The Scent of Sage and Vengeance

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The Scent of Sage and Vengeance Page 13

by Lacuna Reid

  “I don’t know,” Theo says, taking a seat in his armchair. “It was so long ago…”

  “Hmm,” Gino says as he begins pacing the room. “There’s something else I was meaning to tell you, Mira, but I’ve been putting it off until things calm down. I wonder if it’s related.”

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “We’ve had a few emails from the immigration services. It seems there’s been some issues with your visa. I’m suspicious that someone might have done something to sabotage it.”

  “Cliff…” I say. Rage courses through me. I grit my teeth and clench my fists, digging my fingernails into my hands. How dare he… why can’t he just leave me the fuck alone? A wave of fear follows the rage. What if I have to leave El Cielo…? What if I have to leave the guys?

  There is a noticeable tension in the room and I suspect everyone is thinking about the risk.

  “Could be,” Gino says. “But don’t worry. I’ve responded to the email already. It should be all sorted out by now.”

  “No matter who is behind this, we must protect you, Mira,” Elias says.

  “Yes,” says Theo. “One of us must be with you at all times, and if we have to leave you, then you stay in your rooms…” I stiffen, but Theo looks at me imploringly.

  “Please… just until this is resolved.”

  I nod. I don’t like being told what to do, but I want to be safe and I’m not going to complain about having any of my sexy guys with me overnight… especially not if I can convince more than one to stay over at once. Sexy slumber party fantasies play in my head, and I reach for Gino and Elias, giving their arms both a squeeze. They catch my gaze, and I can tell they’re thinking what I’m thinking and they’re totally into it.

  “You can stay with me tonight,” Theo says, and as much as I’d love to pick up where I left off with Theo, I don’t appreciate his habit of dictating my movements. I give him a look, and he desists. “…If you want… or stay in your room. Just make sure someone is with you all night.” Theo winces, and I can tell this is hard for him.

  “Thanks for your offer, Theo. I will take you up on it at some point, but tonight I want…”

  I take a deep breath because this is a hard and awkward thing to say and I know this is a kind of standing-up-for-myself thing that Lana is always telling me I have to work on, but in this situation it’s even more freaky because I’m potentially facing rejection from multiple guys at once.

  “…I want to be in my own bed tonight, and I don’t want to be alone. I want some of you to join me… if you’re happy to.”

  “Some of us?” Theo raises his eyebrows. “I see.”

  “I’ve got this,” Gino says, slipping his arm around me.

  “I’m in,” Elias says.

  “Looks like you’ve got things covered,” Helio says with a mischievous grin, and I’m only mildly disappointed he’s not a total team player here - but it’s hard to stay disappointed when I’m in the sexy clutches of two gorgeous men.

  “I’ll take the next shift,” Helio says and winks at me.

  “Very well,” Theo responds, his voice is strained. I can tell he’s not quite ready for this, and he’s certainly not ready to join in, but he’s definitely making progress. “And tomorrow we will see what we can do to keep you safe.”

  Wow… that was a lot easier than I imagined. My heart is racing with excitement and my skin tingles in anticipation.

  It strikes me as we get up to leave that we haven’t really gotten to the bottom of the ghost story here. Do the guys think I’m just imagining things? They haven’t said anything dismissive… they must all know more than they’ve let on before…

  Then I remember what I’ve just signed up on, and I’m distracted by all the possibilities ahead. I take both Gino’s and Elias’s hands again, and start to lead them out of the room.

  Theo looks at me as if I’m testing him, and in a way, I am, but this is not about him – Not at all – This is all about what I want, and after the day I’ve been through, I’m going to take it.

  “Take care of her,” Theo says as we leave.

  “Absolutely,” Gino replies.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Mira has gone to bed and she’s taken Gino and Elias with her. Jealousy and rage burn through me. I know I haven’t coped well in the past with this – in my life as Amedes, my jealousy was what got us all killed. I saw her with the others and it tore me up inside.

