The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1)

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The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1) Page 14

by Alexis Winter

  The moment I step inside, I text Calvin. We need to talk.

  Preston gone?

  He should be home any minute.

  I toss my phone down and open my suitcase, looking for something more comfortable to put on to get out of these constricting jeans. I jump when someone taps on my second-story window. I spin around to see Calvin. I laugh as I race to the window, pulling it open.

  “What are you doing? Trying to break your neck?”

  He crawls inside. “It occurred to me that I’d never snuck in through a girl’s window before. Wanted you to be my first.” He pulls me against him and his lips land on mine. On cue, the tingles flood my body. That’s why I think this is right. But right now, I have something to tell him. I pull away, taking his hand in mine. “We need to talk.”

  “What’s going on?”

  We sit on the edge of the bed, and I tell him about Preston coming over, our conversation, and how he kissed me. He doesn’t get mad. There’s nothing to get mad about. Preston doesn’t know that Calvin and I are together. More than anything, he looks nervous.

  “So Preston finally smartened up, huh?”

  I shake my head. “He doesn’t love me, Calvin. He’s just confused. He’s seen us together a lot lately. Then he had to sit and listen to your mom talk about how she’s always thought we’d make the perfect couple. I think he’s afraid he’s going to lose me—that you’re going to take me away from him.”

  “And what do you want?” he asks, glancing my way but trying to look impassive, like my answer won’t hurt him.

  I pull my brows together. “I want you, Calvin.”

  A knowing look spreads across his face. “You mean, you’re choosing me? Preston is finally ready to give you everything you’ve wanted for . . . well, forever, and you’re choosing me?”

  I laugh and nod. “Yes, stupid. Preston is my best friend and I’ll always love him. But I’m not in love with him. I couldn’t be, because I’m in love with you.”

  When he hears those words leave my mouth, he pulls me against him for a kiss. It’s a long, hard, fast kiss that reaches my toes and makes them go numb. He lays me back on the bed, covering my body with his, but I push against his chest, stopping him.

  “We can’t have sex in here, Calvin.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “Well, for one, my parents are asleep on the other side of that wall. And two, this bed is cursed. Anyone who has sex in it will sprout hair all over their body and grow six inches.”

  He look confused, but I don’t feel like reliving the story of my hairy uncle and his Amazon wife. “Never mind,” I laugh out, shaking my head.

  “How about the floor then?”

  I glance down at the floor then back up to him. “Only if we’re really, really quiet.”

  “Fine. You’re the noisy one anyway,” he says, sliding off the bed and onto the floor, pulling me down with him.

  The next day, my mom and I are in the kitchen getting some food ready for tomorrow’s party.

  “Mom, I know I’m supposed to be helping, but would you mind if I invited Preston over to help?”

  “Preston?” she asks, giving me a look that says, why in the world would Preston want to cook?

  “Yeah. I feel kinda bad for him lately. He’s seen Calvin and me together a lot and I think it’s making him feel left out.”

  “Fine by me, honey,” she replies, going back to her slow cooker while I dig out my phone.

  I quickly type out a text to Preston: Come over and help me cook.

  Cook? Who do you think I am? Betty Crocker?

  I laugh at his stupidity. Just come on.

  Calvin there?

  Nope. It’ll just be you, me, and my mom.

  It’s only a few minutes later when he’s knocking on the patio door. I wave him in.

  He opens the door and walks into the kitchen. “Good afternoon, Mrs. M.”

  Mom looks over her shoulder at him and offers up a smile. “Afternoon, Preston. How have you been?”

  He shrugs as he sits on the barstool next to me. “Good, I guess. What are we cooking?”

  “We’re dicing vegetables for a veggie tray.” I give him a friendly smile before handing him a knife and some broccoli.

  “What are you making over there, Mrs. M?”

  “I’m starting the smoked sausages for tomorrow, dear.”

  “Mmm, those are my favorite. Can I help her instead?” he asks me with a grin.

