Cyborg Rewired (Space Sci-Fi Romance): Science Fiction (Robot Romance)

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Cyborg Rewired (Space Sci-Fi Romance): Science Fiction (Robot Romance) Page 11

by Olivia Myers

  He shouted, shuddered, and kept thrusting—and thrusting—and she really could feel his ejaculate. The breath got knocked out of her a couple of times, but only for a few moments. She could live with it. “Will your…sprayseed…burn me?”

  “No,” he said. “Your vaginal walls are safe; it just hurts your outer skin.”

  When he finally slid out, he kept his softened flesh against hers and, turning his head, set in to a session of suckling her breasts that made her want to sob with happiness.

  Much, much later, she started feeling normal again. She found her breath was still a little short in supply, but that didn't bother her too much. What was somewhat worrisome was how wet she was all over, with her own sweat and who-knows-what else. Vector was dabbing her with her clothes, wiping her thighs, and licking her navel.

  He looked satisfied. "You're a wet pet, you know that? That's probably about the only thing saving you." He trailed one claw up her thigh, across her belly, up to her lips. She grabbed the tip instinctively with her teeth.

  "Wet pet?"

  "Just a figure of speech."

  "There's no saving me now," she said. "Not from you."

  His Resstessian eyes narrowed. "Good. I'm glad you see that. Then you'll come home with me tonight. And you might as well move your stuff to my place tomorrow."

  "Your unit?"

  "It's where I live."

  Move in with him. Give up her fancy penthouse. Become the woman of an alien.

  "If I do, will you finally admit that a human and a Resstessian can be in a relationship happily together?"

  "Maybe. If you're not too annoying."

  "Well, that's easy. Just keep your mouth shut, and we'll get along fine!"

  She was gratified to learn that he did know how to smile.

  The End

  Through Her Eyes

  Megan had been eagerly awaiting this day all year, since the Varsity Cheerleading tryouts had been advertised. Making it through the first rounds had been easy enough, but the competition was getting tougher. She was confident, though, a confidence born of necessity. Without the cheerleading scholarship, she would no longer be able to pursue her studies at the prestigious university she had chosen. There was, truly, one person standing between her and her goal. A blonde haired vixen by the name of Angelina. Angelina was the subject of male’s dreams, and likely some females as well, though Megan certainly couldn’t see the appeal. She knew that the other woman came from money, which was likely why she was attending this college to begin with. It was unlikely that she was there for her brains. All the same, Angelina was the one person standing between Megan and the Varsity Cheerleading Squad.

  Today marked the final round of tryouts, and Megan stood at attention, ready to receive instruction from the cheerleading coach. For her part, Angelina was draped across the arm of her bullheaded boyfriend who, as one might expect, was the captain of the football team. Megan mused that the young man was handsome enough, but he touted Angelina as little more than a trophy. She had heard more than her fair share of explicit stories about the two through the grapevine. She fought the desire to sneer as Angelina looked in her direction, smiling that smug little smile she was so known for.

  “Okay ladies! Line up, please.” The cheerleading instructor announced, and Megan fell into place. Angelina stepped up beside her, idly examining her nails and altogether seeming uninterested in the situation. Megan knew better, however. Angelina was banking on this position in the squad as much as she was, though, for much different reasons. Angelina’s reputation was on the line, and in the feeble mind of the blonde haired beauty, that was the most important thing. Megan smiled politely at the cheering instructor as the slender woman passed, and Angelina straightened her posture, offering an over the top grin. Megan could have gagged.

  “If you’ve made it this far, it’s obvious you know the basic routines. We’re going to step it up a bit today, and there will be aerobatic stunts involved. As always, we urge you to practice caution, and not make any leaps you’re not confident in. With that said—let’s get started.” The cheerleading instructor announced, and the girls in the tryouts cheered, falling into place.

