Hot Target Cowboy

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Hot Target Cowboy Page 11

by June Faver

  She nodded. “Breck.”

  With that, he showed Misty and Mark out and bade them all goodbye.

  While Mark and Gracie busied themselves at the back table with their homework, Leah and Misty worked until it was time to close for the day.

  Then Leah handed Misty the key. “You’re on your own. Show me what you need to do to close up.”

  Misty found the sign with the clockface on it. She turned it to the side that said CLOSED, adjusted the hands to nine o’clock, and then hung it in the beveled glass of the door. They stepped outside, and Misty locked the door behind them. She started to hand the key to Leah, but Leah held up her hands.

  “Nope. That’s your key now and your job. Tomorrow you can drive yourself in and start working on your own.”

  Misty grinned but felt her stomach twist in fear. “Are you sure I’m ready? Do I know everything?”

  “Hey, I probably don’t know everything, but Breck is always just a phone call away. All you have to do is come in to work five days a week, open the doors, answer the phone, and do whatever typing and filing needs done. You’ll be great.”

  Misty exhaled, trying to let the tension go. “Thanks for everything, Leah. Thanks for helping me get the job, and thanks for training me.”

  Leah climbed in the big red truck and shut the door while Misty scrambled in on the passenger side and the kids in the back seat. “I’m so glad to hand this job over to you. I loved working for Breck, but now I need to stay on the ranch during the day while our house is under construction. I’m so excited to finally have a home of our own.”

  Misty buckled her seat belt and stole a glance at her friend. Her face always seemed to radiate her happiness. Misty wondered if she would ever be able to shine like that. She wondered if she deserved to be that happy.

  Leah backed out and headed for the highway. “I mean, I’m very happy to have a home with Big Jim right now, but it’s time Ty and I break away to make a home for Gracie…and…” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “And for any future children we may have.”

  Misty sucked in a breath. How would it feel to be planning future children? With Colton? She quickly dismissed the thought. She wasn’t even certain he was thinking about a long-term relationship.

  That evening, she helped Leah prepare dinner. She set the table, and when the males had assembled, she helped carry the containers of food to the table.

  Mark was sitting next to Colton. She loved that Colt had taken her little brother under his big, powerful wing.

  For his part, Mark seemed to be coming out of his shell, recovering from the loss of his father and big brother.

  She set a napkin-lined basket of hot rolls on the table, and Colton pulled out the chair on the other side of him. She grinned and slid onto the seat.

  “How are you doing?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Great,” she said. “I’m on my own at work tomorrow. Leah said she’s taught me everything.”

  His brow furrowed for a moment and then cleared. “Yeah, that’s great. I’m planning on coming into town tomorrow. Maybe I can take you to lunch.”

  She felt the color rising in her cheeks. “You don’t have to do that,” she protested.

  He shrugged. “No big deal. I want to take you to lunch. I enjoy your company.”

  She was aware that others were watching, surreptitiously. “Well, I…um, I would love to have lunch with you tomorrow.” She picked up the basket of rolls, offered it to Colt, and then took one for herself and passed it on.

  She glanced around the table. She felt remarkably comfortable here. Considering her tenuous relationship with the Garretts, she wasn’t sure she should feel so comfortable. She knew she would have to be leaving soon. When she received a paycheck, maybe she could check around Langston to see if there were any apartments available that she could afford. Then she could provide for Mark and maybe be able to keep them afloat.

  She still needed to sell the cattle and the equipment from the ranch, certain that Colton would help her with the inventory.

  She helped herself to a pork chop, then a couple spoonfuls of creamy mashed potatoes, and finally peas with crumbled bacon.

  Glancing across the table at Mark, she was delighted to see him digging in with a great appetite. This was the way a twelve-year-old boy should be eating. She hoped she would be able to provide for him this well in the future.

  All through the meal, the Garretts tossed conversation back and forth across the table.