  I jam my elbow into his ribs. “No. Chop.”

  “Why? Nobody eats the vegetable tray anyway.”

  “I know,” I whisper. “It’s literally the only job you can fuck up and no one notices. That’s why I do it every year.”

  He nods, finally catching on. He picks up the knife and begins chopping at the broccoli, but not like a normal person. Every chop he makes is so loud, it has my mom jumping. I giggle as I place my hand on his. “Stop it before you’re the one on that cutting board.” I nod toward my mom. He looks up and sees her staring him down. He offers up a small smile before chopping again, this time a little more quietly.

  Preston and I hang out for most of the day, which is good for our friendship, but it sucks because that means Calvin stays away. Calvin promised not to say anything to Preston about his confession and the kiss. We decided to play out this weekend as planned, then break the news to him when we get back home. That way, we can start letting our families know slowly instead of having to take them all on at once. But just because we came to an agreement on how and when to tell Preston doesn’t mean Calvin is excited to fake our friendship after Preston’s confession last night. Calvin’s ready to tell everyone right now—officially claim me as his own.

  I wouldn’t mind being claimed by him, but honestly, I’m a little afraid of how Preston will take the news. Before, I wasn’t sure if he’d be happy or upset by his brother and me being together. But now I’m worried because I think he already feels like he’s losing me to Calvin. Telling him we’re official might make those feelings worse. How can I keep my best friend and my boyfriend in my life? It seems my only option is to give Preston the time he needs to realize he’s not in love with me.

  After we finish helping my mom in the kitchen, Preston and I spend the rest of the day swimming and sunning by the pool. We talk, laugh, and make fun of each other like we always have. There’s no mention of Calvin or Preston’s feelings toward me. It’s an easy day and it’s one I’m happy for. Things have been so mixed up with us lately that it’s nice to put it all behind us, even if it’s just for now.

  Preston goes back home around 7 p.m., and as I figured, Calvin shows up shortly thereafter. I pour us each a glass of wine and we sit by the pool, watching the fireflies dart above our heads. We’re each in our own chairs, but they’re pushed together so we can hold hands.

  “How was Preston today?”

  “Fine. He acted just like he always used to. I miss that Preston. We had fun. We laughed and talked and joked around. We didn’t talk about anything serious. Hopefully he’s realized that last night was a mistake—just a misplaced notion brought on by the feeling that he’s losing me to you.”

  “He is losing you to me. You know he’s going to have to accept it, right?”

  “He’s not losing me. I mean, sure, I’ll be with you more than him now, but I’ll still be there for him just like I always have been.”

  “Maybe that’s how we should break the news to him when we get back. Just explain that even though you’re with me, you’ll still be his friend and will be available to talk or hang out whenever he needs. Make it clear that you won’t choose between the two of us.”

  I squeeze his hand a little tighter. I like that. I won’t choose between them. I’ll keep Calvin as mine and I’ll keep Preston as my best friend, and if either of them has a problem, then it’ll be theirs to deal with.

  I smile over at him. “I like that you put it that way.”

  He lifts my hand up and presses a kiss to the top.

  “Will you be okay with me hanging out with him if it turns out that what he’s feeling is real and doesn’t fade away?” I ask.

  He looks over at me. “Will you change your mind about me if you find out his feelings for you are real?”

  “Absolutely not,” I say, full of certainty. How I feel about Calvin is like nothing I’ve ever felt for anyone else, and I know that feeling can’t be replaced or recreated.

  “Then that’ll be fine. But I better get home.” He finishes up his wine and sets the glass down before standing. “It’s getting late and we all know how early the fun starts around here.”

  I laugh as I walk him over to the gate. “Are you coming by for red, white, and blue pancakes and mimosas?”

  He smiles as he pulls me closer. “You know it.” My chest hits his and his lips land on mine. While he kisses me, his hands move up to cup my cheeks, keeping me against him where I like to be. The kiss is soft, slow, and long, teasing every part of me that seems to be tangled up in him forever.

