A Thrill of Hope

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A Thrill of Hope Page 17

by Marie Higgins

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “But your friend didn’t mean it, did she?”

  “No. Well, I don’t think she meant it. She knew I liked Steve, and she wanted to help us get together.” She dropped her gaze to the radio in the truck. “But I also trusted Steve and his friends to keep the secret of what they’d witnessed. Instead, he and his friends spread vicious rumors about me.”

  Rafe stretched his arm out, laying his hand on her knee. “Once again, I wish I had known. I would have stopped the rumors.”

  She met his gaze and smiled and rested her hand on top of his. “I believe you would have. If only I had known you better back then.”

  “Well, because of our ages, we wouldn’t have been in the same school at the same time.”

  “Yes, you’re right.”

  His focus moved back to the road. “Hey, I think you’re too far away. Why don’t you scoot over by me? There is a seatbelt here, you know.”

  Holly’s heart raced as she quickly did as requested. Sitting next to him also made her warmer.

  “There,” he said. “That’s much better. Don’t you think?”

  “I do.”

  She debated whether to relax against him or not. But then she remembered that just for today, she wasn’t going to worry about anything. She was going to enjoy her time with Rafe.

  Smiling, she leaned against him. Immediately, he moved his hand to rest on her knee. The butterflies dancing in her stomach kicked into overdrive. And heaven help her, she couldn’t stop her heart from melting.

  There was silence for a few moments, and she found it odd that she felt comfortable, even though they weren’t talking. But she did enjoy hearing his deep, soothing voice, so she didn’t plan on having silence for much longer.

  “What are the odds that the mishaps happening to my set were merely... accidental?”

  “No. I don’t believe that. Take for instance, the makeshift wall I’d made for the innkeeper’s building. I had just finished nailing it to the barn before I came in to watch you and the cast rehearse a scene.”

  Holly lifted her head to look at his handsome profile. “Did you come in to watch me or the cast?”

  His smile widened. He peeked at her, gave her a wink, before looking back at the road. “What do you think?”

  “I think you are a big flirt, Rafe Montgomery.”

  “What can I say?” He shrugged. “I enjoy looking at beautiful things.”

  She held in a sigh, not wanting him to know just how much that comment affected her.

  “As for the light fixture that nearly fell on us—” His mouth tightened. “I do excellent work, and when I hung that light fixture a few months ago, it was connected to the ceiling perfectly.”

  “Have you had accidents like this before?”

  “No, never.”

  She frowned. “They have happened since my mother and I arrived at the ranch?”


  “This tells me that someone at the ranch doesn’t like me being there.”

  “You’d think that, however, I know everyone loves you.” He squeezed her knee. “Both my cousins have brightened up since your arrival. And the ranch hands – even though they are part-time, they still enjoy your company.”

  “Do you think it might be someone who isn’t on the ranch?”

  “Like who?” He glanced at her.

  “I don’t know. I just wonder if anyone could sneak on the ranch without anyone seeing.”

  “I suppose it’s possible, especially at night, but when someone added Halloween decorations to my innkeeper’s wall, that wasn’t done at night. Someone must have seen them doing it.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  She dropped her gaze to his hand still on her knee. Hesitantly, she slid her hand over the back, and linked her fingers with his. Softly, he rubbed his thumb over her knuckle. Things were getting too cozy, but she wouldn’t stop it. Not today of all days.

  RAFE STOPPED THE TRUCK in front of his favorite restaurant in town and turned off the engine. This place served the best breakfast, even better than Blake’s.

  It was hard to leave his vehicle, only because sitting so close – and holding hands with Holly – thrilled him more than he’d planned. He was falling fast for this woman, and he didn’t know why. He wasn’t on the rebound, since he was the one who ended it with Katie. But being with Holly just felt... right.

  As he released his seatbelt, she removed hers. He waited until she faced him before he cupped her face with his hands. “Before we go inside, I’ve been dying to do this since we got in the truck.”

