The Demon Alpha: A Paranormal Romance

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The Demon Alpha: A Paranormal Romance Page 10

by Belle Kayce

  I kiss Hope on the cheek and quickly follow the two guys out of the room.

  “That’s an act of war,” Cole states. There goes that word again. War. It seems like everyone wants to go to war against Lance, and it makes my stomach uneasy.

  Lance is at the bottom of the staircase, looking as serious as ever. Once we reach him, he goes outside and we follow him.

  “What do you think this is?” Bo asks.

  “We knew they were coming, but I thought they would have called . . .” Lance trails off, and we go deeper into the woods, near the training grounds.

  When we reach a clearing, that’s when I see them. There are two people in front of a large number of wolves—all shifted. The alpha and the luna. The alpha takes a step forward.

  “Alpha Derek, Luna Melissa,” Lance greets, not looking the slightest bit disturbed. Seriously, what makes him tick? There seems to be nothing that does, not rogues threatening his land nor a freaking army. “What brings you to Noctis Luna?”

  “I’m going to just cut right to it, Lance.” Alpha Derek growls. “I’m here because you kidnapped my daughter, and I’m going to kill you.”


  Alpha Derek lunges at Lance.

  Lance easily dodges it, just sidestepping it as if he expected it.

  “Derek,” the luna reprimands him, but he is breathing heavily as he faces Lance with nothing but anger. Just in case anything will happen, I take a step forward, feeling brave because Lance is there and he will protect me. I hope so. Bo is beside me though, and he’s surprisingly quiet. I take a peek at him, and he’s being all professional. I guess if worse comes to worst, Bo can help me.

  “You took our daughter from us!” Alpha Derek snarls, trying to come at Lance again. Cole steps in front of Lance, stopping Derek short on his attack.

  “We have no idea what you’re talking about,” Cole says.

  “Wait!” I exclaim. Everyone’s eyes turn to me.

  Momentarily, I forget what I was going to say, but it can’t be possible, can it? I look at the luna, trying to ignore everyone’s stares at me. “Is she about five months old?”

  “You did take her!” Alpha Derek takes a threatening step forward, his hands balled up tightly as if he is about to attack again. This guy needs to chill, but I understand where his anger is coming from.

  “Derek, listen,” his luna snaps at him as she tugs his arm. She’s looking at me. She looks calm but I see a hint of anger in her eyes. “Why do you guys have our daughter?”

  “We’re just keeping her because a rogue randomly handed her to us,” I explain, trying so hard for my voice not to shake. “We have been trying to track down the rogue to see what is up because Hope needs her mom.”

  Luna Melissa smiles a little. “Her name is Edith.”

  I blink. Edith, huh?

  “That’s such a pretty name,” I compliment.

  The luna gives me a warm smile as she nods.

  “A rogue?” Derek snarls. He seems to calm down more and more as Melissa continues to rubs his arms.

  “So, it’s all a misunderstanding?” another guy from the back says.

  I’m guessing he is the beta.

  “No one asked you.” Bo rolls his eyes.


  Melissa is tasked to get the controversial pup while Lance and Derek has to do some “business” talk or whatever.

  I lead Melissa into Edith’s room.

  “This is so nice,” Melissa gushes at the baby room that we painted pink. “Sorry about Derek. We’ve been searching for our daughter for a while now, and we’re both really tired. I don’t think we’ve had a good night’s rest in weeks.” Melissa picks up Hope—or Edith—from her crib, and Edith seems to recognize her mother. It’s baby instincts, I suppose. Melissa hugs Edith a little tightly.

  “No, it’s totally fine.” I wave it off. “I, too, would probably go a little crazy if my child went missing.”

  Edith is currently clapping her hands, and I make a pout towards Edith as I lean in to kiss her tiny fingers.

  “I’ll miss you, little baby,” I say in baby talk.

  Melissa laughs.

  “If you like babies so much, you and Lance can—”

  “Oh my gosh!” I cut her off. “No! We haven’t even . . .”

  We haven’t even done anything.

  Melissa raises an eyebrow. “Trouble with Lance?”

