Tomorrow's Shadow - Part II - Transitions

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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part II - Transitions Page 4

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ Meeting the Minions ~

  Gerik stepped out onto the balcony to find Stefano at the rail, gazing off in the distance. He walked up to his sire and slipped an arm around him as stood at his side. “Are you alright?”

  Stefano leaned to kiss Gerik’s cheek. “Fine, my love.”

  “Worried about becoming Prince?”

  “No. If anything I’m uncomfortable with the thought of meeting all these representatives from Vargon’s territory. Mostly thinking about Vargon not being the prince anymore.”

  “You need to stop blaming yourself.”

  “I do not blame myself… all right, I blame myself for his limp. I always shall. You cannot deny his limp is on count of the fire which was no one’s fault but my own. But him no longer being Prince – that is his decision. I worry more for his happiness than anything.”

  “I’m sure Odessa is watching out for your sire’s happiness.”


  “In which case you don’t need to.”

  Stefano turned to face Gerik. “Sometimes you say the most profound things.” He winked and they both laughed. “You’re right, of course. Have any of Vargon’s representatives arrived yet?”

  “Your representatives now. Or they will be soon enough. And no, none have arrived. Viktor says they should start arriving at any time now.”

  “It is good to see the two of you at least polite towards each other.”

  “An effort, at times. I don’t know if we’ll ever have the friendship you and he have. But I think we respect each other. I know I do. The more I learn of him and watch him, the greater my respect becomes. I can only hope he is the same way.”

  Gerik leaned up and kissed Stefano. The kiss deepened between them and the moved against each other. Tongue to tongue, fingers to fingers they moved into a lovers' dance, passion growing quickly between them. Gerik ran a hand through his sire’s hair when one of the balcony doors opened and Viktor stepped out.

  “Excuse me, please.”

  The kiss stopped and the two made space between them. Gerik just shook his head.

  “I do not believe this.”

  “Truly, m’Lord Gerik, I do not mean to intrude.”

  “Apologies, Viktor. I meant I cannot believe Stefano’s and my timing of late. It is almost as if the Fates themselves are toying with us. If you are an intrusion, then there is something that needs at least one of us. I know you would not purposely do such.”

  Viktor bowed his head slightly, his eyes shining. “Thank you, m’Lord Gerik.” He looked between the two men.” I just wanted to say the first of the representatives has arrived. He’s currently in his assigned quarters but I expect him down soon. Plus the others will most likely be here shortly. M’Lord Gerik asked that I let you know.”

  Stefano spoke first.” Thank you, Viktor. We will be in shortly.”

  As Viktor began to retreat inside, Gerik caught his gaze.” Thank you, Viktor.”

  Viktor nodded to the side.” I am pleased to serve, m’Lord.”

  The minute the door closed the men returned to their embrace. Gerik spoke first.

  “I imagine we should get inside.”

  “Agreed. I have a feeling setting our love aside will be more frequent after tomorrow eve.”

  “Are you sure I cannot accompany you when you visit the different parts of your territory.”

  Stefano sighed.” I am certain. I spoke at lengths with Sire and told you what he said.”

  “Yes. The Prince’s attention must not be divided by family issues when he is holding audience with someone. I understand it, even why it is so. I just needed to check once more. I am sorry if I appear too needy.”

  “Never apologize for needing me, Gerik. You can be sure I do not regret my need for you.”

  Gerik opened a balcony door and held it for Stefano. Stefano, however, slipped Gerik’s hand from the door and replaced it with his own, then shooed his chylde through the door first. He started to close it but changed his mind and opened both doors full. As he began to walk to the bar, their first visiting representative descended the stairs. Stefano changed course to step over to the newcomer then extended his hand.

  “Well met. I am Stefano, Lord of the Keep.”

  The gentleman smiled and took the offered handshake firmly.” Ah, our future Prince. Well met indeed, Lord Stefano. I am Barzenn, spokesman for the Dressdary lands.”

  Stefano thought for a moment then smiled.” Yes. I remember seeing your home on the territory map Vargon uses. I trust things are well in Dressdary?”

  While Stefano and Barzenn spoke, five more representatives arrived, first two, then three more. Each was assigned a footman who took their luggage and led them to their assigned room on the third floor. Stefano had the top floor added after the fire and enlarged the rooms on the second to create four larger rooms. One was his and Gerik’s, which had separate sitting rooms if needed. One was for Vargon and Odessa – the last kept in case another prince ever came to visit. Vargon had told Stefano it rarely happened, but the Lord of the Keep was not going to take any chances.

