Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 10

by Kat Brewer

  Nera looked at Cassie and Kara.

  “We ride, my friends.” Nera turned to the troops and waved her sword in the air. “Let us go now and avenge our sisters!”

  As the Queen spurred her horse onward, Cassie and Kara and her Guard were hot on her heels. The pounding of five hundred warhorses filled the air like thunder.

  The Trevians were completely unprepared for the attack, but they were trained fighters and jumped to their feet. Grabbed what weapons they could find, they attacked the Erlan forces and the battle was joined.

  Cassie controlled her mount with her knees, wielding her sword and a pike she had taken from a victim of their initial onslaught. The large brutish women fell before her like wheat to the scythe. She turned her mind off to what she was doing as she mechanically fought through the first throng of Trevians, losing count of how many fell to her blade.

  Her eyes searched for Nera and Kara and saw them caught up in the fight, the bodies of the fallen littering their paths.

  As she motioned her horse forward, it stumbled over a body and Cassie leapt from the saddle, narrowly avoiding landing under the horse. She turned to look at him and was relieved to see the animal had regained his feet and was trotting out of danger.

  Her sword had been knocked from her hand, and she dipped down to retrieve it. As she came up, a sharp pain tore through her left arm.

  She raised her eyes to meet the insane, angry eyes of the Trevian chieftain. Ignoring the pain, she lifted her sword and circled her foe. Blocking out the sounds of battle, she focused on the Trevian before her.

  The huge, ruthless woman swung her axe wildly at Cassie, who nimbly dodged the blow. Cassie’s eyes followed the woman, assessing her skills as she haphazardly slung the axe at Cassie’s head.

  While Cassie dodged one such blow, the woman kicked Cassie’s leg out from under her, thinking to plunge the axe into Cassie’s skull as she raised her arm.

  At that moment, Cassie pulled her leg back and drove a side kick into the woman’s knee. She felt a pop and smiled, jumping to her feet as the woman roared in pain.

  Cassie hefted her sword as the Trevian, howling in pain swung her axe wildly, completely missing her target. The woman was half turned, and Cassie swung her sword in an arc, the sharp blade cutting through the woman easily, cleaving her nearly in half at the waist.

  Cassie backed up from the twitching corpse as she fought back the urge to vomit.

  She twirled, sword at the ready, expecting to find another opponent. When she looked about all she saw was Nera, Kara and her warriors, smiling with pride at their Commander.

  A cheer rose up that quickly turned into a roar at their triumph. They had defeated their enemies.

  The warriors were quickly dispatching the Trevian wounded that remained alive and carrying their wounded sisters to the medical wagons.

  Cassie stood white as a sheet, her eyes locked with Nera's as she felt world tilt and sway about her.

  Nera and Kara quickly covered the ground between them. They each took one of her arms as Nera hissed, “Do not faint in front of these women!”

  Cassie nodded and sucked in a deep breath of air, summoning a smile.

  “I’m fine,” she said, taking a deep breath and disengaging her hands from theirs.

  She looked around for her horse, and when she saw him at the edge of the village, she motioned to a warrior to collect him.

  Cassie then turned to the building that housed the stolen slaves.

  “Your Highness, the slaves are quartered there, and they are most likely in need of some medical attention.” She pointed to the building, and Kara quickly sent a warrior to go check on them.

  Cassie looked at Nera and asked about casualties. “Around twenty were killed, and two times that number sustained injuries. The rest have superficial wounds if that. You have done very well on your first mission, Commander,” Nera said, smiling at her.

  “I wish there had been no loss of our people. They are the most courageous women I have ever known,” Cassie said, blinking back tears.

  A handful of warriors heard what she said and quickly spread her words throughout the ranks. They respected their Commander even more than they already had. She had earned their complete and total loyalty.

  Kara issued orders to a group of warriors to dig pits to bury the dead women under the tarp and to drag the bodies of the Trevians into a pile and set it alight. The warriors worked quickly and efficiently.