  “One. Two. Ready? Okay!” One of the girls chanted, and Megan allowed her mind to slip into what she lovingly referred to as ‘the zone’. While she was in the zone, nothing mattered except perfectly executing the correct cheerleading move. She moved swiftly and with style, and could feel Angelina’s resentful eyes upon her as she moved. As they worked through the routine, it was obvious that Megan was the better candidate. Megan knew it, and she was certain Angelina knew it as well. She smiled to herself, allowing herself to be tossed up into the air for an impressive stunt. She smiled serenely as the air whooshed around her, only realizing something was wrong when she was not caught as expected. She was able to spot Angelina tripping the girl who was supposed to catch her, then all went blank as she came crashing to the ground, a solid crack sounding from her neck. Megan could make out the screams of her fellow cheerleaders, and tried to speak to assure them she was alright. However, her body seemed to be unwilling to follow her commands, lying limp in its awkward position on the ground.

  “Don’t move her! Call the paramedics!” She heard a voice scream, and above everything else, she could make out Angelina’s over the top cries of distress, spewing apology after apology for tripping the girl. As much as she wanted to scream that it was obvious Angelina had done this on purpose, she couldn’t force her lips to move. As her vision grew hazy, she could make Angelina leaning over her. Angelina smiled coyly, winking before moving out of sight.


  The next few days flew by in a whirlwind, and Megan awoke around a week later, eyes blinking open. She lay in the campus hospital, confined to a private room where a nurse sat outside the door. She blinked, attempting to sit up. Panic began to set in as her body continued to refuse her commands, and she could hear her own heart rate racing on the heart monitor. It set off a loud alarm that echoed through the room, and the nurse slipped into the room, resting a hand on Megan’s arm. Tears pooled in Megan’s eyes as she realized she couldn’t feel the other woman’s touch.

  “Megan, honey, I’m going to need you to try to calm down.” The nurse murmured, and the brunette swore internally, cursing how calm this nurse seemed in the face of her paralysis. “The doctor will be in to speak to you shortly, in the meantime, I’m going to give you a mild sedative through your IV to ease your nerves.” The nurse murmured, and Megan’s eyes widened in response. She couldn’t complain, couldn’t stop the nurse in her actions. She was certain if her body would actually move, she would be thrashing wildly. The door to the hospital room opened, and Megan’s eyes strained to make out the figure out the door. She could have screamed as she identified the feminine form as that of Angelina. “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to step out, our patient is under no small amount of duress right now,” the nurse said firmly. Angelina was immediately playing up her reaction, tears flowing from her perfect blue eyes.

  “I just wanted to check on my dear friend, Megan! I can’t help feeling at fault for this whole situation, and…” She trailed off, choking back a sob. The nurse smiled sympathetically, patting Megan on the leg once more before leaving to give the two supposed friends some privacy. Angelina’s tears dried immediately, and she wiped her eyes, careful not to smudge her mascara. “Hello, Meggy Meg. I just thought you’d be happy to know you don’t need to worry about the cheerleading squad. Due to the circumstances, the coach felt it only appropriate that I receive the final place on the team. We’ll be doing a special cheer in your honor at the first game.” Angelina said, leaning over Megan’s prone body.

  Megan tried to express as much hatred as she could in one look, and Angelina simply quirked her lips in response.

  “In a way, it’s for the best. You didn’t have to face the embarrassment of losing to me at tryouts.” Angelina smirked. The heart monitor began to alarm once more, and Angelina schooled her fac
e into an obviously forced expression of distress.

  “What’s going on? Megan!?” The nurse exclaimed as she rushed into the room. Angelina was all crocodile tears once more, clutching the nurse’s arm.

  “I don’t know what happened! I was just wishing her a speedy recovery, and her heart monitor went wild!” Angelina bawled, and the nurse narrowed her eyes, nudging the blonde aside and leaning in to speak quietly to Megan.

  “I’m going to up your sedative dose just a bit. Try and rest sweetheart.” The nurse said gently, injecting something into Megan’s IV before pulling away and turning narrowed eyes to Angelina. As Megan began to drift off, she could make out the nurse chastising the other woman in the room.

