Douluo Dalu: Volume 34: Tang San’s Eight Spirit Rings

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 34: Tang San’s Eight Spirit Rings Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

  How did she make it? Did she also have two spirits and she was using her second spirit?

  No, not that. Tang San rejected this speculation quickly, since behind Bo Saixi’s back, there had already emerged a huge phantom. They couldn’t recognize what that was, but the dignified aura and the stories about Bo Saixi they had heared, all made them understand that, the Seagod Douluo’s spirit was the Sea God. With her loyalty to Sea God and the identity of spokesman of Sea God, how could she have a second spirit?

  Blue light shone, but brought no pressure to anyone. The blue light which was as soft as if containing no spirit power wasn’t a spirit ability of Bo Saixi. It seemed that for people who had reached such rank, whether using spirit abilities or not was no longer the key of battle.

  Blue light dropped in the valley. Soon, it spread to every corner of the it, when a strange scene appeared.

  The valley which was full of furious billows before suddenly became quiet. It became quiet so suddenly that these huge waves seemed to be pushed down by Bo Saixi’s blue light through sheer force, which seemed to have little spirit power

  What a formidable strength! Relying on one’s own force, fighting against nature, and getting the upper hand. Although this was the first time Shrek Seven Devils saw Bo Saixi’s true strength, they still had a brand new awareness about rank ninety ninety peak douluo. If common Title Douluos were mighty, their mighty were still human force, whereas what ninety ninety peak Douluos had were already non-human force, but part of the power of nature.

  Blue light grew abruptly. Being next to Bo Saixi, Tang San could clearly see that a layer of intense blue light lighted up in Bo Saixi’s eyes. Soon, above the quiet sea surface held down by the light, seven grey pillars rose up slowly. Their speed grew so quickly that Shrek Seven Devils noticed them immediately.

  On the top of every pillars, there were horizontally placed thin pillars, which were fused with the thick pillars. They looked like a circle of crosses. On each of them there were five grey rings in total.

  If other people saw that, they must suppose them to be stone pillars since these crosses really looked like grey stones. But Tang San gained an insight into them by using his Purple Demon Eyes.

  “Deep Sea Sunken Silver, these are Deep Sea Sunken Silver.” Considering Tang San’s firmness of will, he couldn’t help but exclaim in alarm. No one knew more about the rarity of Deep Sea Sunken Silver than him. In fact, the material of making Torrential Pear Blossom Needle exactly required the silver origin of Deep Sea Sunken Silver, which could be absolutely refined from Deep Sea Sunken Silver. Seeing the one meter diameter seven pillars soaring to about fifty meters height, Tang San was deeply shocked – how many Deep Sea Sunken Silver it would require to build this! Actually, equal volume of Deep Sea Sunken Silver was much heavier than gold, thus it might be hundreds thousands kilograms of these seven huge pillars. While Tang San was calculating, they had already soared up from the sea by the unknown energy of Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi.

  “Here, is the place for your third test. I will wait here all the time for your test. If anyone who can’t endure, just open your mouth and seek help. Black five tests candidates need to persist for three hours on the Sunken Silver pillars; six tests candidates for four hours, seven tests candidates for five hours, as to you…” The sight of Bo Saixi fell over Tang San, saying slowly, “Seagod nine tests candidate, twelve hours. In the initial stage of testing, you can shorten the time a little. Nevertheless from now on, in the next three hundred and sixty five days, the average time of your testing must be what I have said, otherwise you won’t pass.”

  It was now when everybody realized what the third test was. It was actually letting them endure the impact of the waves and furious billows, which was the so called Tidal Body Refining.

  “Then let's begin. Don’t push yourself too much, everyone. Thank you, senior.” Tang San said loudly. Since they came here, they had no other choices but finish tests grant by Sea God, which was also the pressure they had been expected.

  Blue lights transformed into seven threads, and fell over on seven people’s bodies. At the next minute, in the shining light, Shrek Seven Devils just felt their body became light a little and then floated to Sunken Silver pillars respectively.