  Nera spoke words over the graves of the deceased villagers. Nearly spitting at the burning Trevian bodies.

  The fallen warriors were placed over their saddles to be returned home for burial.

  The slaves were dirty, lice infested, and hungry.

  They decided the best thing would be to take them home as quickly as possible, so the Erlan warriors quickly put them into the empty wagons they had brought for them.

  The Trevians had beaten and abused them. It did not occur to them that these men did not have to be forced, they were pleasure slaves. They would have willingly done anything asked of them. There had been no pity in their brutish hearts, and they had been unspeakably and unnecessarily cruel towards these men.

  None of them had any desire to stay in this village a moment longer than was necessary, so they packed up the booty that the Trevians had accumulated and left the destroyed village behind them. They traveled until near dark and set up camp, then they set about cleaning and feeding the slaves.

  Cassie made her way to a stream and waded fully-clothed into the cold water. Scrubbing the worst of the gore from her clothes, she stripped them off. It wasn’t until the soap hit her arm that she remembered her injury.

  Her upper arm had a three-inch cut on her bicep that had been crusted over with blood. Since she had scrubbed off the scab covering the wound, it had begun bleeding heavily again.

  “Shit!” she muttered as she waded out of the water, grabbing her leather shorts and wrapped them around her arm. She picked up the rest of her clothes and trotted back to the camp.

  Managing to avoid seeing anyone, she went into her tent and clumsily pulled on leather pants and a vest. She couldn’t work the fastenings on the vest so she let it hang open. Barefoot made her way through the camp to the physician’s tent, still holding the leather against her arm.

  In her haste to get to the healer she didn’t notice that blood was trickling past the wet garment and hitting the ground, leaving a trail leading back to her tent.

  The physician looked up from a patient when Cassie entered her tent, and seeing the blood running down her arm she rose and went to her, uncovering the wound.

  “When did this happen?” she asked Cassie.

  “During the last of the fighting,” Cassie responded briefly.

  The woman nodded and poked gently at the wound that was stinging and starting to throb. The physician motioned to one of her assistants to hold the wound closed while she gathered what she needed. Cassie grimaced and gritted her teeth as the girl squeezed the cut closed tightly.

  The physician returned with a bottle, a small case, and bandages. “You should have seen me sooner. We cannot have our Commander dying from blood loss or infection.”

  She opened a bottle, poured some liquid on a small square of cloth, and began to cleanse the wound. Cassie yelped as the liquid hit the open wound.

  “My apologies, Commander, but I have to kill any infection that may have gotten into the wound,” the physician murmured. Holding up a new bottle, she said, “This will numb the wound and staunch the blood flow so that I can stitch it up.” The woman applied a gel from the bottle, and within seconds Cassie had no feeling left in the area, and the bleeding had stopped.

  The sound of running footsteps could be heard from outside the tent, then Nera and Kara burst into the tent, their eyes searching for and finding Cassie.

  “Gods! We could not find you anywhere, and then we saw the trail of blood leading here!” Nera exclaimed. “Are you hurt? What has happened?”

The physician began stitching the flesh back together. Nera and Kara visibly relaxed and walked over to watch the physician at work.

  “I took a blow from the Trevian leader and then I broke it open when I bathed in the stream,” Cassie said as she smiled up at them. “I didn’t mean to alarm you. I had forgotten about it until I made it bleed again.”

  “If I had been wearing my armband, it would have just glanced off,” Cassie said ruefully, “but, I didn’t want anything to happen to it.”

  “Cassandra that is an everyday band, so wear it. I will make sure you will have replacements should anything happen,” Nera said.

  Cassie grinned and nodded as the physician wrapped her arm in a bandage. When she finished, she stood and rotated her shoulder.

  “See? Good as new!” Cassie said, offering a reassuring smile to her friends.

  “Do not ever scare me like that again! To think we might have survived a vicious battle only to lose you to a trifling cut?” Nera laughed. “What would I say to those precious men of yours?” The three of them laughed together as they left the tent.

