Hot Target Cowboy

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Hot Target Cowboy Page 28

by June Faver

  Beau caught Colton’s eye and turned back to Eddie. “I’m almost out of gas, Eddie. You might make it as far as town, but I’m running on fumes.”

  A shriek split the air. “No! Don’t hurt him!”

  Everyone turned to see Misty run from the house. She was still wearing the hospital gown. Barefoot, she ran straight at Eddie Simmons, who raised the barrel of the shotgun to level it at her.

  Colt held out his arms and caught her as she tried to evade his reach. He lifted her high in an arc and brought her back down to earth. “No you don’t,” he said sternly. “Beau, take care of Misty for me.” He handed her off to Beau, trying to ignore her agonized expression. He heard her protests as Beau carried her back to where Leah was standing. Leah opened her arms, and the two women clung to each other.

  Tyler came to stand beside Colton, propping his forearm on Colt’s shoulder. “So, Eddie, you’re the asshole who wrecked my dad’s truck? Colt, I don’t think you should trust this guy with yours. I sure as hell don’t intend to give him mine.”

  Colton caught the look in Ty’s eyes as he cocked his head to where Eddie stood, clutching the shotgun in one hand and Mark in the other. “Well, I do see your point, Ty. Perhaps you’re right.”

  “No, wait,” Eddie said. “Gimme the keys to your truck, Colton. That will do just fine.” He juggled the shotgun and let go of Mark, reaching out as if ready to catch the keys.

  “I’ll go high, you go low,” Colt said in a soft voice.

  Ty gave an almost inaudible grunt of assent.

  Colton didn’t even look at Ty but held out the keys. “Okay, here you go, Eddie. Catch.” He tossed the keys in a high arc, and as Eddie stretched up to snag them, Colton launched himself at his target.

  Ty raced toward Mark, grabbing the boy and rolling away, just as Colton slammed into Eddie with his shoulder catching him in the gut. Colt fell on top of Eddie, shoving the shotgun to the side and pinning him to the ground. He swung a fist, connecting with Eddie’s jaw. It sounded like a ball player slamming one out of the park. “That’s for hitting Misty, and this—” He delivered a resounding blow with his other fist. “—is for throwing her down the well.”

  Large hands grabbed Colton by the shoulders, pulling him backward. “Leave it,” Big Jim growled. “Don’t kill this piece of crap. The sheriff is on his way.”

  Eddie wasn’t moving. A trickle of blood ran from his lip toward his jaw. His eyes were glazed, and he moaned softly.

  Scrambling to his feet, Colt took a deep breath and blew it out. “Damn!”

  “You can say that again.” Big Jim gave him a slap on the back. “Proud of you, boys.”

  Tyler got to his feet and reached a hand out to lift Mark off the ground. “You okay?”

  Mark nodded, tears spilling down his cheeks.

  Colton turned and sought out Misty’s face. He started walking toward her.

  Misty broke away from Leah and Beau and began running to meet Colt. Her beautiful face was contorted in a grimace, but she ran straight at him. He heard her whimper when she threw herself into his arms. “Oh, Colt. I was so afraid he was going to kill you.” She cupped his face in her hands, raining kisses on his mouth and face. “I can’t believe you ran right at a crazy man holding a gun.”

  He held her tight, unable to explain why he would take such a risk. “I would have given him the truck, but I couldn’t let him take Mark.”

  The sound of sirens split the air, and in no time, the sheriff’s vehicle turned in along with a second department car. The sheriff rolled out, hand on his weapon, with two deputies on his tail. “You got him?”

  “My sons did,” Big Jim acknowledged, a tinge of pride in his voice as he stood with his hand on Mark’s shoulder. He gestured to where Eddie was sitting on the ground with Ty standing guard.

  The sheriff nodded to his deputies, who rushed forward to cuff and take charge of the prisoner. They loaded Eddie into the rear of the deputy’s car with the sheriff’s instructions to take him in with the charge of three counts of first degree murder, three counts of attempted murder, and one count of attempted kidnapping.