  Big Jim was in a good humor, talking to Leah about Ty’s tour and the construction of their new house. He asked Gracie about her school and then turned to Mark. “How about you, Mark? Is everything going well at school?”

  “Yes, sir,” he replied.

  “What’s your favorite subject?” Big Jim asked.

  “Math and PE,” Mark said.

  Beau chuckled. “My favorite subject was recess.” Everyone laughed.

  Leah looked at Misty. “Tomorrow is Misty’s first day on her own working for Breck. I’m out of a job now. She’s a fast learner.”

  Misty blushed when everyone turned to gaze at her.

  Beau started clapping, and the others joined in.

  She shrugged. “It’s a pretty easy job, and Leah is a great teacher.”

  Only Colton frowned. “So that means you’ll be driving to town in…in…”

  “In my car, Colt,” Leah finished. “I know it’s a piece of junk, but Ty worked on it, and it’s running great.”

  “If you say so,” Colt said, but he still looked doubtful.

  * * *

  Colton got up early the next morning.

  Leah had assured him her piece-of-crap car was in good running order, but the thing about old cars is anything could happen. After a certain number of years and a certain number of miles, they were bound to break down. He didn’t want Misty out on the road when that happened.

  Trouble was, Misty was proud. He knew she was reluctant to accept his help.

  Well, today he was going to help her, whether she liked it or not. He kept the conversation light while Misty gobbled a piece of toast and a cup of cocoa for breakfast.

  She was nervous but excited.

  He wanted to be supportive, but he wanted to protect her as well. He walked her out to Leah’s old beater and held the door open for her.

  She flashed him a grin and slid inside. Sticking the key in the ignition, she started it up. The car grumbled a bit but growled to life.

  At least it started. He heaved a sigh of relief. Maybe Tyler had done a good job of patching it together. Maybe it would hold up for a few more trips to and from Langston.

  She rolled the window down. “See? This car runs just fine.”

  “I’m relieved.” He stuck his head inside and planted a kiss on her lips.

  Misty kissed him back, her lips soft and pliant against his. “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay.”

  He gazed at her intently. “You better be.” He sucked in a breath and gave the door panel a thump. “See you at noon.”

  She nodded and put the car in gear, driving out of the compound and onto the drive leading to the interstate.

  Colton gave her a fifteen-minute head start, then climbed in his big silver truck and headed for Langston, determined to straighten out some things on his own. And if the old car had broken down by the side of the road, he would be on hand to offer assistance. Good enough.

  He was relieved not to find the car sitting on the roadside. When he rolled into Langston and spotted Leah’s car in front of Breck Ryan’s office, he released a pent-up breath. Yeah, she’s okay.

  Colt proceeded to the bank and got out. He had some questions for the banker, and he wanted answers.

  Inside, he asked to speak to Mr. Hamilton and was shown to his office.

  Fred Hamilton rose to his feet and leaned ac
ross his desk to shake Colton’s hand. “Good to see you again, Mr. Garrett. How’s your father?”

  Colton pumped his hand. “Thanks, Mr. Hamilton. My dad is just fine.”

  Hamilton gestured to the cushy chairs across from his desk. “Please, sit down. Would you like some coffee?”

  Colton declined. “I have a transaction I’d like to discuss with you.” He gazed at Hamilton steadily.

  “Of course. What can I do for you?” Hamilton spread his hands.

  “What would it take to bring the loan on the Dalton ranch up to date?”

  Hamilton swallowed, sat up straight, and rearranged a couple of items on his desk. “Um, I’m afraid that’s impossible. The foreclosure paperwork has already been initiated.”

  Colton stared at him without blinking. “Mr. Hamilton, it’s been my experience that nothing’s impossible. What will it take to bring the loan up to date?”

  Hamilton cleared his throat. “Well, let me check on that for you.” Reluctantly, he tapped on his keyboard and sighed. “To bring the loan up to date would be quite expensive. There is the overdue amount, plus some serious late fees have been applied.”

