The Contract

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The Contract Page 39

by Jerry D. Young

  Sara saw Jason start to speak. “Do not, under any circumstances, say anything about changing bedrooms, terminating the contract, or anything similar. Get dressed. I am sure Duchess will have breakfast ready soon.”

  Jason nodded.

  Sara turned and was almost out of the door when Jason softly said, “Thank you.”

  Sara looked over her shoulder. “For what?”

  Jason smiled. “Everything. Being you.”

  Sara was still grumbling under her breath when she entered the dining room.

  “Master Jason must be doing fine this morning,” Duchess said as she set the table for breakfast.

  “He is okay,” Sara said, moving over to help Duchess. “But what made you say that. He has not even left the room yet.”

  “You were mumbling when you came in. Jason is the only one that can make you do that. He must be okay, or he could not have annoyed you that much.”

  Sara frowned. “He just… Never mind. Duchess, what are we having this morning?”

  “I thought something light. You two will want to go out and celebrate your freedom. And new opportunities.”

  “Duchess, what are you talking about?”

  “You two are out of school! Two weeks of summer before you have any responsibilities! Before you go off to Europe for the rest of the summer. Before Master Jason starts the training program he set for himself before he joins the Coast Guard. Oh, dear!”

  Sara had suddenly sat down at one of the dining table chairs. “It just sort of hit me,” Sara said. “I am going to Europe! I have never even flown before!”

  “You will do fine,” Jason said as he entered the dining room. “You are a poised young woman. Full of confidence.”

  “And you are just full of it,” Sara retorted. “I am terrified. I wish Trinity could go.”

  Jason chuckled. “So does she. Honestly, you will be fine.”

  “I still wish someone was going with me.”

  “How about just the flight over?” Jason asked.

  Sara looked at Jason. She frowned. “Okay. I would like someone to go with me. But you are not going to fly over and fly back just to baby sit me.”

  “Actually,” Jason said, “I had someone else in mind.”

  “What? Who? Jason, I do not need a babysitter.”

  “Not a babysitter. I was thinking more of you being a chaperone. For an engaged couple going to meet the future groom’s parents.”

  Everyone looked around at the sound of breaking china. Candy was staring at Jason, a broken plate at her feet.

  “He told you!”

  Jason shook his head. “No, Candy. The ring told me.” He nodded to Candy’s hand.

  She looked down at her left hand, then quickly put it behind her back.

  The staff, Sara and Jason all just looked at her.

  After a few moments Candy put her hand out. “I forgot to take it off…”

  “Tommy asked you to marry him?” Juliet asked. “When?”

  “Last Sunday,” Candy said as the others crowded around to look at the ring. “Right after church. We were not going to announce it until we could figure out how to get to France to see Tommy’s parents. We did not want to go see my mother until we could arrange for me to meet Tommy’s mother, father and grandmother.”

  She was still staring at Jason. “Master Jason, you cannot just…”

  “Sure I can,” Jason said. “Candy, you have been a valued employee for years. And Tommy is a friend. A good friend. You would be doing Sara a favor accompanying her, at least to her first stop in France. Is that not right, Sara?”

  After a quick look at Jason, Sara turned to Candy. “He is right, Candy. I really am concerned about travelling that first leg alone.”

  “But it will be so difficult…”

  “No it will not,” Jason said gently. “You have taken the first steps. You have a passport.”

  “The expense… We can stay with Tommy’s parents, after we get there…”

  “An engagement present, Candy. From me to you and Tommy. The trip will be on me. Do not worry about the expense.”


  “Hush, child,” Mrs. MacDougal said. “Master Jason wishes to do this. Accept gracefully.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Candy said. “Thank you, Master Jason.”

  “That is better. Now clean up the mess you made. Then we will see to your preparations for your trip. You leave in two weeks.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Candy said again.

  Mrs. MacDougal winked at Jason. “And perhaps you should make sure Mr. Jones knows of the arrangements, Master Jason.”

