Day's Light

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Day's Light Page 22

by M. A. Church

“There’s a story there, but I don’t know if even Paul has heard it all.” Hunter shrugged. “Not that it’s any of our business. We have enough to deal with without getting in the middle of somebody else’s stuff.” He picked up the remote. “Anyway, what do you guys want to watch?”

  THE NEXT evening, not long after the sun set, Clay and Michael arrived at the condo. Once everyone gathered, a line of vehicles followed Hunter and Mark from the parking lot.

  Mark stared into the passenger side mirror as they merged onto the Interstate. “A caravan. We’re a freaking caravan.”

  “I know. That’s the main reason I wanted to do this as soon as we got everybody here and settled. I don’t know what kind of contacts Alpha Bennett has, but this many werewolves so close to his territory won’t go unnoticed for long.”

  “Do you think he knows were coming?”

  “I don’t know. It really doesn’t matter, though,” Hunter said. “Once I arrive at his pack’s territory boundary line and issue my challenge, he won’t have any choice but to accept.”

  “Has an Alpha ever refused a challenge?”

  “It’s not something an Alpha can refuse. Let me put it like this. A challenge is between the two Alphas, right? Only them. No one is supposed to interfere.”


  “The challenge exists because it’s supposed to prevent war between the two opposing hierarchies. In the past, whole packs were wiped out during a takeover. Blood lust is a real thing for werewolves just like it is for vampires.”

  “But what if the Alpha does refuse?”

  “Then that Alpha is a coward, and he’s just proven it. The challenger and his Betas have the right to attack now. One of two things are going to happen. The Betas of the Alpha who refused the challenge could revolt.”

  “Whoa, shit, that’s a thing?”

  “Yes. The Alpha would then find himself not only facing the challenger but his own Betas too,” Hunter said. “Or his Betas stand with him. What should have been between the two Alphas now involves the whole damn hierarchy. In other words—war.”

  “Jesus Christ, they’d turn on their own Alpha?”

  “Mark, our Betas are willing to risk their lives for us if need be. An Alpha is the heart of the pack, but the Betas are the glue who holds it all together. Why in the name of the goddess would they follow an Alpha who disrespects his position?”

  “And an Alpha-mate? What are they?”

  “An Alpha’s strength.” Hunter’s smile was all teeth. “And I have a mate who’s an Alpha. There’s no way I can lose.”

  “Confidence is so damn sexy. So, do you think that’s a possibility here?”

  “What? Him refusing to accept the challenge? If he does, I’ll attack. I really don’t want to do that simply because then I’ll be putting all the Betas and your life in jeopardy. Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that. But if it does? Take no prisoners, babe. It’s war. You kill anything that comes at you. Understand?”

  “I do.” Mark fell silent.

  Hunter took that time to get his thoughts in order. One way or the other, this ended tonight. His phone announced the next exit was coming up. Hunter took it and followed the automated voice. They passed a tiny little town that had maybe a hundred humans living in it and continued on their way.

  Eventually he saw the cut off he was looking for, put his blinker on, and turned onto a dirt road that was surrounded by thick trees. Three miles down the pothole infested thing, he saw the first ‘no trespassing’ signs. He stopped right in the middle of the road and shut off his truck. The numerous cars behind him fanned out, their lights reflecting into the woods.

  Hunter turned to face Mark, trying to figure out what to say.

  “Oh, hell no. No long, sappy speech. You just bring your fine ass back to me, you hear?” Mark’s hand snaked behind Hunter’s neck, and he jerked Hunter to him, his mouth crashing down over Hunter’s. There was nothing sweet and loving about the kiss. It was all nipping teeth and demanding dominance.

  “Message received,” Hunter said when Mark finally let him up for air. He discreetly adjusted himself.

  Opening the truck door, he got out. Mark quickly joined him. The rest of the Betas and their four friends stood behind them.

  Hunter inhaled deeply. The scent of scat and urine were unmistakable signs that this was werewolf territory. “Smell that?”


  “Scent–marking. When werewolves from outside of the pack smell such scents, they know that an area is already occupied. It’s a warning. We’re in the right place.”

  Michael eased up to Mark and rested his hand on Mark’s arm. “If something goes wrong with this challenge, yell my name. I can hear as well as you can. We can interfere then, right?”