  Colt leaned forward. “What are we talking about? Give me a figure.”

  Hamilton turned the monitor around, and Colton tried not to react when he saw the number. A hefty amount indeed.

  “I’ll be back this afternoon, and we’ll work this out.” He stood and held his hand out to Hamilton, who slowly came to his feet to shake his hand.

  “You know,” Hamilton said, “you’re not the only one interested in the Dalton ranch.”

  Colton’s back teeth locked together, and he felt the urge to punch Hamilton’s smarmy face. He exhaled and eased his jaw. “No? Well, I’ll bet I’m the only one who is interested in preserving the ranch for the current owners.”

  Colt left the bank, still feeling there was something else going on, some reason Hamilton had an interest in the Dalton ranch that went beyond simple bank business.

  He hung out for a while and then went to Breck’s office early. When he entered, a bell tinkled against the glass. He found Misty sitting behind a large, old mahogany desk, typing on a computer keyboard.

  She looked up and smiled when she saw him. “Hey, Colt. You’re early.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “I thought maybe I could sit here and bother you for a while.”

  Misty laughed. “I only need to fill out this form. I should be finished by lunchtime, but you can keep me company while I’m typing.”

  “Go ahead,” Colt said. “I’ll just watch you while you work.” He pulled up a chair beside her desk. He liked the way she looked, so prim and pretty, sitting ramrod straight with her fingers on the keyboard.

  She continued with her typing but kept glancing at him. After a short time, she sent the document to the printer. Misty smiled at Colton then pushed her chair back and took the printed pages off the printer. Letting herself into Breck’s office, she placed the papers on his desk.

  She saved the work she had done and turned to Colton. “I’m ready for that lunch now.”

  He got to his feet and gestured toward the door. “After you, Miss Dalton.”

  Colton drove her to the steak house on the edge of town and asked for a table in the back.

  “This is nice, Colt,” she said when she was seated.

  He chose the seat next to her and took her hand after the waitress had doled out the menus and water. “You’re nice.”

  She looked pleased when he kissed her fingertips.

  “I was going to suggest we take a ride out to your ranch after you get off work. You should keep an eye on things.”

  She pressed her lips together for a moment. “I suppose you’re right. It will seem so odd to be there without Daddy or Joe.”

  “I’m sure it will be, but you’re the owner…you and Mark.” He rubbed his thumb across the back of her hand. “You’re in charge now.”

  She shrugged. “Until the bank takes it away from us.”

  “Maybe that won’t happen.” He kissed her hand and released it when the waitress approached.

  She took their order and went to turn it in.

  Misty clasped her hands together on the edge of the table. “Colton, I know you’re trying to make me feel better, but I don’t think there’s any way to save the ranch. I just need to do what my daddy told me to. Sell off the cattle and the equipment. He said Breck could help with that. I asked Mr. Ryan, and he told me to give him a list of the equipment and a head count of the cattle and he will try to help me find a buyer.”

  “You need cattle and equipment to run a ranch,” he said.

  She sighed. “Colton, I can’t save the ranch. The bank will take it. I’ll be doing good to make enough money to support Mark and myself.”

  “How about if I save the ranch? Would you like that?”

  She swallowed hard. “It’s a huge amount of money. Why would you do that?”

  “I’m thinking of it as an investment. You have a ranch, and you don’t have the money to bail it out, and you don’t know how to run it. I was thinking we could become partners. My investment. My knowledge and expertise. Your property. Your cattle and equipment.”

  Misty stared at him, her mouth slightly agape. She blinked a couple of times.

  “It’s a simple business proposition. Breck can draw up the paperwork.” He gazed at her encouragingly.

  Suddenly, tears filled her beautiful dark eyes and spilled down her cheeks.

  “Aw.” Colt used his napkin to dab at her tears. “No need to cry. We can make this work.”

  Misty swallowed hard. She glanced around the restaurant and then turned back to Colton. “Why would you do this?”