  Seven Sunken Silver pillars were located according to a triangle – there was one pillar furthest in front, and then two, four… Seven in total.

  Without doubt, Tang San landed before the first pillar. Then a silver light lit up on it, and Tang San felt as if his body was wrapped, and glued on the cross of the Sunken Silver pillar. Five Sunken Silver rings on it fastened his body on the neck, waist, feet and wrists, keeping him tightly on the Sunken Silver pillar.

  The other six people’s situations were the same as Tang San’s. Behind his back, there were exactly Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong and the four after them were Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

  Right after Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi Retracted her hand, blue light faded away gradually, then a strange stress pervaded Shrek Seven Devils’ hearts quickly. Now their spirit power had already been consumed more than half, therefore when they recalled the scene of furious billows hitting shore, they were still somewhat nervous.

  Without Bo Saixi’s energy restriction, the water beneath everyone’s feet began to surge. Fifty meters was a really high height, but with the waves surging, the water beneath them was also coming closer and closer to them. The sound of waves hitting the rocks also came.

  Soon, a huge wave had already gone up to the same level as theirs and then blew to them. In a huge sound, the first wave slapped on Tang San’s body and then slapped on Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and other four people behind them.

  With billowy momentum, waves hit the seven people strongly, whereas this gave them a kind of weird feeling – the waves didn’t possess strong impact they had expected. It was strong though, they could endure absolutely. With the fastening of Sunken Silver rings, they didn’t need to fear being washed away by sea water and the Sunken Silver pillars were also absolutely firm under the impact of sea water.

  Could it be that the third test was easier than the former two tests? The same doubt appeared simultaneously in Shrek Seven Devils’ hearts, nevertheless their doubt only continued no more than a stick of incense, then their complexion began to change.

  Sure, the first group of impact of waves wasn’t that strong. However, what they were going to face was impacts that never stopped.

  Before the first group of waves had gone away, the second group of waves had already rushed over. Although the waves soared to a hundred meter high and then hit down strongly, for their bodies of spirit sage, it brought little discomfort to them. But after more than ten hits, they had to use their spirit power to withstand it. Because of the continuous impact, their bodies had already showed sense of numbness. It wasn’t pain, but it was numb, from their vessels, flesh, bones and every other part of their bodies.

  The furious waves were just like a power with powerful spirit power and his constant energy form attacks. Every attack would cover their whole body. Therefore in the next quarter of an hour, everyone of them would bear hundreds of attacks. Numbness was transforming into pain gradually, nevertheless because of the excessive exhaustion before, their spirit power wasn’t enough to protect their bodies, thus they had to endure the impact by sheer force.

  Among the seven, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai were in better condition since their bodies’ strength were better than other people. Especially for Tang San and Xiao Wu, without using spirit abilities, their bodies were the strongest. After going through countless trainings, Tang San’s body had already reached an extent of formidable toughness. In terms of Xiao Wu, she was not only cultivated from hundred thousand spirit beast, but also remoulded by the Yearning Heartbroken Red, whose function was making body invulnerable. Therefore although Xiao Wu’s soul wasn’t controlling her body, the toughness of her body was inferior only to Tang San’s. Therefore even Dai Mubai couldn’t surpass her witho
ut using spirit abilities, let alone that she had a Wishful Eight Treasure Soft Armour which could protect her body.

  The one who was in the worst condition was Ning Rongrong. Among seven Sunken Silver pillars, the more in front one was, the larger impact they would suffer. After Tang San in the first place, there were Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu. In terms of their body condition, Ning Rongrong was much worse than Xiao Wu. If she hadn’t gained the benefit of the stress of Seagod light in the first test, she could have fallen unconscious in hundreds of impact of waves. Even though the toughness of her body was much higher than ordinary auxiliary system spirit masters, she still felt limp and numb from head to foot -- ineffably painful.