  Jason glanced at his watch. “He knows.”

  The doorbell rang. Then rang several more times in rapid succession.

  “Yep. He knows.”

  Juliet hurried to the front door. Tommy came running into the dining room. “Jason,” he said, “you do not have to do this.”

  “I know. I want to, Tommy. Now, I am still a little sore from yesterday. I just want to get breakfast, then go relax.”

  “But…” Tommy looked at Jason for a moment. “You are not going to change your mind, are you?”

  Sara snorted and Jason smiled.

  “You might as well stay and have breakfast, Tommy,” Sara said. “Candy is taking the rest of the day off. You two can start making plans. And congratulations. To both of you.”

  Sara joined Jason quite some time later. “You looked worse now than earlier,” Sara said, looking at Jason as he sat, half reclining, on the sofa.

  “I am really glad I was wearing my protective equipment. I am not sure what would have happened, otherwise.”

  Jason moved his feet hurriedly, as Sara sat down rather heavily. “Uh… I really do not want to think about it,” she said, leaning her head back, suddenly pale.

  “Are you all right?” Jason asked, sitting up, not quite able to stifle a groan.

  “I am okay. I just flashed on the whole thing yesterday.” Sara rolled her head to look at Jason. “I did not really say it yesterday.”

  She managed a small smile. “I was more annoyed than anything, except scared. But you were very… I know it sounds corny, you will just wave it off… But Jason, what you did was very brave. Foolish. But very brave. I saw almost all of it. And then the tape on the news last night…”

  Jason looked away from her. “It really was no…”

  “Do not say it, Jason. I would really hate to hurt you any more than you already are.”

  He looked back over at her. “I want you to promise me you will not try to do something like you did yesterday. Trying to help me.”

  Sara smiled. “The only way you will ever get that promise, is for you to promise you will not do anything ever again, like you did yesterday.”

  Jason’s mouth opened, but he closed it after a few moments, without speaking.

  “I thought so. Now, I need to go over to Trinity’s. I promised her to help her help Miss Murcheson with the wedding plans.”

  When Jason did not make a comment, Sara looked over. She could barely contain her surprise. He had dozed off. Sara smiled. Knowing she would wake him if she tried to put a pillow behind his head, or spread an afghan over him, Sara simply took the opportunity to look at him for a few moments before turning to leave.

  “Jason,” Sara said, nodding toward a young man standing near them as they waited for Candy and Tommy to arrive at the airport. “Do you know who that is? I feel like I should know him.”

  Jason looked over at the man Sara had indicated. After a moment he said, “I am not sure of his name, but I believe he is the French exchange student that was going to Montrose.”

  “That is right! Henri something. George introduced us. He must be going back home.”

  “We should go over and say hello. He seems to be by himself.”

  As they started toward Henri Jason saw Candy and Tommy. He motioned to them and they met where Henri was standing. Sara introduced herself and the others to Henri.

take it you are returning home,” Jason said.

  “Oui… Ah… Yes. I am going home, at least, eventually. I am proud to say that my parents have graciously rewarded my performance in school with an extended homeward journey. I am to be allowed to see several of the ancient archeological sites throughout France and several other European Union countries.”

  “You are interested in archeology then,” Sara said, turning from Tommy and Candy who were rather involved in one another at the moment.

  “Actually,” replied Henri, “Only the architectural aspects of many of them. Though I am sure I will enjoy all the other aspects as well.”

  Henri looked rather unsure at Sara’s startled look.

  Jason saw Tommy and Candy turn their attention to Sara, Henri, and himself as he started to reply.

  “Sara is highly interested in architecture, too. Her trip is to visit some specific architectural sites. Perhaps the two of you will cross paths during your journeys.

  Jason smiled when Henri and Sara began discussing their respective trips. When he stepped away Tommy and Candy looked at the two having a living and animated conversation.

  “Jason?” asked Tommy rather tentatively.

