Day's Light

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Day's Light Page 19

by M. A. Church

  Bodies flew.

  There were large chunks of splintered wood, broken sheetrock, and twisted electrical wires. Smoke curled above the truck. Its horn wailed. Then the silence broke, and the screams of the injured started. The stench of blood rose up like a tidal wave.

  The destruction was horrifying.

  “Someone call 9-1-1 now!” Clay shouted as he ran toward the front. Michael was hot on his heels.

  Jonas whipped out his cell. Andy stood frozen next to Mark and Nicholas, staring at the wreckage. Hunter followed his gaze. A waiter was trapped by twisted metal and broken brick. An arm jutted from a pile of debris. The fingers beckoned, seeming to point at them to hurry over and help.

  Hunter stumbled over the pile of rubble, loosening the smashed bricks. There was the sound of feet behind him, then Mark caught his elbow, steadying him. Hunter clasped the waiter’s hand. He wanted to say something, but what? The human’s heartbeat was already slowing. He wasn’t going to make it.

  The smell of blood and fear made his head spin, and aggression flooded his body. His wolf wanted out in the worse way. A low growl worked its way loose from his chest. Mark rested his hand on Hunter’s back, the worry clear on his face. He closed his eyes briefly, fighting his wolf.

  The scent of blood was everywhere, dammit. Vampires weren’t the only ones who liked blood. When he got control, he opened his eyes again and nodded toward Mark. If the blood was affecting him this much, what was it doing to Mark?

  Mark started digging. He seemed to be in complete control, thank all that was holy. Clay and Michael were only a few feet away, trying to help too. Jonas, Paul, Andy, and Nicholas had spread out to do what they could.

  “Jesus,” Michael hissed, staring at his bloody hands. “Clay—”

  “I know, beautiful.”

  Michael whined deep in his throat, and Mark’s head snapped up. Wild-eyed, Michael grasped a beam. Clay moved quickly toward him, and so did Mark. Was Michael planning on trying to lift it? Granted, it was something any one of them could easily do, but not in a room full of humans.

  “No, you must not, Michael.” Clay grabbed Michael’s arm, stopping him from lifting the beam. Mark was close by, frantically looking between Michael and Clay.

  “But there’s someone trapped under there, Clay! I can help.”

  Hunter’s breath caught at the anguish in Michael’s voice. Michael’s fangs were visible, and his eyes were black.

  Michael jerked his arm away. “I can help!”

  This was bad. Very bad. Hunter had been worried how the blood would affect Mark when he should’ve been worried how it would trigger the newly-turned vampire.

  “Listen to me, Michael. You can’t lift it. No human could. It’d draw attention to us. Look at me.”

  Michael raised his eyes to Clay. His top lip was pulled back into a snarl. “The blood… it’s too much.”

  “I’m taking Michael out of here. He’s not used to this and is losing control. Mark? Hunter? Gather everybody and tell them to meet us in the parking lot.” Clay hauled Michael toward the back of the restaurant where the kitchen was located.

  It was the only way out.

  Chapter Twenty-five – Mark

  “Holy fucking hell.” Mark coughed then grabbed the bottom of his shirt. Lifting it, he wiped his forehead. He was sweaty and covered in soot, dirt, and who knew what else. The stench from the destroyed restaurant, leaking diesel, and smoke was messing with his sense of smell. “What the hell was that?”

  “A vampire on the verge of losing control. How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay. The blood is bothering me somewhat, and the screams are giving me the heebie-jeebies, but I’m in control of my wolf. How about you? I thought I’d lost you there for a minute.”

  “It was getting to me, but I’m fine now. We need to round up the rest of the group and get the hell out of here like Clay said. Let’s go.”

  It didn’t take long to find everyone. They hurried through the kitchen and out into the parking lot. Mark stumbled to a halt once they were outside. He gaped at the scene before him.

  Hunter bumped into him. “Shit. Sorry. Why did you—aw, shit.”

  Michael was hunched over and clutching his hair, panting.

  “You will obey, do you understand?” Clay said, his voice a hiss. He jerked Michael to him. His eyes were as black as Michael’s. “Michael!”

  Michael screamed.