  “Uh….” Mark looked at Hunter.

  “If something goes wrong, it’s going to be an all-out battle. The rules no longer apply, so yes, you can,” Hunter said.

  “Well then, there you go. If things go tits up, I’ll be yelling your name,” Mark promised.

  Chapter Thirty – Hunter

  HUNTER THREW his head back and howled. The strong, bold, and demanding sound continued on endlessly.

  “Sooo fucking hot,” Mark muttered.

  Hunter stood proudly in the middle of the dirt road, waiting. Time crept by. Was he going to have to howl again? This was taking entirely too long. Any self-respecting Betas would’ve been there as quickly as possible.

  Just as he was getting ready to let loose with another howl, a truck came barreling towards them, a cloud of dust behind it. It parked sideways, and five muscular men climbed out. One in particular, a giant male with more muscles than any one person should have, led the others.

  He stomped his way forward, muscles bulging, and stopped a few feet away. He took a deep breath, wrinkling his nose as he glanced at Mark. “My name’s Beta Tate Daily. This is Marked Tree territory. You got no business here. Leave. Or we’ll make you.” The men behind him snarled menacingly.

  Hunter laughed. “Was that supposed to be impressive? Maybe scare me?” The laughter faded from Hunter’s face.

  His vision sharpened, and his gums tingled as his fangs dropped. Staring straight at the Beta facing him, he let a deep rumble start in his chest. It grew until he finally opened his mouth. The hideous sound that exploded out sent two of the other Betas to the ground. It was primal. Dark. And angry.

  “I am Alpha Hunter Day of the Day Canyon pack,” Hunter roared. A Beta across from him whimpered. “I hereby challenge Alpha Bennett on the grounds of him kidnapping my mate’s brother, formally known as Michael James, trespassing on Day Canyon territory and committing robbery, and finally, for the murder of my mate and his brother’s parents, Judy and Gerald James! Challenge issued!”

  “Fuck,” a Beta behind Tate whispered.

  “Take me to Alpha Bennett,” Hunter demanded, glaring at Tate.

  Tate gulped, taking a step back. Catching himself, he moved forward again. “Only your werewolves, and what-the-hell-ever that is next to you are allowed.” Tate pointed at Mark.

  Mark rolled his eyes. “That the best you got?”

  “Alpha,” Hunter barked. “He’s an Alpha, and my mate, asshole. His name is Alpha Mark James.”

  Tate snickered. “That ain’t no Alpha. He’s bitten, but he is a wolf. Kind of. The Guardian, the fire elemental, and the two blood suckers are not wolves and are not welcome. If they trespass, you immediately lose the challenge.”

  “They won’t. By the way, let me introduce my friends. That’s Guardian Paul Miles, fire elemental Andy Fire, Clay Night, and his soul mate, Michael James Night—the blood suckers as you called them.” Hunter jerked his thumb at Michael. “The same Michael two of your wolves kidnapped. Clay isn’t really happy with your Alpha, by the way, so please, give them a reason to trespass. Otherwise, they’ll stay here at the boundary line.”

  Mark glared at the Beta, who had been steadily losing all color in his face. “That’s right, asshole. That�
��s my brother.”

  Tate jerked his gaze away from Michael. “Vehicles stay here. Follow us,” Tate tossed over his shoulder, then he sprinted ahead.

  “What’s he doing?” Mark asked from beside Hunter. Their Betas spread out behind them.

  “Warning his Alpha that we’re coming. And probably also telling him who’s waiting at their boundary line.”

  About a half mile down the road they saw the first of the pack houses. While sturdy, they definitely showed signs of neglect—peeling paint, missing screens, and a general air of desolation.

  Then the Alpha’s house came into view, and Hunter suppressed a growl. There were certainly no signs of neglect here. It was huge, but that wasn’t what bothered Hunter.

  An Alpha often had the largest house since he entertained other packs and held meetings, but not at the expense of his pack. The paint was fresh, lush tropical plants were planted all around the house, and decorative shutters adorned the windows.

  The man waiting in front of the fancy house was a bit older than Hunter was expecting but still in his prime. Alpha Bennett had buttoned his light blue silk shirt well below the breastbone for full, unabashed chest exposure. His nipples poked at the front of the shirt, and the sleeves strained around his biceps.