  “It would seem that Sara will have a guide for much, if not all, of her trip,” Jason said, smiling at Tommy and Candy.

  Sara laughed delightedly at something Henri said.

  “We could invite Sara to go with us to see your parents, couldn’t we?” Candy asked Tommy.

  With an uncertain look at Jason, Tommy hesitated.

  Candy had refused to look at Jason, suspecting his reaction.

  “Jason,” she said when Tommy still had not said anything, “you know he has to be the one George was talking about that evening Sara was delayed.”

  “I’m sure he is, Candy,” replied Jason. “He is a nice guy, George said. The fact that he might be somewhat more socially active than some of my peers is his business. Sara is… well, Sara. I really don’t think anything else need be said.”

  Both Candy and Tommy knew he expected them to not to even try to influence Sara in any way. Not that it would do any good, anyway, they both knew, knowing Sara as they did.”

  “I’m sorry for…” Candy said somewhat chagrinned.

  “It’s okay, Candy,” Jason said softly as a beaming Sara turned toward them.

  “I should be going,” Jason told the group. “Can’t go past security with you, anyway.”

  “Oh, Jason!” Sara said excitedly. “I was just a little worried about traveling, but with Tommy and Candy, and now Henri, I can’t think of anything but having the wonderful time I’m going to have. Are you sure you can’t go along?”

  “I never doubted you would have a good time. It should be even better with Henri as guide. But I really want to be in top shape when I go into the Coast Guard this fall.”

  “I’ll miss you,” Sara said, stepping forward to give and receive enthusiastic hugs with Jason.

  Tommy and Candy each gave Jason a hug. They watched him walk away, then looked at one another when Sara and Henri headed toward the check in point, talking animatedly.

  Sara called when the group arrived in France, just as she promised she would.

  It was only a few days later that she called. Jason could only smile at Sara’s enthusiastic descriptions of her time seeing the sights and time spent with Henri.

  “Jason!” Trinity said a month later. “What are you going to do about Sara?”

  She was frowning, one hand on Jason’s shoulder as they sat in a restaurant having the lunch Trinity had insisted upon.

  “Do?” Jason asked.

  “About Sara and Henri,” Trinity replied. “I mean… I know you know. She said you guys talk every few days.”

  “Sara’s life is her own, Trinity. There is nothing I would do, if I could, even if I was so inclined. She is happy, isn’t she?”

  “Well… yeah,” replied Trinity. “Henri is… uh…”

  “Don’t worry about Sara, Trinity. And don’t worry about me. As long as Sara is happy, so am I.”

  “Well, I still wish I could have gone with her,” Trinity said with a sigh.

  When Sara called three weeks later Jason knew immediately what she was going to say next when her first words to him were, “This I none of your business, Jason!”

  When he said nothing, Sara continued. “You have no right to interfere in my life!”

  “I know, Sara. I’m sorry. You do not have to tell me anything.”

  “I know that!”

  Jason could hear her anger. And he heard it fade away during the next words.

  “I think I’m in love with Henri, Jason. I don’t want to hurt you, Jason. I know how you feel about me. But…”

  Suddenly the anger was back.

  “Never mind. It’s none of your business who I sleep with and who I don’t!”

  Jason slowly hung up the phone after the sharp click of the disconnect.

  Three days later Juliet knocked on the door of his bedroom and said, “Miss Sara is on the phone for you. Something is wrong. She is crying.”

  “Sara?” Jason said softly into the receiver.

  “I’m sorry, Jason. I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Sara. If you love him, then…”

  “Shut up, you big oaf!” Sara almost yelled. “I didn’t do anything with Henri. I was going to. I was planning on it. We were out together and he was kissing me again and I was encouraging him and then when he put his hand on my knee I let him slide it up my leg and under my dress and I wanted him to keep going and then his hand was on my thigh above my stocking and… and… I knew he wasn’t the right one. He was nice about it and didn’t make a fuss and just took me back to the hotel…”

  Her voice had faded almost to a whisper. “I’m so sorry I hurt you like this. Telling you before… and now… I just…”

  Her voice faded again. Now there were only sobs.