  “Uh.” I shrug, shaking my head. “We haven’t even like held hands yet.”

  Melissa’s eyebrows go up. “Really?”

  “I don’t think he even really likes me that much,” I admit. I should probably shut up now, but it’s hard not to. She has an alpha as a mate. Maybe she knows a thing or two. “I’m not that attractive.”

  He’s surrounded with beautiful people, ahem, Grace. Then there’s me. I really don’t dress to impress. Julia laughs at me for it.

  Melissa looks me up and down, then nods. “You think Lance doesn’t find you . . . desirable?”

  “Something like that.”

  “How about you wear something a little more . . . revealing,” Melissa suggests, giving me what I think is a coy smile. “Your clothes hide your assets.”

  “I just like comfortable things,” I say. I love my t-shirts and sweats.

  “Don’t worry, the bond will of course make him find you attractive, but if you’re having doubts . . . I can arrange something for you,” Melissa says.

  She goes out of the room. Her husband is already there, holding out his hands to hold baby Edith. He kisses her and I think I see his eyes water a little. I can obviously see how much they love little Edith.

  “I can’t thank you guys enough for keeping her safe. Whoever this rogue that gave our baby to you is going to pay,” Derek promises.

  There is something about a man holding his baby daughter that makes him so attractive and makes me have these crazy thoughts about Lance holding our child. My face heats up and I dismiss the thought really quickly.

  “You guys should stay for the night,” Lance offers as they walk out the pack house.

  “We will but another time.” Derek nods at Lance. “Thank you, Lance, Luna.”

  We walk them to the door. Lance ordered cars to take them back to their pack.

  “Wait!” I say. I catch up to say goodbye to Edith one last time.

  “We were thinking of something,” Melissa tells me as she puts Edith on the car seat, glancing at Derek. Derek smiles at me, the nods at Melisa. “Would you like to be her godmother?”

  “No way. Serious?”

  “We would love that.” Melissa gives me a warm smile.

  “I would love that,” I say eagerly. This baby is going to be so spoiled.

  Melissa suddenly hugs me out of the blue. “Thank you for taking care of her,” Melissa says.

  “We owe you big-time,” Derek adds.

  I wave it off. “Pssh, please, it’s nothing. Any decent person would have done it,” I say.

  “I don’t think so.” Derek shakes his head. “Watch over Lance, will you?”

  Melissa gives me a knowing look, and I quickly look back at Derek. “Yup. Of course.”

  How I’ll do that, I don’t have a clue.

  After they leave, I make my way back into the pack house. Lance is still standing at the front of the doorsteps. “You look sad,” Lance notes, looking up from a book he is reading.

  “I’ll miss the baby,” I say truthfully. “I want to visit her soon since I am the godmother.”

  Lance raises an eyebrow at me. “Godmother? You?” Lance’s mouth barely quirks up, but I see a ghost of a smile. He is teasing me!

  “Hey! I’m pretty good with babies.” I playfully smacked his muscular arm. It now comes naturally to me. I think Lance doesn’t like it, but his amused expression doesn’t change.

  “You were good with her,” Lance agrees.

  “Lance?” I ask.


  “So, to make my sadness go away, will you get me a
pool?” I ask in hopeful tones.

  Lance only taps my head with the book in his hand, then makes his way up to his office.


  At exactly six o’clock in the morning, Meg barges into my room. I’m kind of a heavy sleeper, but if someone comes in my room as if I’m about to get murdered, you better believe I’d be awake.

  “Meg? What are you doing?” I ask, realizing too late why she’s here.

  The dreaded thing: training.

  I know I told Bo to teach me and train me more, but it’s just that my body is aching all over. Bo says it’s because it’s working. The training is intense, and we do it for at least more than an hour. Bo told me that if I really want to know how to defend myself, then I have to do the trainings.

  I finger-comb my hair, which probably looks like a bird nest.

  Meg goes into my closet and pulls out this white t-shirt with a v-neck.

  “You are going to wear this when you train as per Luna Melissa’s orders.”