  “You should know fully well that she will likely never recover…” The nurse trailed off, and tears pricked the corners of Megan’s eyes as she fell into slumber once more.


  The next time Megan woke up, it was with a general sense of resignation. This was her life, now. She would likely be transferred to a medical facility closer to her home state, she may as well give up on college. Without her scholarship, she had no chance of affording the pricey tuition this campus called for.

  There was a knock on the door, and she glanced towards the offending object, internally praying that Angelina hadn’t come back to gloat. Instead, her previous roommate Sara rushed into the room with a torn expression. Megan tried to make herself look as approachable as possible, granted she didn’t know how much control she actually had over her expression. Sara smiled tentatively, opening the door wider behind her. A young man with neon blue contacts rolled a high tech looking computing device into the room, and Sara thanked him as he began to set it up next to Megan’s bed. He continued to fiddle with it as Sara stepped in front of him, leaning in to speak to Megan.

  “Meg, hey. I know things are really rough right now, but… I came up with a way you can continue to pursue your studies.” Sara said carefully, glancing towards the digital device the boy from the tech department was setting up. Megan’s eyes widened, and her mind raced as she watched the computer, subconsciously tracing the words in her mind across the on-screen keyboard.

  “What on earth?” A robotic female voice retorted pleasantly, and Megan’s eyes bugged out of her head as she continued to stare at the device that had given voice to her thoughts.

  “This is the latest breakthrough in assistive medical technology. I started a crowdfunding page online, and people donated like crazy. Enough to cover your tuition, and this machine that you can do your work on. I’m sure David here can explain better than I can.” Sara giggled, brushing her hand to the young man’s sleeve. He smiled, turning bright eyes to Megan.

  “Hello Megan. I’m from the tech department, and they requested I get this set up in your room. As you may have figured out, the computer follows the movements of your eyes in relation to the on screen keyboard. Based on your settings, a built in narrator can read your texts aloud. More useful, in your case, is the advanced software for completing academic texts.” David droned, sounding much like a robot himself, though Megan mused he likely got a kick out of that. He seemed to be considering his next words, but after a moment began to speak quietly, as if divulging some great secret. “Most computers on the central college network have certain viewing restrictions, but this particular model bypasses our campus’s standard security protocols.” He murmured. Megan glanced to the monitor and traced a path with her eyes.

  “What?” The narrator inquired ever pleasantly, and Megan internally lamented that her deadpan tone was absent.

  “He’s implying that you can look at porn.” Sara deadpanned, giving the boy a slight shove. Megan rolled her eyes, leveling a stare at David.

  “Well, I thought you might appreciate knowing the machine’s full capabilities.” David said awkwardly. Sara shoved him once more, before giving into soft giggles.

  “Well, as much as I want to stay, I have to get to class. You should be able to figure the rest out on your own, right?” Sara implored, and the way she clung to David’s arm made it clear that class was the last thing on her mind. Megan hesitated, tracing the words on the screen.

  “Sure. Have fun.” The increasingly familiar voice spoke, and Sara smiled gratefully at Megan before dragging David towards the door. Megan watched them somewhat enviously, though spending her day with some boy was the farthest thing on her mind. She glanced back to where the computer sat, setting it on silent mode and bringing up the web browser. For a brief moment, she considered exploring the naughtier options that David had implied, but it was with resignation that she realized she would have little way of actually enjoying the images.

  She sighed, pulling up a web browser and searching through her various social media feeds. Even though she was not friends with Angelina, word about the girl’s position on the Varsity squad was widespread. Megan mused that there was little sense in tormenting herself, but despite herself, she visited the other girl’s page. Her profile picture was her on top of the cheerleading pyramid, and a banner at the top of her page read ‘#prayersforMegan’.

  Megan swore internally at the injustice of the situation, clicking away from the other woman’s page. She simply stared at the computer for a moment, cursing it for ruining her mood even further. If only there was some way she could get back at the picturesque blonde. Trying to reveal that she had purposely caused Megan’s injury was a moot point, she had no way of proving it, and Angelina seemed to be covering her bases as far as seeming the sympathetic classmate.