  He placed his mouth over hers. She sighed and melted against him. As she clung to his coat, her lips met his urgently, and very passionately. The rhythm of his heartbeat ran a race with his fast breaths. Maybe he shouldn’t have kissed her, because now he didn’t want to stop. Unfortunately, their bulky coats were getting in the way. He’d have to make sure that the next time they kissed, they were someplace without outerwear.

  Rafe broke the kiss and affectionately stroked her cheek. Her beautiful green eyes twinkled. He could stare at her forever. “Now that my morning is brighter, shall we go inside and eat?”

  A soft smile touched her expression. “Of course.”

  His heart lightened as he walked hand in hand with her inside the restaurant. Being with her made him happy and he felt complete. It unnerved him slightly, only because he’d never had these kinds of feelings for Katie.

  The rest of the day passed as if he was dreaming – a purely magical dream that he never wanted to end.

  After eating breakfast, they walked hand-in-hand through the stores so that they could do some Christmas shopping. They talked about growing up, about going to college, and especially, about the people they had been in relationships with. He’d learned so much more about Holly, which made the small seed of love within his soul, grow larger with each hour that passed.

  She shared with him the time when her father passed away. Mr. Kidman had had cancer, and it took him within eight months. Rafe’s heart ached for her, knowing exactly how she had felt when she lost a loved-one. He told her about when his parents had died and the heartache he’d felt trying to get the estate settled while he grieved.

  As Holly and Rafe left one of the stores, a sign posted on the glass door, caught his attention. The town’s Soup Kitchen was looking for helpers today to serve an early Christmas meal. Timberland had a lot of hungry people during the holidays as most of those employed had been laid off due to the winter season.

  Rafe realized this was the perfect way for him and Holly to feel the Christmas Spirit – by helping others by giving of their time.

  “What do you think?” he asked her, pointing to the sign. “Should we help them serve?”

  Smiling wide, she nodded. “That would be fun.”

  When they arrived at the Soup Kitchen, they were early, so they were put to work peeling potatoes, and dicing vegetables. Rafe helped carve the several roast turkeys from the oven and set out the food on the long tables out in front.

  Many people stood in line, waiting for the doors to open. Rafe and Holly stood together, both wearing white aprons and plastic gloves, ready to serve.

  Rafe recognized several of them. Of course, being born and raised in Timberland, he knew a lot of people. More of them recognized Holly, which surprised him.

  One couple came through the line, wearing old coats. The woman wore the coat with no zipper, and her husband wore a coat with several buttons missing down the front of the garment. Rafe’s heart went out to them. He’d have to remember to purchase some coats for them to wear this winter.

  The woman appeared to be in her late forties. She smiled at Holly, holding out her plate for Holly to add potatoes and gravy.

  “I remember you from years ago,” the woman told Holly.

  Holly’s eyes widened. “You do?”

  “Yes. My daughter, Lisa, had babysat you and your sisters a few times.”

  Holly laughed. �
��I remember Lisa. How is she doing?”

  “She’s married and living in Utah. They have three kids.”

  “Well, if you talk to her, tell her I said hi.”

  The woman nodded. “I’ll do that.”

  She didn’t move down the line, but instead, her gaze shifted between Holly and Rafe. He sincerely hoped, the woman wasn’t putting two-and-two together and remembering about the gossip Holly had endured after their kiss.

  “Do you need more potatoes?” Holly questioned, warily.

  “No, I have enough. I’m just glad to see you and Rafe Montgomery together. After what happened all those years ago, it’s good to see that both of you have moved past it and are friends.” The woman’s grin widened. “You make a cute couple, too.”

  Holly glanced up at Rafe. Holding his breath, he expected Holly to look crushed that someone remembered the scandal. Instead, her green eyes were bright, and oh, so dreamy.

  “Thank you,” Holly said, returning her gaze to the woman. “I’m glad to hear that you approve.”

  Rafe nearly gasped. Had he heard correctly? His chest swelled with pride, very happy that Holly was past that... or at least appeared to be past it.