  “Melissa told you to tell me to wear this?” I ask, looking at the shirt. “And for training no less?”

  “Yes, now put it on,” Meg ushers me, also handing me some shorts. The shorts are . . . well . . . short. The white v-neck t-shirt seems to be really form fitting too. It isn’t anything special, just not what I’m used to wearing.

  I sigh and put on both the garments. I walk out of the closet, feeling like I’m missing something.

  Meg whistles. “If I knew you were hiding these curves, I would have made you change long ago!” Meg says, nodding at me appreciatively. “I wish I had your boobs.”

  “Ugh. Don’t say that,” I say. “Having big boobs isn’t that great.”

  “Have you seen mine?” Meg jokes.

  I smile and roll my eyes.

  “Your body is perfect. Shut up. I would gladly trade my A cup with your size C or D. I would gladly take your butt too.”

  “Meg, can you not.” My face is turning red. I feel uncomfortable with her compliments. I’m a confident person, but I still feel self-conscious about my body. Maybe it’s because of the years I’ve been compared to my skinny sister by my parents.

  “The shirt accentuates your breasts and your wide hips. Seriously, geez, your body is to die for.” Meg is still going on about my body. I do want to die. Besides Julia, who’s always told me my body was, and I quote, “banging”, no one ever tells me that I have a good one. It is no secret that I do hide in baggy clothes.

  I come to a realization, and I tell it to Meg. “Isn’t it so funny how I would love to have your body and you mine? I always think I need to lose a few pounds. My sister, Lisa, is like you, and I’ve always wanted a small petite body.”

  “Ava, seriously, whoever told you you’re fat is probably jealous.” Meg’s eyes meet mine, and she’s looking at me seriously. “You’re hot and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  “Thanks. Enough with the compliments, Meg. You’re beautiful too.” I roll my eyes.

  Meg gives me a smile. “Thank you, Ava. Lance will definitely be pleasantly surprised.”

  “That’s the thing though. I don’t care about impressing anyone, even my man.”

  Meg gives me a smirk. “Oh? So, Lance is your man now?”

  “Shut up.”


  As we make our way to the training grounds, Meg suddenly kicks my ankle. Hard.


  “Ow!” I howl, looking up at Meg to ask her what is her deal exactly but then she winks at me.

  In an instant, Lance comes toward our direction. This is not a good idea. Not a good one at all.

  “Alpha, I think she sprained her ankle, and she looks like she can’t stand,” Meg exaggerates.

  I catch on to what she’s trying to say but Lance doesn’t.

  I cannot have Lance pick me up. That’s so humiliating.

  “N-no, that’s okay. I can stand,” I say, trying to get up, but Meg can kick hard. Thanks a lot, Meg.

  Meg grins at me as if she knows what I’m thinking.

  “I don’t think you can stand,” Lance says as he bends down, his eyebrows knitted in concern. “Here—”

  I fall back because I’m trying to avoid Lance’s touch. “I’m fine! I can . . . crawl.”

  “Crawl?” Lance’s face twists into confusion. “Ava, it’s nothing. I can carry you.”

  “I’d rather that you don’t,” I say, squirming at the thought of him carrying me.


  Lance’s deep voice makes me stop thinking about how much my ankle is in pain. His piercing gaze meets mine, and he gives me an expression that almost looks like a pout. “Please.”

  That one word is going to be my undoing, and the face he is making.

  I sigh, hoping whatever Melissa and Meg planned will work out for the best. “Okay, but,” I point my finger at him, “if you drop me, it’ll be your death wish.”

  His eyes glint a little as he scoops me from behind my knees and my back, bridal style. It is as if I weigh nothing to him. He starts to walk towards where the infirmary is in the second floor. His hands are strong and so warm.

  “Are you cold?” he asks me suddenly.

  “No,” I answer shakily.

  “You’re shaking,” he tells me. Whether he did it on purpose or not, his hands tighten, spreading warmth to me where his hands touches my body.

  “Must be a little chilly,” I mutter, accidentally looking up and locking eyes with him. It is so unfair of him to even look at me like that.