  That definitely made the hair on the back of Mark’s neck stand up because that wasn’t like any scream he’d ever heard before. He slapped his hands over his ears. “Jesus fuck.”

  Michael collapsed in Clay’s arms.

  Mark couldn’t tell if Michael was crying or screaming. It all sounded like nails on a chalkboard to him, and his wolf didn’t like it one bit. He wanted to rush to his brother, wanted to do something, but instinct warned him now was not the time to get close to either vampire. Hunter took his hand, and Mark held on tightly.

  “They do that when mad or stressed.” Paul slid to a stop next to Mark. He glanced around. “Andy? Jonas? Nicholas?”

  “Here,” Nicholas said, stopping next to them. “Andy and Jonas are with me too.”

  “Sh—” Andy strangled on a cough. “Shit. Man, I wish he’d stop with that screaming.”

  “Me too,” Mark said.

  “He’s young and still learning how to control his hunger,” Jonas said, wheezing. “He’s damn strong, but he struggles.”

  “Sounds fucking familiar.” Boy did it ever. Mark knew all about struggling to control his other side. Still, he wished he could do something to help.

  “I need to make some calls to the Council. There were a few paranormals in there. They’re going to need help.” Jonas moved away from the group. Nicholas followed him. “What are you doing?”

  “Protecting you. Jackson is still an active threat,” Nicholas replied.

  “You do realize I’m a Guardian, right?” Jonas snapped. “I’m more than able to protect myself.”

  “Hush, little one.”

  Jonas spluttered.

  Mark raised an eyebrow as he listened to Nicholas and Jonas bicker.

  Clay held Michael tightly, but he glanced up. “Paul?”


  “Here.” Clay tossed his keys to Paul. “Get my car and bring it closer. We must leave. Michael is hanging on by a thread. I don’t want to risk walking him through the parking lot. If a human happens by right now—”

  “Got it.”

  “Don’t go alone. Don’t anyone go any-fucking-where alone, dammit!” Andy insisted.

  “Come on then. The sooner I get Clay’s car to him, the better for Michael.” Andy and Paul started toward the back of the parking lot.

  Michael alternated between growling and that bloodcurdling screeching. Mark’s wolf paced in his mind. He hated this, dammit.

  “Easy, babe,” Hunter said. “Clay knows what his mate needs. He’s helping him—”

  “Clay is not helping him. What he needs is… me.” From the shadows stepped Jackson. A tall guy in a hoodie stood next to him. Several beefy men spread out behind the two.

  Mark stiffened. The unmistakable scent of werewolves rode on the air. “You smell that?”

  “Yes, dammit. All the smoke and blood must have covered it up.” Hunter grabbed the bottom of his shirt and yanked it over his head. “Strip, Mark. Now.”

  Michael’s head snapped up. “You!”

  Jonas slammed his phone back into his pocket and ran toward them, Nicholas right behind him. Paul and Andy came sprinting from the back of the parking lot.

  “Did you do this? Did you? You did, didn’t you?” Michael cried. “Why?”

  “Why? Because I can, and because I needed you out in the open,” Jackson said. “It’s time for you to come with me, Michael. I can give you what you need.”

  “You sick son of a bitch!” The words tore from Michael as his claws lengthened to deadly points. “You did this just so you could get to me? And what’s
this about giving me what I need? I need for you to die, that’s what I need, you animal!”

  Mark yanked off his shirt and toed off his shoes. He stood his ground as the werewolves circled them. This wasn’t good at all.

  Clay stood calmly by Michael, even as his vampire nature showed itself. “Michael is my mate. You know that, Jackson. He has been claimed by me.”

  “And once you are dead, dear brother, he’ll become my mate. He should’ve been mine to begin with.”

  “You really are insane,” Paul bellowed.

  “And you really are stupid.” Jackson sneered. “I had your new friend’s truck bugged with a tracking device. Did it the night I happened across him and his mate. Did you think to check? No, you accepted him easily.”

  “You fucker.” Mark knew he’d heard something around the truck while Hunter was burying those bodies. “Paul, I swear, we didn’t know!”

  “I know,” Paul answered. “I should have checked when I found out who attacked you. This is my fault.”