  I pace my study late into the night. I’m going around in circles, unable to find a way through my inflamed mind. I want Mira – all to myself, but this jealousy, it must be a lesson like Gino always says. In the past, I’ve abandoned her when she needed me most. I’ve even betrayed her… all because I couldn’t control my own feelings… and now she is being threatened, and I don’t know how to protect her. It makes me feel so weak.

  Eventually I go to bed and fall into a restless sleep and another temple dream comes, filled with the same emotions I’ve been battling for days.

  The dancing begins. I watch as these previously reserved priests, priestesses, and the other people who have come from near and far to take part in the Mysteries ritual all begin shedding their discomfort and letting down their guard to let the gods and goddesses in. They swirl and whirl to the music of the eunuchs.

  I only have eyes for Mya. I know I should have found a way to tell her about the ritual and what that would mean… to warn her. I had drawn the robes of Hades when I had been offered the bag – or rather, Hades had selected me, and that meant taking a lead role in the ritual to come – one that Mya, given the tender feelings between us, may not approve of. It is not up to us to decide these things; mere mortals cannot stand in the way of the will of the gods, and Mya is not my wife, nor even my lover, and she cannot ever be given our roles here at the temple… but I do care for her feelings, and she may be hurt by this, despite it being out of my control.

  The bond between us is so strong. I have never heard of anything else like it. Surely, she is my soul mate, and it was such a privilege to make love to her in the form of the God that the memory of her delectable body has not been far from my mind since.

  It has been many long lonely years and suddenly I’m overrun with the carnal desire of the gods themselves.

  As I watch Mya dance with the others, I notice someone else with their eyes on her, someone tall and muscular, a familiar build: It must be Teris.

  Raging jealousy flares inside me. Teris has Mya by the hand and is swinging her around.

  Why must he always take what’s mine?

  Another disturbing thought dawns on me.

  Tonight, Mya is Artemis and she can take whatever lovers she, the Goddess of the hunt, desires.

  I suppress the rage that threatens to overcome me. Who am I to stand in the way of the gods? I look over towards Alessia, resplendent in her Persephone robes, her body glistening in the heat of the evening… a different desire courses through me… the desire of Hades, himself.

  We at the temple have waited a long time for this night, I remind myself.

  As the intoxicating feelings of the Mysteries potion wash over me, I remind myself that I must surrender to the will of the gods – that this is my calling as a priest, and that everything that plays out tonight is most certainly directed by powerful immortal beings. It is out of my hands.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I lead Elias and Gino to my apartment with building excitement, but once we are inside, the atmosphere changes.

  Suddenly, I feel shy. I go into the bathroom and change into my purple silk PJs and when I return, I find the guys already in bed on opposite sides.

  They are very thoughtfully leaving the space in the center for me. I turn off the lights and clamber over Elias and dive under the covers.

  There’s a moment where we are all lying here, not touching, but I can almost feel the electricity between us on both sides of my body. Then, Elias reaches his arm around my waist, c
ausing desire to shoot right through my middle as he pulls me in, to be his little spoon, which means my hands instinctively reach forward towards Gino.

  Elias’s hands fondle my breasts, gently at first, and then firmly as he grinds himself against my tailbone. I can’t help it. I reach behind and take his shaft in my hand, mimicking his movements, gently at first, then firmly.

  Gino slides his fingers around to my inner thigh, sending chills through me. He slowly strokes his index finger up my slit, and I groan into my pillow, parting my legs, wanting more. With my spare hand, I run my fingers down Gino’s chest, until they hook into his expensive Italian briefs, and then further, taking his shaft as well.

  Now I have both of them…

  Gino moans, leaning in towards me. He kisses me passionately, driving his quicksilver tongue into my mouth just as his hands find my opening. His quick fingers flick up into me, sending undulating waves of pleasure cascading down my thighs. I close my eyes and moan, feeling little tingles, running through my entire body, from the sensations both of these guys are stirring in me.

