Making Home with You

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Making Home with You Page 16

by Claire Raye

  I’ve fallen in love with her.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It’s finally Friday, a day I live for more than I ever have before. The week dragged on, especially after my encounter with Andrew over the article he sent about Finn, but strangely enough, he kept his distance.

  While I’m grateful that I haven’t had to deal with his unwanted advances, a part of me is concerned about his quiet, though. It can’t be a good thing, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned about him, it’s that he doesn’t just fade away.

  But I push the thoughts from my head as I watch the houses and small towns of the Newburyport/Rockport line glide by. This is what I live for after a long week: the silence of the train, the anonymity of people, and the knowledge that my life is back to being my own, even if it’s just for two days.

  My phone vibrates in my bag and I reach for it, but when I glance at the screen it’s not what I hoped to see.

  There’s a message from Andrew requesting that I arrive early on Monday because he needs to speak with me. He wants me at the office at 6:30 a.m., which is honestly completely fucking ridiculous. I’ll have to catch the train that leaves at five in the morning or I’ll need to drive myself. He knows I commute from Rockport and he’s just being a fucker on purpose.

  I let out a long slow sigh, willing myself not to text him back and tell him to fuck off. My anxiety is back and that’s exactly what he wants. He wants me thinking about this all weekend. He wants me stressing about it, he wants me on edge, but more than all of that, he wants to be in control.

  The train reaches the Gloucester station and I exit, and right now I’m so grateful that I’m meeting up with Erin and Kelsey for dinner.

  I need to vent.

  I walk the half a mile from the station to the Seaport Grille, all the while thinking the cold air would clear my thoughts, but all it’s done is make me fuming mad. I’ve had too much time to think, too much time to dwell on what this fucker is doing to my life.

  I should just quit, but I will not let him win. I will put on my resume that I worked for Bolton and Fisher and I will find a job I love.

  I whip open the door to the restaurant and blow right past the hostess without even acknowledging her. I make a beeline for Kelsey and Erin’s table and before either of them can greet me I unload on them.

  “Oh my fucking god,” I practically yell, not caring one bit who hears me. Because the only good thing that could come out of this conversation is that someone within an earshot knows my slimy fucker of a boss and realizes what an asshole he is.

  I yank my hat from my head and drag a hand through my hair, wanting to pull it out by the roots.

  “What happened? Your boss again?” Erin asks, her eyes wide as she reaches over and runs a comforting hand down my back. I watch Kelsey shake her head and then they both listen as I bitch up a storm.

  “Does Finn know you saw the article?” Erin asks. “Ryan showed it to me the other day and it took everything in me not to drive to her restaurant and kick her ass.”

  I watch Erin rest her hand on her pregnant belly and I chuckle a little.

  “I’m not sure you could kick anyone’s ass right now, Erin.” And we’re both now looking at her stomach.

  “Of course I could,” she says, sounding mock insulted by my comment. “Well, I probably wouldn’t have kicked her ass, but I would’ve at least called her a cunt to her face.”

  “Finn doesn’t know I saw it and I wouldn’t dare tell him that I did. He’s still so rattled by the whole thing and I don’t blame him. But if he knew my sleazy boss emailed it to me, Finn would be irate.”

  Finn might be the silent type, but when it comes to any of us girls he’s not going to sit idly by and let someone screw with us.

  “Have you told anyone at work about how your boss has been harassing you?” Erin asks and Kelsey shoots me a questioning look. She knows I haven’t said a word, and I begin to wonder why I’ve continued to let it go.

  I need the job.

  But I also realize I’ve let it continue because I’m afraid to report it. I’m afraid no one will believe me. Especially after what Andrew said to me after the article conversation.

  Was he just trying to scare me? Would it be worth it to open a complaint with HR?

  “People know. Like lots of people and they just let it happen. It seems like the women in my office just try to brush off his advances.”

  “That’s ridiculous. You should all go to your HR department together. Get his ass fired,” Erin says, still fired up from our discussion about Carla.