  I see him visibly swallow. He looks away, concentrating on the stairs ahead of him. Is that me having an effect on him? I think it is. Melissa might be on to something.

  He opens the door to the infirmary, sets me on the doctor bed thing and rummages through a cabinet.

  “Where is Raquel?” I ask, looking around.

  “Raquel will get here tomorrow. She’s currently on a vacation with her mate.”

  “Cool. You let the pack doctor on vacations?” I ask, interested. The pack doctor back home always looked like he would rather be anywhere else.

  “If Raquel wants to take one, it’s up to her,” Lance replies. He takes out what looks like an ankle brace. His mouth is set in a thin line, like it isn’t what he is looking for. He grabs a pack of bandages, some cotton balls, and rubbing alcohol. He bends down and takes my shoes off, which makes me feel a little light headed. He then expertly places the brace on my ankle.

  “You scraped your knee too,” he points out, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. “Does it hurt?”

  “Nah but maybe you can kiss it to make it better,” I say lightly. Three seconds later, I feel the need to get eaten by a shark. Who is this bold, flirty Ava? Does me dressing a like I can take on the world make me so bold? I’m pretty sure psychology has something to say about this, like if you dress well for an exam, you’d do better . . .

  I can see a flicker of surprise on his face before it disappears after a second. He puts rubbing alcohol on my ankle, and I grit my teeth because it stings. He notices this, so he blows on it. It feels good. He then takes out those generic bandages and puts it on the scrape.

  Then the hottest thing happens. He kisses the bandage.

  My face goes up in flames. I’m so turned on by his actions and his position right now.

  “There.” His voice has a little huskiness to it. “Feeling better?”

  The curtain suddenly caughts on fire.


  Lance is quick to act. He gets the fire extinguisher from the wall next to the door, then sprays the curtain. He stares at it for a second, looking perplexed, his jaw ticking.

  What even happened?! “That’s crazy,” I say a little shakily. This already happened twice now.

  “Indeed,” Lance says, turning back to me. His eyes rake over me once to determine if I’m injured from the fire. “You’ll need to go easy on your feet.”

  “I’m out of training?” I ask too excitedly. Training with Bo is one thing.
Training with Dictator Grace is a whole other matter. I’m pretty sure the military will be more than willing to hire her. She takes life too seriously.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you sprained your ankle on purpose,” Lance says and I smile because I did that once in my old pack.

  “I should have thought about it earlier,” I joke. The ankle brace is tight on my foot.

  “Go easy for the next few days. Let’s wait until Raquel returns and gives you a proper diagnosis.”

  “I’m fine,” I brush it off. I get on the floor, and the sting in my ankle immediately makes me wince. Okay, so I’m not fine. “Ouch.”

  Lance looks like he too is in visible pain, then takes a deep breath. “Go easy on it. Stay in bed unless you absolutely don’t have to. Should I carry you to—”

  “Nope.” I shake my head vehemently. I already wanted to die when he picked me up a while ago. Not again. Although it is kind of nice, but still no. “I need to get it working.”

  “At least let me help you get to your room,” Lance insists. He’s trying to make sure I don’t die within the next two hundred feet. It’s kind of cute.

  “Okay,” I say nervously, thinking about how I left my room and hoping there’s nothing embarrassing laying on the ground.

  I look at the mirror as I get out of the infirmary and my mouth drops. This shirt is giving me really good cleavage, I have to admit.

  When we reach my room, Lance opens my door for me. I know it is a horrible idea for him to see the chaotic tornado that is my room. I quickly try to get in front of Lance to block his view of this messiness. Maybe my room being messy is some kind of metaphor for my life.

  “It’s not usually this messy,” I start to say, looking over to make sure nothing like . . . oh my gosh!

  Meg. Melissa. I’m going to need to just get hit by a car.

  A Victoria’s Secret bag I didn’t see Meg even bring into the room fell over from the bed, and this red bra that is covered in legit silver gems is plain in sight. There are some red thongs to go with it too. I nearly choke. Who thinks this is a good idea? When will I ever wear something like this?


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