  “You’re so beautiful, Mira,” Gino says. He moves down and hooks my leg over his shoulder. Then he dives between my legs; his tongue darts around my clit, circling it, in pace with his throbbing fingers.

  Elias pulls at my shoulder, rolling me onto my back. He claims my mouth with his. I continue to stroke his shaft softly, then firmly, slow and then fast. As the burning pleasure from Gino’s quick fingers and tongue intensifies, I crave to be filled. I lean my head down, towards Elias’ shaft, sensing my needs, he pushes himself up the bed towards me. I take him into my mouth just as I hear the sound of a condom packet rip.

  “Mira,” Gino whispers, “Do you want me inside you?”

  “Yes!” I moan into Elias’s hard cock. “Oh my god, yes!”

  Gino spreads my legs, and slowly hoists my hips. I can see him, on his knees, positioning himself before he enters me with one long, hard thrust.

  Gino is fast and smooth with his strokes, sending ripples of pleasure through me.

  “Oh… yes,” I moan into Elias’ cock as I continue to stroke his shaft with my hand. The vibrations of my voice set off his moaning as well. He reaches out a hand towards Gino. Their fingers touch, then interlace and a look passes between them, so deep and powerful, and full of old pain and desire that I’m pushed right up against my own edge.

  It’s like the connection between them intensifies my connection to both of them, as if we are a circuit, and some kind of charge is passing through us, electrifying the tension, jolting the pleasure up to a whole other level. But despite all this, despite the fact that I can tell that Gino has loved Elias for years – maybe for lifetimes – despite the fact that as far as I know it has been unrequited in this life so far… Gino is the one who pulls away.

  He turns to focus on me, and I can see the sting of pain in Elias’ eyes, which prompts me to pull him even deeper into my mouth, groaning again as Gino’s hands roam all over my body, as he finds my hips, and leverages against them to thrust even deeper, ramming against my g-spot over and over again.

  I moan into Elia’s cock as Gino unlocks feelings so deep inside me that I never ever knew existed. Under the tension of his cock and the intensity of his gaze, a dam bursts, flooding me with oceans of feeling, sensation, ecstasy…

  The intense pleasure and pain and delicious bitter-sweet tension build to a crescendo and I can hear the orchestra playing in my head.

  I can see the fireworks as Gino and Elias and I all simultaneously shudder and surrender and release and come and collapse into each other and into the most sweet, sticky, intimate puddle I have ever experienced.

  I lie in bed, listening to the sound of rain outside, completely spent, and drifting through layers of post-orgasmic bliss. Gino and Elias are on either side of me, exactly where they should be. We hold each other. It feels like floating.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  The morning arrives and Gino rises early and gets his clothes back on, kissing me on the forehead before he leaves.

  “Make sure she gets some breakfast,” he says to Elias.

  I feel like a child, but in a good way – a well-cared-for child, doted on by these loving men. Nothing like my actual childhood. The realization stirs up a cloud of emotions that I’m not ready to deal with and probably never will be.

  As the door closes, I nuzzle into Elias.

  “Are you hungry?” Elias asks.

  “I’m getting there,” I say. “But can we stay in bed just a bit longer?”

  “Your wish is my command,” says Elias.

  After dozing in bed for an hour or so, basking in the afterglow of my very first threesome – in this lifetime, anyway – my tummy grumbles.

  “Now you’re definitely hungry,” Elias says.

  He gets up and I hear the sounds as he rummages in my kitchen cabinets. I close my eyes again, listening to him hum to himself as he takes out pans and cutlery and begins cooking for me. I could get used to this…

  Cliff never cooked for me, never cooked at all. Neither did my father. They didn’t like me cooking either, preferring to have live-in chefs, with occasional meals ordered from their favorite restaurants.