  Colton couldn’t seem to let go of Misty, nor she him. When the sheriff finally drove away, Colt and Misty stood with an anxious yet relieved Mark by their side.

  “I—I better get dressed.” Misty glanced around self-consciously, gathering the gown close around her.

  Considering her bare feet, Colt lifted her in his arms and carried her toward the ranch house. “I’ll give you a ride.”

  * * *

  Once in the house, Misty protested that she could walk, but Colt insisted on carrying her all the way to the bedroom she had been staying in. He set her on her feet, the soft carpet a welcome change from the caliche driveway she had been on.

  “Thanks,” she said, but he drew her into his arms and kissed her.

  “Let’s get married,” he said.

  Misty had to giggle at that. “Yes… I already said yes.”

  Wrapping both arms around her, he lifted her and spun around in a circle. “Now. I want to get married now.”

  Squeezing his neck with her arms, she nodded. “It’s okay with me. You can work out the details. Just tell me when to show up.”

  He released her, but not before his hand caressed her bottom.

  “You get dressed and we can go talk to the pastor about the church and drive into Amarillo to look at rings today.”

  “Really?” She was almost afraid to look at him. Afraid he was joking.

  “Really.” He gave her another little squeeze on the butt. “We can have dinner in the big city before we come home.”

  She closed her eyes. “Home. I’m not sure where that is right now.”

  He pulled her back into his arms. “It’s wherever we’re together.”

  “Colton, I had the best dream last night. I dreamed you held me all night long. I felt so safe and…loved.”

  “I slept here, holding you. You don’t think I could let go of you after everything that happened, do you?”

  She gazed up at him. “Never let me go, Colt.”

  “Never.” He kissed her nose and backed out of the room, making a hurry-up gesture.

  As the door closed softly behind him, Misty quickly gathered her clothes and grooming essentials and headed for the bathroom.

  Keeping in mind the doctor’s warning to keep her bandages dry, she filled the tub and gently slipped into the water. Carefully, she arranged her calf atop the rim of the old-fashioned claw-foot tub and managed to bathe herself all over without dousing her calf or shoulder. While luxuriating in the warm water, she thought about all that had transpired in the past few days. She examined her minor cuts and scrapes as though discovering them for the first time. “I’m alive,” she whispered. “You didn’t kill me, Eddie. My Colton found me.” A little shiver of contentment ran through her. She knew whatever course her life took from that moment onward, Colt would be by her side.

  When she had dressed and applied a swipe of makeup over the bruise on her cheek, she presented herself to Colton in the kitchen.

  His hair was still damp from his shower, but he was dressed in his usual attire of freshly ironed Wranglers, a Western shirt and belt, and, of course, highly polished boots. He stroked his palm over her bruised cheek, his lips tightening as he gazed at her. “You look gorgeous, baby.”

  She grinned. “That’s what you say now, but give me a week to heal, and I’ll be back to normal…whatever that is.”

  “You two sit down right now and eat a little lunch before you make that drive.” Leah scooped chili into two bowls and laid a slab of cornbread alongside each. “This should keep you going for a while.”

  Colton pulled out a chair for her and seated himself beside her. “This looks great, Leah.”

  Mark slid into the chair across from where Misty sat. “Man, that is some br
uise,” he declared.

  “Thanks ever so,” Misty said, spooning up a bite of the fabulous-smelling chili. She made a sound when it first hit her tongue, savoring the rich, meaty stew. “Delicious.”

  Leah smiled as she settled onto a kitchen stool at the breakfast bar next to her husband, Ty.

  Now, as Misty stole a glance at Tyler with his Leah, she thought he was very handsome, but not nearly as handsome as Colton. While all four of the Garrett men shared the same broad-shouldered stature and intense blue eyes, Colt was the only man she could see in the room. Big Jim shared the same breadth of chest and had probably looked a lot like Colton in his younger days. The silver-haired patriarch stood looking on at his brood, wearing a contented expression she had not seen before.