  Passing by the tents housing the slaves, Cassie caught a flash of bright blue eyes before the slave lowered his shaggy head. The men inside the tent were consuming vast quantities of food and having their wounds tended. Her heart went out to them, and she shuddered to think that something like this could have happened to her own beloved men.

  “We had better get home quickly, or there will be no food left at all,” she said.

  “Indeed. They are in sorry straights, the poor things,” the Queen replied, and Kara shook her head in pity. “Cassandra, do you require rest before we strike out for Erla?”

  “No, Your Highness. As a matter of fact, I am more than ready to go home.” Nera smiled at her words and sent Kara to ready the camp for travel. Soon, they were mounted and starting their return home.

  After a seemingly endless journey, the conquering heroes rode into Erla amidst the shouts and cheers of the crowd. Every citizen of Erla lined the route to the Palace, waving banners, laughing, and shouting in relief at the safety of their warriors.

  The warriors sat a little straighter in their saddles. Their pride in themselves and in their leaders showed on their faces, as they smiled widely. Even the horses seemed to step a little higher.

  The people shouted their names as they rode by, “Nera! Cassandra! Kara!” Cassie figured this was as close as she would get to being a movie star, so she hammed it up, smiling and waving energetically.

  As they approached the Palace, she could see her slaves standing on the top steps and when their eyes fell on her, their faces broke out into smiles of relief and joy at her safety.

  Cassie smiled at them and sighed happily.

  Nera swung down from her saddle and ran up the steps. When she reached the top, she spoke briefly of the battle and the valor of the warriors. Several times, she had to stop as the mass of people cheered so loud it overwhelmed her voice.

  Cassie’s mind wandered a bit as she looked at her men, wishing she was home, letting them tend to her. Visions of a full-body massage danced in her head.

  “Due to the outstanding courage of our warriors and our beloved Commander, we stand here today triumphant in our defeat of the Trevian barbarians!” The Queen declared before motioning for Cassie to join her.

  Cassie dismounted and ran up the steps. The Queen raised her uninjured arm high, making the crowd roar again.

  “Although wounded, Erla's Commander continued to fight on, killing the Trevian leader and ending the battle!”

  The crowd was deafening in their adulation, and Cassie flushed, feeling awkward and yet happy.

  “People of Erla, save your applause for the real heroes,” Cassie said loudly. “The Erlan Warriors you see before you, these women, they are the ones who truly deserve your honor and praise!” The crowd erupted again as Cassie gestured toward the assembled warriors. The warriors looked around at the crowd and then at their Commander in delight and surprise.

  Dismounting, the entire force dropped to one knee and bowed before the Queen and Cassie.

  Cassie swallowed down a lump in her throat as Nera bid them rise with pride in her eyes.

  Cassie turned to Nera and knelt before her. Nera looked down at the top of Cassie’s head and touched her on the shoulder.

  “Rise, my friend. Go to your chambers to rest. You have fought well, and I am very pleased with you.” Cassie stood, and Nera embraced her and kissed her on each cheek.

  Slowly, the crowd dispersed, and Cassie was left surrounded by her men.

  She spent several minutes hugging and greeting them all. She kissed away their tears of joy at her safe return, and they fussed over her injury till she waved them away with a smile. Eventually, she allowed herself to be led into the Palace, entering the sanctuary of her home with relief.

  “Bath,” she said, and they hurried to do her bidding.

  She grabbed Aidan’s arm as he moved past her and pulled him to her.

  Looking into his emerald eyes, she caressed his cheek and smiled. “Aidan, my love, I must send you to the Queen. It seems I have spoken too often about how well you please me.” A smile lit his face.

  “I am happy to know I please you, Mistress, and I will do my best to please the Queen,” he said obediently, and Cassie smiled at him as she kissed his cheek.

  “Don't please her so well that she takes you from me, though! I wouldn't want to be without you.” She kissed his lips softly.

