Kinda Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

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Kinda Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers College Romance Page 28

by Allie Everhart

  "Well," my dad says. "This is a surprise. Never thought I'd see you two even getting along and now you're in a relationship?"

  Birdie smiles at me. "I'm sure we'll still fight."

  I smile back. "We wouldn't be us if we didn't."

  My dad shakes his head. "I don't understand you two."

  "I think it's nice they're getting along," my mom says, getting up from her chair. "I'll go get the rolls."

  "Hey! That's mine!" I say as Birdie steals the last strawberry from my plate.

  "You can share!" She bites into the strawberry.

  "I would've if you'd asked first."

  "I don't need to! I'm your girlfriend!"

  My dad sighs. "Here we go again."

  Chapter Twenty-Seven



  "What do you think?" I spin around, showing off my new sweater.

  "Is this thing we're going to one of those ugly sweater parties?" Cal asks.

  "No! I got this at a flash sale downtown last weekend. I told you all about it. Don't you remember?"

  "I remember. So that's what you got?" he asks, raising his brows.

  I huff. "You know nothing about fashion. This was on all the runways when they debuted the winter trends. Well, not this actual sweater, but one like it."

  The sweater is red and green plaid and puffs out at the shoulders and has ruffles at the waist. It's not the most flattering look and not something I would buy again but I wanted to give it a try. When it comes to fashion I like to be bold.

  "You really like it?" Cal asks.

  "It's not my favorite but it's not ugly sweater bad. I can't believe you thought that!"

  "You have to admit it looks like that. The red and green plaid? That ruffle? Those sleeves? Add Rudolph and a flashing nose and you'd have—"

  "Yeah, I get it. You don't like it." I tug on the ruffled hem, which keeps curling up. "I'm still wearing it to the party."

  He comes over to me, putting his arms around me. "I think you look good in whatever you wear."

  "You're just saying that to make up for saying my sweater was ugly."

  "I didn't say it was ugly. I just thought it was one of those sweaters people wear to those Christmas parties."

  "An ugly sweater party."

  "I didn't give it that name. Someone else did."

  "Because everyone wears ugly sweaters. Like this one." I point to it. "You can deny it all you want, but that's what you meant."

  "I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who would think that. But if you like the sweater, then wear it. So what's this party we're going to?"

  "Isla's having some people over to her apartment for drinks and appetizers. It's a pre-holiday party since she flies home tomorrow and won't be around for Christmas."

  "Should I wear an ugly sweater too?" He grins. "That way people will think we planned it."

  I push him away. "You're so mean!"

  "I'm kidding." He pulls me back into his arms and kisses me. "I love that you aren't afraid to wear what you like. Maybe just don't pick something like this when you're buying for stores."

  He's talking about my future career. A few months ago I decided to do like Cal suggested and look into a career in fashion. Just considering it had me feeling excited. I never thought I could actually make a living doing something I like. After a lot of research and talking to my advisor at school and some people who work in the field, I decided to change my major. I was scared to death to tell my parents but they didn't even get mad. Even my dad, who really wanted me to be an actuary, was supportive of me changing my major.

  Next semester I get to take classes I'll actually like and it's all because of Cal. If he hadn't pushed me to look into fashion, I'd be studying to do a job I never really wanted to do.

  Cal is feeling better about school too now that he knows his business degree will be used to own and manage a golf course. Cal and his dad bought that course in Scottsdale a few weeks ago but it'll be managed by someone else until Cal is done with school. He works there when he can and golfs there all the time. He loves it. In all the years I've known him, I've never him this happy.

  I check the clock. "I thought they'd be here by now."

  Luke and Taylor are back for the holidays. They're here for three weeks, until Taylor has to go back to school. Isla invited them to her party so we're all going together.

  "They probably got stuck in traffic," Cal says.

  "She didn't text me."

  "They'll be here." He leans down to kiss me. "Let's go wait in the bedroom."

  I smile. "I would, but we don't have time."

  "We can start now and finish later." His hands slip under my sweater.

  Just as he's about to unhook my bra, the doorbell rings.

  "Shit," he mutters.

  I kiss him. "We'll do it when we get home."

  Cal and I live together in his apartment. I moved in right before Thanksgiving. Living with Cal wasn't much of an adjustment. I already knew what it'd be like to live with him because I practically lived at his house when we were kids.

  For the most part we get along, although we still fight over the marshmallows in the cereal. We fight a lot actually, but it's never serious. In fact, it's kind of become foreplay to us. The fighting gets us aroused and we end up in bed. We have a great sex life, although I'd never tell Taylor that. We agreed any sex talk about her brother was off limits.

  I open the door for Luke and Taylor. Taylor's holding a platter covered with foil.

  "Taylor, I told you not to bring anything."

  "I know, but I can't go to a party without bringing something. It's not much. Just a cheese tray and some crackers. If she doesn't want to put it out, she can save it for later."

  "I'm sure she'll put it out," I say, taking the platter and stepping aside to let them in. "She never has enough food at her parties."