  “Oh, fuck that! Put the blame where it goes! On Clay’s asshole brother!” Andy shrieked. His hair began to wave as it turned colors.

  “What are you thinking, Jackson? To do this with humans right there?” Jonas waved at the restaurant. “Are you trying to out us to humanity?”

  Jackson shrugged. “Why not? They should be serving at our feet.”

  “Are you for real?” Andy swore loudly. “Nuts. He’s fucking nuts.”

  The werewolves shifted. All but two of them were Betas. The Alphas were seven feet tall standing upright. Their long snouts were full of sharp, hideous teeth. Bright yellow eyes tracked all movement, and long, sharp claws extended from the tips of their fingers.

  Mark called to his hybrid form and attacked the wolf closest to him. A quick slash across the throat and the Alpha bled out. Hunter howled as the other Alpha bit down on his shoulder. Blood gushed. Hunter rammed his claws into the soft belly of the wolf.

  Fangs flashed. Claws ripped. A piercing scream like a pissed off cat echoed around them. Smoke snaked across the ground. Mark started toward Hunter just as a Beta landed on his back. Down he went, the wolf sinking its claws into his back.

  Pain shot through him, making him even madder. Growling deeply, he reached for the other wolf but couldn’t quite touch it. With the wolf still raging on his back, he pushed himself up. He had to get the fucker away from his spine.

  Then the Beta was jerked off him, and Mark was able to get his feet under him. Rising, he spun to meet the new threat. Paul stood, blood dripping down his face, his hands held out. Mark glanced up. The wolf who had been on his back was now floating in the air. Using his power, Paul slammed the wolf repeatedly into the concrete. Finally, the werewolf lay still in a shallow hole in the pavement. Its body was bent in a way no body should.

  The head of the Alpha that Hunter was fighting earlier rolled across the ground. Hunter’s howl only added to the chaos. Another Beta leaped at Jonas, snarling. An unseen powerful blow knocked it sideways. A stream of fire arrowed at the wolf, and its fur caught fire, engulfing it. It bayed in agony. The burning body dropped to the ground, one less scream in the ongoing battle.

  Mark frantically searched the mayhem for Michael, only to see his brother with his fangs buried in one of the Beta’s necks. His shirt was torn, but otherwise he appeared okay. Michael dropped the body to the ground and slowly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He grinned at Mark, his fangs dripping.

  A Beta ran at Nicolas. He stood still, waiting until the werewolf closed in. Mark’s heart just about stopped. Then Nicholas opened his mouth and blew. A gush of subarctic air burst forth, washing over the werewolf, freezing it solid.

  Jackson screamed, then sprang off the ground—knees bent, arms out to the side of him—as he flew toward Clay. They fell to the ground in a tangle of arms, legs, and fangs. Michael hissed, taking a step toward them. Clay shouted something at Michael, and Jackson took advantage of the moment. He sank his long, black nails into Clay’s shoulder.

  Clay hissed, but the sound Michael made was terrifying. He leapt at Jackson and crashed against him, knocking him off Clay. Michael followed Jackson to the ground, pinning him. Michael grabbed Jackson by the throat, his claws digging into the soft skin.

  Mark glanced around. Were all the wolves dead then? Where was the dick who was with Jackson? He narrowed his eyes. There the fucker was. Just as the guy stepped back into the shadows, the light reflected on something shiny around his neck. Mark swore he saw the outline of someone next to the guy. There was a flash of light, and they were gone. Mark’s mouth fell open. What the hell was that?

  “Michael! Don’t,” Jonas said, dropping next to Michael. “Please, don’t do this.”

  “Beautiful, listen to me. Don’t let the bloodlust rule you.”

  “I want his blood, want to bathe in it, want to drink him dry until there’s nothing left but a husk.” Michael tightened his hold, and Jackson choked as he struggled.

  Mark stood helplessly by. Michael’s words brought home how much he’d changed. Hunter ambled over to him and sniffed his neck. Mark vocalized softly when Hunter licked one of his wounds.

  “You’ve beaten Jackson. My love, come back to me. Please,” Clay begged softly.

  Michael’s fangs retracted, and he let go of Jackson, who was barely conscious now.

  “Clay?” Michael’s voice shook. “He has to die. He’ll never let me or anyone I care about live in peace.”

