Day's Light

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Day's Light Page 15

by M. A. Church

  Poor guy.

  Yeah. There’s a back room in the store that’s absolutely covered in blood. Can’t do much about that. That vampire really tore into that poor man. I can’t leave him here for the humans to find, either. Fuck. I’m going to have to bury both of them.

  Bury them? Bury them where? And with what, Hunter? Shit, we need to get on the road!

  I know. I’ve still got to get gas, then—

  You know how to pump gas?

  Babe, I’m Alpha of a small village. I’ve filled in for just about everyone at some point or the other. Yes, I know how to work the cashier’s computer. Then I’ll bury those two in the woods by the gas station. As to how, I have claws, you know. I’ll hurry. I’m also going to turn the lights out in the store so it looks like this place is closed, so don’t be alarmed when they go out.


  Mark let himself drift while Hunter put gas in the truck and buried the bodies. Once or twice he thought he heard a whisper of a sound, but he didn’t see anything when he looked.

  Still, he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling something was lurking right outside the damn door. To top things off, his belly was rumbling menacingly, and he didn’t feel so hot. He cracked one eye open when the truck door opened again.

  “That’s done. I also found a spigot with a water hose around the back of the store. We’ll use it to wash up.”

  Do we really have to—

  “Yes, we really have to. You’re a bloody mess.” Hunter checked Mark once again. “The wounds are healing nicely. Can you shift for me now?”

  So soon?

  “I was gone at least a half hour.”

  Whoa. Mark closed his eyes again and called on the human side of himself to step forward. The shift wasn’t as smooth as his others, and it took a little bit more time. “Shit. That… that took some doing.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Hunter helped Mark out of the truck.

  As soon as his feet hit the ground, Mark leaned over and vomited blood that looked black.

  “You swallowed some of that vampire’s blood, didn’t you?”

  “Fuck,” Mark moaned.

  “I know. We can’t digest it because vampires are dead, so let it come on up. You’ll feel better once you do. I grabbed some candy bars from the store. You can have those when you’re done.”

  “Think I’m finished, and holy shit, that’s nasty.” Mark wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. “That won’t hurt me? The blood?”

  “No. Just makes us vomit. You’ll be fine now. Here, eat a couple of these.” Hunter handed the candy over. “The quick sugar fix should help. It’ll definitely get that taste out of your mouth.”

  Mark practically inhaled the things.

  “How do you feel now?”

  Mark leaned against the truck. “A little weak, honestly. But overall, I’m good. Did you not get any for yourself?”

  “I grabbed something while I was inside. It’ll hold me for now. The first fast-food joint we see I’m stopping at. Not the best option, but it’ll have to do.”

  “I’d kill for Sissy’s cooking right now.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Hunter grabbed one of the suitcases, opened it, and pulled out a bag that contained their dirty clothes. “We don’t have any towels with us, so we’ll have to use these to dry off with after we get you cleaned up. Then we’ll get dressed and get on the road.”

  Once he had those, he hunted up new clothes for him and Mark. Holding everything in one hand, he wound his other arm around Mark’s waist and helped him behind the convenience store.

  The water was damn cold, but it felt good to get the blood off of him. Once he dried off, Hunter helped him dress then cleaned himself. Digging was dirty work, after all.

  Almost an hour on the dot later, they left the gas station. As they pulled back onto the Interstate, a million thoughts ran through Mark’s mind. But the main thing he wanted to know was who the fuck that vampire was, and how did he know Michael?

  And more importantly? Did Michael know that vampires existed, and he had one stalking him?

  True to his word, Hunter stopped at the first fast-food place he came across. He ordered enough food to feed five grown men, then they were back on the road. Mark scarfed down the first two hamburgers and a whole thing of fries. He followed that up by drinking half the soda Hunter bought him. Almost immediately he started feeling better.

  “Now that I don’t feel like I’m in a fog, what the hell was that back there?”

  Hunter waited until he swallowed before speaking. “I have no idea. Stuff like that simply doesn’t happen. The paranormal community usually goes to great lengths to keep hidden.”

