the family since the 1920s. “Do you think we have time to go see it after we eat?”

  “Of course. Truthfully, your mom and I hoped of course that you and Evie would find your way back and that knowing you, you would probably want to start over again at the beginning, but I didn’t want to offer the ring before you might be ready, but it sounds like you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready, Dad. I am so ready to have my family back.”

  “Is Evie?”

  I nodded with a bright smile. “Yeah, Dad, she’s ready too.”

  After we had paid the bill, we made the drive to the bank back in town. I followed my dad inside, and he walked straight to the bank managers office, greeting him by name.

  “Nick, how are you?” he said, knocking on the wooden door frame to announce himself.

  “I’m good, how are you?” he asked as he stood and crossed to shake both of our hands.

  “Can’t complain,” my dad replied. “Listen, I know you typically need an appointment to get back to the safety deposit boxes but something unexpected has come up, and I really need to get into my box. You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important and this is pretty important,” he added with a glance in my direction.

  Nick nodded. “It’s not a problem. Let me grab my keys.”

  “Thanks, Nick. I owe you.”

  We followed Nick through the bank and back towards the vault where the safety deposit boxes were. He located my dad’s and pulled it out, setting it on the table. “I’ll leave you to it then. Just lock it up and leave it on the table when you’re done, and I’ll come put it back,” Nick told us.

  “Thanks again, Nick,” my dad replied.

  He nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. My dad looked up at me and held the key up. He unlocked the box without a word and pulled some paperwork off the top, setting it aside. He carefully pulled some other items out and set them on the table before removing a small green velvet box and setting it in the middle of the table.

  “There it is,” he said, looking up at me with a smile.

  Carefully, I lifted the small box up and just held it for a moment. Finally, I flipped the lid open, gasping at the piece of beautiful art that waited. The ring was a stunning art deco style in gold and platinum. The setting was handcraft
ed with beautiful engraving work that was both classical and feminine. In the center was a brilliant diamond that sparkled in the light. Four surrounding diamond accents adorned the corners of the diamond shaped setting.

  Quite simply, the ring took my breath away, and it was so perfectly suited for Evie I couldn't believe I hadn’t used this ring when I proposed the first time. But having it now in my hands felt like the missing piece to putting our puzzle back together.

  “Are you sure mom is going to be okay with this?” I asked my father.

  He smiled. “She’s going to be thrilled, Brett.”

  “Thanks, dad.”

  “You’re welcome, son. You ready to go?”

  “Yeah,” I said, tucking the box into my pocket. I was ready.

  Chapter 38


  Brett came over early on Saturday to make Hannah and I breakfast and after we headed out to the park. From there we went to the children's museum, and after several hours spent there, we had a late lunch together. We went back to my house after, and the three of us watched a movie on the couch together. When it was over, Hannah helped Brett make dinner. I helped him clean up after we ate and then gave Hannah a bath before we both helped put her to bed. Once she was asleep, Brett and I found our way to the oversized armchair in the living room and cuddled up together on it.

  His hands roamed my body, and before long we were making out like teenagers, wrapped up in each other. He sucked and nipped the sensitive skin of my neck, and I moaned softly at the feather-light kisses he placed along my collarbone. His hand slid under the waistband of my sleep shorts, and he got me off in record time as I squirmed in his lap.

  We kissed for what felt like hours, but we didn’t have sex. Brett was focused on me and made sure I felt good though. I wanted to return the favor and felt bad leaving him hanging, but he insisted that it was all about me.

  Eventually, we turned on the tv, and as Saturday Night Live played in that background, I felt myself starting to doze off. Brett nudged me to my feet and led me up the stairs to bed. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead just as he had the last time he put me to bed.

  “Sweet dreams, Evie,” he said from the doorway.

  “Good night, Brett,” I managed to say before he turned off the lights and my eyes fell closed.

  Brett was back in the morning to have breakfast with us before we all went to church together. We went out to lunch together after and then went to Bret’s house to swim for a bit. We hung around his place after and he made dinner later on. I wanted to kiss him before Hannah and I headed home but I still wasn’t completely ready for Hannah to see us like that, so he squeezed my hand in his before we left and gave me a look that told me everything I needed to know.

  I had finally faced my truth and opened my heart back to Brett again. In the days that followed, Brett ate dinner with us every night and was there after school to help with Hannah’s homework and putting her to bed. We were getting to know each other again, and spending time together as a family as we put the pieces of our marriage and our lives back together.

  The only thing missing was going to sleep with Brett by my side at night and waking up to his embrace in the mornings. I longed for those stolen moments when it was just the two of us, talking late into the night, of being awakened by a kiss. I wanted to ask him to move back home where he belonged, but I was nervous. Not because I thought he would say no; I was sure he would start moving his things two minutes after I asked. I just didn’t want to rush and mess things up again. I decided that after we got through the children's choir performance, I would bring it up to him. It was time to put our family back together again.

  On Christmas Eve, I got Hannah dressed in a pretty red dress with white trim and then set out to get myself dressed. I wanted to feel pretty so I went out a bought a new dress for the occasion. The top of the dress was a simple black three-quarter sleeve top with cut out details on the shoulders. The skirt of the dress was a silver crushed velvet material that fell to my calves. I decided to wear heels and paired it with a simple pair of closed toe black heels with an ankle strap.

