The Hot Daddy Box Set

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The Hot Daddy Box Set Page 74

by Lexi Wilson

  I heard his car, so I quickly rushed back to the living room to sit with Allie. She was so transfixed on the screen that she hadn’t even noticed that I was gone. When Jaxon walked in he was carrying a whole bunch of bags, and I wondered if he’d gone grocery shopping because we were there. I hoped not. I didn’t to be a burden on him. I got up to say hello.

  “Morning,” I said to him.

  He smiled. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  “I really did. Thank you. Allie, say good morning to Jaxon.”

  “Morning,” she yelled without turning her head.

  I chuckled. “Sorry about that. She doesn’t usually get the opportunity to watch cartoons. She’s so excited.”

  “I see Toby has made a friend, too,” Jaxon said, and I turned to see that Toby was lying with his head in Allie’s lap.

  “Yeah, she loves that dog. Although, he is very lovable.”

  “He is,” Jaxon said. “He usually runs forward to greet me when I get home, so I’ve clearly been replaced. Did you make yourself something to eat?”

  I nodded. “I did. Thank you. I also took another very long and very luxurious bath.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad.”

  “Uh, can I make you some coffee? Tea?” I asked.

  “Oh, sure, I could do with another cup. But only if you make one for yourself, too,” he said.

  “Now that I can definitely do.”

  “I have cookies, too. I got some from Susan this morning. I always pop in on the weekends to get fresh loaves of bread, and she had just baked these,” he said as he opened up a box to show me.

  “Oh, those smell delicious,” I said as the scent of cookies hit my nose.

  “They’re amazing. Susan is incredible.”

  “I didn’t know she baked herself. I thought she just worked at the deli.”

  “She owns the place, works there, and she does most of the cooking. She has other staff there, but she still does most of it herself.”

  “That’s quite something,” I said. I was glad to know that she was the owner. That would mean that she didn’t get into trouble for giving me extra food that day.

  I made us coffee while Jaxon unpacked. He had bought quite a lot of food, and I wasn’t sure if it was for us or not. I was too nervous to ask him. I also wanted to ask him when he wanted me to leave, but every time I’d think of having to put Allie back in that car I would change my mind. I’d pluck up the courage to ask him later. For now, I’d just let her enjoy herself.

  “It’s a beautiful day today. When you’re finished with the cartoons you should go outside. I have a garden, and there are plenty of blankets out there if you want to sit on the grass.”

  It felt like heaven. Jaxon left us alone for most of the day. Every now and again I would see him pottering around the house, or reading his book, but he generally kept to himself. Allie and I spent most of the day outside in the lovely garden. I set out a blanket for us, and she colored in books while I read. Every now and again Toby would come out and we would play with him. Once the two of us even took a little nap under the tree. It was almost like we didn’t have a care in the world. Almost. Every time I found myself forgetting about my problems they would come hurtling back to me. But, despite this, it was a blissful day. Every now and again Jaxon would bring us out some food, and refused to let me pay or help with anything.

  That night we watched a movie together in the living room with our dinner. He chose something that Allie would enjoy, which I thought was quite sweet, and the three of us ate and watched in silence. Every now and again Allie would break the silence with some laughter, and then we’d all laugh because she was laughing. When the movie was over, she was fast asleep.

  I turned to Jaxon. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. We’ve had the best day. But I can’t expect you to keep doing this. If you want me to leave, please let me know. We can sleep in the car again until I’ve figured out something else. Soon I’ll have enough money to find a place. Right now, I’m just trying to save up enough money for a deposit. But I don’t mind going back in the car. I can even sleep in your driveway if you want. Then you’ll know we are safe and we’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Just stay a little longer while you figure it out. I don’t want you back in that car. And I’ve got the space, anyway. Honestly, Kaylee, I don’t mind.”

  I nodded and tried to force the tears away. His generosity was overwhelming sometimes. “Thank you. I just don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you.”

  “I know you’re not. I’m going to get an early night,” he said as he stood up. “Goodnight, Kaylee.”

  “Goodnight, Jaxon.”

  I put Allie to bed, brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed myself. It was still relatively early, and I thought I’d get some reading done, but the bed was so comfortable that I immediately felt myself drifting off. When I woke, it was in the middle of the night, and I almost screamed from a nightmare where I was back with Bill. He had hit me so hard I’d fallen to the ground, and the whole thing had felt so real that for a moment I thought he was standing above me. But there was nobody there, and I was safe and sound in the bed with Allie. I breathed with relief. I was just so glad that I hadn’t screamed and woken everyone up. I lay there, just trying to calm my nerves. I reminded myself repeatedly that I was safe now, and that Bill had no idea where I was.

  Chapter 9


  I hadn’t told my mother that Kaylee was staying at my house. Actually, I hadn’t told anyone. It wasn’t that I didn’t want them to know, but I wasn’t quite sure what to say to them. I was sure that Kaylee didn’t want anyone to know what her situation was, and she’d be mortified if I told people that I found her and her daughter sleeping in her car. Still, my mother would eventually find out. So now it was a matter of whether I told her before she found out in her own way. I decided to wait until I saw her that day and see if the opportunity arose.

