Shadow of the Coalition

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Shadow of the Coalition Page 25

by Jamie A. Waters

  Brant looked at her in surprise. His gaze darted back and forth between her and Carl. “You don’t have a preference?”

  “Not particularly,” she admitted, already bored with the conversation. “It’s not my camp. As long as you leave me alone, I don’t care what you do. It’s your life. I’m not responsible for your choices. If you get into my business, though, we’re going to have problems.”

  Brant’s brow furrowed. The security officer was silent for a long moment before he said, “If there are no objections, I’ll stay. I have to say, your reaction is rather unexpected. When Master Tal’Vayr told me to make the offer, I was convinced you’d tell me to leave.”

  “You gave her a choice,” Carl said dryly. “Kayla’s only obstinate when someone tells her what to do. Apparently, Alec learns quickly.”

  “Hey!” Kayla huffed, mildly affronted.

  Carl put his arm around her and brushed a kiss against her temple. “I happen to like that about you.”

  She smirked at him. Carl looked at Brant and then gestured toward the door. “If you’re going to be staying, you can take an empty room in the crew’s quarters.”

  “Thank you,” Brant replied. “I’d like to review the security system you currently have in place. Master Tal’Vayr has authorized the installation of additional cameras and sensors around the perimeter. The equipment will be delivered tomorrow afternoon.”

  Carl gave a curt nod. “Xantham and Cruncher can walk you through the security system in the morning.”

  “Wait, more equipment?” Kayla frowned.

  “Yes, ma’am. Master Tal’Vayr doesn’t want to take any chances with your safety.”

  “Oh, good grief,” she muttered. “Nothing is going to happen to me here.”

  “That’s what we’re going to make sure of,” Brant said grimly. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to make some calls. Goodnight.” He turned and strode out of the room.

  Once he was gone, Kayla looked up at Carl. “What didn’t you want to tell me when he was in the room?”

  Carl sighed. “Alec gave you that choice knowing it was the only way you’d agree. He knew you’d get pissed if he tried to force it on you. But given a choice, you lose your resistance.”

  Kayla frowned and protested, “I do not.”

  Carl merely raised an eyebrow at her. Crap. He has a point. She groaned and lifted her hands in surrender. “Okay, maybe you’re right. I just don’t like people pushing me about things.”

  “I know, sweetheart,” he said, easing her off the desk. “I don’t blame you. Brant will follow Alec’s instructions to the letter though. If he says he won’t interfere, he won’t. We’ll just let this play out and see what happens.”

  She nodded. Carl took her hand and led her into his private quarters, closing the door behind them. He walked over to the edge of the bed and sat beside her. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he took her hand in his. They both stared down at their entwined hands as he traced small circles on her palm.

  “I was worried I’d lost you,” he admitted with a frown. Kayla lifted her head and looked into his dark-brown eyes. The raw pain, concern, and overwhelming love in them staggered her. She reached up to touch the worried crease on his forehead and wished she could erase the hurt she’d caused. Even though they’d only been apart for a short time, she’d missed him more than she’d ever thought possible. It was unnerving how much she’d come to depend on him. It was more than depending on him though. It was the sharing of small moments and looks that let them know exactly how they felt and how much they cared about one another.

  Not for the first time, Kayla wondered what it would be like to share a bond with him. As her fingers caressed his face and moved downward across his chest, she realized it didn’t truly matter. In some ways, they already had a bond. It might not be the same as the one she shared with Alec, but it didn’t make it any less. When she left Carl behind in the towers, she left a piece of herself too. Whether he knew it or not, this trader owned part of her soul. Carl was her balancing point in every way that truly mattered.

  He leaned forward and pressed a kiss against the corner of her mouth. Moved by his tenderness, her lips curved upward at his gentle touch. Almost reverently, he brushed another feather-light kiss against the other side of her mouth.

  Kayla parted her lips slightly as he built the anticipation with his whispered caresses. As though he had all the time in the world, he began trailing small kisses along her jaw, teasing and nibbling along the way. Each place he touched was like a direct line to her heart, coaxing forth her feelings for him and binding them even tighter. His touch was tender and soft, but she could sense the controlled passion that brimmed just under the surface. His hot breath fanned her face and tempted her mercilessly with his closeness, but he remained just out of reach.

  Impatient to taste him, Kayla leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. In a wordless response, she showed him with her kiss what her heart had long since known. The depth of her feelings for him were consuming and undeniable. She fisted her hands in his shirt, demanding everything from him and promising everything in return if only he accepted her offer. He didn’t refuse her silent request. Instead, Carl captured her lower lip between his teeth and lightly nibbled on it before sweeping in and taking possession of her mouth.

  She let out a soft moan. Without breaking the kiss, Carl reached over and pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him. Even through their clothes, the new position connected them intimately. He pressed against her core and she whimpered, wanting everything he offered.

  Kayla pulled back and looked down at the man who’d captured her heart. He reached up to cup her face, and his eyes darkened with unfettered desire. In his gaze, both the memory of the past and the promise of the future reflected back at her. She realized this was what she’d been searching for when she went back to Leo’s camp. All the answers she’d needed were right here.