  She closed her eyes for a moment, but moments later they popped open as an idea struck her. She brought the web browser back to the forefront of the screen, turning on private browsing before typing an entry into the search engine. Immediately, thousands of classified ad webpages popped up on the browser, and she scanned for a moment before selecting one at random. There was a selection for individuals seeking odd jobs, and she hesitated for a moment before clicking a promising looking link. The title read ‘Will do ANYTHING for cash!’ with a winking emoticon attached to the end. She selected the individual’s contact information, pasting it in the recipient box for the computer’s built in electronic mail system. She hesitated before slowly and deliberately typing an email.

  “To Vivian: I have a simple proposition for you. Ruin my classmate’s life, and you will be paid handsomely. I will provide all equipment necessary. If interested, please respond.”

  With some trepidation, she selected the send button, glancing to the door of her hospital room as if expecting campus security to come storming in at any moment. When no one came, she relaxed slightly, only to widen her eyes in alarm when her computer dinged. She glared at the device, musing that she would have to further alter the silence settings before realizing she had received an email in reply. It seemed like an oddly swift response, but she opened the email, scanning the message with her eyes.

  From the looks of it, this Vivian person seemed more than willing to take on the job, assuming the pay was right. Megan would have smiled wickedly if she was able, though the intent was certainly there. She traced out a swift reply, assuring the other woman that the pay would be more than worth her time. Then, she outlined some items she would need from the local tech supply, wiring the necessary funds and a first payment as a show of faith. She directed Vivian to report back once she had the supplies, and she would give further instructions.

  With a blink of her eyes, the email was sent, and it was simply a matter of waiting. Soon, she would have her revenge on the blonde haired beauty that had stolen her rightful spot on the cheerleading squad. There was silence in the room, but in the confines of Megan’s mind, the soundtrack was uproarious and maniacal laughter.


  Megan’s visitors were few and far between, and while waiting for some sort of sign that Vivian hadn’t taken her money and split, she focused on schoolwork. The odds of finding work upon completing her degree were slim, but nonetheless, she would be damned if she lay in bed doi
ng nothing for the rest of her life.

  As she traced her eyes along lines and lines of mathematical equations, she quickly worked through them, mind in something of a lull as she worked through the tedium. She was shaken from her thoughts when a knock sounded at her door, and she glanced up, turning up the narration volume of her computer before tracing a path with her eyes.

  “Come in!” The female narrator announced, and the door opened slowly, as if the person entering was somewhat hesitant. After a moment, however, the door was flung open and Megan was met by a relatively nondescript looking woman. Aside from her dark clothes, the woman looked entirely average, almost bizarrely so.

  “Jeez. I don’t know what I expecting, but it wasn’t this. What kind of fucked up shit is this?” the woman said. Megan would have entered a scathing reply, but she took notice of the bag clutched in the other woman’s hand. Taking care to lower the volume of her ‘voice’, she traced out an inquiry.

  “Vivian?” The robotic voice asked pleasantly. The woman cringed, crossing her arms over her chest and considering the bedridden woman.

  “Yeah.” She retorted, dragging out the word. She placed the bag on the side of the bed, curling her lip in obvious distaste. She withdrew a box with a picture of pair of video and wifi enabled contact lenses, giving them a little wave before placing them to the side and withdrawing another box. “Seemed oddly specific, but this earpiece is supposed to be compatible with… this thing. You just hook in a USB device, and open the included software to feed information into the earpiece.” Vivian muttered, opening the box without instruction and plugging the USB device into the side port of the computer. A window popped up on the computer screen, and Megan took a moment to consider the instructions before bringing up her narration window.

  “Put on the earpiece.” She ordered, and Vivian rolled her eyes before obeying. “If you are getting feedback, repeat the words that you hear.” The narrator announced pleasantly. Vivian sneered, using her hair to obscure the already impossible to see earpiece. She hesitated as Megan brought up the specialized window, tracing a path with her eyes.


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