  "You want a drink?" Cal asks. "We have some time before we go."

  I put the platter in the kitchen. "We have water, soda, some kind of juice drink Cal bought. It's not very good. I wouldn't recommend it."

  "We're good," Taylor says, looking at Luke. She smiles at him and he smiles back.

  "What's going on?" Cal asks.

  "We're just really happy," Taylor says, still looking at Luke.

  They're both smiling more than usual. Something's going on.

  My eyes dart to Taylor's hand. "Oh my God, you're engaged!"

  "He asked me this morning!" she squeals. "I've been dying to tell you but we wanted to do it in person."

  "Congratulations!" I hug her, then grab her hand to look at the ring. "It's really pretty. You did good, Luke."

  "Thanks, although I had a little help from her friends at school. Lilly and Willow went shopping with me."

  "You're marrying my sister?" Cal says to Luke. "And you didn't ask me first?"

  "He doesn't have to ask you," Taylor says. "You're my brother, not my dad."

  Cal smiles. "I'm just kidding. Congratulations." He hugs Taylor, then Luke. "Do Mom and Dad know?"

  "I told them before I asked, so yeah," Luke says.

  "And Dad was okay with this?" Cal asks Taylor.

  She puts her arm around Luke's. "Dad's happy for us. And so is Mom. She's already talking about grandkids." Taylor laughs. "I told her that's a ways off."

  "When's the wedding?" I ask.

  "Next June. And you're my maid of honor. Don't even try to get out of it."

  "Get out of it? Are you kidding? I can't wait! When do we get to go dress shopping?"

  "How about this weekend? Do you have to work tomorrow?"

  "Yeah, but I'll try to switch shifts with someone."

  "I keep telling her to quit that job," Cal says, putting his arm around me. "Too many guys are hitting on her."

  I laugh. "I can't help it if I'm irresistible."

  He kisses me.

  "You two are getting as bad as us," Taylor says. "Always touching and kissing. Next it'll be you two announcing your engagem

  "Engagement?" I look at her like she's crazy. "We just started dating."

  "Hey, what's with the sweater?" Luke asks, pointing to it. "I didn't know tonight was one of those ugly sweater parties."

  Cal bursts out laughing. "Told you!"

  I shove him away. "You told him to say that!"

  "Did not!"

  "Why else would he say it?"

  "Because it looks like a sweater you'd wear to one of those parties."

  "It does not! Taylor, tell him."

  She bites her lip, not answering.

  "Taylor, tell them it's a nice sweater. You've seen this style in all the magazines."

  "I have, but I have to admit it's not my favorite. And with the red and green plaid, it does kind of look like one of those sweaters."

  "I can't believe you guys!" I huff. "I thought you were my friends."

  "We are," Taylor says, "which is why we're telling you this. You can still wear it tonight. Nobody's going to say anything. Everyone knows you make bold fashion choices."

  "Is it really that bad?" I hold out the ruffled bottom, which seems more and more hideous the longer I stare at it. "You're right. It's awful. I'll go change."

  "Birdie, wait," Cal says, catching up to me in the hall. "It doesn't look awful. It's just different. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I really thought it was one of those ugly Christmas sweaters. If you like it, wear it. It doesn't matter what we think."

  "Thanks, but I don't want to wear it." I smile. "You know what I really want to wear?"


  "My monster truck show t-shirt."

  "To a Christmas party?"

  "Yep. I don't care if people think it's strange. It's my favorite shirt and I'm wearing it."

  "Then I'll wear mine too."

  "You don't have to."

  "I want to."

  We go in our room and he puts on the shirt. The one that says he's in love with a monster truck girl.

  "Are you sure you want to wear that?" I ask. "That shirt will let everyone at the party know that you love me."

  "Yeah?" He gives me kiss. "You got a problem with that?"

  I smile at him. "Go hang out with Taylor and Luke. I'll be ready in a few minutes."

  While I'm changing into the shirt, I remember back to that night. The night I found out Cal was my secret admirer. On the drive to the stadium I kept imagining who it might be, and then I imagined who I wanted it to be. My mind kept picturing Cal. No matter how many other guys I thought of, I kept going back to Cal. He's the one I was hoping would be there that night but I never in a million years thought it'd be him. We hadn't spoken for a week. I wasn't even sure we were still friends. That's why I was so depressed that week. I missed him. I missed our talks, our swimming lessons, even our tutoring sessions.

  When he showed up that night I thought I was dreaming. I knew he had feelings for me but I didn't know he loved me. I wasn't sure I loved him until that night when I so desperately wanted my secret admirer to be Cal.

  Cal Tuckerman. The guy I couldn't stand. The guy who annoyed me for most of my life. The guy I wanted to hate, but couldn't.

  "What are you guys talking about?" I ask as I return to the living room.

  "They were asking about your swimming lessons," Cal says. "I told them there's a good chance you still might drown."

  "Only because you suck as a teacher." I sit next to him on the couch.

  "I'm an awesome teacher. You just refuse to listen."