  The luxury of being rich is that you never really have to do anything for yourself, but I’d always wanted to. I loved food with a fiery passion, and have snuck into the kitchen as a child at every opportunity. If I was lucky, the chef would be kind and let me help dice peppers or slice cucumber. One time, when I was a teenager, my father caught me helping in the kitchen. He yelled and started throwing plates around the room, and then he fired the chef. I was more careful after that, but he didn’t react any better when he asked me what kind of profession I was interested in pursuing and I told him I wanted to cook.

  If I never see that man again, it will be too soon.

  “What is it, Mira?” Elias asks, his eyes full of concern, and I remember where I am and realize there are tears streaming down my face.

  “It’s nothing,” I say, brushing them away. “Just… unhappy memories.”

  “Maybe this will cheer you up, latria mu.”

  I smile at the Greek term of endearment, and then my smile widens even more at the sight of the delicious things Elias has produced. There are poached eggs on focaccia with cheeses and what looks to be a kind of tapenade he must have rustled up with some olives from the pantry.

  “You’re the best!” I say, jumping up and hugging him and almost knocking over the plates in my excitement.

  “I’m glad you think so; be sure to tell the others,” Elias says with a cheeky grin. “But eat now, and we can talk how great I am later.”

  I start eating. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until the first mouthful explodes with flavor on my tongue.

  “This is amazing, Elias,” I say.

  “It’s nothing,” he replies, smiling at me, but I can tell he’s enjoying his own food just as much as I am.

  There’s a knock at the door and I freeze.

  Elias reaches out and places a calming hand on my shoulder.

  “Who is it?” he calls out.

  “It’s me, you imbecile,” says Helio’s voice through the door.

  I let out the breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.

  Elias jumps up to let Helio in and I go back to eating, focusing on the intense flavor of the tapenade to try to ground myself.

  “Rough night?” Helio asks grinning at us.

  “It was divine,” says Elias, he’s still only wearing his briefs. “Thanks for asking… and by the way, Mira says I’m the best.”

  Helio laughs, and helps himself to food from Elias’ plate.

  “I’m here for the morning shift,” Helio says. “Just like I promised.”

  “Thank you,” I say. “I really don’t want to be alone right now.”

  “That note really got you spooked, huh?” Helio says, but he’s not teasing this time.

  I nod.

p; “I don’t think it’s a joke,” I say.

  “You think it’s the same person that killed Tiala?” Helio asks.

  “It could be… someone who has a motive to want to keep her buried anyway.”

  “It wasn’t an accident then,” Helio says, running his hand through his long luscious dark wavy hair and looking at me with those penetrating deep brown eyes of his.

  “Not if what she’s showing me is true.”

  “Could it be her… just messing with you?” Elias asks, lounging on the bed and surrendering the rest of his plate to Helio. “She’s jealous of your closeness to Theo – you said, she could be playing tricks on you.”

  I consider the possibility.

  “She’s incorporeal… I don’t think she can write,” I say, and saying it out loud makes me laugh – makes us all laugh in its absurdity. Could she write a note? Was that possible? I decide it’s far too unlikely.

  “But she can come to me in dreams – so unless she can do other things… like compel someone else to write… anyway, I don’t get the impression that she wants to stay buried. I think she’s trying to claw her way out… somehow. I think she’s trying to solve the mystery of what happened to her.

  “You mean she doesn’t know?” Helio asks.

  “I don’t know,” I say. “From what she showed me, she didn’t see anything that night… but that doesn’t mean that her spirit doesn’t know what happened… maybe she will give us some other clue.”

  I stay in my rooms for most of the day, accompanied by at least one of the guys. Nothing very interesting happens, probably because we are all feeling tired and tense. I guess, ghost girls are a bit of a mood killer.

  Helio doesn’t last long cooped up in my apartment. He starts getting antsy after a little while. We decide to go for a swim in the pool together. The water feels so good on my body, so relaxing. I swim a few laps and then surface. Helio is only meters away. He comes closer and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a heated kiss.


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