  Tang San was bearing the waves in the front, nevertheless for him, hundreds of impact wasn’t so serious. Although it was much harder than the waterfall at that time, his body was also hair-raisingly tough. While he was bearing the waves, he could also pay close attention to his friends’ situation. When he noticed Ning Rongrong’s situation, he opened his Blue Silver Domain, and separated a part to Ning Rongrong.

  Being stimulated by Blue Silver Domain, the vitality of Ning Rongrong herself was recovering quickly, and her defense was also enhanced a little, thus she could support herself narrowly.

  Soon, they found another problem that in the third test, any kind of auxiliary spirit ability was invalid.

  After the second test, the seal of spirit abilities of Tang San and Ning Rongrong was broken, but now Ning Rongrong still couldn’t use her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile. This wasn’t because of seal but that the endless waves wouldn’t allow her to use her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile. In spite of Oscar, since his hands were fastened, even if he could produce sausages, he had no way to eat them.

  At the same time, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun all found any of their amplifying abilities went invalid, such as White Tiger Vajra Transformation and Bathing Fire Phoenix – none of these were available, therefore they had to withstand the impact of waves by sheer force.

  To the Shrek Seven Devils, the seven Sunken Silver pillars were just like anvils using for forging while their bodies were the metal being forged, and the endless waves were the striking of a hammer.

  Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi crossed her legs and sat on the top of the mountain, looking at them. From that day, the Shrek Seven Devils would suffer painful experience for three hundred and sixty five days.

  At the beginning, even for Tang San whose body was the toughest, he could only persist six hours, before his body was already so numb that he couldn’t even sense anything. And the other people saved by Bo Saixi were also weakly lying there, lacking strength to move even a little.

  Following the feeling of numbness, the feeling of pain -- as if being penetrated by thousands of needles -- put them to the limit, which lasted for more than a dozen hours in total before they recovered and started cultivating.

  It was not until now, after trying, did they understand that the third test which seemed easier than the first and the second test was actually much more painful.

  If say the first test was to test their spirit power and the second test was to test their actual combat ability in the sea, then the third test was to strengthen their bodies. And without exception, all of these tests were testing their perseverance. Just, the formidability of the third test brought them a brand new awareness.

  Next, the Shrek Seven Devils started their three hundred and sixty five days which for them were no better than to die. Ning Rongrong was the one who suffered the most. Although Oscar would give her a large number of sausages to eat, with even Erect Gold Fly in order to increase her body resistance, yet every time after testing, Ning Rongrong still felt extremely painful.

  Still, she persisted. At the beginning, she couldn’t persist for even half an hour, but it prolonged to one hours, two hours, three hours and four hours. Till the end of the third month, Ning Rongrong finally could persist for five hours narrowly, nevertheless she still need to bear more in order to make up what she left in the prior three months.

  In the initial month, even the toughest Tang San couldn’t help cursing the Sea God unspokenly when he felt unbearably painful. The test was just too abnormal. Enduring the torment of incomparable pain, they felt that they were no better than in the hell. However, as time went by, after another one month, they found that under endless impact of waves, their breath could change with the fluctuation of waves, and their bodies had become tougher.

  Such situation became more and more visible. After three months, they even found that when they were bearing the impact of waves, they not only felt little pain, but also felt comfortable. Of course, such feeling would change into unbearable feeling again as impacts accumulated, nonetheless the improvement of their bodies made them persist by gritting their teeth.

  As is the saying goes, no pain no gain, without such kind of torment, how could their strength improve so rapidly?

  Seagod Douluo just sat on the top of the mountain and gave them necessary rescue. No one had seen her leave, but everyday she would bring a lavish feast for the Shrek Seven Devils to eat. Bai Chenxiang completely became a logistics worker. When Shrek Seven Devils were rolling on the ground due to pain, she would attend them. And when their clothes wore out, she would sew them up.