  “Are you afraid of him?” Kelsey asks, all anger gone from our conversation.

  I swallow hard because, yes a part of me is scared of him, and even more so now that he’s requested I meet him at the office before anyone else arrives. No front desk security, no admins or staff.

  “I am. He asked me to meet him at the office on Monday. Early though, before anyone else arrives.”

  “No!” Both Kelsey and Erin shout, and I shake my head.

  What else am I supposed to do? Not go? Something about that makes me feel like he wins. We both know why he’s asked me to come and I’m not going to let him know I’m afraid.

  “I’m going because this asshole isn’t going to win.”

  “I’m putting it on the record that this is a fucking terrible idea and I’m telling your brother,” Erin states, her hands folded on the table like what she’s said is final.

  “Fine tell Ryan, but I’m still going. The fucker is going to fire me if I don’t and I can’t have that on my resume. I can’t have my resume read that I worked for Bolton and Fisher for a hot four weeks.”

  Before we can continue, a tall blonde walks up to our table and greets Kelsey with a huge smile and a friendly hello.

  “Hey Monica,” Kelsey says, smiling back at her. She looks vaguely familiar like I may have met her before or seen her around Rockport. “Funny seeing you here,” Kelsey adds, glancing around the restaurant. “It’s not often that I run into people when I’m outside Rockport.” She laughs a little and Monica agrees with her.

  She greets Erin and then me, but Erin’s response is rather cold and that’s when I remember where I’ve seen her before.

  Monica was one of the women who were talking about Finn in the clothing store in town, and I believe she was at Kelsey and Beck’s bachelor/bachelorette party.

  “You’re Sarah, right?” she asks and I nod my head. “We met at the costume party at the pub a couple of weeks back.”

  Again I nod, but I watch Erin as she glares across the room and my eyes are drawn there too.

  At a booth on the other side of the restaurant sits Carla and a couple of other women and they are all looking at us too.

  I can hear Monica talking, but I take none of it in and she falls suddenly silent. Her face changes from the smiling woman who first walked up to one of someone who has placed herself in an unwanted situation.

  “Well, I guess I should get back,” she says awkwardly, tossing a thumb in the direction of Carla’s table. “Kelsey, I’ll see you tomorrow for brunch?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll see you then,” Kelsey replies, giving her a nod of her head and a smile.

  As she’s walking away, Erin lets out a gagging noise and rolls her eyes.

  “I can’t believe you’re friends with her.”

  “She’s not like them,” Kelsey defends. “I swear. You know I wouldn’t be friends with her if she were on the side that wants to lynch Finn.”

  “Whatever,” Erin says and I’m just grateful that the conversation has shifted away from my creepo boss and me.

  I hitch a ride back to Rockport with Erin and Kelsey, and stop off to pick up some clothes before I head over to Finn’s. I grab my laptop too, because even though my actual job is a shit show, I did agree to take on another marketing client.

  Kelsey had sent my name to a friend of hers who owns an inn
a few hours north of Rockport. Another small, family owned place, but the money is good and the owner isn’t looking for anything big. I’ll need to work on it this weekend, but it should still leave some time for me to relax too.

  When I walk in to Finn’s place, it’s after nine, but Finn’s on the couch, still in his uniform, and I lean down and press a kiss to the top of his head.

  “Still in your uniform, huh Chief?”

  “Too lazy to change,” he says, talking a swig of his beer. I take it from him and take a long drink before stepping between his legs.

  He looks up at me, and his hands instinctively go to my hips, his fingers pushing my sweater up so they can graze the bare skin they expose.

  “How was your day today?” Finn asks, as he begins to unbutton my pants, his mouth now on my stomach.

  “It was fine,” I respond, but I’m finding it hard to concentrate on anything but Finn’s beautiful mouth.

  He’s slow and torturous as he unzips my pants and slides them down my legs. They pool at my feet and I’m now standing in front of him in just my black lace underwear.

