The Contract

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The Contract Page 37

by Jerry D. Young

  She hurried to the kitchen again, handed the package to Mrs. MacDougal. “If she shows up for this and her bags, and tries to leave, hog-tie her. Jason has some serious explaining to do. This is not making any sense at all.”

  Mrs. MacDougal barely had time to nod. Sara was through the door to the garage.

  She stormed back just as angry as when she left. Jason had been out on a boat with Mike.

  “Miss Jeannette is waiting for you in the living room,” Mrs. MacDougal told Sara when she returned. “She asked if she could wait for you.”

  Sara was already headed for the living room, but turned at Mrs. MacDougal’s last words. “She did not try to just get the bags and package and leave?”

  Mrs. MacDougal shook her head. “She asked me if she could wait for you, then asked Juliet and Candy to load the bags in her car. She tried to tip them when they came back in.”

  Sara frowned. After a slight hesitation, Sara turned and went to the living room.

  Jeannette stood when Sara came into the living room. Sara saw the package open in Jeannette’s hand. “I was going to try to explain,” Jeannette said. “But I think this does it better than I can. I would never get through it without crying and I cannot talk when I cry.”

  The tears started and the paper was rattling in Jeannette’s shaking hand when Sara took it from the other girl.

  Jeannette sat back down, heavily, and cried while Sara read the letter from Jason.

  Sara moved to a chair and sat down, too. She glanced over at Jeannette from time to time as she read.

  When she had finished the letter, Sara looked at the ticket the package contained. And the check.

  “Jeannette,” Sara said, moving to kneel beside Jeannette’s chair. “I am sorry you were put through this.”

  She took one of Jeannette’s hands in both of hers. “You know Jason. He bears you no ill will. The letter says so. Your uncle…”

  Sara shook her head. Jack Lawrence was Jeannette’s uncle. No need to make things worse for Jeannette by saying what she really wanted to about him.

  “Jeannette, you were only trying to just get by in an awkward situation. Do not let it worry you.”

  “But I hurt Jason. And you… I saw the look on your face, Sara. You were hurt and angry when you saw me in bed with Jason.”

  “We share the bed, Jeannette,” Sara said carefully. “It bothered me that he would… use that bed… But he is as free as I to see anyone. Have a relationship. Do anything they chose to do together.”

  Sara had to turn her face away from Jeannette. “It just did not occur to me he would use our bed…”

  “Sara,” Jeannette said, squeezing Sara’s hand. “I tried, but he turned me down. Then I started crying and I hugged him because he was being so nice. He just held me, while I cried. We did not do anything, Sara. I would have. I wanted to, not just because of Uncle Jack. But Jason would not. I think he has known for a long time what I was up to for Uncle Jack. He just did not say anything.”

  “You two really did not…?” Sara asked, her eyes searching Jeannette’s tear stained face.

  Jeannette shook her head. “He loves you, Sara. I know you do not want to hear it. And that you do not feel the same way. But he really does. He would not do anything, ever, to hurt you in anyway.”

  Her sobs started again. “I am the most sorry for making it difficult for the two of you. Even more so than I am for what I was trying to do to Jason, for Uncle Jack.”

  “Jeannette,” Sara said, sure as she spoke, that it was not just to comfort Jeannette, but the truth. “You know I get annoyed with him all the time. It is part of who I am, I am sorry to say. This is just one more time. It does not change anything for the two of us. I promise you that.”

  “Really?” Jeannette asked the hope obvious in her face.

  “I will probably maim him severely at some point in time… But not because of you, Jeannette. Honestly.”

  “Oh, Sara…” Jeannette slipped from the chair and threw her arms around Sara. “I cannot believe you are treating me so kindly.”

  Sara saw Mrs. MacDougal standing near the living room door. “I have had very good examples by which to go,” Sara said. “Now. You just tell me what you really want to do. You can stay here, if you want. You do not have to leave. Graduation is only a week away.”