  Finally, the meal was over. Rafe and Holly sat at one of the empty tables, taking a break. The crowd had dispersed, and only a few couples were left in the hall. Rafe took hold of Holly’s hand and brought it to his lips, leaving light kisses on her knuckles.

  “I’ve had so much fun with you today.” He smiled.

  Sighing, she relaxed in her chair, leaning her elbow on the table they’d just wiped down. “It has been fun, hasn’t it? I haven’t helped in the Soup Kitchen since I was fourteen. My mom had encouraged us girls to become more active in the community whenever possible, and one year I decided to help here.” Her gaze moved around the room slowly. “It makes me feel good to see the smiles from those we served tonight. They were so grateful for something so small – like a meal.” She paused and tears gathered in her eyes. “I never realized until now just how fortunate I am. And it also makes me realize that it doesn’t take much to help someone in need.”

  “No, it doesn’t.” He stroked her hand. “I think I’m going to do this more often, because it made me feel good, too. And I was very proud of you for the way you handled Mrs. Williams.”

  Her gaze narrowed on him. “Who?”

  “You know, Lisa’s mother.”

  “Oh, yes. Her. But why were you proud of me?”

  “Because of what she said about us.”

  Holly grinned. “If the town remembers what happened fourteen years ago, then I suspect they will be shocked to see the two of us together.”

  “I’m sure they will, but... I’m happy that you don’t mind.”

  She shrugged. “I actually like being seen with you.”

  “Good, because I feel the same way about you.”

  The tinkling of the bell above the front door announced other patrons. Rafe reluctantly tore his gaze off Holly to glance toward the new comers. Immediately, he recognized the face of the one brother he hadn’t seen for years. And accompanying him was his wife.

  Rafe hitched a surprised breath and stood. “Steve? What are you doing here?”

  Steve smiled and stopped right in front of him. “We were just up at the ranch, but Blake said you were in town.” Steve’s attention briefly shifted to the table where the food had been served, before returning it to Rafe. “But I never thought you’d be here. I saw your truck outside, so I came in to see for myself.”

  His brother hadn’t changed much. Steve still had light brown hair, but he was losing it fast. Rafe was thankful he didn’t have a problem with hair loss. Married life had added ten or fifteen pounds to his brother’s frame, but that only meant his wife fed him well.

  Rafe peered over Steve’s shoulder to look at Lynda. Her tummy was round with child number four. Just as he opened his mouth to greet her, Holly shrieked the other woman’s name and jumped from her chair.

  “Lynda? Is that you?” Holly rushed to Lynda and threw her arms around the woman’s shoulders.

  “Oh, my gosh! Holly?”

  Rafe paused in talking to his brother as he watched the two women interact. Beside him, Steve elbowed his arm.

  “Is that Holly Kidman?” Steve whispered.

  Rafe nodded. Then it hit him. Steve and Holly were the same age. She’d had a crush on Steve and had wanted to kiss him in the prop room. Inwardly, Rafe groaned. This was going to be awkward.

  “She has changed a lot,” Steve said softly.

  “Yes, she has.” Rafe nodded.

  “Look at you,” Holly said with a lift to her voice as she grasped her friend’s hands and stared at her round belly. “You’re pregnant!”

  Lynda laughed. “This is my fourth.”

  Holly shook her head. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “Yes, we do.” Lynda paused and within seconds, her expression fell. Frowning, her gaze bounced between Steve and Holly.

  Turning to look at Steve, Holly kept her smile, although it faltered a few times. “Hello, Steve.”

  “Holly, it’s a surprise to see you in town. I’d heard you left for California to strike it rich.”

  “Yes. I live in Fairfield with my aunt. I came back to take care of my mom until after the holidays.”

  Calmly, Holly folded her arms, eyeing both Steve and Lynda, until she rested her attention on her friend. “So Lynda, when did you and Steve get married?”

  The woman laughed with discomfort. “A year after we graduated high school.”