  I wake early in the morning and take a quick shower. I decide to go for a more natural look today since I’ll be in and out of the pool all day. I scrunch my hair, leaving it in soft beach waves. I don’t add any makeup since it’d wash off in the water. Instead, I just apply some moisturizer. I then pull on my red, white, and blue string bikini and a pair of jean shorts. I slide my feet into some flip-flops and grab my aviator sunglasses.

  By the time I get downstairs, the sound of clinking glasses is already filling the air. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom and Mrs. Young standing on either side of the island, toasting with glasses filled with orange juice and champagne. I smile as I shake my head. “Getting an early start, aren’t we, Moms?”

  “You know it, dear. Grab some pancakes and a flute and go enjoy breakfast with the guys.” Mom motions toward the patio where my dad, Mr. Young, Preston, and Calvin are already sitting at the patio table. I grab a plate that has two pancakes, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, and blueberries. Get it—red, white, and blue pancakes? I grab a flute and hit the patio. Preston and Calvin both look up as I exit.

  Calvin looks happy to see me; he’s wearing a wide smile. Preston’s eyes are moving up and down my body like he can’t get enough of me. That look makes my skin heat up, and I immediately want to go to Calvin and give him a good morning kiss to show Preston that the way he’s looking at me isn’t appropriate. But I can’t exactly do that.

  I take the empty seat between the boys. “Looks like you guys got an early start too. Am I the only one who slept in?”

  Calvin groans. “Preston made sure to wake everyone up at 7 a.m. on the dot.”

  I look over at him and he shrugs with a grin on his lips. “Didn’t want to miss my favorite breakfast of the year.”

  I laugh, then dive into my pancakes. A part of me wonders if Preston was just in a hurry to get here to see me, rather than eat the pancakes. These pancakes aren’t the best. I mean, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, and blueberries are fun and festive, and it’s something we’ve done for as long as I can remember, but I don’t wait all year for the pancakes. No, my favorite thing is the Independence Day punch that Mom makes. It has just about every liquor you can think of in it. It’s bubbly, includes fresh fruit that only gets you more drunk if you eat it, and tastes like heaven in a glass. Every year, I get smashed off the stuff. And every year while I’m praying to the porcelain gods, I promise myself I’ll never drink it again. Yet I always do.

  “It’s good to see you again, Piper,” Mr. Young says as he sits next to my dad, across from me.

  I give him my best smile. He doesn’t know it, but I could be his daughter-in-law one of these days. “You too, Mr. Young. How’s life been treating you?”

  He nods. “As well as can be expected.” He looks at my dad. “I threw my back out again last week. Took me three days, a bottle of Tylenol, and an appointment at the chiropractor to get upright.” His eyes flash to Preston, Calvin, and me. “Never get old. It’s hell,” he laughs out, and my dad joins in.

  The three of us just sit back and wonder how that could even be possible . . . I mean, unless we die, but how is that any better than getting old?

  Mom and Mrs. Young come out with brand-new flutes of spiked OJ and sit in their husbands’ laps. They’re giggling and red-faced already. Usually, the way they get when they’re drunk embarrasses me, but now I’m seeing them through different eyes. What if this is how my life turns out with Calvin? I could be sitting in his lap while Preston’s at our side with his own wife. We’d all be best friends living next door to each other. Life would be like one giant party.

  I let out a sigh. If only.



  After breakfast, the music starts and the coolers are brought out. This portion of the party is only for us. Guests won’t start arriving until closer to cookout time. The moms go back into the kitchen to drink, talk, and prepare food for the cookout. The dads always end up in the garage—drinking, talking about tools, and smoking weed. They’ve done it for years, but they’ll never admit to it. It’s their little tradition they think is a secret, but we all know. Preston, Piper, and I have always been left to ourselves. Back then, it was fun because we would sneak alcohol and get drunk, swim, flirt, and talk about shit we had no clue about. Then we became adults and no longer had to sneak our drinks.

