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Moonfleet Page 7

by John Meade Falkner



  What if my house be troubled with a rat,And I be pleased to give ten thousand ducatsTo have it baned--_Shakespeare_

  One evening in March, when the days were lengthening fast, there came amessenger from Dorchester, and brought printed notices for fixing to theshutters of the Why Not? and to the church door, which said that in aweek's time the bailiff of the duchy of Cornwall would visit Moonfleet.This bailiff was an important person, and his visits stood as events invillage history. Once in five years he made a perambulation, or journey,through the whole duchy, inspecting all the Royal property, and arrangingfor new leases. His visits to Moonfleet were generally short enough, forowing to the Mohunes owning all the land, the only duchy estate there wasthe Why Not? and the only duty of the bailiff to renew that five-yearlease, under which Blocks had held the inn, father and son, forgenerations. But for all that, the business was not performed withoutceremony, for there was a solemn show of putting up the lease of the innto the highest bidder, though it was well understood that no one exceptElzevir would make an offer.

  So one morning, a week later, I went up to the top end of the villageto watch for the bailiff's postchaise, and about eleven of the forenoonsaw it coming down the hill with four horses and two postillions.Presently it came past, and I saw there were two men in it--a clerksitting with his back to the horses, and in the seat opposite a littleman in a periwig, whom I took for the bailiff. Then I ran down to myaunt's house, for Elzevir had asked me to beg one of her best wintercandles for a purpose which I will explain presently. I had not seenAunt Jane, except in church, since the day that she dismissed me, butshe was no stiffer than usual, and gave me the candle readily enough.'There,' she said, 'take it, and I wish it may bring light into yourdark heart, and show you what a wicked thing it is to leave your ownkith and kin and go to dwell in a tavern.' I was for saying that it waskith and kin that left me, and not I them; and as for living in atavern, it was better to live there than nowhere at all, as she wouldwish me to do in turning me out of her house; but did not, and onlythanked her for the candle, and was off.

  When I came to the inn, there was the postchaise in front of the door,the horses being led away to bait, and a little group of villagersstanding round; for though the auction of the Why Not? was in itself atrite thing with a foregone conclusion, yet the bailiff's visit alwaysstirred some show of interest. There were a few children with their nosesflattened against the windows of the parlour, and inside were Mr. Bailiffand Mr. Clerk hard at work on their dinner. Mr. Bailiff, who was, as Iguessed, the little man in the periwig, sat at the top of the table, andMr. Clerk sat at the bottom, and on chairs were placed their hats, andtravelling-cloaks, and bundles of papers tied together with green tape.You may be sure that Elzevir had a good dinner for them, with hot rabbitpie and cold round of brawn, and a piece of blue vinny, which Mr. Bailiffate heartily, but his clerk would not touch, saying he had as lief chewsoap. There was also a bottle of Ararat milk, and a flagon of ale, for wewere afraid to set French wines before them, lest they should fall towondering how they were come by.

  Elzevir took the candle, chiding me a little for being late, and set itin a brass candlestick in the middle of the table. Then Mr. Clerk takes alittle rule from his pocket, measures an inch down on the candle, sticksinto the grease at that point a scarf-pin with an onyx head that Elzevirlent him, and lights the wick. Now the reason of this was, that thecustom ran in Moonfleet when either land or lease was put up to bidding,to stick a pin in a candle; and so long as the pin held firm, it was opento any to make a better offer, but when the flame burnt down and the pinfell out, then land or lease fell to the last bidder. So after dinner wasover and the table cleared, Mr. Clerk takes out a roll of papers andreads a legal description of the Why Not?, calling it the Mohune Arms, anexcellent messuage or tenement now used as a tavern, and speaking of theconvenient paddocks or parcels of grazing land at the back of it, calledMoons'-lease, amounting to sixteen acres more or less. Then he invitesthe company to make an offer of rent for such a desirable property undera five years' lease, and as Elzevir and I are the only company present,the bidding is soon done; for Elzevir offers a rent of 12 a year, whichhas always been the value of the Why Not? The clerk makes a note ofthis; but the business is not over yet, for we must wait till the pindrops out of the candle before the lease is finally made out. So the menfell to smoking to pass the time, till there could not have been morethan ten minutes' candle to burn, and Mr. Bailiff, with a glass of Araratmilk in his hand, was saying, 'Tis a curious and fine tap of Hollands youkeep here, Master Block,' when in walked Mr. Maskew.

  A thunderbolt would not have astonished me so much as did his appearance,and Elzevir's face grew black as night; but the bailiff and clerk showedno surprise, not knowing the terms on which persons in our village stoodto one another, and thinking it natural that someone should come in tosee the pin drop, and the end of an ancient custom. Indeed, Maskew seemedto know the bailiff, for he passed the time of day with him, and was thenfor sitting down at the table without taking any notice of Elzevir or me.But just as he began to seat himself, Block shouted out, 'You are nowelcome visitor in my house, and I would sooner see your back than seeyour face, but sit at this table you shall not.' I knew what he meant;for on that table they had laid out David's body, and with that he struckhis fist upon the board so smart as to make the bailiff jump and nearlybring the pin out of the candle.