  He smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her cheek. “You know that I care about you. I don’t want to see you lose everything. That ranch is your birthright.”

  Her lips trembled, and she looked as though another bout of tears was imminent. “I—I don’t know what to say.” She sucked in a deep breath and let it out. “Of course I want to save the ranch. It’s all I’ve ever known…but I don’t know if it’s fair to you. I don’t want to burden you with my problems. According to Joe, the ranch hasn’t been profitable for some time.”

  He leaned back, fixing her with his gaze. “Ranching is all I’ve ever known. My dad steeped it into me from the time I was a toddler. I’m the oldest, so I always knew the responsibility for the ranch would one day fall to me. I have a lot of knowledge to share with you and Mark and a lot of resources at my disposal.” He flashed a grin at her. “I’m a good deal. You should snatch me up.”

  Misty giggled. The sound of her laughter was like music to his ears. She looked so pretty, her dark eyes dancing with mirth and her dimples flashing. “That almost sounded like a proposal, Colt.”

  He reached out and touched her cheek. “It was.”

  * * *

  Misty almost fell out of her chair.

  A proposal from Colton?

  He was smiling, and his little gestures of tenderness would have made her fall in love with him…if she hadn’t already fallen.

  Colton’s expression was enough to start a fire. Indeed, it felt as though flames were licking at her insides right now.

  She swallowed and took a sip of her water. Get a grip! She realized he was talking about a business proposal and not marriage. But if it had been the latter, she would have jumped on it.

  “I accept.” Misty extended her hand, and Colton clasped it in his, giving it two firm pumps.

  “So, we’re partners?”

  She nodded, feeling her heartbeat pulse through her entire body.

  “I’ll go to the bank this afternoon.”

  Their food arrived, and they concentrated on the meal and much lighter conversation.

  Colton expressed his doubts about the car
again, and she assured him she had no trouble with it on the drive in to Langston.

  Misty realized it had been a long time since anyone had actually cared this much about her and about her well-being. Maybe when Mama was alive. That was the last time she had felt so safe and confident that she was important to someone.

  And now there was Colton. She couldn’t let that go. She had to hope his caring would become real love. That he would return her feelings just as strongly as she felt them.

  She managed to eat the delicious food although her stomach was tense and all she wanted to do was beg for more of Colton’s kisses and tenderness.

  He’s going to save the ranch. That’s what I should be thinking about. He’s going to save us.

  She thought about Mark and what it would mean to him. He too would be a partner with Colton. He already idolized the man. This would cinch their bond even tighter. Yes, this partnership is definitely a good thing.

  After lunch, Colton returned her to Breck’s office, gave her a kiss, and took off for the bank.

  “Remember,” he said before he departed. “When you get home, I’ll take you to your ranch so you can check things out.”

  Chapter 9

  Colton walked out of the law office with the taste of Misty’s sweet kiss on his lips. He was still smiling when he climbed into his truck.

  All of Misty’s reactions were so real, so genuine. In that instant when she had giggled and said his proposition sounded like a proposal, he realized that was exactly what he wanted. She’s the one. I want to spend my life with this girl.

  Now, all he had to do was figure out a way to make her fall in love with him. He hoped that by spending more time together, they might grow closer.

  He hadn’t discussed his proposed partnership with his dad, and he knew that would cause a huge uproar. Big Jim would expect to be consulted and to weigh in with his advice. Given more time, that was exactly what Colt would have done, but that was not an option. Time was of the essence.

  Colton knew there was still some kind of barrier to his father’s acceptance of Misty, and he didn’t know what it was. She was beautiful and sweet. Colt could only think there was some kind of issue with the Daltons as a whole. He didn’t know if it was the father’s drinking, the whole failure of the ranch, or perhaps some problem with Joe, but there was something standing in the way of Big Jim’s approval. And Colton didn’t have time to work this out and also save the ranch. He had to act fast if he was going to keep it from forfeiture.


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