  Jeannette sat in the chair again, as Sara climbed to her feet. “They can send the diploma to Venezuela. I want to see my parents. I miss them more than I ever thought possible. I can even leave today. Jason thinks of everything, you know.”

  Sara nodded.

  “I will make arrangements to get the car back here from the airport,” Jeannette said.

  Sara smiled. “No need. Candy and I will take you. You are a guest here, Jeannette. Almost family. We would not want to upset the staff now, would we?”

  Jeannette managed a tiny smile. “May be too late,” she said. “I think I already have.”

  “So Mrs. MacDougal said. But they all know how upsetting Jason can be to women. I am sure they understand.”

  “I guess we could blame all this on him,” Jeannette said. “It would probably make you feel better, even if it does not me.”

  Sara smiled. “Works for me. Okay. I will go get your bags moved over to the limo. You go fix yourself up. Mrs. MacDougal will not have one of her charges going out in public looking anything but their best.”

  “Miss Jeannette is really leaving?” Mrs. MacDougal asked Sara when Jeannette went to the powder room.

  “That stinking Jack Lawrence wanted her to spy on Jason! He loses all control when Jason turns eighteen. I guess he was hoping to find a way to keep control. Perhaps even by Jeannette marrying Jason. She tried to seduce him last night… Seduce probably is not the right word… Anyway, Jason did not fall for it. Jeannette honestly feels terrible about the whole thing. She is going down to South America to be with her parents.”

  When Juliet and Candy helped Sara take Jeannette’s bags from the car she was using to put them in the limo, Sara asked Juliet, “Did Jason tell you to move his things to another room?”

  Juliet nodded. “I have not yet done so.” Juliet smiled. “Master Jason has been very adamant about your wishes taking precedence over his. I was waiting to check with you, before I moved one thing.”

  Sara smiled. “Very good, Juliet. Leave everything where it is. One of these days, I am going to break him of the habit of doing things for me, for my own good, without first consulting me.”

  An amazed Jeannette warmly hugged back each of the staff, who were waiting at the limo. “Come on,” Sara whispered. “Do not tear up again. It took forever to get you presentable again.”

  Jeannette managed to laugh, and no tears fell, though she could barely see most of the way to the airport.

  “I wish… I wish I could have said goodbye to Jason,” Jeannette said.

  “I will tell him,” Sara said. Suddenly her eyes narrowed. Tommy Jones was approaching them.

  “Tommy? What are you doing here?” Candy asked.

  “Well, as much as I would like to say that your presence drew me, like a bee to a flower…”

  They all laughed when Candy colored.

  “Jason sent me. With this.” He handed Jeannette a small bouquet of sweetpeas. “He asked me to tell you that sweetpeas say goodbye. And to not worry. Good things happen to good people. Good things will happen to you. Your parents will be as happy to see you arrive, as I am unhappy to see you go.”

  Jeannette nodded. She turned to Sara. “I know how you feel about… things… But… Would you give him a kiss goodbye from me? A sisterly kiss?”

  Sara nodded. “I will,” she said as she hugged Jeannette. “I promise.” When she stepped back, “But, then I can maim him. Right?”

  Jeannette had to laugh. She turned and waved goodbye as she entered the security area of the airport.

  When Sara turned around she saw Tommy whispering to Candy. Sara grinned.

  “Okay, you two. Why not take the re
st of the day off, Candy. I can take the limo back. I think.”

  “That was not what we were whispering about,” Candy said with a smile. “Though, thank you very much for the thought and offer.” She looked over at Tommy and grinned.

  “He just wanted to know which way he should jump when you saw what he left at the limo.”

  “I am going to really do it this time!” Sara said as she hurried to the airport parking lot. “He is going to need a hospital when I get finished with him!”

  “I am just the messenger, you know,” Tommy said.

  “She means Master Jason,” Candy told Tommy, as they hurried after Sara.

  “I know that. But I wanted to get it in before she saw what Jason had me do. There is going to be plenty of maiming to go around.”

  When they came up to Sara, she was staring at the single blue hyacinth on the rear seat of the limo. “I know him,” she said. “It means something.”