  "We've been here, what? Ten minutes?" Luke says to Taylor. "And they're already fighting."

  Taylor's looking at her phone. "Luke, we forgot the tickets!"

  "What tickets?" I ask.

  "We got tickets for a concert tomorrow and we were supposed to pick them up on the way here." She gets up. "We have to go. They close in ten minutes. Can we meet you at the party?"

  "Yeah. Go. We'll see you there."

  We walk them to the door.

  When they're gone, I turn to Cal, smiling. "What were you saying about my swimming?"

  "That it still needs work." He lifts my shirt over my head.

  "You really do suck as a teacher," I say, undoing his belt.

  "You suck as a student." He takes my bra off and tosses it on the floor.

  "I'd be a champion swimmer by now if I had a better teacher." I shove his shirt up and he rips it off.

  We're breathing hard, our eyes locked.

  "How much time do we have?" he asks.

  "We can be late."

  He scoops me up and races to the bedroom, tossing me on the bed.

  "You could be a little gentler," I say, hurrying to get my jeans off.

  He smiles as he yanks his pants off. "You like it rough."

  "You don't know what I like."

  "I know everything you like." He hovers over me on the bed.

  "You're so full of yourself," I say, laughing as his kisses tickle my neck.

  "I can't help it that I'm the best boyfriend ever."

  "I never said you're the best."

  He kisses me, then looks in my eyes. "You never said I'm not."

  I roll my eyes. "Okay, you might be the best."

  "Told you," he said, thrusting inside me.

  We do a quickie because we're already late for the party. We really should've skipped the sex and done it later but whenever we fight, we get so turned on we can't help ourselves.

  "Remember when I used to hate you?" I ask as I'm getting dressed.

  Cal comes over and helps me with my shirt. "You never hated me."

  "I kinda did."

  "I kinda hated you too." He kisses me. "But now I kinda love you."

  "Kind of?" I ask, pushing him away. "That's it?"

  "Birdie, we can't start this. We don't have time."

  "You're right. Let's go."

  We hurry to the door.

  "But after the party," I say, grabbing my keys, "on the way home, I'm going to tell you how much I hate it when you leave your socks on the floor."

  "And I'm going to tell you how much I hate it when your hair clogs the shower drain."

  "I'm getting turned on," I say. "We gotta go."

  "Come here." He pulls me into his arms. "You know what I was thinking?"


  "As different as we are, we're kinda perfect for each other."

  "We are, aren't we?" I kiss him. "Let's go before we start fighting again."

  When people see us fight, they think we're being serious. If they only knew it was our secret love language. The one nobody else understands. The one that started years ago that we thought was hate, but turned out to be love.

  For years I said I kinda hated him but in my heart, I kinda loved him.

  And now there's no kinda anymore. I know for sure.

  I love him.

  From the Author

  Thanks for reading Kinda Hate You! Please take a moment to leave a review wherever you purchased the book. Reviews are greatly appreciated and one of the best ways to show your support for an author!

  Want to read Taylor and Luke’s story? Anyone But Her is available now! It takes place the summer before Kinda Hate You.

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  Taylor and Luke’s Story

  ANYONE BUT HER - Available now!

  One rule. Stay away from Luke.

  Seems easy enough…if I wasn’t in love with him.

  Out of all the guys I could’ve fallen for, why did it have to be Luke, my brother’s best friend? When we kissed I thought I’d never see him agai
n but now he’s living with us for the summer.

  With my dad and brother watching our every move, keeping my relationship with Luke a secret is nearly impossible. If my dad finds out, Luke will end up on the streets. And if my brother finds out, he’ll never speak to Luke again.

  Will we make it through the summer without being caught?

  Sneak Peek of One Night

  What happens when a girl who believes in old-fashioned romance falls for a guy she met during a one night stand at a frat party?

  ONE NIGHT, a standalone romance. Available now!

  I'm a true romantic. I believe in fairy tales, soulmates, and happily ever afters.

  The last way I'd ever try to find my true love is with a one night stand. But the night of the party I wasn't looking for my soulmate.

  When a hot guy with dark hair, brooding eyes, and a chiseled face made eye contact with me across a crowded room, I held his gaze and waited for him to come over. Before even asking my name, he kissed me. I kissed him back. And without giving it a second thought, I followed him to a room and had my first ever one-night stand.

  It was a magical night. One I'll never forget. There were sparks, fireworks, and this unexplained feeling that we belong together. But soulmates aren't found with a one-night stand. They're found with handwritten love notes. Flowers. A first kiss under the moonlight.

  A one night stand is the worst love story ever. But what if it's mine?



  “Where are you going?” I yell over the music as Megan takes off with some guy.

  “I’ll meet up with you later!” she yells back, laughing as she stumbles on her heels. We’ve been at this party less than ten minutes and she’s already tipsy. She swigged down two cups of spiked fruit punch which is all it takes for someone as tiny as her to get drunk.

  “Amber!” she yells, stumbling back to me. “Todd said he’d take me home later so don’t wait around for me.”


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