  Before all the present representatives had settled into their rooms, the last two arrived. The first thing to strike Stefano was all those present were male. He made his way around the room, greeting each and spending time with each discussing their particular place within the territory. Twice he called Gerik over to speak with someone that had requested it. Although Gerik didn’t converse as long as his sire had, he did finish any topic being discussed so as not to be rude.

  Later, having concluded his many introductions, Stefano stood at the bar getting a house brandy when the front doors opened for Vargon and Odessa. One of the representatives gave a loud “finally”, but all had smiles and were glad to see their current Prince and his wife. The group divided as the couple moved to a settee by the fireplace; Odessa sat while Vargon stood behind her to address the crowd, which was now in an arc around the settee.

  “Thank you, each of you, for being here. As you know, I’ve been traveling to each area represented here to inform you of my stepping down as your prince and to ask for your attendance. It pleases me beyond words that someone from every place within my territory is here. Since the time I met with you, does anyone have questions to be answered before the ceremony tomorrow eve?”

  A short, heavy set, bearded gypsy spoke. He looked around the room as he introduced himself to the other representatives. “Harn from the Galaspis kumpania.” He turned to Vargon, “Can you tell us again why you have chosen this road and ensure us you are not being forced into it?”

  Vargon smiled broadly.” I am pleased to do so. But first, Harn, how is your daughter?  Is the wedding still scheduled?”

  “She is fine. Giggly, but fine.” Harn replied. A few of the men chuckled before Harn added,  “And yes, wedding preparations continue. It will still commence unless I find reason to skin the lad sniffing at Sarvana’s skirts.” The room erupted with laughter that slowly dwindled. Once the room was quiet, Vargon continued.

  “All of you are aware of my injury; a few have even asked for the cause. I still believe the cause is of little importance and will not address it. What has breath now is the injury itself. It slows me, which my wife says is a good thing because now she can keep in step with me.” Again laughter. “Plus, I wish to be able to spend long periods with any of you and not have to worry over the duties of being Prince. This is my choice that I make freely. It is what I want.” His voice changed to carry the presence of a prince. “It is what shall be.” The weight of his statement wafted through the room.

  Harn nodded. “Then I honor you and your decision.” He began applauding. Soon the entire room had joined in.  

  Stefano remained back near the bar. He also clapped, though his eyes misted over, allowing a few tears to slide down his cheek. . If I can carry even one small portion of their honor that Father carries, I will know myself accepted. They are incredibly strong men, solid wills,
courteous … but how will they react to the ceremony?  And what are their unspoken feelings?

  Vargon stood quietly, humbly accepting the accolades. When it had rung through the great hall for a while, he held up his hand and waited for the room to become still.

  “I look forward to seeing you all on the morrow. I hope to hear affirmations from each, though I will accept dissension. I simply trust I will hear none. Much is to happen this eve. If you haven’t already, each of you must feed. I haven’t seen any servant donors, so I am assuming you will all venture to the mainland. Be careful that you all stay distant from each other. If possible, use multiple mundanes. I shall be retiring early as I wish to be fully rested and refreshed for my chylde’s ascension.  

  “The great hall will be transformed, numerous decoration changes; the ceremony shall be in this room. I understand many of you would prefer outside, but there are inquisitives on the mainland and I don’t wish to give them cause for greater curiosity. If you have questions on this region or the Keep itself, Lord Stefano will be available to assist you. May the Fates guide and protect us all.”

  Vargon stepped around the settee, breaking the energy flow in the room. Like prisoners having their chains fall off, the men began to mingle and move around the room. Most of them seemed to still cluster around him.

  Stefano looked around the room, trying to smile for everyone. And so it begins. . How am I to become comfortable with Sire calling me ‘Lord’?  Not to mention ‘Lord Prince’. And will he ever truly defer to me?  He set his empty wyne glass on the bar and watched as the men crowded around Vargon, each wanting to personally give him their approval.

  Gerik stepped to Stefano’s side and slipped an arm behind him.” Viktor, two house brandies, please.”

  “Right away, Lord Gerik.”

  The two kindred remained at the bar to observe what transpired. They sipped their drinks in silence.  

  Viktor tended to drink requests and cleaning up after spills and empty glasses. Occasionally he would glance at the two men, his eyes alive with sparks.

  Ye shall be a fine prince, Stefano. Whether Gerik will have any true value is yet to be seen. Above all else, it shall be interesting.


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