  Form fitting, white bell-bottom pants hugged his muscular thighs. On his feet were honest-to-goodness white platform shoes. Thick gold chains graced his neck and wrists. Wavy hair was slicked back from his face, and a creepy porn’stache graced his upper lip.

  The seventies called. They want their clothes back. Jesus, what a sleaze.

  Sleaze or not, be careful. He’s powerful.

  Alpha Bennett’s gaze slid over Mark, and his lip curled, but he didn’t address Mark.

  “Alpha Bennett, this here’s the upstart who wants to challenge you,” Tate declared.

  “My name is Alpha Hunter Day of the Day Canyon pack. I challenge you, Alpha Bennett.” Once again Hunter repeated his reasons.

  “I told that damn Guardian those wolves were acting on their own with that kidnapping,” Alpha Bennett snapped. “They’re dead now. That should be fucking enough for you!”

  “Just going to ignore the rest of what I said, huh?” Hunter sneered at Alpha Bennett. “You’re their Alpha, thus you’re responsible. Do you accept my challenge? When and where are we doing this?”

  “I accept. We do this behind the pack house and right now. As the challenged Alpha, I proclaim the challenge is over when one of us submits. If your Betas interfere, you lose.” Alpha Bennett’s gaze landed on Mark. “If your… if your…. If that abomination interferes, you lose. If interference occurs, death is allowable.”

  Mark flashed his fangs at the other Alpha. “Fuck you, porn’stache.”

  “I’m going to take a pound of flesh for every insult to my mate. Literally. Terms acknowledged and accepted. Let’s do this.”

  Alpha Bennett stepped through the half circle that his Betas had formed in front of his house and started around to the back. The Betas who belonged with Hunter and Mark followed.

  Sure enough, right off the back porch was a massive area roped off in the form of a circle. There were several lights on stilts to illuminate the area. Inside the circle was nothing but dirt. Outside of it were several empty cans, cigarette butts, and other crap on the ground.

  This looks like some sort of—

  Fight club set-up? I agree. I think this is the werewolf equivalent. Fuck.

  What’s wrong?

  It’s not exactly illegal in our society, but it’s highly frowned upon. This guy really is a bottom feeder.

  The Betas spread out around the circle, leaving about a foot between them and the rope. On one side were Alpha Bennett’s men, and on the other side were Hunter and Mark’s. Hunter stripped off his clothes and handed them to Mark. Across the way, Bennett was doing the same.

  “Be careful,” Mark whispered, folding them over his arm.

  “You too. Remember, do not enter the ring, and don’t let the others goad you into doing something stupid.”

  “I won’t.”

  Hunter stepped into the circle but stayed near his people, his back to them. As soon as Bennett joined him, Hunter called for his wolf. The transformation to his third-form swept through him. His body grew, and his head expanded as it morphed into its wolf-like shape with his ears on top and a muzzle. White fur sprouted. His arms lengthened as his nails grew hideously long.

  Hunter lumbered closer to the center of the circle, his footfalls softened slightly by the compacted dirt. He studied his opponent. Bennett didn’t have the height Hunter did, but he was definitely more muscular.

  Leaning forward, Bennett roared, spit flying, and he raced across the circle. Hunter dropped to the ground in a squat, waiting, waiting…. Then, using his powerful legs, he leaped off the ground, flipping over Bennett. Before Bennett could spin around, Hunter landed on his feet and stabbed his long claws into Bennett’s back. Vaguely he heard cheering. And shouts.

  Bennett’s body jerked with the impact, then he yelled when Hunter ripped his claws free. Whirling, he backhanded Hunter, sending him flying across the circle. He hit the ground hard and rolled, barely getting out of the way before Bennett landed in the exact spot where he’d just been.

  Snarling, Hunter dove, slashing at Bennett. Blood flew in an arch as his claws connected. Tackling Bennett, he sent them both flying backward. Bennett landed on his back with Hunter on top of him. Bennett swiped furiously at Hunter. A blazing trail of pain burned across Hunter’s chest.

  Leaning down, he sank his teeth into the meat of Bennett’s shoulder. Shaking his head, he ripped through skin and muscle. Bennett howled. Turning his head, Hunter spit out the flesh. Bennett shoved his hands against Hunter’s chest and sent Hunter flying backward.