  It’s always been fun. Except this year. I finally have Piper to myself, yet I still can’t touch her. Not yet anyway. We leave tomorrow, then we can break the news. One more day. I can wait one more day.

  The three of us crack open some beer and get into the pool. Piper looks amazing in that string bikini she wears every year, but it seems she fills it out a little better this year. Her chest is bigger—bouncier. Her stomach is toned, but she has a nice curve that leads to her hips. Her ass seems rounder, but her legs are just as long as ever. I can’t take my eyes off her. And neither can my brother. The way he watches her, cocks his jaw, and licks his lips has anger filling my chest. One more day, one more day, one more day, I keep telling myself.

  Piper doesn’t seem to notice as she moves around the pool on a giant floatie that looks like a pink iced donut. She has a beer in one hand, her sunglasses down, and her head back, soaking up the sun. Fuck, I just want to pull her over to the corner of the pool and slide deep inside her. If only there were a way to get Preston to leave.

  “Pres, why don’t you go home and grab that bottle of Fireball?”

  “Fuck yeah!” he says, swimming toward the edge of the pool. He climbs out and runs for the gate.

  When he’s out of sight, I grab ahold of Piper’s floatie and pull her closer.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I needed a minute alone with my girl. This bikini is sexy as fuck. I’ve had a boner since you walked out in it.” I pull her out of her floatie and into my arms.

  “What are you doing? Our parents are going to see,” she says, but makes no attempts to stop me.

  “Our moms are getting hammered and our dads are getting stoned. Nobody’s watching us.” I back her into a corner of the pool and press my mouth to hers. I can’t keep my hands to myself. One hand is squeezing her breast while the other dips beneath her bikini bottom.

  She giggles against my lips. “If you’re going to tease me, then I’m going to tease you back, mister.”

  I smile. “What does that mean?”

  Her hand shoots down the front of my swim trunks and latches onto my dick, which is already hard just from seeing and touching her. She slowly works her hand up and down my length. She bites her lower lip and looks up at me from beneath her lashes, letting out a soft whimper like touching me is enough to make her come.

  I laugh and shake my head. “Fuck, you don’t play fair.”

  She shoots me a grin. “I never said I did.”

  I can hear Preston running back toward the gate. His breathing is heavy and the liquid in the bottle is sloshing around. I quickly pull away from her, swimming awa
y as fast as I can so he doesn’t catch on.

  The gate opens and he steps inside with a wide smile. “Come on, guys! Fireball time.”

  Fuck. I hate drinking that shit, but I knew it was the one way I could get him out of the pool to give me a few minutes alone with my girl.

  Preston sets the bottle on the table and grabs three plastic shot cups. Piper climbs out to get her shot, but I’m still sporting a boner and refuse to get out.

  “Come on, Cal!” Preston yells.

  “I ain’t getting out. Bring it to the edge of the pool.”

  “Who the fuck do you think I am? I ain’t your server. Get out or get left out.” He holds up his shot cup and Piper taps her against it. They both throw their shots back.

  “I’ll bring it to you, Calvin,” Piper says, knowing exactly why I won’t get out of the pool.

  She bends down in front of me to hand me the cup, but her knees are pointed at an angle that gives me a full view of her wet-bathing-suit-covered center. It’s clinging to her skin, showing me right where her slit is. It only makes me harder.

  “Thank you, baby,” I whisper low enough so Preston won’t hear.

  I take the shot and it burns all way down. I hand over the cup and she goes to pitch it. She misses the trash can and bends over to pick it up. While she’s bent over with her ass pointed my way, she looks back with a smile.

  Fuck. She’s still playing the game and she’s winning by a landslide.

  It’s only going on 10 a.m., and I’m already buzzed and in need of my girl. But there’s no way I’ll be able to get her away from Preston for any real length of time. I’m going to have blue balls by the end of the night for sure.


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