  After six months there, an incredible scene appeared. When Dai Mubai unconsciously waved his fist, he surprisedly found that it was actually followed by a kind of roaring sound like the sea. And it seemed that his body movement also became similar to sea waves. His spirit power increased, nevertheless he found it wasn’t simply the improvement of spirit power that merited. Since his body strength was enhanced geometrically, when spirit power combined with it, he could give play to more powerful attacks.

  The second surprise was found by Tang San. When he touched Xiao Wu that had no soul, her skin fluctuated spontaneously, as if it was neutralizing his force like the sea waves.

  Through trying, they found that this happened to everyone of them. Improvement of body force and neutralizing ability of skin, were undoubtedly all from the terrifying waves.

  It was now when they felt the happy after suffering. Moreover, Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun whose bodies were stronger had already been increasing their cultivating time in sea waves.

  In the last three months, Tang San would even endure for over twelve hours, till he got exhausted. After he went ashore, he would cultivate about three hours before he went in waves again.

  Today was the first day of the last month of Furious Billows Impasse. Tang San arrived at Sunken Silver pillar familiarly. Now he could restrict the waves and get to his own place by his own force, without Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi’s help.

  With Sunken Silver rings fastening his body and limbs, he breathed deeply, when the first group of huge waves was blowing to him. With loud sounds resounding, a comfortable sense came from every corner of his body, which was really cosy. Mysterious Heaven Skill within his body worked with the hitting waves – skin, muscles, vessels, even bones would create a slight rhythm.

  Chapter 235: Purple Demon Eye’s Final Realm, Boundless

  The way his body followed the swelling seas made Tang San feel as if his body had fully blended into the ocean. Without using spirit abilities, even without using spirit power protection, he could still clearly feel his body in the process of unloading the force. The waves were just like an enormous force attacking, and his whole body kept exactly the same frequency as this force, merging into it. Thus, the attack his body had to endure would decrease considerably.

  This natural reaction was like a skill given him by the waves, it was like this when facing the charging waves, and it would naturally also be the same when facing other energy form strikes.

  Passing each day in such pain that they wished they would die, undoubtedly pushed the potential of the Shrek Seven Devils one step further, and forced them to cultivate spirit power with all their might even when not enduring the attack of the waves, to recover the harm they’d suffered as
quickly as possible. Spirit power was no longer just an energy that existed within them, beaten by the waves, it merged into their meridians, muscles, and bones. A body refining method like this was definitely extremely overbearing, it would definitely be impossible to resist without great willpower and considerable strength. But if they persevered, the benefits to the body would also be equally substantial.

  Tang San’s spirit power was now already at the seventy ninth rank, having already reached it by the fifth month of tidal body refining. He was currently attacking his eighth bottleneck. The realm of Spirit Douluo was already beckoning to him.

  Hong hong—— Giant waves bombarded Tang San almost without respite, but feeling the Mysterious Heaven Skill fluctuating within his body each time a giant wave washed over him, Tang San gradually had a kind of clear inspiration. It seemed as if he was no longer human, but rather a part of this furious wave, a portion of Heaven and Earth. His whole body was already completely blended into this marvellous sensation.

  The feeling of surging waves attacking him disappeared, and he seemed to transform into the waves, his senses strengthening severalfold, so much so that even the motion of each droplet within the waves was grasped in his mental world.

  At this moment it was just sunrise, a smear of marble white appearing on the distant horizon. Raising his head with familiarity, gazing at that purple flash on the horizon, Tang San’s eyes suddenly brightened. An unprecedented feeling filled his whole body, explosions resounding in his mind. In that instant, he no longer felt his own body, but all of Seagod Island seemed to be within his field of view. Everything of everything around him turned completely clear.

  Whether the state of his comrades, the attack of the waves, or little details on Seagod Island, right now it was before him regardless of big or small, imprinted on his mind. Tang San’s blue eyes turned completely purple golden. That light, seemingly even deeper than the ocean, shot towards the horizon that merged water and sky.


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