Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon

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Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon Page 13

by Jossy Loes

  —They will realize —she whispered heavily. Keith moved away, it was the first time that he was freaking out that way in a public place.

  —You're right —he replied feeling sorry—. You deserve it to be special each time.

  Elena felt tenderness and stroked his cheek. "Aside from being charismatic and passionate, he cares for me." She thought to play down this moment and asked him to tell a story that he knew about the castle and the tourists whom he had brought there.

  Keith smiled, hugged her and carried her to a window and there he recalled some anecdotes from the thousands of times he was in that castle, while he was giving her tiny kisses in the neck and the ear.

  Both had hard time managing to separate from each other and to continue the journey; upon arriving at the hotel, they forgot about the rest of the world. Keith didn't waste time to love her, he savored, kissed her and discovered the beautiful skin of Elena's body, and she discovered a thousand ways to feel loved.

  The Scottish opened her legs and came up to her sex, and there he enjoyed her taste and sucked her button of passion, penetrating with one of his fingers, she arched her body beseeching him that he enters and before doing it, he opened a condom and came in with urgency. He was filling her rapidly until she came with spasms that overwhelmed her immediately.

  The next day, they toured various sites of the Highland and in the night they were doing it. Kissing and nibbling from the neck to the inside of her thighs, holding her by the waist and pushing with force as he used to do, leaving her totally exhausted.

  Just three days had passed, three days in which Keith discovered every inch of her, three days they shared more than just intimacy, three days they discovered their secrets to each other, three days only existed the two of them.

  The last day, on the boat trip on Loch Ness, Keith realized that he could not let her go, if he would let her go away, his heart would go after her, he had to be honest with himself. For some it was a madness, they barely knew each other; but for him, it was as if he spent a whole life next to the woman who was his perfect complement. Sometimes life gives the opportunity of getting to know people or have happy moments in a completely understandable way.

  Elena had never felt very loved; for her, Keith was the strength and sweetness. He gave the reason to all these stories that she had read a long time ago, the Scottish were incredible and she realized in that moment that it was the last day of a weekend from dreams.

  The reality fell over her like a cold water, she would return to Spain and who knows when she would see her favorite Scottish again. She hadn't the slightest idea of what to do, and then she saw how Keith approached her with a serious face, totally different to what it was days ago.

  —We need to talk —he said with a tone that the first thing that came into Elena's head was that he would break up with her, and before that happened, she decided to be the first to speak.

  She was afraid to feel pain.

  —This trip has been incredible, I'll never forget it, thanks for making it so special.

  —What do you mean? —asked the Scottish.

  —Well... we spent a very good time and tomorrow we'll return to our lives, that's what you wanted to say, right?

  Keith walked away surprised. "What had gotten into her head to come to that conclusion?". He wanted that both of them make up some way to continue the relationship and, instead, she'd just said that each one will continue with the life.

  He frowned, he tried to give her an answer and couldn't, time and time again he was reminded of what she had said. He closed his eyes and breathed out, turned around and left her alone to be able to clarify his thoughts.

  Elena saw him going away, he didn't even reply to her. "What does that Scottish think he is?", said to herself. She took long steps to reach him and tapped his shoulder.

  —Don't you think you should say something?

  —You said it all —replied Keith shortly.

  He called the other tourists to gather them, they got on the bus and, once inside, sat in the back, cursing himself for having fallen in love so quickly.

  In Edinburgh he dismissed the group and went straight into the office, he didn't say goodbye to Elena, it hurt him how she had decided for both of them, so he focused on the upcoming bookings, reviewed new applicants for guide and kept reproaching himself during one hour for having been so foolish not to fight for the woman who was the only one that would occupy his heart forever.

  Elena waited and waited for an hour for Keith to get out, but he didn't. During the trip back she pondered over and over again the cold reaction from her Scottish and knew that she messed it all up. Now she understood and wanted to apologize with sincerity.

  She couldn't go home and leave things that way, she felt so happy next to him and why to hide it, that Scottish had won her heart. However, she was realistic, their relationship would be difficult, the distance was the main problem and she didn't want to spend nights missing him. Disheartened, she returned to the hotel with a tear crossing her face from time to time.

  The next day she wanted to call him, but fear invaded her. Through her mind passed the idea that he would ignore her and the only thing that could keep her feet on the earth was the invitation of her peers to a dinner. However, she couldn't sleep the whole night, yearning to feel again Keith's kisses and his body.

  Tom saw that the Spanish was quite sad and, at lunchtime, he invited her to see what was happening. They went to The Outsider, the same route that she walked with Keith the day they met for the first time.

  In her mind rose every word from that night, their first kiss, and she felt worse. Tom asked for a table for two in the upper area and realized what she actually wanted. They sat down, and Elena saw the Edinburgh castle in the distance, which made her feel more miserable. She missed Keith, tried many times to send him a message, but she still resisted to do it.