  “Fuck,” he murmurs, running his fingers over my undies, and brushing against me.

  “How was your day?” I moan, as Finn slips his fingers into the side of my underwear, but still teasing me, not entering like I want, like I need.

  “It’s fucking amazing now,” he says, this time sliding his finger though my wetness and making me beg for him.

  “Touch me, please.”

  I grind my hips against his hand, but he continues to tease me, kissing my stomach, my thighs and around my underwear until I’m drenched and practically screaming for him.

  He hooks his fingers into the sides of my panties and slips them down my legs where they land on top of my pants.

  Finn bites his bottom lip and looks up at me, “I want you on my face. I want to eat your pussy until you scream my name.”

  “Fuck me,” I murmur, as he grabs my leg and hikes it up onto the arm of the couch, opening me to him. I watch as he shifts his body, lining my pussy up with his mouth and then I feel his tongue on me.

  He’s slow and each pass of his tongue makes my body shudder with need. My hands are tangled in his hair, my breathing erratic and desperate as I moan out Finn’s name. I can’t get close enough to him; I want him inside me.

  “Finn, please. I need to feel you. I need to touch you.”

  Without his mouth leaving my body, he begins to undo his pants, wiggling out of them, but still never losing contact with me.

  Finn moves himself back up, pulling me onto him, I straddle his hips and with ease, he slides inside me.

  We start slow, enjoying the feeling and my legs begin to shake with need, my whole body is crying out for more. With his hands under my ass, Finn lifts me up, and before setting me down, he growls into my ear, “Bend over the couch, because I’m going to fuck you hard.”

  I clench around him and he moans out loud, calling my name and digging his fingers into my ass cheeks.

  “Now,” he demands and I bend at the waist, exposing myself to him. I’m wet and on the verge of coming. It won’t take long, but he stills, and runs his fingers though my wetness, spreading me and teasing me until I’m pushing back against him.

  “Finn, god, fuck!” I scream and I hear him chuckle and a smile spreads across my face. It’s amazing what two people can do to each other.

  He wraps my hair around his hand and pulls me closer to him, lining us up, and then he thrusts inside me, long, hard, deep.

  “Harder,” I scream, moaning with each controlled move, with each long push, and I reach between us, sliding my fingers against my clit and then to his balls.

  We’re loud, both of us panting and moaning as Finn groans, “Your fucking pussy was made for my dick, Sarah.” And his words are my undoing. I clench around him and we’re both coming hard and desperate.

  I collapse on the couch, and Finn falls next to me, kissing my shoulder, my head, and my neck.

  I crawl up Finn’s body and kiss his lips, and his chest, and rest my head against him. His heart is still beating hard, and I love the sound of it. I love that it’s me who made it like this and I love that we have something special.

  “I have to do some work tonight,” I finally manage to splutter out, still exhausted from our cardio session. “But not for my stupid job,” I clarify. “I offered to do some PR for a friend of Kelsey’s.”

  “Of course,” Finn says, running his hand through my hair and kissing the top of my head. “As long as it’s not for your stupid job.” He laughs and swats me on the ass. “Why don’t we get cleaned up and you can get to work.”

  “You sure you’re okay with it? I know we don’t…” I try to continue but Finn shushes me, putting a finger under my chin, he moves so I’m looking at him.

  “I told you it was okay, but since you’re asking again, I want you to put something together for the pub when you get a chance. We want to hire you too.”

  He kisses me, his smirk still lingering when he pulls back.

  “Are you sure that’s not a conflict of interest, Chief?”

  “Oh, definitely not. I can be incredibly impartial.”

  “But what if you hate my work?” I ask, biting my bottom lip as I stand up in front of him; my nose wrinkled up and my finger twirling my hair.

  “I’m pretty sure all you have to do is show me your tits and I’d love anything you do.”

  “You mean these?” I ask, wetting my lips as I use my hands to push my breasts together, and Finn reaches out for me.