  Hunter skidded across the ground, but as soon as he stopped, he propelled himself into a crouch. Baring his teeth, Hunter roared. As Bennett lumbered toward him, Hunter rose to his feet.

  They circled each other, snarling and snapping. Everything ached, and he was losing blood, but so was Bennett. Hunter needed to end this now. Bennett raked his claws across Hunter’s stomach. Hunter slashed at Bennett’s face. Bennett slashed at Hunter’s body.




  Blood sprayed. Blood splashed. Blood was everywhere. Bennett staggered backward, off-balance, his foot sliding on the wet ground. Seeing an opportunity, Hunter lunged forward, shoving Bennett to the ground. Straddling him, Hunter snapped at Bennett’s throat as Bennett raked Hunter’s sides with his claws.

  Balling his fist, he slammed it into Bennett’s chest repeatedly until something cracked. Bone gave way as his hand sank inside until he was poised to rip out Bennett’s beating heart. Bennett roared, his hands freezing on Hunter’s ribs, his claws embedded in Hunter’s skin.

  “Submit! Submit! Submit!” Hunter’s Betas chanted.

  Chapter Thirty-one – Mark

  HOW THE hell was that bastard still alive? Were werewolves really that hard to kill? Or, Jesus, was it just the Alphas? Hunter had his freaking hand in that guy’s chest, for crying out loud.

  “Submit! Submit! Submit!”

  Mark whipped his cell phone out and started recording. Brax burst out laughing, but Mark ignored him. No one had said he couldn’t record the challenge. After all of this was over, and Mark’s heart was no longer in his fucking throat, he’d show Hunter. He could kick himself for not thinking of it sooner.

  Still, he was relieved this was finished. It’d been much bloodier, and had lasted longer, than he’d thought it would. Every hit, every strike, turned Mark’s stomach. The violence didn’t bother him—it was the violence being done to his mate he had a problem with.

  The screaming demands to submit steadily rose until Alpha Bennett pulled his claws out of Hunter and let his arms drop weakly to the ground.

  “Challenge over!” Brax yelled. “Alpha Bennett has submitted! Alpha Day has won!”

; The Betas on their side of the circle went crazy. There were screams, shouts, and high-fives. Mark watched Hunter pull his fist from Alpha Bennett’s chest and shake off the blood. Standing, Hunter shuffled toward Mark.

  Alpha Bennett shifted into the four-legged wolf form. He lay there, panting. The wound in his chest already looked better. Then he changed back into the hybrid. It looked even better after that. Not great, but not life-ending. Rising up on his elbows, Alpha Bennett turned his head and looked toward where his Beta, Tate, stood. He nodded weakly.

  Mark’s stomach dropped when Tate grinned. He howled, and everything slowed down as all but one of Alpha Bennett’s wolves shifted. Clothes ripped and floated to the ground. Snarls filled the air as they sprang toward the circle. Someone shouted.

  Brax yelled in Mark’s ear, but he couldn’t make out what Brax said. Mark’s heart pounded so hard he couldn’t hear anything. It was all white noise and fear. Brax swore then shifted. Tate bent down, knocked some leaves to the side, and picked something up. The overhead lights placed around the circle flashed off something metal. Brax raced forward in wolf form and leaped at Hunter, crashing into him. Hunter stumbled sideways just as Tate pointed the gun at Hunter and fired.

  “Michael!” Mark screamed his brother’s name, then called on his hybrid form. He howled, the sound pure anger. Reason retreated until only the primitive drive of the hybrid was left.

  Kill. Kill. Kill.

  Mark tore his destroyed clothes from his body. So many howls. Too many. One of Alpha Bennett’s other wolves slammed into Tate, knocking him to the ground. A scream cut through the night. The wolf tore into Tate’s human body, slinging his intestines wildly. Mark’s muscles bunched, and he leaped into the circle. Nearby an Alpha roar echoed. Mark ripped through anything that didn’t smell like pack.

  “I’m gonna kill every one of you motherfuckers! Gonna light you fuckers up!”

  A stream of fire shot out, and a wolf raced past, engulfed in flames. More screams. More growls. Horrible baying and whimpering. From the corner of his eye, he saw Michael tear a limb off a wolf. The smell of cooked meat saturated everything. Paul had his hands in front of him, beating a wolf against a thick tree with an unseen force.


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