  —Tell me, what would you like to eat? —asked Tom, with the menu in his hands, but Elena didn't want anything. Since she also didn't want to be rude, the best thing was that he picks something for her.

  —I leave it to your choice.

  Tom looked at her askance and didn't pressure her, asked for two and when the waitress took note of the order, they were left alone, so Tom decided to speak.

  —What happened? During the weekend you looked so happy, but in Urquhart was as if you were strangers.

  —I said something stupid —she confessed with regret. Tom grimaced and Elena, desperate to speak, continued.

  Tom didn't know her well and therefore would be impartial. If she had called Bea, she would be already flying to kill her for making alt this mess. Tom listened patiently while they were eating, and smiled at the end.

  —Call him.

  —And what would I say?

  —The truth, that Scottish had surrendered himself beneath your feet.

  — Most of the long distance relationships end badly.

  —The most —repeated the English—. If you don't try it, you would never know. —In the bottom of her heart she knew that he was right, even so, she was looking for the cons.

  —He would never leave Scotland, and I can't quit my job. What would I work here? —The English started to laugh without stopping and Elena felt confused.

  —Elena, call him, everything must go step by step, in addition, it would be great if you would help us with Spanish. —Tom winked at her and she, immersed in her pros and cons, was not aware of the proposition that she was just being given.

  When Tom paid and they returned to the office, he said goodbye to her with a hug and walked away. Elena was biting her lip on the inside thinking about what to do, she picked up the phone and dialed.

  Keith was at home, the previous day, despite the fact that he was killed by the fatigue, he decided to go on one of the contracted routes.

  He needed to clear his head of what had happened and what would be better than work. Even so, he couldn't sleep the previous night.

  He was pretty an
gry about how the things turned out, he wasn't a man who would give up easily and as a last attempt he got up, picked up his mobile to dial Elena's number and, in that very moment, as if their minds were synchronized, she was calling him. A small smile curved his lips, there was still a chance for them.

  —Keith, hello.

  —Hi, Bonnie.

  —I would like to talk, I wouldn't like to leave without... —Keith interrupted her, he had hoped for a second that she had changed her mind and he had been wrong again, if she wasn't going to fight for what he felt was predestined, he would do it for them both.

  —Elena, I don't know what does it mean to you what we have experienced, but for me it has been wonderful and I want it to be forever. Since I saw you for the first time I fell in love with you, I love your being, your body, your smile, your stumbling when you ascend pinnacles or the bad face that you make at certain foods and how you're responding to every kiss that I give you, scanning your body.

  "I haven't the slightest idea of how we would do it, but for my part, I will do everything that is within my reach to make you happy. It took only three days to fall in love with you and you remain in my memories and heart. If you really want to bet on this, I'll wait for you in Calton Hill at eight in the evening. If you don't come, I'll understand.

  Elena trembled at that statement. The impulse to run out, find him and kiss him until exhaustion, was born.

  —I don't want you to give me an answer at this moment, you have the afternoon to think about it, I want you to know that my life would be wonderful with you by my side. —Without saying anything more, he hung up.

  Elena had to take the decision, a big decision in her life that depended on so many things... She thought on every detail: she had a good job, many friends and an apartment that were waiting for her in Spain; but in those five days she had been so happy, she began to laugh remembering the words of her friend before coming to Scotland.

  Not only she had met a Scottish from the movies, she had fallen in love quickly, although she had been so skeptical when people spoke of other people who barely knew each other and soon declared their love to the four winds. Now she had in her hands two decisions that would change her life.

  Keith looked at his watch, it was five minutes to eight, he looked again around and the only thing that he saw was a group of tourists waiting for the sunset, but he didn't see Elena among them.

  He took another round, ending near the observatory, looking in the distance at the port of Leith, the idea that he wouldn't see the girl that had stolen his heart was turning into reality. A strange feeling forced him to look back, and he saw her going towards him. The happiness filled every inch of his body.

  Elena noticed from far away her favorite Scottish, with sunken shoulders. If there was something for what the citizens of the United Kingdom were famous, it was for their punctuality, and she was late five minutes. She wasn't surprised that he believed she wouldn't arrive, but Keith turned around and then she saw him smile,

  "Oh, I like that smile!", said to herself with her heart beating fast. When she was near him, she wanted to hug him, she bit her lip for a few seconds thinking about how to break the ice in a funny way.

  —I want you to tell me everything that you told me on the phone. —Elena looked at him up and down and made a pout—. Did you put the kilt on purpose?, I shouldn't have confessed to you that it makes me want you.

  Keith roared with laughter moved her closer, kissing her as if his life was to end in the next moment, he felt lucky and thanked for the surprise that the destiny could bring at certain times.

  Four hours later...

  "Bea, I know that I am a very bad friend for not mailing you before, I have been very busy and will continue to be at least another month or who knows for how long. Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as life allows me and one beautiful and wonderful Scottish takes my breath away.