  “I know, my mate. Step away.”

  “But what—”

  Nicholas gently nudged Michael away from Jackson. “Let me. This is who I am.”

  Mark blinked in surprise. What did that mean? He called to his human side and shifted back. Andy held out his jeans, then handed Hunter his too after he changed.

  Nicholas grabbed Jackson and pulled him to his feet, and then… kissed him.

  Mark’s mouth dropped open. “What the…?”

  Jackson came awake. He struggled wildly in Nicholas’s arms, but his movements began to slow. His paleness faded to an odd bluish shade, and ice formed around his mouth and nose. The temperature dropped until Mark could see his breath.

  “Is he freezing him from the inside out?” Hunter stuttered.

  “Yes,” Clay said.

  “Holy shit,” Jonas gasped. “I thought that was a myth too.”

  “The whole species is a myth. Well, until now,” Clay said.

  Then Jackson began to shimmer.

  Andy swore loudly.

  “What?” Mark demanded.

  “I think I know.” Hunter shook his head, a grimace on his face.

  “Well, hell,” Paul murmured.

  Where Jackson once stood was an average looking guy who was slowly freezing to death in front of everyone.

  “Shape-shifter.” Jonas scowled at Nicolas and the frozen man he held.

  “Seriously?” Mark asked. “Just how many of these sons of a bitches are there?”

  Nicholas stepped back from the shape-shifter. His white hair writhed, and his eyes were a seething mass of blues. Holding his hand out, he created a ball of ice and threw the ball at the body. It hit, and the shape-shifter exploded into millions of ice participles.

  “Holy goddess!” Hunter exclaimed.

  “Welp, I’m impressed.” What a neat trick to have. Mark scanned the surrounding area. “So, what are we going to do with the rest?”

  “Clay? Could you make sure no humans wander back here?” Nicholas asked. “I see the blue lights of their vehicles. If they do, compel them or something. I just need a few minutes to take care of this.”

  “All right.” Clay walked toward the back of the restaurant.

  Michael stared at where the fake Jackson’s body had been. He sighed dejectedly. Paul stood next to him, resting his hand on Michael’s shoulder. The air of defeat that surrounded Michael worried Mark.

  “What do you plan to do?” Jonas asked, shoving his sweaty hair out of his eyes.

e them disappear.” Nicholas strode to each body, froze it, then destroyed it like he had the fake Jackson. Now shards of ice coated the parking lot. Nicholas waved his hand, and an air vortex carried off any evidence of what had happened.

  “Handy,” Mark murmured.

  Low voices caught his attention, and he glanced over to where Clay was speaking to a few police officers. As he watched, they turned and wandered back into the restaurant. That must’ve been what Nicholas meant by compelling them. Again, neat little trick. Clay remained by the back door just in case any more humans wandered out.

  “I think it’s time for us to get the hell out of here.” Andy slumped against Paul.

  Mark eased up beside Michael. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Jackson found you because of what happened with me and Hunter.”

  “Oh no you don’t.” Michael whipped around to face Mark. “You don’t get to claim that! You’re not responsible. How were you to know you basically walked into the middle of a war between us and Jackson? You couldn’t.”

  Mark wasn’t going to argue the fact. “Do you feel better?”

  “No, not really. Look, we’ll have to get together later. Tonight, I need to hunt. I’ve got to release this anger somehow, and I want to feed.” Michael licked his lips. “Maybe tomorrow night.”

  Michael said he wanted to feed, not that he needed to. Mark wasn’t going to touch that with a ten-foot pole.

  “I’ll check in with Clay, but why don’t we all meet at my condo after dark tomorrow? We need to discuss this latest attack, and who that person was who watched all this. He never once engaged.” Paul patted Andy on the back.

  Michael nodded. “New player, I guess. Just what we don’t need.”

  “For now, we all go home,” Paul said. “Hunter? As soon as we get to the condo, find that damn tracker.”

  “I plan to.”

  Jonas waved at Clay, who nodded. Everyone returned to their vehicles and left.

  Chapter Twenty-six – Hunter

  Hunter and Mark followed Paul’s vehicle back to the condos. “Well, that was interesting.”


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