  She’d been wrong in the café when she thought all her hope had been stripped away and lost. As she looked into eyes filled with a mixture of reverence and need, Kayla realized the promise of the future wasn’t ugly, dirty, or gritty.

  It was beautiful.

  She was home.

  There was so much she wanted to say to him. She wished he could look inside herself and understand the depths of her feeling for him. She didn’t want to ever see doubt in his eyes again.

  “I love you, Carl. You’re the man I want to be with.”

  His hands tightened on her hips as he held her in place. “Kayla, I don’t think I can ever let you go.”

  “Then don’t,” she replied and reached up to loosen his ponytail. Her lips curved into a smile at the sight of his dark hair falling past his shoulders. It was such a small thing, but the sight of his unbound hair was a shared intimacy she treasured. With her fingertips, she combed through his hair and then lightly traced the contours of his strong jaw.

  For the first time in her life, she wanted someone to keep holding on to her and not let go. The thought of being bound to someone didn’t frighten her, as long as that someone was Carl. Time and time again, he had shown her he would always be there for her. Even when she’d tried to push him away, he’d respected her feelings but had never abandoned her.

  Most importantly, he never pushed her to be something she wasn’t. He challenged her intellect and her ideals but accepted who she was and supported her unconditionally. Sometimes it seemed he knew her better than she knew herself.

  Kayla brushed her fingers over the softness of his lips, amazed at how this once hated trader had become such an important part of her world.

  “Sweetheart,” Carl murmured and captured her hand in his, kissing her fingertips. “Where are your thoughts?”

  She shook her head, not sure how to put everything she was feeling into words. “I was wrong back at the towers. You are my hope, Carl. You’re my home.”

  His eyes softened at her words.

  “Kayla,” he whispered reve
rently as he brushed his thumb over her cheek, “you humble me.”

  Her face flushed, and she looked away. Carl’s hands were firm but gentle as he tilted her chin upward. “No, please, sweetheart. Don’t look away.”

  She bit her lip, uncomfortable with the vulnerability she’d exposed in her confession. Carl searched her face. “I always believed the towers were my home, until I met you. Now, I’ve come to realize none of that matters. It’s just a place. You’re my hope, too, Kayla. You’re my hope, my home, my everything. Whether we’re here on the surface or in the towers, my heart belongs to you.”

  His words floored her, and she blinked back tears, overcome by emotion. She needed him. Now. Desperately needing to feel the press of his skin against hers, she reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. She tossed it aside and looked down at him in open invitation, reminded of the first time they’d been together. His hungry gaze lowered to her breasts, and she shivered at the desire in his eyes.

  “Show me,” she urged, demanding action rather than words. He didn’t refuse.

  With one swift motion, he flipped her over and pressed her back against the mattress. Yanking his shirt over his head, he threw it aside and lowered his body over hers. He bent down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. It hardened instantly. Kayla gasped and threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.

  She arched her back, wanting to feel more and wanting him to take more. Every part of her belonged to him in that moment, and she offered it freely. His rigid hardness rubbed against her core as she whimpered at the sensual assault. Nearly mindless with desire, she reached down, desperate to release him from the confines of his restrictive pants.

  He released her nipple and grabbed her hands, preventing them from reaching their goal. She let out a frustrated groan, and he chuckled but didn’t relent. His mouth moved to lavish attention to her neglected breast and she tossed her head back, digging her fingers into his arms as he drove her to new heights of pleasure.

  He unhooked her belt with nimble fingers, and cool air hit her legs as he slid off her pants. Lowering himself down her body, Carl teased every inch of her with his clever fingers and tongue. When he stopped and pressed a kiss against the most intimate part of her, she gasped.

  The feel of his tongue exploring her hidden depths sent her soaring in a wave of exquisite sensation. When he moved to focus on the overly sensitive nodule that was the center of her pleasure, she cried out and writhed in ecstasy. It was too much, but he was relentless. His hands tightened on her hips, forcing her to keep still as his tongue and lips demanded a response from her body. With a loud cry, she couldn’t do anything but obey as waves of euphoria crashed over her.

  She struggled to catch her breath and dimly heard the sound of a zipper. A moment later, he was right there and hovering over her. She looked up into his passion-filled gaze and put her arms around him, surrendering to him completely.

  When he finally slid inside her, she was more than ready. She wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him closer. He moved slowly within her as she clung to him tightly, begging for more. He increased his pace and she met him, stroke for stroke, until their frenzied mating reached a crescendo. When she finally cried out again in a second release, Carl exploded inside her, ejecting his pent-up heat.

  He collapsed on top of her, burying his face in her hair. As they both struggled to catch their breaths, Carl wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She couldn’t protest, even if she wanted to.

  When she finally managed to get her breathing under control, Kayla reached up and pressed a hand against the side of his face. “That was… Wow. You make a pretty convincing argument for staying.”

  He chuckled at her words and shifted his weight off of her but didn’t release her. Instead, he turned them both on their sides and nuzzled her neck.

  “Is that so?”