  Yes, in the end you're a witch, you predicted that on this trip I would find a Scottish from a movie and you were right, that was missing in my life. Don't ever think to call me, you know how expensive it is, I will give you the details once; and don't even consider to catch the first plane to come here.

  I send you a photo for which you could get to know the man that stole my heart. You were right again, life is beautiful, only that many times we let the special moments fly away, being immersed in nonsense".

  —The mother who gave birth to you! —shouted Bea.

  Then she downloaded the photo and his face appeared.

  —How lucky are some girls! —she exclaimed, drumming her fingers on her thigh without completely believing what was her friend going through.

  She had an idea and went to Google, searched for a picture of a beautiful landscape of Scotland and began to murmur. "If life is so amazing, I also want to meet a Scottish, yes, like in the novels". She crossed her fingers, closed her eyes and continued her prayer.

  "If life is so amazing, I also want to meet a Scottish, yes, like in the novels".

  A Second is Enough to Change the Heart

  Damned Racket! And damned minefields!


  February 16th, 1914

  —So, you are Lady Elizabeth. I have to admit that I have heard some references —Gabriel Somerset, or better said, the viscount of Arlington said in a mocking tone.

  —I guess those references are gossip from some newspaper —responded the young woman ironically.

  —In fact, Liz, I've been interested to know if some day You would advise my future wife what to wear in this season.

  Elizabeth laid aside her silver fork and looked at the viscount with scorn.

  —I should indicate the following: only the people who have earned my trust may call me that way and You are not in that special group. Regarding your future wife, I assume that this lady has taken the commitment with you as a desperate measure. —Gabriel smiled and took a sip of wine.

  —I had no idea until this moment that to get closer to you I had to perform some ritual.—He smiled again and continued his mockery—. In reality, I had not proposed her yet, until now.

  Elizabeth opened her eyes, again leaving her fork on the plate not wanting to continue the evening. The impertinence of the man who was next to her outraged her.

  The rumors about the viscount of Arlington were not honorable at all, and she avoided for a long time to meet him. The first time it happened was in her debut evening and she fell into his charms despite the fact that no one had noticed that, since she avoided at all costs to be one of the many marriageable young women who sighed for him no matter who knew.

  The attraction that Gabriel Somerset had was unbeatable. His features were very masculine, his eyes were green like meadows in spring, his mouth was wide and his nose would be a treat for many sculptors.

  No, she had other ideas about qualities of her future husband and no matter how attractive look the viscount had, he lacked of something important, responsibility, not to speak of what she valued in silence, consideration for others. Therefore, it was best to avoid any possible social event to which both of them might attend, but to reject a dinner of the earl of Arlington was a snub of all the rules, and there she was, sitting next to the man that made her hands sweat and her heart racing.

  —I don't know if you amaze me with your honesty —he answered after a minute—. What I can clarify, is that I doubt that commitment will reach the terms that you want.

  She drank a sip of wine to calm her nerves and waited patiently for the response of the bold viscount.

  —Milady, you can't ensure what will the future bring.

  Again, Elizabeth turned to him and, this time, Gabriel winked at her, leaving many of those who were around without understanding what had happened between them.

  Two months later.

  The following dinners, dances and theater performances she prevented to meet Gabriel face to face. When it happened, he managed within the seconds that their eyes meet, seconds in which she yearned for a kiss from him and
that's something she would never confess to anyone, not even to the king George V.

  In mid-may, the tension in Europe was evident, but in England neared the end of the season and lord Kendall, Elizabeth's uncle, invited a group of selected persons to spend a weekend in his country home.

  Again, Gabriel, and Elizabeth were there and she ignored him with disdain, in addition she could not avoid listening a certain conversation about the last article that he had dedicated in the Daily Mail to Lady Elizabeth for her elegance and intelligence, but the viscount, for his part, was reading that article with a certain black humor.

  To be the object of mockery filled her with rage and her concern was evident, many gentlemen would come to think that she was not adequate thanks to the label that was imposed upon her since her debut. She never wanted to have that kind of attention and even less that the man for whom she felt interested disappoints her, confirming the rumors about her that were circulating in the tea afternoons.

  After the dinner, Elizabeth plunged into a conversation about the tensions between empires and territories, and Gabriel did not hesitate to intervene, given the passion with which the lady involved herself.

  —I am sure that in the future our societies will change —said Gabriel. Lord Darrowby raised an eyebrow a bit shocked with the revolutionary ideas of the young viscount.

  —For that You would need to shut down the existence of the monarchies, and ours is one of the most established —noticed Lord Darrowby —. However, it could not be said for the rest of Europe.

  —What do you mean? —asked the duchess of Sussex and Elizabeth stepped in, understanding what was referring to Lord Darrowby.

  —The Austrian-Hungarian empire has always desired to expand its territory —Elizabeth began explaining—. Not to speak of the same desire of the Russians regarding the trade in the Black Sea and, in addition, the fervent need of France to get again its Alsace territory.


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