  Kaylee and Allie came down the stairs the moment I got into the kitchen myself. They were both already showered and changed, and Allie was already running after Toby to play with her. I poured her a cup of coffee.

  “Ah, thank you. I would’ve made you one.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “I always have one before going to the school. And then when I’m there I have one all over again.”

  “I like the way you think,” she said.

  “So, are you looking forward to school today?” I asked as the two of us sat in the kitchen with our coffee.

  She smiled. “I really am. I’m excited now that I’ve been there for a few days. I think I’m going to feel a lot more comfortable today.”

  “And you should hopefully meet Mindy. I think she’s in today.”

  “Oh, I met her on my way out on Friday. She came running up to me. She seems really nice,” I said.

  “Oh, she is. Her and my mother are great friends. I think of her as a second mother sometimes. She’s very sweet and has a good soul. She is also great with most musical instruments. She just has that natural talent for it. Like she can pick up a guitar and immediately start playing a song without having the chords in front of her. She’s like that with most of the other instruments too.”

  “She’s lucky. I’d love to have talent like that.”

  I raised my eyebrows at her. “Are you serious? But you play so well. I think you have a great deal of talent.”

  She blushed. “Thank you. I’m not sure, though. I don’t think my music abilities came naturally to me. I was taught how to play and I simply put in the effort. I worked damn hard for it.”

  I grinned. “I sometimes prefer stories like that. It’s why I like having the school. So many of the kids come in thinking that they are never going to be able to play, and then they surprise themselves by doing it.”

  Kaylee nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. You’ve got to work hard for what you want in life.”

  I wanted to ask her more, and for the first time I felt like she might
open up to me, but then Allie came rushing into the room with Toby and the moment was gone. I heated up some cheesy croissants that I’d brought home the day before, and we all ate together before making our way to work. Allie was excited for another day at the school, and she came laden with things to keep her occupied with.

  “Are you going to play the piano like your mom one day too?” I asked her.

  She giggled. “Yes, but I’m going to play it with my feet,” she said.

  “Your feet?”

  Kaylee laughed. “Allie saw a video once of a guy who could play with his feet, and she’s determined to learn how to do the same.”

  “Well, you’re going to be very popular, that’s for sure,” I said to her. “Will you teach me how to play with my feet too one day?”

  She giggled again. “Yes.”

  Once inside, we all settled down for the day. My mother spent a lot of time with Kaylee teaching her all she could about the town, the people, and the music school. The students rolled in and we all started our lessons. I was teaching higher level piano and guitar that day and had a full day ahead of me. Still, I found myself constantly wondering how Kaylee was doing and smiling every time I heard laughter coming out of her classroom. She obviously had a very different teaching style than me because my students never laughed the way hers did. I wished I could hide at the back of the class and watch her teach. When lunchtime rolled around I went over to see if she wanted anything. She was busy with a student and told me that she was going to work through lunch.

  “Darling, why don’t we go and get some food from Susan’s today?” My mother suggested to me when I came out of Kaylee’s room. “I forgot to bring my own food in.”

  “Yeah, I also didn’t bring anything. Good idea,” I said.

  “What about Kaylee? Won’t she want to come with?”

  “She’s working through lunch. We can get her something, though,” I said.

  Susan’s deli was close by so we walked instead of taking the car. When we arrived, we placed orders for sandwiches, getting extra for Mindy, Kaylee, and Allie. Susan grinned when she saw me, asking me all about how Kaylee was doing.

  “She found out about the job from here,” she said. “I put your flyers up and she saw one. I could tell she was nervous to come and talk to you, but she seemed pretty determined that she wanted a job.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I don’t think she would’ve left without me saying yes to her.”

  Susan chuckled. “Determination. I like that. So, is she any good?”

  “She’s really good, actually,” I said. “Better than I thought she was going to be.”

  “Wonderful,” Susan said. Then she leaned in as if she were telling us a secret. “So, what’s her story, then? Where is she from? Why is she here? I get the feeling there’s a whole lot she’s keeping from us.”

  I shrugged. “I have no idea. She hasn’t said a word to me.”

  “Hmm, well, between you and me, I think that girl is in some trouble. She spent a lot of time in that bathroom the other day, and I think she was using it to clean up. I don’t think she has a place to stay. I could be wrong, but I’m not sure. I also don’t think she has any money, so I sure am glad that she found a job.”

  “Me too,” I said.

  We got the food and headed out. The moment we were out, my mother grabbed my hand.

  “I didn’t want to say anything while we were in there. I love Susan to bits but you know how she loves to talk.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked her.

  “Well, last week Kaylee told me that her shower was broken and asked if she could use the one at the school. Now after hearing what Susan had to say about her, I’m starting to think that she didn’t have a shower to begin with. Do you think she’s homeless?”

  “Uh… well….”

  “You know something, don’t you?” my mother accused.

  I sighed, then nodded. “Yeah. I do. I found her sleeping in her car over the weekend. Near the park. I took Toby for a walk and I found her there.”