  My rings wouldn’t fit on my finger, so they stayed in the drawer. Instead, I put on a necklace that Brett had brought back from Tibet, a hand beaded, multi-colored piece of art that was like nothing any other woman in town had. It was a statement piece that rested on my chest just under my collarbone.

  Brett had offered to pick us up, so we could all ride together, and when I heard the doorbell ring, I hurried downstairs to let him in. When I opened the door, I felt the air rush from my lungs as I took him in. He wore perfectly tailored black suit pants and a patterned shirt, the top button undone, and his jacket unbuttoned. There was some scruff gracing his face, and I felt the insatiable urge to eat him alive right there. Instead, I stepped aside so he could come inside and closed the door behind him.

  “You can’t look at me like that, Evie,” he said quietly as I turned back toward him. He took a step forward, and I took a step back and bumped into the door. A devilish gleam shone in his eyes as he advanced on me, caging me in against the door. He looked back over his shoulder and finding the coast clear, leaned in to kiss me.

  I melted into his touch and opened my mouth to his, giving in to everything I was feeling. We broke apart too soon, and I whimpered from the loss of his touch.

  “Later,” he winked as he stepped back and adjusted the front of his pants.

  Somehow, I managed to find my words and called for Hannah as Brett found my coat and held it out for me. I slipped into it as Hannah came around the corner. She ran straight for Brett, and he lifted her into a hug.

  “You look so pretty, Hannah Banana.”

  “So do you, Daddy.”

  “Doesn’t Mommy look pretty too?” Brett said.

  “Uh-huh. But Mommy is always pretty.”

  I smiled at my daughter's words. “Thank you, sweetie. Can you grab your coat?”

  She nodded, and Brett set her down, and she ran out of the hall to get her coat.

  “You look stunning, Evie. You take my breath away like no other; I hope you know that.”

  I blushed. “Thank you, Brett. You look very handsome tonight.”

  “I ready!” Hannah called out as she came screeching back into the front hall.

  “Let’s hit it then,” Brett said. “We don’t want the star to be late,” he winked at Hannah.

  At the church, we found a pew near the front and were joined by my parents and Brett’s parents. Brett had his video camera out recording the whole performance, and when it was over, he was the loudest clapping for the kids. Hannah joined us after and sat beside Brett as Pastor Pat came out to the pulpit to lead the candlelight service. Brett took my hand in his and held it in his lap throughout. I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face and the love I felt in my heart.

  For the first time in a long time, I felt whole again, and it was all because of the man beside me. He was my heart, and I knew in my heart of hearts that I was his. I made up my mind as we drove back to our house that I would ask him to move back home once Hannah was asleep.

  Of course, being Christmas Eve, Hannah was riding a natural high of excitement with the prospect of Santa coming by the house. I took her upstairs to get into some pajamas and then sent her back downstairs to find her dad. I went to my room and slipped off my heels, putting them away and wondering if I could convince Brett to give me a foot rub.

  When I made my way downstairs, I found Hannah and Brett in the kitchen making hot cocoa.

  “Go sit down and I'll bring you cocoa in a minute, and then I can rub your feet,” Brett said when he saw me appear. I nodded and went to the living room, turning on the fireplace and then the tv and flipped through the channels until I found Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on before stretching out across the couch. Hannah came into the room and sat on the floor with her mug of cocoa and watched the TV with interest. Brett came in and handed me a mug of cocoa, and I thanked him before he lifted my feet and
sat down as well. He immediately began to rub one foot and then the other as we all watched the tv wordlessly.

  Thirty minutes later as the show ended, Hannah had fallen asleep in the floor, and Brett gently picked her up and carried her upstairs to bed. I stayed on the couch and leaned back my head and closed my eyes.

  A few minutes later, I heard Brett’s footsteps on the stairs, and then he was beside me, nudging me up so he could sit beside me in the ouch and pulled me into his arms. I snuggled into him, laying my head on his shoulder as he picked up the remote and found White Christmas on a classic movie channel. He set the remote aside, and silence surrounded us as we watched the movie.

  I smiled to myself as the arm around my shoulder squeezed me affectionately. We don’t need any words because this is everything.

  Chapter 39


  As the movie we were watching neared its end, I saw Evie’s eyes start to flutter closed and her head nodded against me as she fought the sleep that was threatening to overtake her. I didn't want the night to be over. My mind recalled something I had seen earlier, and a plan started to form in my mind.

  I nudged Evie up to a sitting position. “Why don't I help you clean up from the cocoa before you go to bed?”

  She blinked at me sleepily. “I wanted to talk to you about something though,” she yawned.

  “We can talk later.”

  “No, it was important,” she continued as she let me help her to her feet.

  “Come talk to me in the kitchen then,” I told her as I took her hand in mine and led the way. I had taken our mugs and put them in the sink earlier along with the saucepan Hannah and I had used to make the cocoa.

  “Do you ever think about how our lives might be different if I hadn't pushed you for the divorce?” she asked as I filled the sink with soapy water.

  “I do,” I told her.

  “Do you think we would be happy?”

  “The truth? No, I don't think so. I think you would have been resentful towards me and I think our fighting would have gotten worse. I hate how we got here, but I don’t think we would’ve gotten to this place with each other that we’re in now without the divorce as the catalyst.”


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