  He said soothing words, but the line was suddenly dead.

  Jason called Trinity. “I need a big favor, Trinity,” he said as soon as she an-swered the phone.

  “Jason, are you okay?” The question was partly concern, and partly amaze-ment. Jason never asked for favors.

  “I’m fine,” Jason replied. “But I need you… I would like you to go to France. I think Sara could use a friend with her right now.”

  “Jason, what is going on?”

  “Please, Trinity? I want to go ahead and get the arrangements made so you can get the first available flight. I’ll send money with you so you can get anything you need there. You won’t even have to pack…”

  “Okay, Jason,” Trinity said. That was all she could say. Jason had hung up as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

  A little less than twenty-four hours later Sara was fuming. “I ought to ring his neck!” she told Trinity. “This is none of his business.”

  Trinity saw the anger fade away.

  “Not really,” Sara said, stepping over to sit down wearily on the bed in her hotel room.

  Stepping into the room and closing the door, Trinity set aside the small shoulder bag, the only thing she had brought with her. Jason had been true to his word. He’d picked her up, given her a packet of cash and taken her to the airport.

  Sara looked over at her friend. “I can’t believe he told you,” she said. “It is none of your business, either. You’re my friend, Trinity, but…”

  Going over to sit beside Sara, Trinity said, “Sara, Jason didn’t tell me anything, other than he thought you might need a friend with you now when he first called. What is going on? He wouldn’t tell me anything else when he took me too the airport.”

  “Oh,” Sara said softly. “I guess I should have known he wouldn’t.”

  Suddenly she was up and pacing, a sight Trinity had seen on more than one occasion when Sara was upset.

  “I… almost slept with Henri,” pausing to look at Trinity as she spoke. She started her pacing again.

Not like Jason and I do. Sex. I love… loved him. I thought. He is a great guy, really. But… He’s not the one.”

  Sara stopped and looked at Trinity again. “You know how Jason and I are… I wound up telling him I was going to sleep with Henri…” She started pacing again.

  “But you didn’t, you said,” Trinity said.

  Sara shook her head. “No. But… I know how he feels about me. I mean… He does everything in his power to make me happy, no matter what the cost financially or emotionally. I don’t know why I get so angry with him sometimes. He never gets angry back at me. He just takes whatever I dish out. Makes me so angry…”

  Trinity chuckled and Sara cut her a sharp look.

  “Come on, Sara. Think about it. You get angry to start with, then you get angry when he doesn’t get angry, because you’re angry.”

  Sara shrugged her shoulders and sighed. “Yeah. I know. Doesn’t really make sense, does it?”

  “Not totally,” Trinity said with a smile.

  “I mean, he asked me one time to talk to him before I made the decision…”

  “He doesn’t have any right to…” Trinity said sharply.

  Stopping her pacing again to look at Trinity, a smiling Sara said, “So I told him. In no uncertain terms.”

  She started pacing again. “He even knew it initially. He had started to ask me, but stopped, and I more or less made him tell me what he was going to ask. And, of course, I got angry at him, and he told me he was sorry. That it wasn’t any of his business.

  “And I still don’t know why I told him about George… and now with Henri… I just get angry and I tell him and he tells me I don’t have to… didn’t have to. That it’s none of his business… But I already know that.

  “I know it’s not fair to him, with the way he feels about me, even though I didn’t do it either time, and he knows it…”

  Sara flopped down on the bed beside Trinity. “I know I love him, but if he’d just realize that it’s just not going to be the way he wants it to be, he’d be a lot better off.”

  Trinity opened her mouth to point out what Sara had said. But she controlled the reaction, much to her own great surprise.

  Sara turned wide eyes to Trinity and Trinity knew Sara realized what she had said.

  “No. I meant, I know I love him, not he loves me… No! No! No! I mean he loves me.”


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