  'Heyday, sirs,' says Mr. Bailiff, astonished, 'let us have no brawlinghere, the more so as this worshipful gentleman is a magistrate andsomething of a friend of mine.' Yet Maskew refrained from sitting, butstood by the bailiff's chair, turning white, and not red, as he did withMr. Glennie; and muttered something, that he had as lief stand as sit,and that it should soon be Block's turn to ask sitting-room of _him_.

  I was wondering what possibly could have brought Maskew there, when thebailiff, who was ill at ease, said--'Come, Mr. Clerk, the pin hath butanother minute's hold; rehearse what has been done, for I must get thislease delivered and off to Bridport, where much business waits.'

  So the clerk read in a singsong voice that the property of the duchy ofCornwall, called the Mohune Arms, an inn or tavern, with all its land,tenements, and appurtenances, situate in the Parish of St. Sebastian,Moonfleet, having been offered on lease for five years, would be let toElzevir Block at a rent of 12 per annum, unless anyone offered a higherrent before the pin fell from the candle.

  There was no one to make another offer, and the bailiff said to Elzevir,'Tell them to have the horses round, the pin will be out in a minute, and'twill save time.' So Elzevir gave the order, and then we all stood roundin silence, waiting for the pin to fall. The grease had burnt down to themark, or almost below it, as it appeared; but just where the pin stuck inthere was a little lump of harder tallow that held bravely out, refusingto be melted. The bailiff gave a stamp of impatience with his foot underthe table as though he hoped thus to shake out the pin, and then a littledry voice came from Maskew, saying--

  'I offer 13 a year for the inn.'

  This fell upon us with so much surprise, that all looked round, seekingas it were some other speaker, and never thinking that it could beMaskew. Elzevir was the first, I believe, to fully understand 'twas he;and without turning to look at bailiff or Maskew, but having his elbowson the table, his face between his hands, and looking straight out tosea said in a sturdy voice, 'I offer 20.'

  The words were scarce out of his mouth when Maskew caps them with 21,and so in less than a minute the rent of the Why Not? was near doubled.Then the bailiff looked from one to the other, not knowing what to makeof it all, nor whether 'twas comedy or serious, and said--

  'Kind sir, I warn ye not to trifle; I have no time to waste in Aprilfooling, and he who makes offers in sport will have to stand to themin earnest.'

  But there was no lack of earnest in one at least of the men that he hadbefore him, and the voice with which Elzevir said 30 was still sturdy.Maskew called 31 and 4
1, and Elzevir 40 and 50, and then I looked atthe candle, and saw that the head of the pin was no longer level, it hadsunk a little--a very little. The clerk awoke from his indifference, andwas making notes of the bids with a squeaking quill, the bailiff frownedas being puzzled, and thinking that none had a right to puzzle him. Asfor me, I could not sit still, but got on my feet, if so I might betterbear the suspense; for I understood now that Maskew had made up his mindto turn Elzevir out, and that Elzevir was fighting for his home. _His_home, and had he not made it my home too, and were we both to be madeoutcasts to please the spite of this mean little man?

  There were some more bids, and then I knew that Maskew was saying 91,and saw the head of the pin was lower; the hard lump of tallow in AuntJane's candle was thawing. The bailiff struck in: 'Are ye mad, sirs, andyou, Master Block, save your breath, and spare your money; and if thisworshipful gentleman must become innkeeper at any price, let him have theplace in the Devil's name, and I will give thee the Mermaid, at Bridport,with a snug parlour, and ten times the trade of this.'

  Elzevir seemed not to hear what he said, but only called out 100, withhis face still looking out to sea, and the same sturdiness in his voice.Then Maskew tried a spring, and went to 120, and Elzevir capped him with130, and 140, 150, 160, 170 followed quick. My breath came so fastthat I was almost giddy, and I had to clench my hands to remind myself ofwhere I was, and what was going on. The bidders too were breathing hard,Elzevir had taken his head from his hands, and the eyes of all were onthe pin. The lump of tallow was worn down now; it was hard to say why thepin did not fall. Maskew gulped out 180, and Elzevir said 190, and thenthe pin gave a lurch, and I thought the Why Not? was saved, though at theprice of ruin. No; the pin had not fallen, there was a film that held itby the point, one second, only one second. Elzevir's breath, which wasready to outbid whatever Maskew said, caught in his throat with thecatching pin, and Maskew sighed out 200, before the pin pattered on thebottom of the brass candlestick.

  The clerk forgot his master's presence and shut his notebook with a bang,'Congratulate you, sir,' says he, quite pert to Maskew; 'you are thelandlord of the poorest pothouse in the Duchy at 200 a year.'

  The bailiff paid no heed to what his man did, but took his periwigoff and wiped his head. 'Well, I'm hanged,' he said; and so the WhyNot? was lost.