  Sara turned to look at Tommy. “You told Jeannette the flowers she got meant goodbye. What does that mean?” Sara pointed at the blue hyacinth.

  “I do not know,” Tommy said. “He told me what the sweetpeas mean. I asked him what the blue hyacinth meant. He just smiled and said he knew, and that was all that mattered.”

  “He is wrong,” Sara said. “I will just have to wait till he gets home to tell him so.”

  She was pacing in the entry hall when Jason arrived home that evening. Sara was ready to tell him exactly what she thought, but she saw the lines of fatigue on Jason’s face.

  “You were up most, if not all night, last night. And now a long day. Duchess is keeping some supper warm. I suggest you have it, then get your shower, then come to bed. I do expect to speak with you before you go to sleep. If I am asleep when you come to bed, wake me. It is very important.”

  Jason looked at Sara a moment, then nodded. He started to turn toward the dining room, but Sara spoke again. “Jeannette asked me to tell you thank you. And give you a kiss… sisterly kiss.”

  Leaning forward slightly, Jason turned his cheek toward Sara.

  Sara gave him the kiss, then turned to go upstairs.

  “Is she okay?” Jason asked. They were his first words since entering the house.

  “Yes,” Sara replied. Then she was going up the stairs.

  Jason sighed and headed toward the dining room.

  When he saw Juliet as he headed upstairs he said, “Sara said to leave my things in the room, I take it.”

  “Yes sir. You did say her wishes took precedence.”

  Jason smiled slightly. So I did. Good night, Juliet.”

  “Goodnight, sir.”

  There was no need to wake Sara. She was reading in bed when Jason entered. Do you want to talk now or…”

  “When you are in bed. You look exhausted.”

  “It has been a trying day,” Jason said as he entered the bathroom.

  Jason returned to the bedroom from the bathroom, wearing his pajamas. “Are you sure…?” he asked, stopping some distance from the bed.

  Sara sighed. “Yes. Just get into bed.”

  When he was, Jason, on his side, facing Sara said, “Okay. I am ready. You said there was something important…”

  “I was going to ask you what the flower meant. But I looked it up on the Internet.”

  Sara rolled onto her side to face Jason. “Why did you not just tell me? You ran off without talking to me.”

  “I simply did not know what to say. I know what it looked like…”

  “But nothing happened. You did what you always do. You took care of someone that was in a bad way. You could have just told me. You never lie and I know it. I would have believed you.”

  “It was embarrassing. I let the situation go far too long. I should have said something… or done something sooner. I let Jeannette be hurt. And I let you be hurt… I never should have let it get to the point where Jeannette would try what she did.”

  “Well… It is over and done with. Go to sleep. I know you have another long day tomorrow.”

  “I am sorry about your trip. You were really looking forward to that trip with the others.”

  “Yes. But sometimes things just do not work out.”

  Sara reached out and turned out the lights.

  It was several minutes later when Sara asked, “Jason, Jeannette is beautiful. She was nude in bed with you. She would have done it. Were you tempted?”

  “No. She did not tempt me at all.”

  “I cannot believe you are on your skates today!” Trinity told Jason. “The last day of school. You have your choice of vehicles to drive, and you are on skates.”

  Jason smiled. “Some of the kids wanted me to show them a couple of tricks.” He was strapping on his protective gear. “But I will let you take my stuff home.”

  He handed Trinity his backpack. “Sara should be here in a moment. She was saying goodbye to a couple more teachers.”

  Jason’s bike and skate safety program had been a success and the school had allowed the group of avid wheelers to set up a ramp and cones in one of the parking lots. It was a show of appreciation of the courtesy that those using bikes, skates, scooters and skate boards to get school had shown the entire year, primarily due to Jason’s insistence that part of wheeling was safety, but was also showing consideration of others.

  When Sara drove up to the small group of friends, she set the brake and climbed out of the truck. “I see Jason is going to put on the show he promised.”

  “You knew about this?” Bootsi asked.