  Kayla lightly ran her fingers across his chest, unable to resist teasing him. “Mmhmm. You’re impossible to resist. You’re too damn pretty. It’s no wonder Leah was all over you.”

  He paused and lifted his head to look at her with sincerity in his eyes. “You’re the only woman I want, Kayla.”

  Her stomach fluttered at his words. Leaning her head against his chest, she pressed a small kiss against him. His arms tightened around her as she cuddled against him, enjoying the warmth and security he offered. Content with the knowledge that she was finally home and in his arms again, they laid together for a long time before sleep finally claimed them both.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kayla woke up early the next morning and lazily stretched out under the blankets. Her shoulder felt almost completely back to normal with only the slightest hint of soreness. She turned to look at Carl and smiled to herself. His eyes were still closed and he was breathing the deep, regular breaths of sound asleep.

  She scooted over closer to him and propped herself up on her elbow. Leaning down, she kissed his bare chest. He made a noise that sounded like a muffled grunt. Kayla smiled to herself and shifted over top of him. She slid down his body, peppering small kisses along the way.

  He groaned and threaded his hands through her hair. She paused her sensual assault to peek up at him and found him watching her with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  His voice was raspy from being unused during the night. With a small smile, she lowered her head, intending to resume her tactile exploration. Before she could begin, Carl’s commlink began beeping loudly. He swore and reached over to grab it.

  Kayla started to scoot away, but he wrapped his arm around her to prevent her from going too far. Carl flipped open the commlink and pressed the audio button. His voice was curt as he snapped, “What is it?”

  Xantham’s voice came through the speaker. “Boss, we need you in the comm room. We’ve got movement on the radar. It looks like our flying friend is back.”

  “Damn! Try to use the outlying cameras to get a visual on it,” he ordered and released her to climb out of bed. “I’ll be there in just a second.”

  Kayla reached down and grabbed their clothes off the floor. She tossed his pants to him and quickly began pulling on her clothes. As they ran out of the room, Brant met up with them, falling into step behind them.

  “OmniLab has been notified about the breach.”

  Carl nodded but didn’t stop until they reached the communications room. Xantham looked up as they entered and pointed to the radar screen. Carl moved to the control station to try to pinpoint the aircraft’s trajectory. Kayla reached over to check the cameras Xantham was manning when a loud explosion rocked the entire camp.

  “Shit!” Xantham hit the alarm and began pressing buttons furiously. “We’ve got a fire in the maintenance room. Something hit our shield and one of the UV shield generators is out. The other is losing power. I’m engaging the emergency backup in critical areas.”

  “Xantham, get everyone up and into their gear now! Tell Cruncher to get down to the maintenance room,” Carl ordered as he grabbed a fire extinguisher. “We need to get that shield back up now. Brant, stay with Xantham and see if you can redirect more power to the backup shield.”

  Kayla ran after Carl as he headed toward the maintenance room. Smoke was already creeping out from the crevices around the door. She stood back as Carl kicked it down. It burst open and thick white smoke poured out. Kayla covered her face and turned away.

  Carl started spraying the fire retardant on the flames as Kayla moved behind him and grabbed the emergency toolkit off the wall. One of the UV shield generators had been completely destroyed. The other didn’t appear to have much surface damage, but the two devices were linked together. It was possible the explosion had short-circuited the other generator.

  Kayla knelt and yanked open the cover of the UV shield generator. She peered inside and coughed as smoke continued to fill the room. Her eyes burned, making it difficult to focus on her task.

  The internal circuit board looked
as though it had sustained some damage. Some of the wiring also appeared burnt. If they didn’t get it running soon, the entire camp could be in a lot of trouble. The emergency backup would only give them a few minutes.

  “Kayla, get out of here!” Carl shouted as he continued fighting the flames.

  She didn’t respond, too busy focusing on pulling out the burnt wiring. Using the wire cutters, she quickly cut off the ends. All the wiring needed to be replaced, but there wasn’t time. A quick fix was all they could afford. Luckily, ruin rats specialized in quick fixes.

  Kayla got up and ran back toward the tech room. The air was clearer here, and she took a moment to catch her breath as she dug through a box. She grabbed a new circuit board and a handful of wiring and raced back toward the maintenance room.

  Carl was coughing but had managed to get the flames under control. The ventilator fan had been damaged, though, and the room was still full of smoke. It would have to wait. The entire camp would be at risk if they didn’t get the generator up and running. She crawled back toward the UV shield generator and cut out the damaged circuit board.

  Cruncher appeared and Carl shouted, “Cruncher, see if you can get the fans working in here. We need to clear out the room!”

  Cruncher nodded and covered his face with his shirt as he investigated the fans. Kayla quickly spliced the wiring and connected it to the new circuit board. She flipped the switch to power on the unit and it booted up with a loud beep.

  Relieved, she turned to the system monitor next to the shield generator and programmed it to recognize the new circuit board. A moment later, the fans started up and smoke started clearing from the room.

  Carl put down the extinguisher and wiped his brow. It didn’t help much. His entire face was darkened with soot. He coughed and took her arm, pulling her to a standing position.

  “We need to get out of here until it clears. Come on. Cruncher, you too.”


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