  “Yes,” he growls and I take a step back from him and trot off toward the bedroom with Finn trailing behind.

  Chapter Eighteen


  It’s late morning by the time Sarah and I wake on Saturday, neither of us in any hurry when we both have two days of no commitments ahead of us.

  “What are your plans for today?” she asks, resting her chin on my chest as we lie in bed together.

  I grin, sliding a hand down to her ass. “You mean after I’ve made you come a few more times?”

  Sarah grins at me, sliding up my body and pressing her mouth against mine. “Yeah,” she whispers. “After you’ve done that.”

  I deepen the kiss, sliding my tongue into her mouth as my other hand also slides to her ass, pulling her against me so she gets a very good idea of just what my intentions are. “You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” I tease, silencing any more questions.

  A couple of hours later and we are up and dressed and hopping in to my car.

  “So, walking shoes, a jacket and an overnight bag,” she starts. “But you’re still not going to tell me where we’re going?” she adds.

  “Nope,” I say, smiling at her.

  “Really?” she replies. “Even if sexual favors were involved?”

  I burst out laughing, giving her thigh a quick squeeze before reversing out of the drive. “Pretty sure I’m gonna get those anyway, babe,” I say, winking at her.

  “Oh really?” she says, mock seriousness in her voice as she crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me.

  I can’t resist leaning over and giving her a quick kiss before driving down the street. “Yep, really.”

  “Hmmm,” she mutters. “We’ll see.”

  I chuckle, adjusting the radio so soft music is playing as we head toward the pub. It doesn’t take us long and as I pull into the loading dock at the back entrance, I lean over, give Sarah another quick kiss before saying, “Wait here, I won’t be long.”

  Sarah mutters something I don’t catch and I can only laugh as I head into the kitchen, greeting the new chef who immediately hands me the hamper he’s put together. Thanking him, I walk into the storeroom and grab a bottle of wine, leaving a note to Beck letting him know he can put it on my tab, before walking back out to the car.

  Sarah eyes me as I open the back door and put the box of food and wine in the
back seat. It’s partially closed, so she can’t really see what’s in it and when she turns to ask me, I grin, shaking my head as I say, “Nope, still not telling you.”

  It takes us nearly two hours to get to where we’re going and Sarah spends most of the time trying to guess, even though I can tell she doesn’t really want to know.

  Despite the fact we’re on the tail end of winter, the day is sunny and clear, perfect for what I had planned. The idea had come to me while I was waiting for Sarah to come home yesterday and I was lucky I’d been able to get everything organized. In the end though, the off-season worked in my favor and I’d been able to get exactly what I was after.

  Seeing Sarah’s exhausted face when she’d come in after her dinner with Erin and Kelsey had only confirmed that what I was doing was a good idea too. She wasn’t just constantly tired, she was sick of her job and all the stress that came with it. I could relate, even if she didn’t know all the details. So I’d been determined to do something, anything that got us away from the jobs neither of us were currently enjoying. Even if it was just for a weekend.

  Eventually, I pull into a luxury oceanfront B&B in Kennebunkport.

  “We’re staying here?” Sarah asks, eyes wide as she takes in the view.

  “Yep,” I say.

  “Why?” she asks, stunned.

  I turn, smiling at her as I rest my arm across the back of her seat. “Thought we both needed a night away,” I say. “Change of scenery where we can forget about our jobs and all the shit we’re dealing with there.”

  “Seriously?” she says, unbuckling her seat belt.

  “Seriously,” I reply, nodding.

  “Fuck,” she breathes out as she clambers across the center console and straddles me, her mouth hard against mine, the words, “thank you, thank you,” mumbled around kisses.

  I chuckle, my hands sliding around her ass. “So, the sexual favors are back on then?” I ask, pulling her closer.

  “Uh huh,” she murmurs, her lips trailing down my neck, her fingers clawing at my sweater now.


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