  “Sure. Jason asked to set something up. Those kids have done great this year. No bikes laying over right in the doors. No one on roller blades zipping down the halls. That was not such a problem in middle school, but most of them were not even wearing helmets, much less pads.”

  Sara continued. “Jason sets a good example, and is very patient with them. He wanted the school to reinforce the idea that if the kids did good, the school would, too. They have committed to more bike racks, skateboard racks and lockers for skates so it is easier for those that use them to store them safely and securely.”

  Pricilla grinned. “If you were coming back next year, you would probably be on skates.”

  With a large grin, Sara said, “Oh, no! I like much larger wheels. I am just proud of the fact that each of us has managed to accomplish something positive this year. That park cleanup project you and the others set up is just as important.”

  “We did do pretty good, huh?” Trinity said, watching Jason work with the younger children on their skates.

  “Uh… Guys…” Kathy suddenly said, “Rodney… I think that is Rodney. In the Porsche.”

  Everyone turned and looked where Kathy was looking.

  “I think you better head inside,” Sara said, quickly ushering Kathy toward the school.

  Suddenly the white Porsche, which had been idling near the entrance of the parking lot, moved forward rapidly.

  The girls ran toward the school, but it was quickly obvious that Rodney was not headed toward them.

  “Jason!” all the girls screamed.

  The tires of the Porsche squalled when Rodney shifted. He was headed directly toward Jason.

  When Jason looked up he saw the car coming. He started to his right, to avoid it, but saw all the kids in that direction. Without a second thought, Jason cut to his left, back across the path of the car. He had to jump up and onto the grass of the schoolyard. He kept his balance, but it took him a few seconds to get back to the pavement.

  When Sara saw Jason maneuvering back into the parking lot, she ran for her truck, the other girls following. “He is going to head out of the parking lot. To get Rodney away from the kids. I am going to try to block Rodney in. Somebody call 911!”

  “I will get my car and block the other exit!” Bootsi called, running hard toward another of the parking lots.

  Rodney had bounced up over the sidewalk, and spun the car around on the grass, cutting deep ruts into the soft ground.

Throwing chunks of sod, he gunned the Porsche and headed for Jason again. Jason was now skating rapidly toward the far side of the parking lot, toward the line of trees that lined the lot.

  Seeing the three busses pulling into the other lot, and the middle school kids heading toward them, Jason veered again. Toward the parking lot street opening.

  Sara was turned around and gunned her truck toward the exit, Trinity in the seat beside her, using a cell phone to call 911.

  “Jeez!” Trinity yelled as the white Porsche, Rodney’s eyes locked on Jason’s back, roared past, bouncing against the parking lot curb as it swerved around Sara’s truck and turned onto the street, still heading for Jason.

  “He is trying to kill him!” Sara yelled. She reversed, turned and went out onto the street, following Rodney.

  “Sara! Jeez, Sara! Slow down! It will not help Jason if we get killed in an accident!”

  Sara’s foot lifted from the accelerator. “I know. I know. Look! He is turning!” Sara stuck her head out the window and screamed “Just get off the street, Jason!”

  “Every time he tries, someone is there,” Trinity said, pointing. There was an elderly couple walking on the sidewalk near Jason.

  Jason turned the corner onto another street. Rodney overshot and started backing up.

  “He is headed downhill!” Sara suddenly said. “He knows his only chance until he can get off the street is to head downhill.”

  Slipping the truck into gear, Sara took the next side street. Though she was desperate to hurry, Sara kept the truck at the speed limit. Until she made a third turn and pulled into the street behind Jason.

  “Sara, he is right behind us!” Trinity called, looking out the back window. The Porsche was approaching rapidly.

  “Tell Jason to jump on the running boards!” Sara said, moving the truck back and forth in the street to keep Rodney from getting around her.

  “Jason! Climb up on the running boards!” Trinity said, her head out her win-dow.”

  Watching the sides of the street as he maneuvered, Jason eased back beside the truck on Sara’s side. “There are too many people everywhere!” Jason called to Sara. “If I try to get off the street, he will just mow anyone else down to get to me.”


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