  “Apparently, they didn’t get the memo.”

  “That’s just it.” Hunter sipped his soda. “Those two took a huge risk, and I don’t know why. Were they robbing the place? Neither looked like they were hurting for money. And why the fuck did that vampire practically slaughter the human? Dear goddess, that’s just begging for trouble with the humans. I don’t get it.”

  “I really don’t give a damn,” Mark said. “All I want is to know how he knew my brother.”

  “All I want to know is how the hell he knew you are Michael’s brother.”

  “Don’t you find it strange that of all the gas stations we could’ve stopped at, we stopped at this particular one? We managed to find the one gas station where not only a vampire was feeding, but that same vampire is basically stalking my brother,” Mark said, opening another burger. “Then he attacks me.”

  “Coincidence?” Hunter dug out another burger too. “Bad luck?”

  “I don’t know.” Mark sighed. “I just want to get to Michael as soon as possible.”

  Chapter Twenty – Hunter

  THE TENSION in the cab of his truck was so thick, Hunter could’ve cut it with a knife. There were so many questions, but the main ones were how that vampire knew Michael, and how much trouble was Michael in?

  Hunter checked the route on his phone while stuffing food down his throat, with Mark doing the same. According to the route, they should arrive in Mystic Bay in ten minutes. “Before we get there, I want to make sure I’m clear on something.”

  “Okay, what?” Mark asked, licking the salt from his fries off his fingers.

  “Stop that, or by the goddess, I’ll be meeting your brother sporting a hard-on,” Hunter grumbled, looking back at the road.

  Mark licked his fingers again, looking pleased with himself as he reached for one of those thin pieces of paper that the fast-food places laughingly called napkins.

  Hunter silently thanked his goddess Mark stopped winding him up. “You said the vampire told you that he was coming for Michael.”

  “Right.” Mark reached into the paper sack for another hamburger. He opened the wrapper and handed it to Hunter.

  “Thanks.” Hunter took a bite. He really detested this kind of stuff. After he swallowed, he continued speaking. “And the vampire said that he and Michael are not through.”

  “He said that, yes.” Mark grabbed the last one, opened it, and took a big bite.

  “I’m not trying to panic you or anything, but going by what was said, it sounds like he and Michael have already met. He said they were not through. He wouldn’t be saying that unless—”

  Mark swallowed heavily. “Unless he hadn’t already been fucking with him. Shit. You’re right. I didn’t catch that. But Michael hasn’t been hurt or gone missing, or Brax would have known.” Mark glanced at Hunter. “Right?”

  “Yes. If something had happened to Michael, Brax would have known. I mean, it’s not like we had someone down here watching Michael, but Brax was watching your brother’s financials and stuff. We know for sure he rented a condo, and that he’s been working.”

  “Why the fuck is this vampire stalking him?”

  “I can’t answer that.” Hunter took another bite of his hamburger. “But we’re going to be there shortly. We’ll make sure your brother is protected.”
r />   “For now. We can’t stay here forever.” Mark finished his hamburger and drank some more of his soda. “We need to get back to our pack, plus staying in a fucking hotel gets expensive quick. Maybe after Michael gets over his shock of me being a werewolf, I can talk him into coming back with us.”

  “Don’t you worry about expenses.” Hunter finished his hamburger and handed the wrapper back to Mark, who put it in the empty paper sack. “Our pack is wealthy, but Zane and I also have money independent of the pack. Both of us have a small fortune thanks to a variety of business ventures.”

  “Well, that’s good to know. Still, we can’t stay here forever.”

  “No, we can’t.” There was no point in mentioning what was already troubling him on that topic. Mark was stressed, and Hunter didn’t need to add to it. Instead, he focused on the current crisis. A few minutes later they were parking in front of a small condo unit.

  Unlike the many mega complexes they’d seen on the way in, this one was only a seven-unit, with three condos per building. The buildings were cream-colored with brown accents and a couple of palm trees around the parking lot. The outside was definitely in need of updating.

  Mark checked the handwritten note Brax had given him with Michael’s condo number. “Well, this is the right complex.” He rattled off Michael’s condo number.