  My mother gasped. “In her car! Oh no. The poor girl. I hope you took her back to your place.”

  I nodded. “I did. She was very reluctant to come with me. I think she was embarrassed. She’s been sleeping in the spare room the past two nights. I don’t really know what’s going to happen, but I can’t exactly kick her out now.”

  “No, you certainly can’t. And you still don’t know what’s going on with her?”

  “No, she won’t say anything. Part of me thinks that it is none of my business, but another part of me thinks that I really want to know. Also, I’m her boss now. Surely I have the right to know.”

  My mother shook her head. “No, it’s her business. You asked her to come into your home. She didn’t ask for that. I’m sure she’s grateful, but she doesn’t owe you anything. I’m sure that with whatever she’s going through she just needs people to support her. You have the space. Let her stay with you for a little while longer. She’s getting paid now, and I’m sure she’s putting money aside. Give her some extra lessons to do so that you can give her some extra money without her thinking that you are feeling sorry for her. If she’s making no attempt to move out or change her life in a few weeks, then you can ask her to leave. For now, give her the benefit of the doubt.”

  I smiled. “I’ll do that. Thanks for the advice, Mom. Please don’t tell her that I told you.”

  “Don’t worry, Jaxon. I won’t say a thing.”

  We headed back, and I felt better now that I had spoken to my mother about it all. I gave her some food and told her that Susan had given us too much. I was pretty sure that she didn’t believe me, but she thanked me and took it anyway. I went back to my classroom and carried on with my lessons. At the end of the day I went to see if she was ready, and Allie came rushing toward me in excitement.

  “Is it time to see Toby?” she asked.

  I chuckled. “It sure is. He’s going to be so happy to see you.”

  “Can we play in the garden with him even in the dark?”

  “Of course we can.”

  We’d worked late that night, far later than usual, but it had been a good day. We closed for the night and then headed to our separate cars. Even though we came in together, Kaylee had still come in her own car. I hadn’t offered her a lift, mostly because I had a feeling she still wanted to be independent. I was just about to climb into my car when I noticed a man coming out of the shadows toward Allie and Kaylee. Kaylee was opening the car door and the man looked like he was about to come up and either take Allie or mug them. I couldn’t tell from where I was. Instead, I made a sound and ran toward them, and the man ran away.

  “What’s going on?” Kaylee asked in surprise, and Allie started crying from shock.

  “Nothing. I thought I saw someone, but it was just the shadows,” I lied. “Sorry about that. I’m so sorry, Allie. I didn’t mean to give you a fright. Come on, let’s go home so you can see Toby.”

  At home, Allie immediately started playing with Toby, and Kaylee came up to me.

  “What really happened?” she asked me.

  I sighed. “I saw a man coming up to you. I’m not sure what he was planning on doing but it looked like he was about to mug you.”

  Kaylee’s eyes widened. “Mug me? Seriously? Oh, no. That’s terrible. Who was it? I thought this town was safe.”

  “It is. It was probably just a drunken idiot pushing his luck. It is a safe town, but it doesn’t mean things like this don’t happen. I’m just so sorry that it had to happen to you.”

  “I’m so glad that Allie never saw anything. Thank you so much for saving us. And thank you for not saying anything to her. I really don’t want her to be scared anymore.”

  “Don’t worry. She’s fine here. Come on, let me make us something to eat. I was thinking of making some mashed potatoes and chicken. Something simple. That okay?”

  “Oh, Jaxon, you can’t cook for us again. Let me do something. Please.”

; “No, you stay with Allie. I like cooking. I’m not the best at it, but I enjoy it. Please don’t worry.”

  We ate together, with Allie doing most of the talking. She had taken a shine to my mashed potatoes and kept telling me that it was the best thing she had ever eaten. She ate a lot, and I could tell that Kaylee was happy about that. Kaylee looked anxious most of the night, and I had a feeling she was still thinking about the man who had tried to mug her. After dinner, she did the dishes and then went to put Kaylee to bed. I settled on the sofa to watch a movie, and figured that I wouldn’t see them again until the morning. But Kaylee came down moments later, smiled at me, and asked if she could join me on the sofa.

  “I can’t sleep right now,” she said.

  I nodded. “Of course. The movie is just about to start anyway.”

  Chapter 10


  I sat in the living room with Jaxon watching a movie. I was positioned in a way that I could glance at him without him knowing. I wasn’t really in the mood to watch a movie. My mind couldn’t concentrate on it for long enough for me to figure out what was going on, but I was grateful for the background noise anyway. I looked at Jaxon and wondered what he was thinking. He didn’t seem to be watching the movie much himself, either. I knew that because when a funny part came on I saw that he barely reacted. He seemed lost in thought, and I was sure that he was thinking about me. Not in a sexual or romantic way, though. I was almost certain he was wondering how on earth he had gotten himself into this situation with me. I felt bad for him. I knew that he wouldn’t kick me out, but I highly doubted that he wanted me living there. He was a young guy, after all, and I was probably getting in the way.


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