  Colt stuffed his face with chili and cornbread, then washed it down with a large glass of iced tea. “Eat up, baby.”

  When they got on the road, Misty felt like a kid at Christmastime. Anticipation took the place of all the fear that had controlled her emotions.

  They went to the church first, and sure enough, the pastor found an available date for their wedding. She and Colton almost ran down the church steps to the truck.

  “I hope Amarillo has a ring you like.” Colt reached over to squeeze her hand.

  Misty had been thinking of a modest engagement ring with a plain gold band. No, that wasn’t what Colton had in mind. When they entered the jewelry store, he instructed the jeweler to bring trays of engagement rings from the back. He placed one after another on her finger and watched her expression with each one. “This one okay with you?” He indicated a much larger stone surrounded by a circle of smaller diamonds, and a wedding band made up of a circlet of diamonds all around. The jeweler stepped away to allow them privacy.

  “Oh, Colton,” she whispered. “This is so extravagant. I really don’t need anything this fancy.”

  Colton let out a snort of laughter. “Baby, I’m only going to do this one time. Let’s get it right.”

  She grinned and nodded. “In that case…wow! This is a gorgeous ring, and I would be proud to wear it, Mr. Garrett.”

  They left the rings to be sized, and Colton drove her to the private care facility where Paco was receiving physical and occupational therapy. He was delighted to see them. Reclining on the bed, he was watching the news on television. They chatted for a while and then left after the therapist assured them Paco was making a slow but steady recovery.

  The next stop was the hospital, where Misty would be able to visit with Levi Blair. He was no longer in the intensive care unit and had been upgraded to a regular room.

  Misty chose a bouquet from the hospital gift shop.

  Colton gave her a wry smile. “Aw, baby. Guys don’t like flowers.”

  “Yes, but girls do, and I’m a girl.” She chose a cheery arrangement of daisies, gladioli, and asters.

  When she entered Levi’s room, he was watching television but quickly switched it off. “Danged idiot TV shows rot the brain.”

  Misty grinned. “Well, Colton tells me guys don’t like flowers, but I figured you were man enough to hang out with these.” She placed the vase on his bedside table.

  “Well, ain’t that nice.” A grin spread across his face. “They’s almost as purty as you, little missy.”

  She told him the date selected for the wedding. “You better be there, ready to give me away.”

  Levi raised one of his bushy brows, skewering Colton with his gaze. “You okay with that, Garrett?”

  Colton stepped forward and extended his hand. “Very okay with that. After all, the two of you survived together. I think it’s extremely appropriate that you two stick together.”

  Levi clasped Colton’s hand, and the two men exchanged a hearty handshake.

  “I understand that old rascal Jim Garrett donated blood for me?”

  Colton nodded. “My little brother and Misty, too.”

  A sly grin spread across Levi’s face. “But not you?”

  Colt let out a snort of laughter. “No, sir. I was too busy holding on to this little one. I couldn’t let her out of my sight.” He slipped his arm around Misty’s shoulders.

  “Don’t blame you none.” He turned back to Misty. “Well, I’ll be there. My doc assures me I’ll be going home in a couple of days, so I will definitely be on hand to walk you down the aisle.”

  Misty leaned over to place a kiss on his cheek. “I’m just glad we survived.”

  * * *

  Colt saddled two horses and took Misty for a ride early the next morning, just after breakfast. They went to the section of land where the creek curved around in an arc. His favorite spot on the ranch.

  Stopping beside the creek, he smiled as he observed her face.

  She leaned forward in the saddle, inhaling the clean country air. “This is really beautiful, Colt. It’s so peaceful. Just what I needed to try to forget all the bad things that have happened recently.”

  He shook his head. “I’m pretty sure none of us will ever forget the events of the past few weeks, but we can try to put them behind us.”

  She glanced at him and grinned. “I’m ready for that.”

  He dismounted and walked over to where Misty remained astride the horse. “Let’s take a walk.” He held the reins while she climbed out of the saddle in one lithe move.

  She smiled up at him, slipping her hand in his.