  It didn’t take long until they had found the right unit. Hunter parked and turned the truck off. “No matter what happens, I need you to remain calm. Michael isn’t going to believe you’re a werewolf at first. Humans never do. So, remember that.”

  “Right.” Mark twisted his fingers together restlessly. “I feel like I’m about to jump off a cliff without a parachute.”

  Hunter unwound Mark’s fingers and held his hand. “It’s always a shock finding out about us. Let’s get the reunion and who we are over before we launch into the fact that a vampire is stalking him. Okay?”

  Mark nodded. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Hunter joined Mark on the sidewalk. Hunter checked his cell phone. It was really late, but he didn’t think Mark could be persuaded to wait until tomorrow to do this. He understood. If Zane was in trouble, he wouldn’t give a damn what time of the day or night it was.

  About a foot from Michael’s door, the hair on Hunter’s neck stood up. He sniffed discreetly—there was the slightest odor of ozone riding on the air currents, and it damn sure wasn’t because it had rained recently. That was the scent of magic. A rumble started in his chest, but he quickly smothered it.

  “Be careful. There’s the scent of magic in the air.”

  Mark immediately stopped. “Say what now?”

  “Magic.” Hunter carefully scanned the surrounding area. “Most likely done by a witch. And yes, there are such things as witches. This is a Guardian-owned property, so I guess that isn’t unexpected, but keep your guard up.” Hunter’s wolf had been sitting quietly in his mind, but he was certainly at attention now.

  “Got it.” Taking a deep breath, Mark strolled to the door and knocked loudly.

  There was a rustling and then it opened slightly. Hunter blinked in surprise. Whoever this was, he was not Michael. This person had some of the longest and whitest hair Hunter had ever seen. It was corralled in a thick, long braid that fell over his shoulder. Hunter’s wolf paced uneasily in his mind. The stranger was also a paranormal.

  “Can I help you?” the man asked, standing behind the partially open door.

  “Um, yeah. Sorry, I know it’s late, but is Michael here?”

  The door swung open, and Hunter got his first good look at the other man, thanks to the parking lot light, and immediately knew they were in deep trouble. His eyes were an eerie, arctic icy-blue. Hunter knew of only one paranormal that was rumored to have eyes that color, and quite frankly he thought they were nothing more than a myth.

  An ice elemental.

  Hunter was still struggling with his shock when the other man grabbed Mark by the front of his shirt and literally yanked him off his feet and into the condo.

  “Son of a—” Mark’s yell ended in a gasp.

  Hunter’s wolf surged to the forefront, and his vision sharpened like it did when his eyes changed to yellow. His fangs dropped, and his claws sprouted as he surged across the threshold of the condo. The sudden burst of electricity through his body only irritated him more, even though he was thankful the ward wasn’t stronger. That’s what he had felt earlier—the ward.

  The temperature in the condo dropped from pleasant, thanks to the central air, to downright frigid. It was so cold Hunter could see his breath. He shuddered at the chill. The stranger had his hand wrapped around Mark’s throat and had slammed him against a wall. Fury washed through Hunter when he saw Mark’s feet were dangling at least a foot off the ground.

  “Release him!” Hunter thundered. Instinct demanded he rush the other paranormal, but he reined in the impulse because the hand around Mark’s throat sparked, and ice crystals were beginning to form around Mark’s throat.

  The stranger in Michael’s apartment merely glanced at Hunter, and the cold, dead expression on his face was one of the most frightening things Hunter had ever experienced.

  Slowly, the other paranormal raised his free hand, palm up, and a bluish white light began to form. Long, pure white nails extended from his fingertips—something he didn’t know any elemental could do. Vampires, yes. Theirs were always black, like their eyes. Werecreatures, yes. Theirs were always the color of old bones. Elementals? Absolutely not.

  Dear goddess, they were fucked.

  Mark had partially shifted as soon as he was jerked into the condo. He had both of his hands around his attacker’s wrist and had sunk his claws into the skin. The ice elemental’s blood froze almost as fast as it flowed.