  Just as the last bid was given, Elzevir half-rose from his chair, andfor a moment I expected to see him spring like a wild beast on Maskew;but he said nothing, and sat down again with the same stolid look on hisface. And, indeed, it was perhaps well that he thus thought better ofit, for Maskew stuck his hand into his bosom as the other rose; andthough he withdrew it again when Elzevir got back to his chair, yet thefront of his waistcoat was a little bulged, and, looking sideways, I sawthe silver-shod butt of a pistol nestling far down against his whiteshirt. The bailiff was vexed, I think, that he had been betrayed intosuch strong words; for he tried at once to put on as indifferent an airas might be, saying in dry tones, 'Well, gentlemen, there seems to behere some personal matter into which I shall not attempt to spy. Twohundred pounds more or less is but a flea-bite to the Duchy; and if you,sir,' turning to Maskew, 'wish later on to change your mind, and be quitof the bargain, I shall not be the man to stand in your way. In anycase, I imagine 'twill be time enough to seal the lease if I send itfrom London.'

  I knew he said this, and hinted at delay as wishing to do Elzevir a goodturn; for his clerk had the lease already made out pat, and it onlywanted the name and rent filled in to be sealed and signed. But, 'No,'says Maskew, 'business is business, Mr. Bailiff, and the post uncertainto parts so distant from the capital as these; so I'll thank you to makeout the lease to me now, and on May Day place me in possession.'

  'So be it then,' said the bailiff a little testily, 'but blame me not fordriving hard bargains; for the Duchy, whose servant I am,' and he raisedhis hat, 'is no daughter of the horse-leech. Fill in the figures, Mr.Scrutton, and let us away.'

  So Mr. Scrutton, for that was Mr. Clerk's name, scratches a bit with hisquill on the parchment sheet to fill in the money, and then Maskewscratches his name, and Mr. Bailiff scratches his name, and Mr. Clerkscratches again to witness Mr. Bailiff's name, and then Mr. Bailiff takesfrom his mails a little shagreen case, and out from the case comessealing-wax and the travelling seal of the Duchy.

  There was my aunt's best winter-candle still burning away in thedaylight, for no one had taken any thought to put it out; and Mr. Bailiffmelts the wax at it, till a drop of sealing-wax falls into the grease andmakes a gutter down one side, and then there is a sweating of theparchment under the hot wax, and at last on goes the seal. 'Signed,sealed, and delivered,' says Mr. Clerk, rolling up the sheet and handingit to Maskew; and Maskew takes and thrusts it into his bosom underneathhis waistcoat front--all cheek by jowl with that silver-hafted pistol,whose butt I had seen before.

  The postchaise stood before the door, the horses were stamping on thecobble-stones, and the harness jingled. Mr. Clerk had carried out hismails, but Mr. Bailiff stopped for a moment as he flung the travellingcloak about his shoulders to say to Elzevir, 'Tut, man, take things nottoo hardly. Thou shalt have the Mermaid at 20 a year, which will beworth ten times as much to thee as this dreary place; and canst send thyson to Bryson's school, where they will make a scholar of him, for he isa brave lad'; and he touched my shoulder, and gave me a kindly look ashe passed.

  'I thank your worship,' said Elzevir, 'for all your goodness; but when Iquit this place, I shall not set up my staff again at any inn door.'

  Mr. Bailiff seemed nettled to see his offer made so little of, and leftthe room with a stiff, 'Then I wish you good day.'

  Maskew had slipped out before him, and the children's noses left thewindow-pane as the great man walked down the steps. There was a littlegroup to see the start, but it quickly melted; and before the clatter ofhoofs died away, the report spread through the village that Maskew hadturned Elzevir out of the Why Not?

  For a long time after all had gone, Elzevir sat at the table with hishead between his hands, and I kept quiet also, both because I was myselfsorry that we were to be sent adrift, and because I wished to showElzevir that I felt for him in his troubles. But the young cannot enterfully into their elders' sorrows, however much they may wish to, andafter a time the silence palled upon me. It was getting dusk, and thecandle which bore itself so bravely through auction and lease-sealingburnt low in the socket. A minute later the light gave some flickeringflashes, failings, and sputters, and then the wick tottered, and outpopped the flame, leaving us with the chilly grey of a March eveningcreeping up in the corners of the room. I could bear the gloom no longer,but made up the fire till the light danced ruddy across pewter andporcelain on the dresser. 'Come, Master Block,' I said, 'there is timeenough before May Day to think what we shall do, so let us take a cup oftea, and after that I will play you a game of backgammon.' But he stillremained cast down, and would say nothing; and as chance would have it,though I wished to let him win at backgammon, that so, perhaps, he mightget cheered, yet do what I would that night I could not lose. So as hisluck grew worse his moodiness increased, and at last he shut the boardwith a bang, saying, in reference to that motto that ran round its edge,'Life is like a game of hazard, and surely none ever flung worse throws,or made so little of them as I.'


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