  It felt so good to be back amongst them. The campaign had not been as long as she had feared, but it was still too long to be away from the comfort and delights of her men.

  Aidan cupped her face and returned her kiss sweetly, then released her and asked permission to prepare her something to eat.

  She sent him on his way with another kiss and moved to her bedroom. She found Mika there, taking garments out for her to wear. He pulled a pair of the black silk harem pants and a matching vest out for her approval.

  “Oh, Mika, I have missed you all so much! I am afraid you have spoiled me beyond redemption.”

  He turned, and his luminous eyes sought hers and he moved to embrace her.

  “Mistress, I was so afraid I would not see you again. I cannot bear the thought of my life without you in it.” Those golden orbs misted, and Cassie caressed his face gently.

  Arn came into the room and bowed, saying her bath was ready.

  She released Mika and turned to walk to the bath when Arn caught her up in his thickly muscled arms. She squealed and laughed, kissing his cheek as he carried her across the room.

  Once in the bathroom, he carried her into the tub and sat her gently on the marble bench in the water. Cassie melted into the heated bliss of the bath as Arn reverently lathered a washcloth and bathed her gently, taking care to keep her injured arm out of the water. When he was finished, Cassie dismissed him and leaned back against the tub and relaxed, feeling the stress flowing out of her while lazing in the tub.

  Drowsing slightly, she heard a soft knock, and Kai came in. “Mistress, the Queen’s physician is here to redress your arm and check your condition.”

  Cassie sighed and rose from the water, “Very well. Hand me a towel, Kai.”

  Kai brought the towel to her and dried her slowly from head to toe. Then, he ran his fingers through her damp hair, removing the tangles. Cassie ran her hands across his chest and kissed him as he brought forth her clothes and helped her to put them on, fastening her vest and tying the silken cord on the pants.

  Cassie came out of the bathing chamber and smiled at the Queen’s physician and her assistant. The woman welcomed and congratulated Cassie as she looked at her wound.

  “The field physician did well. I will just clean it and put a salve on it,” Griselde muttered, and Cassie nodded.

  Her men came to look at her injury, murmuring with concern at the stitched gash. The physician finished up, left something for pain should she need it, and bowed as she took her leave.

  “Mistress, are you in pain? What can we do?” they asked as they stood before her with concern creasing their beautiful faces.

  “No, my loves. I’m fine. I’m just a little tired. I could use a massage, though . . .” They smiled and led her to a cushioned pallet on the floor, removed her clothing, and lay her on her belly. They each massaged a different area of her body as she purred in bliss.

  “Where is Taylyn?” she asked.

  “He has gone to assure the proper delivery of your things, Mistress. He should return soon,” Mika said.

  “Oh,” she sighed.

  She was truly enjoying the feel of their hands. Kai kneaded her buttocks, and she groaned, the ride had not been especially kind to that part of her anatomy.

  A knock sounded at the door, and Arn rose to answer it as the others continued working on her tired body.

  “Your Highness!” Arn bowed as the Queen motioned for the others to continue what they were doing.

  Cassie looked up as Nera sat on the sofa and watched them massage her.

  “And here I was worried you might not be able to relax,” Nera said with a laugh. “My physician told me you would be fine, but I had to come see you for myself before I got into bed.” Nera’s eyes followed Aidan’s hands as they swept over Cassie’s flesh.

  “Your Highness, please allow me the honor of sending Aidan with you tonight. I would like to provide for your own relaxation.” Aidan’s hands stilled briefly.

  Nera looked at Aidan and then at Cassie and smiled broadly.

  “Thank you, Cassandra. I would be pleased to enjoy your lovely one.”

  Cassie slowly rose and allowed her men to help her dress for the second time that evening. She then kissed Aidan on the mouth, took his hand, and presented him to the Queen, who looked into his eyes before kissing him deeply.

  “I believe we shall go now and leave you to your rest, Cassandra. You needn’t worry though, I shall take very good care of him.” Aidan turned an adorable shade of red at her words, and Cassie laughed as they left.


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