  Steve chuckled and wrapped his arm around his wife, pulling her closer. “Yeah, apparently, she’d had a crush on me since we were young, and she waited all those years to tell me.”

  Lynda’s cheeks turned a bright red. She playfully slapped her husband’s belly. “You’d like to think I did.”

  Steve narrowed his gaze. “Oh, I know you did.”

  Rafe remained quiet as he watched Holly’s expression. From what she had explained about that time in the prop room when they were younger, her friend Lynda had sent her to the room because she planned to have Steve go in there as well. So then, why would Lynda do that if she had a crush on Steve? Unless... Rafe held his breath. She must have overheard him telling Cindy to meet him in the prop room. That could be the only explanation.

  Uncertainty displayed on Holly’s expression. Her pretty green eyes were no longer lit with happiness, but dulled with pain. Rafe’s heart clenched. This was worse than he thought.


  Holly’s blood turned cold, but she pasted on a fake smile. Her mind kept replaying the words Steve had said, and it wasn’t hard to figure out what had really happened fourteen years ago. If her friend had wanted Steve all that time, why hadn’t she said anything?

  “Well, I’m just so very happy for you,” Holly told her friend as she gave her another hug. “And it’s been so good to see you again.”

  Lynda sighed. “So you aren’t going to be in town for much longer?”

  Holly shook her head. “Just until after the holidays, and until one of my sisters can take over mom-sitting.”

  Rafe moved beside her and slipped his arm around her shoulders. She peered up into his eyes. They were so warm, and filled with compassion.

  “Our dear Holly will be in charge of the Christmas program this year.” He gave her a wink before turning to look at his brother. “And, she’ll be having it at the ranch.”

  Steve’s mouth hung agape. “Our ranch?”

  Rafe nodded. “That’s the perfect place, don’t you agree?”

  “Oh, definitely.” Steve smiled at Holly. “I’m sure you’ll do great, especially if you’re anything like your mom.”

  Holly chuckled, feeling more at ease now. Of course, it helped knowing how supportive Rafe was to her. “Yes, I’m like my mother.”

  Steven took Lynda’s hand as they turned toward the door. “We’ll see you later tonight at the ranch.”

fe arched an eyebrow. “You’re staying the night?”

  “Yes, but we’ll leave first thing in the morning. We came to town for Lynda’s family Christmas party, but we’re leaving tomorrow.”

  “Oh, all right. I’ll see you later, then.”

  Holly waved as they left the building. It wasn’t until the door shut behind them when her insides started to shake. She tried to keep her feelings inside, telling herself that this was all water under the bridge. There was no use dwelling on the past... Shoot, she’d handled Mrs. Williams just fine when the woman hinted about the scandal Holly had endured.

  But... This was different. This was so different. To discover that her so-called best friend had been the person who ruined Holly’s life was a very hard thing to forgive. Was she expected to forget it, too? At this moment, Holly didn’t think that would ever happen.

  All the walls she’d built around her heart as she tried to make it through her teenage years until graduation, were crumbling around her now. Although she wanted to be strong, she didn’t think she could do it. She wanted to scream at the top of her voice, and at the same time, she wanted to cry and lock herself in her bedroom for months. Her heart was breaking all over again, and she wouldn’t be able to stop it this time.

  In a daze, she moved to the back room to collect her coat, gloves, and scarf. Rafe was right beside her, helping her slip into her coat. Not a word was spoken between them as they walked to his truck. He helped her inside before climbing in and starting the engine.

  He drove through town, but Holly didn’t see anything. The only thing playing in her mind was everything she’d endured during the days and weeks after she was caught with Rafe in the prop room. Then the rumors had started, and a few years after that, the boys started asking her out on dates, but only expecting one thing. Some of her friends had slowly drifted away through her late junior high and high school years, because they didn’t want to have a friend with that kind of reputation.

  And to think, her friend Lynda had been the one responsible for everything! But surprisingly enough, Lynda had stuck with Holly through it all. Why would she do that?


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