  “Where. Is. My. Brother?” Mark roared, baring his fangs. “What did you do with Michael?”

  A funny look crossed the ice elemental’s face, and he let go of Mark’s throat. “Mark?”

  Mark’s feet hit the ground, and he fell back against the wall.

  The elemental dropped his other hand, the one pointing toward Hunter. “Mark James?”

  “Fuck!” Mark bellowed, grabbing his head. “I’m going to—”

  Hunter darted around the other paranormal and clasped Mark’s face. He stared into Mark’s yellow eyes. “Fight it. Do not shift. If the hybrid attacks, the ice elemental will defend himself. Come on, babe. He knows who you are. That means he knows Michael too.”

  “I do. Michael is safe and well cared for. I promise you this. I will gladly tell you all that I know once you get ahold of yourself.”

  “See? He says Michael’s okay.” Hunter stared into Mark’s eyes. “He may have answers, but you can’t get those if you shift and tear this place apart.” Damned if he was going to mention it would probably be the last thing he ever did. Hunter almost shouted with joy when he saw the fur Mark had started to sprout recede. “That’s it. Get control of your wolf so we can find Michael.”

  Mark took several deep breaths while still keeping eye contact with Hunter. Finally, Hunter nodded when he saw worry in Mark’s eyes instead of a killing rage. “There you go. Good. That’s good.”

  Clasping Mark’s chin, he examined Mark’s neck. Thankfully he didn’t see any real damage from the ice elemental’s grip on his throat, although he was certainly bruised. He moved so he stood next to Mark, facing the creature he thought didn’t exist.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Mark finally demanded. “And where’s Michael?”

  “My name is Nicholas Frost.” Nicholas bowed his head slightly. “Greetings, Alphas. Why don’t you and your mate have a seat? There is much to tell you, but Michael is safe. And I believe we are about to have company.”

  It wasn’t a baring of the throat, but Nicholas wasn’t a werecreature. At least he did acknowledge Hunter and Mark’s Alpha status.

  Mark didn’t move a muscle. “Who’s the company—”

  “That would be me.”

r’s attention snapped toward the man strolling through the condo’s door. He had a wholesome, friendly look, along with short dark hair and the barest hint of stubble on his face. His power rippled out from him in waves.

  “My name is Paul Miles. I’m a Guardian, and I own this complex.” Right behind him was a younger man who also was a paranormal. “And this is my lover, Andy Fire. He’s a fire elemental.”

  Andy shut the door, then took his place next to Paul. His hair undulated as heat rolled off him in waves. Yellow streaks bloomed from his crown down to the tips of his hair. His eyes were a swirling mass of yellows and reds. As he stared at Mark, one of his eyebrows rose. “Well now, ain’t this interesting?”

  Paul nudged Andy. “Dial it back, firecracker. No need to further traumatize the werewolves.”

  Andy smirked but pulled his power back.

  Paul bowed his head slightly to Hunter and Mark also. “Welcome, Alphas. Please be at peace. You’re among friends here. Mark? It is a huge relief to see you.”

  Mark was still as tense as a bowstring. “All I want is for someone to tell me where the hell Michael is. That’s it. Oh, and maybe tell me how the hell all of you seem to know who I am.”

  Hunter grasped Mark’s shoulder. “Relax, babe.”

  Mark huffed. “I’d love to, but fuck, can’t you feel the power in here? Jesus. It’s making my wolf antsy as hell.”

  Nicholas closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them again. “Is that better?”

  “Some, yes.” Mark’s shoulders dropped. “I don’t feel like I’m about to jump out of my skin any longer.”

  “Fuck,” Hunter whispered, because Nicholas just somehow smothered his power. That wasn’t the same as Andy ‘dialing it back.’

  He could still feel Andy’s, but his was probably the weakest out of everybody in the room, most likely because Andy was still young, as far as paranormal age went. That wasn’t to say he was not dangerous. He most definitely was. Werewolves burned just like any other organic material.

  “Now, why don’t we all have a seat, get comfortable, and I’ll tell you everything you want to know, Mark?” Paul said.


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