  He led her to the creek’s edge, where it curved. A mesquite grew nearby, its gnarled trunk twisted into a graceful arc. “What do you think about this place?”

  “It’s gorgeous. What else would I think?” She placed a hand against the trunk.

  “I was thinking about building our home here. Would you like that?”

  She caught her breath. “Oh, Colton. I thought maybe we could move back to my place…the Dalton place.” She faltered. “I mean, it’s already built and available.”

  “I know,” he said kindly. “But that house holds so many sad memories for you and for Mark. If we’re going to put the past behind us, I’d like to start with a brand-new home that we design to meet our future needs.” He watched as she absorbed his words, barely breathing. “Besides, Rosa and Paco will be living there as soon as he is able. I know you want to continue to provide for them.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And the Dalton house also belongs to your brother Mark. We can keep the house repaired so he can live there in the future if he chooses.”

  “That’s true.” She gazed around at the scenic landscape. “It is incredibly beautiful here.”

  “And most of all,” he said, “I want to build the perfect home for my bride. Whatever it takes to make her dreams come true.”

  When she gazed up at him, her lashes were spangled with tears.

  “Aw, baby…I didn’t mean to make you unhappy.” He drew her into his arms. “We can live at your house if that’s what you want.”

  “No. I like your plan. I’m just happy. I can’t ever remember being this happy. I’m pretty sure living with you right here in this beautiful spot will be like heaven on earth.” She sobered. “You’re sure you’re okay with Mark living with us?”

  “Of course,” Colton said. “Mark is a part of you. He’s a great kid, and I intend to always be there for him. Besides, my old man is pretty fond of him as well.”

  “How could I not be in love with you?” She gave him a radiant grin.

  “How indeed?” He kissed her, delighted with the affirmation that she loved him. Happy their wedding was to take place in less than a month, and relieved he could put an end to her sadness. “From now on, I promise you a lifetime of love and happiness.”

  “That’s enough, Colton. That’s just long enough.”

  Order June Faver’s next book in

  the Dark Horse Cowboys series

  When to Call a Cowboy

sale April 2019

  Want to know more about Beau? Read on for an excerpt from When to Call a Cowboy, next in the Dark Horse Cowboys series by June Faver

  Available April 2019

  from Sourcebooks Casablanca

  Chapter 1

  “You’re Beau Garrett?”

  Beau turned, eyeing the speaker, a man about his own age, mid-twenties. The man was not as tall as Beau, but he was beefy, wearing a T-shirt advertising a gym in Dallas.

  “That’s right.” Beau put forth his hand, offering to shake with the stranger.

  “You sonovabitch!” This pronouncement was followed by a rushing behemoth whose shoulder to Beau’s gut took them both to the sidewalk.

  Ahh, shit! Beau’s freshly starched Western shirt was being ground into the dirt as his attacker prepared to take a swing. Beau dodged to one side, and the oncoming fist smacked into the concrete sidewalk.

  A howl of pain and rage burst from his assailant.

  Beau scrambled to his feet and swung a fist of his own, catching the man square in the nose. “Who the hell are you, asshole?” he demanded.

  Blood streaming from his nose, but unfazed by the punch, the man sprang to his feet. He swung his uninjured fist, grazing Beau’s chin as he tried to dodge.

  A kernel of anger burst in Beau’s chest like an incendiary device being detonated. He set on the man, both fists delivering well-placed blows, mostly to the head and gut.

  “Beau Garrett, you stop that right now.”

  The feminine voice sounded vaguely familiar, but Beau managed to deliver one more punch that sent his foe to the sidewalk in a heap. Beau dropped his fists and turned to face the woman who had spoken, only to receive a roundhouse blow to his cheekbone. He staggered backward, barely avoiding falling over the man on the ground. “Dixie?” he asked when his vision cleared enough to focus.

  The irate redhead stood with both fists cocked. “What have you done?” she demanded. “Why did you attack my friend?” She glowered at Beau before going to hover over the man on the sidewalk. “Scott, are you okay? Let me help you.”


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